Warren’s Trail Cam

"Upon a visit to his cabin, a man finds some enticing photos on his trail cam."

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“The cabin is at least still standing,” Warren said to himself once the old, wooden building came into view.

His truck slowly crawled across the worn, bumpy gravel drive that led to his rural hideaway. For days, he pictured his cabin in disrepair as he let his son use the place to host his friends for a weekend getaway from college. Despite the promises his son made to clean and take care of his cabin, Warren knew his son would likely fall short with his promises.

Warren pulled up to the cabin and exited his truck. He took a deep breath and let the scent of the fresh forest air fill his nostrils. The trees surrounding his cabin revealed tiny green buds, the first sign of spring. Warren’s mind began to race with visions of fishing in his little lake, hiking around his property, and getting away from his busy job once it got a little warmer. He soon after snapped out of it as he remembered why he was here in the first place, to check on the condition of the cabin after a long winter and likely long weekend of drunk college students. Warren circled the small, two-bedroom structure. None of the windows were broken, the doors were on their hinges, and the siding looked intact. Apart from the deck needing a coat of stain, the exterior of the cabin looked as it always had.

The exterior was only half the story. Warren stepped on to the deck and pulled out his keys. He peered through the front door’s window as he fiddled with the lock. From what he could see, nothing was out of order. The furniture was in place, all the pictures and mounts were still on the wall, and nothing looked damaged. He unlocked the door, and slowly opened it. Immediately his nostrils were hit with a familiar, unwelcomed smell. Stale beer. The place reeked of it. Warren took two steps into his cabin, and with each step, his workboots peeled off the sticky floor. His son obviously did not mop. Rings of spilled beer puddles could be seen all over. There were even drops on the wall at some spots. As he walked into the kitchen he came across a trash bag of empty cans and bottles that had spilled over. The bag was untied and even more liquid had leaked out. 

“This will be the last time I give you the keys,” Warren said to himself as he texted his son the same thing. Warren walked over to a closet, pulled out cleaning supplies, and spent the next hour cleaning up his son’s mess.

Once the cabin was clean, the supplies put away, and after a long text exchange with his son, Warren was ready to leave. Before he could enter his car, he remembered his ulterior motive for checking up on his cabin. Before winter, he had placed a trail cam on his property he was gifted for his birthday.  With any sign of motion, the camera would take a hi-resolution photo every thirty seconds whether it was day or night. Warren was eager to check out what the camera had captured over the past few months. He quickly made the short hike to the lake and the spot where he mounted the camera. The lens was pointed at an area by the lake that was a hotbed for deer.

Warren easily unstrapped the camera from the tree and brought it back into the freshly cleaned cabin. He took out the SD card and plugged it into his laptop. The file popped up containing hundreds of photos, each one dated with a timestamp. From the beginning, he began to cycle through the photos. They were all pretty similar, with what looked like the same family of deer grazing once or twice a week. Every now and then he would get a squirrel or fox, but nothing too exciting. Warren was amazed how the camera managed to take such high-quality photos no matter how dark it was outside. He continued to cycle through the photos at a rapid pace as it was more of the same. As he came towards the end, he suddenly came across something out of the ordinary.

In a photo was a woman. When Warren zoomed in on the photo, he recognized her face. Her name was Shelby, one of his son’s friends. Warren had met her a few times when he visited his son on campus. She was a gorgeous, young woman, only 21 years-old. Slender, a bit of a southern accent, and a face that always had a warm, inviting expression, Shelby had a classic kind of beauty that Warren always sought after in a woman. Her hair was blond with a little curl that fell just below her shoulders. In the picture, she had on a flannel shirt and skinny jeans which hugged her figure. Warren slowly scrolled through the next few photos. There were several more of Shelby pacing in front of the lake as if she were waiting. With the thirty-second intervals between photos, she had been waiting for quite a few minutes.

Warren began to pick up the pace of his scrolling when another person came into frame. He knew who this person was. Braden, another one of his son’s friends, and on-and-off boyfriend of Shelby. He instantly recognized his overgrown, shaggy hair. He scrolled to the next photo and the two were embracing each other. Shelby was sat upon a tall stump as the two kissed. Her legs wrapped around Braden’s thighs. Warren scrolled through the next couple of photos in disbelief of what he had captured. He could not believe of all places to sneak away to, they picked the one secluded spot that happened to have a camera pointed right at it. It was obvious they did not see it. It was nearly impossible to see if you did not know where it was.

Warren continued to scroll with anticipation of what was coming. Suddenly, Shelby’s flannel shirt was opened. Exposed was her dark, floral bra. By the next photo, her shirt was on the forest floor. Warren grabbed the crotch of his jeans and adjusted the fabric as his cock started to stiffen. Sweat started to bead on his forehead as his anticipation grew with every photo he cycled through. He slowly clicked but was treated to more of the two making out on a stump.

“Enough foreplay,” Warren jawed at his laptop, “get on with it.”

Warren clicked a little faster until he saw their positions shift. The two were standing inches apart. Shelby stood up to the chest of the tall, scrawny Braden. Warren zoomed in on the photo. His attention was drawn to Shelby’s right arm which was down Braden’s pants. She had an eager smirk on her face. Her eyes were filled with excitement. Warren quickly clicked to the next photo and Braden’s pants were at his ankles. His cock was inches from Shelby’s lips who was now on her knees. She still had that eager look on her face. Warren clicked to the next photo. Shelby’s bra was no longer on her chest but hung on the stump behind her.  Her perky breasts, exposed to the cool, winter air. Warren could no longer contain himself. His cock was about to break a hole in the denim of his jeans. He quickly stood up and dropped his jeans and took his thick cock in his hand. 

“Forget about that scrawny pecker,” Warren said squeezing his shaft, “you’d rather have a real thick cock.”

Warren started to stroke his cock as he clicked to the next photo. It was on. Shelby now had the head of Braden’s cock in her mouth. Her hand, on the base of his shaft. Warren zoomed in on the photo and began to stroke faster. He clicked to the next photo. Shelby nearly had his whole cock down her throat. Her jeans were unbuttoned and starting to slide down her legs. Warren began to stroke faster as he clicked to the next photo. He came to a complete stop.

“Oh come on,” Warren shouted at the photo, “you can’t last any longer?”

The next photo was a disappointment. From the look of Shelby’s expression, it was a disappointment for her as well. Shelby was still on her knees. Her arms were out and there was an irritable expression on her face as she looked back at Braden who was turning away. Warren enhanced the photo. It was clear to him Braden came early. Judging by the timestamps of the photos, he barely lasted over a minute.

In the next photo, Braden was out of frame. Shelby was still on her knees with her arms out with a look of disbelief on her face. The guy left her in the woods, topless, with her pants falling to her knees. Warren clicked to the next photo. Shelby was now back to her feet, still glaring at Braden as he was assumably walking away. She was still topless with her jeans at her ankles. Warren clicked through the next few photos which were just of Shelby getting dressed and then nothing. Warren quickly clicked back to the photo where Shelby was standing alone. He began to stroke his cock once again as this photo turned him on more than the others. Shelby was in a dominant pose. Almost as if she was doing it for the camera. She did not face the camera but her body did. Her hands mounted on her hips, one leg slightly bent as she stared down Braden. How she could stand out there in the cold only in a pair of tiny, lacy panties was something Warren could not fathom but was thankful for.

“This cock won’t disappoint you,” Warren said to the photo as he stroked even faster.

Warren’s eyes scanned up and down the photo from her curvaceous, panty-clad hips to her tiny nipples which were fully erect in the cold air. However, it was the look Shelby was giving that turned him on the most. That glare was meant to scorn Braden, but her sharp eyes and pursed lips drew Warren in. He closed his eyes and imagined that look. He imagined that look turning into an expression of pure pleasure as Warren thrust his cock into her tight pussy. His hands caressing her tight, slender frame to her soft, perky breasts. Warren imagined her loud, lustful moans echoing in the woods as he fucked her on that same stump where Braden disappointed her. His hand matched his thrusts in his fantasy. Warren’s cock was rocked hard. It had been some time since he was this turned on. He was ready to explode. Warren tightened his grip and stroked as fast as he could. He could feel his load building. His cock began to twitch in anticipation. Warren opened his eyes and watched his load burst out of his cock. His cum barely missed his laptop it was so powerful. He now had more cleanup to but he did not care. Smaller batches of cum followed and cascaded down his cock as Warren finished. 

Warren quickly cleaned himself off and the floor where his cum landed. He went back to his computer and cleared all but one of the photos from the SD card. The one photo he saved was moved to a folder where his wife would never find it. Before he closed his computer, he opened the photo to get one last look before he left. As he stared into the photo, his phone rang bringing Warren back to reality. It was his son.

“You’re not gonna change my mind about using the cabin again,” Warren said answering the phone.

“It’s not that,” his son said with an irritated tone, “Are you still there?”

“Yes,” Warren responded, “I’m just finished cleaning up your mess.”

“Could you wait there for a bit?” his son asked, “Shelby said she left something and is heading there to retrieve it.”

Warren did not respond right away. He looked back at the photo of her still on his laptop screen. The young woman who he just pleasured himself to was heading his way. Numerous thoughts started running through Warren’s head.

“Hello…hello,” his son’s voice could be heard from the phone’s speaker, “are you still there?”

“Tell her to head on over,” Warren replied shutting his computer.


Published 6 years ago

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