Bedtime Story for My Pet #6: Used in Public

"Instructions for submissive girls to follow in public (or just pretend to)."

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This audio is intended to be listened to – and its instructions followed – with earbuds in a public restroom.  As with previous Bedtime Stories you will occasionally need to make verbal responses to my instructions. However, if even whispering aloud is too risky where you are, you may respond under your breath or even just in your imagination.  

Or if you’re too shy to follow these instructions in public you may listen and respond in your private bathroom, or even just use a chair and your imagination, though it won’t be nearly as exciting that way.  (And of course that way you might not need earbuds.)

Wear a skirt, a top and some nice lingerie.  Stockings are all right but no pantyhose. You’ll need a dildo or substitute of some kind, though two or three fingers would do in a pinch.

Find an empty bathroom stall, go in and close the door.  Stand in front of the toilet, facing the door. Imagine me standing directly in front of you.

Published 6 years ago

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