
"Some more of my thoughts"

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Hello dearest friend,
Huge surprise: you’re on my mind again
And while that has been the case from time to time
Only the Gods above know
Whether this message will be dominated by 
The inscriptions on my heart or the dancing ribbons of thought
Which have become entangled in my mind

Back in the days of bliss–
When I, and nature itself, knew naught 
But happiness we once pondered who loved whom the most
Looking back – it must be me
I’m not angry – only one heart can ever be victorious
In this game of champions

And so, when night overtook the eventide of those blissful days
I took hope’s last fragment and tucked her away inside my heart
It is there she sits, even now, inside a safe – the combination forgotten
The safe protecting her against all the things which crowd around inside me
New hopes, desires, dreams, and people
None of them obscure that little flame
Which you lit – by accident, probably

For just over a decade I’ve kept silent vigil
– a promise from me to you
To protect our love until the universe splinters
But in this moment I am in need
I must seek out my own happiness
And remove those subtle reminders of you from my life

All except for one —
That precious memory: the one I’ve named – 
“Hope’s last fragment”
That flame which remains safe inside my heart of hearts

So, rest assured
In the moment you need to remember what “love” means
When you question the conviction of my long ago words
That sacred moment when you are weary and need a shoulder
I will be here

And you’ll know how to reach me
You’ll find my promise unbroken
As you read these words I reaffirm this fact:
I’ll always love you, as I have from the start
But, until you call out to me
I must reclaim my heart

—–Author’s Note—–
Hello again, thank you for reading, as always. I hope you enjoy my work, if so, please comment and rate — if not, please comment and rate accordingly.  As I mentioned, poetry is not my strong suit, but here is my feeble attempt to express emotions.  
— Always, SPK


Published 6 years ago

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