The Man In Seat 21A

"A mysterious stranger takes a Spaniard to new heights."

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My grandmother, who raised me, went through a lot in her long life. There was the Spanish Civil war, the World war and various personal crises that are the hallmark of most lives. Illness. Bereavement. Poverty.

And when I was growing up, she’d often say to me things like, “Men plan and God laughs, Andrea,” and, “You never know what’s around the corner.” and “Never, ever say never.”

Because she had led an unpredictable life, she wanted to prepare me and make sure I was ready for anything.

I first heard the expression “The mile-high club” at a teenage slumber party. I had a good giggle about it with my friends.

“You mean people do it…on a plane?!” my best friend at school, Laia, said incredulously. We all thought it was tremendously funny. But privately, I thought to myself

“What kind of person would do such a thing? Sex is supposed to be loving and romantic. They could at least wait until they got to the ground.”

It sounded dirty and ill-mannered to my young, naïve self. I was still very much a virgin at the time, but I was going to look for a boyfriend or two, and enjoy the moment. Be a good, normal girl next door type. I wouldn’t be the slut who did it on the plane.

But you should never say never.

So, I grew up, had my first boyfriend, and we lost our virginity together. Went to college, where I went with a few guys. Three, if you’re wondering. Not exactly a cricket score. Nothing out of the ordinary.

One day, when we were twenty-one, Laia and I decided to take a long weekend break in Croatia. We’d heard Dubrovnik was lovely, and a band we both liked was playing there. Initially, we planned to take the train but, when we saw the cost of the tickets, we thought better of it. Flying would cost half the price. So, Ryanair took our money.

“Promise me you won’t take anything,” My dad said.

He meant drugs, of course. I kept that promise, at least. If he meant don’t take anything, he was to be disappointed. 

We snapped selfies in the departure lounge. I am six foot tall, and Laia is five foot nine. I wear my brown hair just longer than my shoulders, and typically it is in layers. I have blue eyes and some freckles around my nose and my teeth are a bit goofy because I turned down braces as a kid. Laia also has blue eyes but darker skin, as her parents were Colombians who had emigrated to Spain. Her hair is naturally blonde, but she had dyed it a sort of orange-ginger colour with streaks of pink.

Laia and I had a glass of wine in the departure lounge. That was where we first spotted Xavi. He was tall and wearing a seriously sharp suit. He had glasses and silky, well-groomed black hair. It was possible he was going to the same concert as us, although he wasn’t dressed for it.

“Hope he’s next to us!” said Laia with a giggle.

“Go and talk to him.”

“No, you go and talk to him.”

And so, the conversation went on, but we never made a move before we’d boarded the plane.

Laia was in seat 22A, and I was in 22B. And who was in the aisle seat? You couldn’t make it up.


But Xavi was in 21A, the seat in front of Laia.

About half an hour into the flight, we were chatting and gossiping. Xavi turned around.

Smiling warmly, he said, “Hello.”


He had the most gorgeous voice imaginable. Deep and sonorous, like James Earl Jones or H.G Tudor, but in Spanish.

“You know, I hate the window seat. Would you mind if I moved to that empty seat on the aisle there?”

“No, please! Join us!”

Xavi squeezed past the people in his row, and sat down next to us, and introduced himself.

“Now ladies, I’m parched. I’m going to order a glass of wine. Will you join me?”

We readily accepted.

Xavi, it turned out, was just the smoothest motherfucker you ever did meet. He paid equal attention to both of us. He made us laugh. He was interesting and vivacious. And he kept the wine coming and soon he was sitting between us, and I was on the aisle.

I’m a little embarrassed to say it because it is not a feminist thing to say, but Laia and I were putty in his hands. We were tipsy and young and horny as hell for this guy.

Which is why we agreed when he said,

“Ladies, I‘ve got to tell you something. I’ve been sitting next to two beautiful women, who smell great and who make me laugh. I’m not ashamed to say I’m very attracted to both of you.”

We laughed.

“In fact,” he lowered his voice to a conspiratorial whisper, “I have a raging boner even now.”

We both burst out laughing.

“I’m like a genie in a lamp, me. I’m a man who can grant wishes. Now, if you’ll help me out with my problem, I promise you each a favour. You can name it. Anything you want, it shall be yours.”

It wasn’t clear if he meant only sexual favours. But by his dress and manner of speaking, he seemed like a wealthy, connected man who could, in fact, give us our hearts’ desires.

“Well,” said Laia, “I think we can manage that.”

She reached into the seat and found the blanket that they provide for passengers who get cold in the cabin. She threw it over Xavi’s lap.

I made the first move. I slipped my left hand under the blanket and undid Xavi’s fly. He did, indeed, have a serious erection going on. I felt it through his trousers. When he’d unbuttoned his trousers, he was able to free his cock, although it was hidden from public view by the blanket.

Flying blind, I groped under the blanket. When I was able to, I grasped it at the stem and started to jerk his cock up and down. Xavi smiled.

“Perhaps a kiss might help things along?” he said.

He leaned over and we kissed, a proper passionate kiss with tongues. His cock grew noticeably harder in my hand. Oh, he was dreamy. I’d never been so instantly smitten.

“Hey, don’t give her all the fun!” Laia protested.

Xavi stopped kissing me and said,

“Laia’s right, you know. Fair’s fair.”. Then he turned and kissed Laia too. I wasn’t jealous. It was hot.

Then Laia made an unexpected move. She undid her seat belt, pulled up the blanket over her head, and disappeared beneath it. Xavi nodded approvingly.

I still had his cock in my hand, but now Laia was sucking it. She was giving him the best present ever. Was I going to let her get all the attention? Of course not.

“Let me have a go,” I said.

Xavi let Laia suck it for a minute or so longer.

“I think Andrea wants a go,” he said softly.

Laia gave him three more long, deep sucks then she sat up straight and looked out of the window. The picture of innocence.

Sitting next to someone in an upright chair is not the optimal position from which to administer a blowjob. It involves a lot of twisting and stretching, but it can be done.

I pulled the blanket over my head and found my way to his cock, which was rock hard and throbbing. Laia had done a good job warming him up. I licked the top firmly, as if applying a layer of paint with my tongue, then I formed the time-honored O with my lips. I slid down and…even his dick tasted good as if he’d used an expensive shower gel. This guy had the full package. I sucked hard and deep, feeling his dick at the back of my throat and my saliva gland going into overdrive. I sucked that penis with everything I had, and Xavi put his head on the blanket above my head, and I heard him breathe harder and a second later…his semen shot into my mouth like a jet spray. He ejaculated so hard and fast that it was halfway down my throat before I could even think of swallowing. 

“Laia and Andrea, thank you. I promised you a favour. Well, I am a man of my word. Name it, and it shall be yours.”

The wine. My off-the-charts attraction to Xavi. Knowing that I might disembark and never see him again. The adrenaline of the naughty act of blowing him in the plane cabin combined to make me whisper into his ear

“I want to join the mile-high club. With you. Take me to the bathroom.”

“Now that I’d love to do.”

Laia whispered her favour into his other ear, but it was inaudible to me. 

We waited for the trolley service to begin. That was when the cabin crew was not seated at the end of the plane by the loos. When they wheeled past us, we made a break for it, hurrying down the aisle past the unsuspecting passengers. We opened the door and hustled in, quickly locking it behind us.

Xavi whipped his trousers down. There was that tasty cock, which I now saw properly for the first time. Mmm…a classic seven-incher. I had a condom in my back pocket. I quickly rolled it on. Then I pulled down my jeans and panties. Xavi sat on the lid of the toilet. I lowered myself onto his dick, helping it in with my hand. It was rock-hard and felt great inside me. I flung my face to his neck, kissing him but also breathing in his masculine scent. He moved inside me, and I rocked so that his penis hit just the right spot. Then we kissed, and that drove me along. I was halfway there. Then, with strength that amazed and aroused me, he seized my ass and stood, his penis still inside me but now he was carrying me, my ass supported by his hands and wrist. He thrust firmly into my vagina. Although I was being held aloft, I felt absolutely safe in Xavi’s arms. He nailed me against the wall, pumping hard and after a minute I felt my orgasm ripple through my body, and I cried out aloud.

He had to finish, too. He lowered me down and pulled out. I turned my back to him and bent over. A moment later, he was thrusting skillfully against my clit, which felt amazing, and then he sped up, going as fast as a man could and he came hard.

When the condom was off and we were cleaned up, we stepped out of the bathroom. Passengers were looking at us with a mixture of smirks, disapproval, and envy.

When I sat down, residual juices in my pussy made my pants pleasantly wet. Sleep stole over me, and I closed my eyes. My last thought as I fell asleep was to laugh inwardly at the younger me who had heard what the mile-high club entailed and thought to herself, ‘Never!’

That might have been the end of the story. Laia and I bid farewell to Xavi at the airport. She mercilessly teased me all through the bus ride from the airport to the town.

“You slut! I never thought a nice girl like you would have sex on a plane!” etc.

We checked into the air BnB, made ourselves up, and went to the gig. It was pretty wild. We were at the heart of the mosh pit. But, as Laia will now tell you, it was about to get a whole lot wilder. 

*Laia takes over the story. 

That Andrea. I never knew she had it in her. I mean, I never doubted she’d warmed up a sausage or two in her grill, I mean who hasn’t, right? But in the bathroom of a plane?! Wow!

Now, you’ll recall that Xavi had offered us BOTH a favour in exchange for easing his discomfort. Well, we were going to a gig. All that human contact, the adrenaline. Every concert I go to, I leave gagging for some action.

So, I whispered into his ear, “We have an apartment. Join me later. We could invite Andrea too. I’ll give you our address and number.”

But I didn’t want Andrea to know. It would be a nice surprise. When they went to the bathroom, I slipped a piece of paper with my number and our address into his coat pocket.

It could not have worked out better. He arrived as Andrea was in the shower, and I hustled him into my room so that she never knew he was there.

She came out of the bathroom smelling her best and went into her room. I sent her a text. “Come over to my room. Brought in smth U mite wnt 2 share. X.”

I pressed send and then sat on the bed to watch her reaction. Three minutes later, there was a knock at the door. Imagine her face when Xavi opened the bedroom door in his underwear! Andrea was so shocked that she hesitated. Xavi was ice cool about it.

“We’d love you to join us. If you’re done in for the night, or it’s not for you, no worries.”

I watched Andrea. She looked at me, then she looked Xavi up and down. Then, wordlessly, she reached for the tassel around the waist of her dressing gown, untied it and stepped out of the gown, as naked as the day she was born!

I’d seen Andrea in a bikini, but not nude before. Having been friends for so long, I’d never really thought of her in that way. But now that we were about to share a sexual experience, I could see that she was extraordinarily beautiful. Her curves and mole-dotted thighs were firm. Her breasts were well-hung, and her stomach was flat, punctuated by a deep belly button. And the way she carried herself with dignity and self-possession as she bared everything to us. If she was nervous that our eyes were on her, she didn’t show it. Instead, she stepped forward and flung her arms around Xavi, and kissed him passionately.

“Oh, this is going to be awesome!” I said with a clap, and the others both laughed.

I flung off my towel and crawled toward them. As I did, Andrea left off kissing him and moved downwards towards his boxer shorts, which were Armani and the only item still being worn between the three of us. Andrea pulled them swiftly down and went to work on his dick. I watched as she skillfully worked up an erection with her hands, before bending down and beginning to suck. She sucked it, I noticed, more carefully and gently than we had on the plane. We had all the time in the world here.

I leant over Xavi’s head, and we kissed for a few minutes, which started me on the way. Then, I got up onto my feet and my haunches and lowered my pussy to just an inch above his face. What choice did he have?! I felt his tongue brush against my labia, moving toward my clit. He brushed back and forth, and the sight of Andrea’s fit body and Xavi’s big, hard penis drove me quickly forward toward orgasm.

Now, this one is for the guys reading, but I swear it is true to what happened. Imagine one naked Spaniard sitting on your face and another sucking on your penis. Now, one pulls up from your mouth, swings around and crawls to her friend and they kiss. Facing you is my peachy ass, but you can see Andrea’s breasts and belly, and we are locked together at the mouth on our hands and knees. Sight for sore eyes? Thought so!

Kissing Andrea felt so good, I wondered why we’d just been friends all this time.

Andrea took charge now. She had me roll over onto my back and gently pulled my legs apart. She began to kiss my inner thighs. I was getting pretty warm down there, believe me. I opened my legs, feeling my pussy widen, and there was the sweet tickle of the tongue. No one had given me oral in more than a year, and now I was getting a second helping in a single night! I just let her do it. I just closed my eyes and relaxed, letting the sweet warmth flow and the orgasm take its time to build up. I was in my own world, so I didn’t see Xavi move around. I didn’t see Andrea raise her bottom and present her pussy invitingly. But he was inside her now. I could tell by the way her head began to jerk forward even as she licked me. The scents in the air and the firm movement inside me brought me there, and I flung back my arms so that they reached the bed headboard, and I came powerfully with an, “Ah! Si! Si! Si!”

“Congratulations! First one of the night!” laughed Xavi.

 Xavi was still pumping Andrea, and he was warming up too. But now I was unemployed. What was I to do?

An idea came to me. It was naughty. It was dirty. Xavi would love it. He’d remember me forever.

I kissed Andrea briefly, then I walked over so that I was behind Xavi. I climbed onto the bed. From behind, I pressed his legs apart and slid my head between them, so that his genitals were an inch away. I reached up and began to lick and then suck his testicles. He responded immediately when his balls were actually inside my mouth.

“Oh yes! Oh fuck,” I tugged gently at them as if trying to suck a stone from a peach.

“Just suck. Just suck my balls. Oh, Christ, that’s good!”

“Laia, don’t make him come yet! I’m getting close!” Andrea protested.

Xavi sped up. He was moving too fast to suck them now, but I was able to lick them and tickle them with my fingers…

“Oh, Dios Mio!” squealed Andrea as she came, her body shaking.

Xavi pumped her harder and I licked his balls once more. Oh, he was pumping her so hard now! I was looking directly up at the point where his cock was entering my best friend’s pussy. Two inches from my face, his cock was thrusting in and out like a jackhammer. He suddenly gave a shudder and a cry. Xavi’s whole body trembled as he came inside Andrea.

Three naked people collapsed in a heap on the bed. 

Ten quiet minutes. Then I realized how hungry I was. I’d danced and moshed all through the concert and hadn’t eaten for hours.

“Anyone else hungry?” I asked.

“Starving,” said Andrea.

“I’m going to nap for a bit. Wake me up if you ladies want another round.” 

Andrea and I got dressed and went out to the all-night supermarket nearby. We loaded up on sandwiches and fruit.

“We’re going to have another round, right?” I said as we approached the checkout.

“Oh, hell yeah!” We both laughed

“By the way, I should compliment your oral skills. You’re very good.”

Andrea blushed and nodded to acknowledge the compliment. But then I said,

“But it is definitely my turn with his cock!”

And we both burst out laughing. The Indian supermarket checkout guy stared at us open-mouthed. We snacked and drank a glass of wine each in the kitchen, which revived us both.

“Ready?” I asked.

“For him? Any time, night or day.”

Xavi was asleep on his side, facing the door. His muscular, hairless chest rose and fell gently. His penis lolled over onto his thigh.

“He’s been hard every minute since he met us. I wasn’t sure it ever went down!”

We both giggled.

“Let’s give him a nice surprise to wake up to.”

Very gently, I took his penis in my hands and began to rub it, just between my palms as if trying to warm it up on a cold day. Gradually it came to life, and I knelt to suck it. I gave three long sucks and felt it harden in my mouth. He woke up and was briefly startled.

“We’re back and ready for round two!” said Andrea, as she pulled off her top.

“I was half worried it was all a dream,” Xavi said. 

What followed was like a fevered dream of living in paradise. We kissed every inch of each other’s bodies. All three of us went down on the other two. A few moments have remained in my memory ever since.

I remember riding Xavi’s cock. Andrea was sat on his face. She leaned forward, and I put my hands on Andrea’s shoulders, then we pressed our foreheads together and looked deep into each other’s eyes. I’d never felt closer to her in ten years of friendship.

I remember watching Xavi on his back. His cock was as erect as it could get. Andrea was teasing the tip of his cock with her tongue. She was flicking his glans with it. Not licking, but flicking, with darting touches with only the tip of her tongue before withdrawing again. He was in ecstasy. I made a mental note to try that trick in the future and wondered where she’d learned it.

I remember lying side by side with Andrea, making out with her. Xavi had the fingers of one hand inside me, and the fingers of the other inside her.

At one point, I lay on my back and Xavi was inside me. My legs were far apart, locked behind his back. He was pumping hard and deep, and I was getting close. Andrea came over and lowered her pussy to within licking distance. I set to work. Her scent and her taste combined with Xavi’s, and he increased his stroke, perhaps spurred on by seeing Andrea being pleasured. A couple of minutes later, I had an explosive, joyous orgasm that made me scream.

At last, I told Xavi to pull out. My pussy was getting sore. I began to suck his cock again. This time, Andrea came to help me. We took turns jerking and licking and sucking his penis, passing it from hand to mouth to mouth to hand. I doubt any man would have lasted long in those circumstances. In the end, I was almost jealous when it was Andrea’s mouth that he came in, but I impulsively leant over and kissed her. We kissed warmly and genuinely, our long love for each other culminating in this shared night of sexual ecstasy. Xavi watched wide-eyed as his semen was passed from Andrea’s mouth to mine and back again.

Very soon after, we all fell asleep, completely exhausted. The next morning, Xavi had to leave for work. Andrea and I caught our flight home at midday and were home by six.

“Did you have a good time?” my dad asked.


“The concert was good?”

Momentarily forgetting myself, I said, “Concert? What concert?”

Published 2 years ago

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