If you’ve been reading along with the series you know my name is Pam, I’m in my mid-thirties and I’ve been married to my childhood sweetheart, Rob since we got out of high school. If you haven’t read the series yet, I encourage you to start at the beginning so you’ll get the most out of this episode
Our lives have changed dramatically in the last two months. Rob asked me to fill you in on the details of our story from my perspective. In the last installment, I explained how Rob, Jack and I ended up staying in a motel overnight and how Jack’s penis ended up inside me.
When I woke, it felt like my eyes had closed only seconds earlier. I had to will them open and when they finally cooperated, I saw Rob sitting up in the bed next to me looking at me with a quirky smile on his lips.
“Good morning, babe. Did you have a good sleep?”
“Not so much,” I responded.
“I’m not surprised,” Rob said. with a grin. “In fact, you were so restless, you ended up in the wrong bed.”
“Honey, you have no idea!”
Rob raised his eyebrows, “Ohhh, that sounds really interesting. Tell me more.”
I could hear the shower running, so I knew Jack was in the shower. I swung my legs out and sat on the bed facing Rob. I caught him glancing at my bare legs and a fair amount of my thighs before I pulled down the hem of my nightgown.
Smiling at Rob, I said. “Looks like your knee is feeling better this morning. I see you’re taking an interest in your surroundings.”
“Honey, when it comes to you, I’m always interested – even when the body is wanting, the mind is always willing.”
With a laugh, I told Rob. “Well, last night your body was certainly under the weather.”
I explained how with every slight move in bed last night, I was causing him pain due to his knee surgery yesterday and that I finally moved to the bed Jack was sleeping in so as not to cause him more suffering. I told him how Jack was asleep and how I had taken a pillow and placed it between Jack and me, just to be safe. Then I filled him in on the rest of the story.
Now Rob and I have been married for a long time and we’ve shared absolutely every secret, fantasy and wish either of us might have desired or wanted. We’d even discussed, as a fantasy the idea of one of us having another partner sometime in our lives. What was interesting in those discussions was that Rob got off on the idea of me with another man versus me not so much enjoying the concept of him with another woman. We’d use his fantasy sometimes in lovemaking to tease him, which he loves. Both of us understood the perspective of the other and we always pledged absolute honesty between us in everything. That’s why I felt no hesitation in telling Rob what had occurred last night between Jack and me.
I expected some concerns from Rob or even the possibility that he might be some putout, especially not being consulted beforehand. Given the situation, there obviously wasn’t much opportunity for prior discussion between us. What I didn’t expect was him starting to giggle as I worked my way through the events that occurred in the bed with Jack. The more I explained, the more the giggles turned to laughter until tears started to roll down Rob’s face.
It reached a point where he finally put his hands up and exclaimed, “No more; I can’t take it!”
It was about this time, that Jack came out of the bathroom from his shower. He looked at me and then Jack. If anything, I was irritated now as I didn’t see the humour in it as Rob obviously did.
Jack asked, “What’s up with you guys?”
Rob was speechless as he continued with his uncontrollable laughter. Rob waved his hands towards me indicating that I would have to explain as he was completely indisposed at the moment.
I rose from the bed, grabbed my clothes from my suitcase and headed to the shower.
On the way, I looked at Jack, pointed my finger at Rob and said, “Your friend is completely bonkers. You need to do something about him.”
With that, I stuck my nose up at the two of them and walked with as much dignity as I could muster to the bathroom door. All I accomplished was to cause Rob to completely break down into hysterical laughter and left Jack with a puzzled expression on his face.
As I showered, I couldn’t help but chuckle myself. After all, there is absolutely no way that anyone would ever believe me if I told this story to them, yet it had happened exactly as I described it to Rob. I was glad and to some extent, relieved that Rob had found the whole thing comical. Although the situation as I described it to Rob was funny in many ways, the devil was in the details. I recognized that Rob and for that matter, Jack and I would have to have some very soul-searching discussions in the very near future.
I loved Rob with all my heart, and I would never let anything or anyone ever come between us. There is no penis in the world, no matter who it is attached to that could ever be worth the love of my life. Although things had gotten completely out of control last night, I had no intention of it destroying my marriage to the man of my dreams. I might really like and care for Jack very much, and yes, the physical intimacy was exciting but I didn’t love him like my Rob.
I finished my shower, got dressed and threw on some make-up in record time. In the back of my mind, I was a bit worried leaving Rob and Jack by themselves. That concern was soon put to rest. When I re-entered the bedroom, Rob was still laughing, although it had now died down to the occasional chuckle. Jack, on the other hand, was tongue-tied. His face was completely beet red. He looked from Rob to me hoping for some salvation from the state of affairs he now found himself in.
I gave Rob my sternest look, which just caused him to break out again into full-blown laughter. Obviously, Rob had told Jack he knew the full story from the previous night. Although Rob found it completely side-splittingly funny, Jack was obviously confused and concerned.
I went over to Jack and gave him a quick hug and said, “Don’t worry, Jack. Everything will be fine. Just ignore that dumbass.”
I turned to Rob, “Okay, let’s get you out of that bed so you can get dressed and we can all go get some breakfast. You can also stop giving Jack a hard time.”
That just caused another fit of giggles from Rob. He did, however, throw up his hands and said, “Okay, okay, but this is the best ever fun I’ve had for years. I’m pretty sure I’m gonna have to milk this for some time to come. …Cum, get it? Cum!” which caused another fit of laughter from Rob.
I helped Rob to his feet and between Jack and me we got him to the bathroom. Jack left to give Rob some privacy. I helped him get his PJs off and suggested to him to let me give him a wash down with soap and a washcloth. He couldn’t have a shower because of the bandage around his knee but I knew he’d feel a whole lot better and refreshed after a bit of clean.
Rob pulled his top off as I helped with the PJ bottoms. I squatted to make it easier to pull the bottoms off his feet and not bump or jerk his knee. I ran right into a very beautiful and stiff erection inches from my face.
Turning my face upward towards Rob, I said, “Wow! Looks like you are feeling much better.”
He looked down at me and smiled. “I guess I feel a little left out. You wouldn’t want to fix that, would you?”
I reached out and surrounded his shaft in my hand. The heat from his penis radiated into the palm of my hand. I slid my hand up and down this cock that I knew and loved so much. The first stroke brought precum to the opening at the head of his fireman’s hat. I opened my mouth and let him slide it between my lips tasting his sweet juice. It was not lost on me that this was the second penis I had held in my hands in as many hours. In some dark recess of my mind, I found the idea aroused elicit thoughts that caused butterflies and made me wet.
“Hmmm, you taste delicious!”
I slathered him with my mouth making sure his cock was well covered in my saliva. Then I pulled back so I could see his cock. I wrapped my hand around him and began to slowly pump his shaft. He groaned and pushed his hips forward to get as much of his cock into my fist. I tightened my grasp and made sure to pull his cock through my hand so that the entire head disappeared into my palm. Then I slid my hand back down the shaft so that the purple head reappeared between my thumb and forefinger. He bucked in my hand and a great spurt of cum shot out of the end of his cock, landing on my face. I quickly swallowed the head in my mouth and felt four or five more spurts shoot into the back of my throat. I swallowed and gently sucked on the end to make sure I drained everything I could get from his balls.
After he was obviously spent, I looked up smiling, “That was certainly quick. Was it something I said?”
I wiped the sperm off my face and said, “Boy, you had quite a build-up there.”
Rob lifted me to my feet and kissed me tenderly.
“I love you, so much,” he said.
“I love you too and always will.”
As I buried my head into his chest, we hugged each other. Eventually, I broke away and said, “Let’s get you cleaned up.”
Rob laughed as he said, “You better wash your face too.”
In due course, we emerged from the bathroom. Jack had already straightened up and taken his suitcase to the car. He arrived back in the room as we were closing our bags. Jack took them to the car as I supported Rob by putting his arm over my shoulder. Without too much effort, we got Rob settled in the back seat of the car. With his leg propped up on a pillow, we were as ready as we could be for the three-hour drive home. Jack took the wheel and I took the front passenger seat.
The ride back started off pretty quietly, but after we grabbed some coffees and egg breakfast sandwiches at a drive-through, everyone began to relax a bit. There was lots of small talk. None of us seemed too interested in addressing the large elephant in the car. That was okay with me because small talk didn’t get in the way of some deep thinking I was doing. I needed to understand my own feelings about what had happened last night. I also needed to think through how it might affect Rob and me in the long term. Despite that he’d found it extremely humorous this morning, I was worried that he was also having other feelings that he wasn’t telling me yet. Last, but not least, I needed to work out in my mind how this might impact Jack and our friendship with him.
Both Rob and I cared very much for Jack. We had all been friends for a very long time and I did not want this in any way to destroy that friendship. Although I knew I didn’t love Jack, I now realized that I did have physical and emotional feelings for him that were obviously more than just a friendship bond.
These ideas were alien to me. Even though Rob and I had shared some pretty far-out fantasies during lovemaking, those moments were not reality. I had never considered being intimate with any man other than Rob.
Finally, with only thirty minutes left in our drive home, my thoughts were clear enough to explain them to Rob and Jack. It seemed to me to be a good time because I had them both captive in the car with me. I turned in my seat so I could see both of them and broke the small talk with this statement.
“Guys, I’m going to talk to you about last night, but I don’t want either of you to interrupt until I’m finished. Nod your heads if you understand.”
I could tell they both understood the serious tone of my voice as they both nodded affirmatively.
“I love you, Rob, forever! I also care for you, Jack very much. The situation last night got out of hand and I’m very sorry to both of you.”
Both of them tried to interject. Both simultaneously denied that I had any reason to apologize. I put my hand up and said: “No talking boys, please.
“Jack, I know you’ll understand when I tell you that Rob and I have to have some serious conversation about what happened. The most important thing in the world for me is to make sure he and I are okay and Rob, our friendship with Jack is important to both of us, but he was your friend first and I don’t want anything to come between that.
“So here’s what I propose. I don’t want anyone to assume anything before we hash this all out. We’re going to need to be upfront and honest with how we feel about this. The first step is for Rob and me to talk so that we are both on the same page. Then later this week, we can all get together or I’ll talk with Jack one on one. That will depend on what Rob and I decide. Okay?”
Rob replied first and said, “Of course, honey. If that’s what you want. I love you no matter what and I love ‘dick head’ beside you like he was a brother.” He gave Jack a light poke in the shoulder when he said it.
He then followed up with a smile on his face with, “But honey, do we really have to talk about feelings?”
I looked at him sternly and replied, “Yes, you do, buster, and you better not hold anything back.”
He could see I was dead serious and said, “Okay, Honey, I get it. No holding back, including feelings. I promise.”
Jack, always the more serious of the two was clearly thinking. He finally said, “You guys are the most important people on the planet to me. If I could take back last night, I would in a heartbeat. Not because I didn’t like it, because being close to you, Pam, was amazing. What I couldn’t stand is if it hurt you guys together or if I’ve screwed up our friendship. I defer to you, Pam and will wait for you guys to call. Then whatever you guys decide I’ll abide with.”
I said, “Okay then, let’s leave it for now. We’ll figure this out all together.”
I mouthed an “I love you” to Rob and reached over so I could give Jack’s hand a quick squeeze.
Ten minutes later we reached home. Jack helped unload everything and then helped get Rob inside and settled on the couch. We were all tired. Jack said he would head off if there wasn’t anything else he could do.
I followed Jack outside as he headed to his own vehicle.in our driveway. Before getting in, he turned to me and began another apology. I put my finger against his lips.
“Shhhh,” I said. “We’ll all work it out together. Don’t worry anymore. We’ll get together soon.”
As I gave him a hug goodbye, I stretched up on my toes and gave him a quick peck on the cheek.
After Jack drove off, I went inside and got Rob settled. He was in a bit of pain from the drive. I told him that we would talk through everything in a few days when his knee was feeling better.
The talk we had is in the next chapter.