Tale of a Longshoreman

"Longshoreman Jock meets a woman by chance and it leads to much more"

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Jock Austin had been working the wharf in San Francisco for many years.  His hands had the rough, calloused feel of a man who had done hard work all his life.  Jock was tired.  There had to be an easier way. As he was fuming and lamenting his lot in life, his mind wandered and he nearly slipped on the water-soaked pier. Damn!  He’d just have to get out of this racket.  But how, when you’ve been able to scrape by only $5,000 in savings after doing this crap for almost thirty years?

The work of a longshoreman was tough and physically demanding.  At least, he thought, the exercise part of it had been enough to keep him trim and fit.  Jock’s hands were as strong as vices, and his arms and legs were sinewy and muscular.   He was moderately tall and fairly handsome with piercing, deep-set brown eyes and very few lines on his rugged face.  He looked about fifteen years younger than his actual age of fifty-five.

Jock needed to unwind.  He decided to walk over to his favorite watering hole near the pier before heading back to his apartment.

Ship’s Rudder was packed.  It was Friday night, and a crowd was to be expected, but Jock had never seen it like this.  As he waded through the crowd of mostly sailors and longshoremen, his mind was a million miles away.  Staring at the floor, he didn’t see the woman standing in front of him and practically knocked her off her feet when he bumped into her.

She glared at him.  “Why don’t you watch where you’re going?”

Jock wasn’t fazed by the woman’s attitude – the wharf was a rough and tumble place, and so was Ship’s Rudder.  He was used to that kind of abruptness, as were most of the patrons of the bar.  “I’m sorry,” he replied. “It’s crowded in here.  I had a rough day and I guess I wasn’t paying attention.”

His calm demeanor seemed to soften the woman’s features.  She was probably in her mid-forties, but quite attractive with deep-set brown eyes and clear, silky, tan-brown skin.  Her long, dark blonde hair was strikingly beautiful.  She still had a lithe, tight figure despite her years.  The woman obviously knew how to take care of her appearance.  She managed a weak, embarrassed smile.

“Sorry I snapped.”

“Are you OK?” Jock asked

“Just startled me.  I’m sorry.”

“I was the clumsy one, not paying attention.  Tell you what.  Can I buy you a drink?”

“Look, I’m sorry I snapped at you, but I don’t like being hit on.”

That had not been his intention, but Jock thought it best not to argue.  He was not the pushy type anyway.  As the woman continued toward the exit, he noticed the sway of her hips and the way her hair bounced with each step she took.  He also noticed that as she was about to exit the bar, she turned and appeared to be looking right at him. 

Jock continued to push through the rowdy crowd and finally made it to the bar.  Melissa, the bartender, poured him his usual — Jack Daniels on the rocks.

Melissa fit right in with the type of crowd that always frequented Ship’s Rudder.  She was in her early thirties, with long dark brown locks and a perfect body.  Melissa could talk smut with the best of them.  As Jock stood at the crowded bar waiting for someone to vacate a seat, she sauntered over to him.  She and Jock had had a short fling about five years ago but had remained good friends after it ended.

“Look, you’re a great looking guy and you fuck like nobody’s business,” Melissa had said.  “But I’m not getting involved with you or anyone right now.”

The two had gone on with their lives but had remained good friends.  Now she smiled at Jock knowingly.

“I’ve seen that woman in here a few times,” Melissa said.  “She thinks she’s quite the cock tease.”.

Jock smiled.  “Don’t know about that.  I offered to buy her a drink and she blew me off.”

“I saw her apologize to you.  What the fuck for?”

“I practically knocked her over on the way over here.  She basically told me to fuck off.  I said I was sorry and she seemed OK, but when I offered to buy her a drink she kind of accused me of hitting on her.”

“Believe me, she would not have been so nice if she weren’t interested in you.”

“Do you know her name?”

“Amy, Erin, something like that,” Melissa answered.  “I think Erin is right.”

Jock finished his Jack Daniels, then ordered a second one.  He left and walked the five blocks to his apartment, on the second floor of an old but recently remodeled building.  He quickly showered to get the dust and sweat off, went to bed, and was almost immediately asleep.

Jock was awakened a little after one in the morning by loud, angry voices.  He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and walked unsteadily to the apartment window.  To his great surprise, the blonde-haired woman he had collided with inside the bar was arguing with a man – a towering hulk of a man.  Suddenly the man pushed her violently and she fell to the ground hard.  The woman cowered as he continued to berate her.

Jock instinctively knew he had to do something.  He quickly threw on a pair of jeans and shoes and galloped down the apartment stairs.

Jock was mild-mannered but was not the kind of man who frightens easily.  His years as a longshoreman had seen to that. 

Positioning himself between the man and the fallen woman, he looked squarely at the man and said, softly and a bit threateningly, “You like to attack defenseless women, huh?”

“Fuck off, asshole.  This is none of your business,” snarled the man. 

The size of the man was intimidating, but rather than engage him in a fist fight, Jock quickly grabbed the man around the neck with his vice-like grip.  The man tried to pry Jock’s hands away but to no avail.  With his air supply shut off, the man’s body went limp under Jock’s grasp.  Jock let him fall to the ground.

Gasping for breath, he stammered, “You want the little bitch?  Fine.  She isn’t worth it.  She’s a prick tease and she’s probably a lousy fuck anyway.”  Without saying another word, he slinked away.

Jock turned his attention to the woman lying in the grass.  “Are you all right, Erin?”

“How do know my name?” she answered.  She was still dazed and shaking but looked OK except for a scratch on her left arm where she had apparently hit a twig or something when the man had pushed her.

 “Are you OK?” Jock repeated, choosing to ignore the question for the moment.

“Y..Y…Yes, I think so,” she answered weakly.  “You’re the guy from the bar.”

She said it matter of factly, but with a slight smile of relief in her voice.

She was wearing a short blue skirt that had hiked up when she was pushed to the ground, exposing a pair of white, almost transparent, panties.  Her white shirt was tight enough for Jock to notice she was not wearing a bra.

With a slight hint of embarrassment, she extended her arms as Jock bent to help her up.  He felt the warmth of her breasts as their bodies touched, and his cock began to respond.

“I’m Jock. How about I take you upstairs to my apartment so you can get cleaned up?”

“Ok, but no funny business,” she answered.  “And how do you know my name?”

“Melissa told me.  I told her that we ran into each other,” he said with a smile.

The girl was trembling and exhausted from her ordeal.  Jock put his arm around her waist to support her.  Although Jock never used it, he and the girl took advantage of the elevator in Jock’s apartment building.

Erin sat at Jock’s dining room table while Jock fetched a bottle of water.  He went to his medicine cabinet and came back with a small bottle of antiseptic and a swab of cotton.  The girl winced as Jock applied the antiseptic to the thin scratch on her arm.

“Doesn’t look too bad,” Jock said.  “Who the hell was that asshole?”

Erin was about to tell Jock that is was none of his fucking business, but similar to the way they had met in the bar, his calmness caused her to relax a bit.  “Just a guy who wanted to get in my pants.  We had a drink and he offered to walk me home, but the asshole wouldn’t take no for an answer.  And that goes for you too.”

Jock wanted to tell her that she ought to be a little more careful about how she dressed but thought better of it.  Besides, she didn’t deserve to be hassled regardless of what she was wearing.

He smiled.  She may have been a cock tease, as Melissa had said, but he was strangely attracted to her.  Maybe it was her fiery attitude, maybe it was the tanned skin, maybe it was the voluptuous swell of her unconfined breasts.  No, it was something else.  He couldn’t quite put his finger on it. 

He decided to take a leap of faith.

“Erin, you’ve obviously had a tough night, and I’m not trying to be forward.  But if you’d like to stay the night, I’ll let you have my bedroom and I’ll stay here on the couch.”

Perhaps it was the disarming, gentle way Jock spoke to her, but to his surprise, she agreed. She said softly, “I really am tired and I really don’t want to go back outside tonight.  Are you sure you don’t mind?”

“I wouldn’t have asked you if I minded.  I know you don’t have anything with you, but if you want to get out of those clothes tonight you’ll find a robe in the closet in the bedroom.  Only thing is, you’ll need to put on the same clothes tomorrow.  Or maybe I should say today?  It’s almost one-thirty.”

Jock showed her to his bedroom and found the soft cotton robe he often wore.  “The shower is just across the hall if you’d care to use it.”

Suddenly Erin burst into tears and threw her arms around Jock’s neck, burying her head in his shoulder.  What the hell?  Jock was growing more and more fond of this girl, and had he been more aggressive he might have tried to pick her up and throw her on his bed.  Instead, he kissed her forehead and caressed her back, trying to be as comforting as he could.

“I don’t know how to thank you for what you did,” she said, tears still running down her cheeks.  “I think I will take a shower if you don’t mind.”

“it would definitely make you feel better,” Jock answered, trying to be as soothing as he could.  “Make yourself comfortable.  I’m going to try and get at least a little sleep.”

“I’m sorry I caused all this trouble,” she said tearfully.

“No way it was your fault.  I’ll see you in the morning.”

Jock lay down on the couch, still in his jeans.  Although he had briefs on underneath, he was reluctant to take the jeans off with Erin in the shower.  He remembered vividly how she had admonished him that there was to be “no funny business”.

Jock was too keyed up to sleep.  He heard Erin turn on the shower and listened to the rush of the water.  After a few minutes, he heard the squeak of the water being turned off. 

Erin stepped out of the bathroom wearing Jock’s robe.  But rather than go directly into the bedroom, she stepped into the living room to see if Jock was still awake.  He sat up when he heard her.

“Erin, is everything all right?” Jock was suddenly aware that is cock had hardened.

She crossed over to the couch, leaned over, and kissed Jock full on the lips.  “I just wanted to thank you again.”

Jock noticed that the robe had opened, exposing one creamy, perfect breast.  The small areola encircled a nipple that jutted out prominently.  She made no effort to close the robe.

She crossed over to the front of the couch, took Jock’s hand, and moved it to her breast.  He was startled and couldn’t help hesitating.

“I don’t want to take advantage of the situation,” he said.

“I said no funny business, but I didn’t realize what a gentleman you are.  I should have realized it back at the bar, too.”  She smiled wickedly now.  “You can’t be very comfortable on that couch.” 

She took his hand.  The robe had opened completely and her breasts were gorgeous. God, she was attractive.  She had removed her panties, and Jock could see the full, light brown bush between her legs.  He was particularly attracted to a full bush.  Why did women have to shave down there?

No cock teasing this time.  Erin was the aggressor.  Jock’s jeans were beltless because he had put them on hurriedly, and Erin quickly unbuttoned them and lowered his zipper.  She lowered his jeans and dark blue briefs in one smooth motion.

Jock’s cock was already at full attention.  It did not slant upward as much as it had when he was younger, but it was just as hard.  He stepped out of his jeans while Erin began licking the head of his cock.  She cupped his balls with her left hand and encircled the base of his cock with her right, then slowly and lightly drew the circle upward.  It had been several months since Jock had been with a woman, and although he masturbated regularly the sight and touch of this woman was already driving him close to an orgasm.

Jock sat on the bed while Erin doffed the robe.  She pushed his shoulders down onto the bed so that he was lying on his back, and took his entire 5-inch cock into her mouth.  God, she was good.  She used her tongue expertly as she sucked and slurped.  She felt his cock stiffening further and positioned her mouth so that only the engorged head of his cock was inside, and made circles around the corona with her tongue.  Jock squeezed both nipples gently and released a torrent of semen into her mouth. 

Erin swallowed every drop.  “That way I don’t have to clean you up,” she smiled.

“Now it’s my turn,” Jock said hungrily.

He flipped her onto her back, spread her legs wide, and lifted her legs so that her feet were almost up to her ears.  Her pussy was dripping wet.  Jock hadn’t done this in a while, but a guy doesn’t forget things like that.  He licked each side of Erin’s vulva, then along the slit, and finally inserted his tongue as deeply into her pussy as he could.  She moaned in pleasure and thrust her hips up to meet him.  When his tongue encircled her clit and feather-licked it, Erin went over the edge.  She moaned loudly, tensed, and thrashed about wildly as the orgasm claimed her.  Jock’s face was covered with her juices.  Their tongues met when he crawled up to kiss her, and they shared the taste of her juices.

“I wanted you inside me,” she said as they were cuddling in the afterglow.

He smiled.  “There’s always the morning.  It’s Saturday.”

At about four o’clock, Erin awoke from a fitful sleep and turned to look at Jock, expecting him to be asleep.  He was not.

The two smiled at each other and kissed passionately, their tongues exploring each other.  Neither of them needed much foreplay.  He sucked on each nipple.  She caressed his balls, immediately getting him hard.  She threw a leg over him and positioned herself directly over his hard, twitching cock.  Lowering herself onto his cock, they both moaned in unison as he entered her.  Her slow, rhythmic rocking motion drove him to a frenzy.  His hips rose to meet her as she rocked forward.  He came again, just as hard as before. 

Erin and Jock finally fell asleep from pure exhaustion.  In the morning, they showered together and felt a little more refreshed afterward.  Erin had only the clothes she was wearing when she was attacked.  Cars were rather infrequent among the denizens of the wharf area, and neither Jock nor Erin had one.  Jock walked her home.  Home for Erin was her own one-bedroom apartment on the next block.

They kissed passionately at the door of her building.  As she entered the door, she called out to Jock.  Misty-eyed, she blew him a kiss.  As he walked home, Jock had a strange sensation that this had been more than a quick fuck.  A lot more.  He hadn’t realized it, but his loneliness was one of the main reasons he wanted to get out of this racket.

Erin was slightly confused as to her feelings for Jock, but the more she thought, the more she realized she was already in love with him.  Sometimes a girl just knows.  He was so gentle, so considerate.  The fact that he could fuck like that didn’t hurt either.  Maybe she wouldn’t be so lonely after all.

Jock knew he never wanted to tie himself down, but he couldn’t help the gnawing feeling that he had fallen for this forty-something woman.  It just felt different than it had with Melissa or with any of the other women he’d been with.  This girl’s fire, coupled with her passion, sexiness, and a little bit of sensitivity, was a rare combination.  Maybe he wouldn’t be so lonely after all.


Published 6 years ago

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