Jock couldn’t sleep.
That night with Erin – _Holy shit!_ His entire five-foot eleven-inch frame felt like it was still intertwined with Erin’s tight, lithe body. He couldn’t get her out of his mind to save his life. When you’ve just had a fuck session with a mesmerizing, forty-something woman who seemed to be completely into you, what now? Could he really have fallen for her this quickly, this unexpectedly?
At fifty-five years of age, with thirty hard, tough years working the San Francisco wharf under his belt, Jock had been around the block more than a few times. He had always been a careful, sensible man who knew enough not to act like a lovestruck kid every time a woman let him into her pants. After all, a few rolls in the hay doesn’t mean a guy wants a commitment.
That Friday evening at Ship’s Rudder when he had bumped into Erin and practically knocked her on her ass, she had nearly torn his head off. Then, not even a minute later, she had done a complete one-eighty, almost like a female Jekyll and Hyde. She had even given him a coy little half-smile on the way out. Jock still didn’t know why, but he had felt some sort of immediate spark.
The closest he had been to a real relationship had been with Melissa, the regular bartender at Ship’s Rudder. It had lasted a couple of years. She was a good companion, a good sounding board, and of course a terrific fuck. But both of them knew when it was time. They had mutually decided to end it — no muss, no fuss, no hard feelings.
He remembered what Melissa had said Friday night when he asked her about the girl. “She thinks she’s quite the cock tease.”
She sure didn’t seem to be teasing the night she slept at Jock’s place after he had gotten rid of the asshole who was hassling her.
The memories of Friday night and early Saturday morning were making his cock twitch all over again. He was too keyed up to sleep, and almost instinctively slid his briefs down to his ankles and kicked them off. As he grasped and pulled on his hardening cock, his memory of her sucking and riding him made him even hornier.
He was so aroused now that he began to pump his cock furiously. _Not so fast._ He reminded himself how much he enjoyed a slow buildup, and how much more intense the grand finale would be. Removing his hand completely, he concentrated on the sensation of Erin’s soft lips gliding up and down his shaft. _Holy shit, that felt fantastic!_
He needed to cum. NOW.
A few more squeezes and strokes were all Jock needed. He had cum hard, twice, with Erin the other night, and tonight’s solo session had resulted in an orgasm of equal intensity. Thick white semen covered his stomach and abdomen from the first five rapid machine gun-like pulses. As he lay there letting the feeling of release wash over him, more of it dribbled down his shaft and into his pubic hair. He scraped a little of it up and licked it off his finger before cleaning himself up with a washcloth.
Jock and Erin had parted Saturday morning with a passionate kiss at the door to her apartment building. Neither of them had brought up getting together again, but Jock was damned sure he wanted to and he had a feeling Erin wanted to also. He had no clue where this thing was going to lead, but he had to find out.
Earlier that evening at Ship’s Rudder, Melissa had told him that Erin almost always showed up two or three times a week for a nightcap. She was a server at a small seafood restaurant about a quarter mile down the wharf and got off at eight, just after the dinner rush.
“I told you she’s a cock tease, Jock. Why the hell would you want to see her again?”
“Why did I want to keep seeing you?” Jock said with a grin.
“I was never a fucking cock tease.”
“No, but the point is, you and I felt something as soon as we met. It happens.”
“Are you sure it isn’t because you went all Sir Lancelot and saved the fair maiden from a fate worse than death?”
He smiled. “I honestly don’t know, Melissa.”
Jock was spent from his intense masturbation session and was finally able to fall asleep.
When he awoke Sunday morning, Jock decided he wanted to spend the day doing nothing but odds and ends. He had a few errands to run but wanted to just putz around afterward, occupying his mind with anything but Erin. He wasn’t even going to head over to Ship’s Rudder tonight. Maybe he’d gain a fresh perspective by the time he went back to work Monday morning.
Jock slept well Sunday night. Exhaustion does that to a guy.
But that gnawing feeling just wouldn’t go away.
At work Monday, Jock actually welcomed the physical labor that was so much a part of being a longshoreman. It took his mind off things, and rather than tire him out it invigorated him. After work, he headed over to Ship’s Rudder. It wasn’t particularly crowded and he was able to spend some time bantering with Melissa, who was only too happy to talk about her current boyfriend and the size of his cock.
“It’s so long and thick it feels like it’s going to tear my cunt apart,” she said with a good-natured, teasing smile. “It’s a little different from that five-incher of yours.”
“Oh, I think I used mine pretty well,” Jock grinned back. _Ah, memories…_
Jock left around ten-thirty. It was apparent that Erin wasn’t going to be at the Rudder tonight. He didn’t know whether to be disappointed or relieved.
The following day, Jock made the decision to keep heading back to Ship’s Rudder each night, since Melissa had told him Erin was there frequently during the week. Rather than head directly over there from work, he decided to walk back to his apartment to take a shower and throw on something that wasn’t sweaty and dirty. If Erin showed up, she wouldn’t be there until around eight-thirty or so anyway. He chose a blue button-down shirt and his favorite pair of blue jeans – the ones that really fit him like a glove – and walked the five blocks, more relaxed than he had been yesterday.
The Rudder was a bit more crowded than it had been Monday evening, but there was plenty of room at the bar. Jock ordered his usual Jack Daniels on the rocks and spent some time shooting the shit with Melissa when she wasn’t at the other side of the bar serving drinks. They were chatting when Melissa stopped short and jerked her head to the left.
Erin was dressed more conservatively than she had been Friday night, but not a lot more. Jock could see that this time she was wearing a bra underneath her pale yellow, tight-fitting shell. A strap peeked out from the wide, somewhat plunging neckline, and a hint of cleavage was visible. She wore an extremely short dark green skirt that accented the shell beautifully. A large leather carrying bag was slung over one shoulder. Jock assumed it contained the uniform she wore at the restaurant.
Erin paid no attention to the stares she was getting. Noticing Jock almost immediately, she took a stool next to him at the bar.
“Hello, Erin.”
“Hello,” she smiled. “Fancy meeting you here. You never called me after you walked me home.”
“Didn’t have your number,” Jock said truthfully.
She jotted it down on a napkin and passed it to him nonchalantly. As her left hand slid the napkin over to him, her right hand came to rest on his left thigh, just above the knee. “I really enjoyed myself Friday night,” she said, looking directly at Jock with that coy smile of hers.
_She really is a cock tease._
“I enjoyed it too,” Jock said. He decided to be a bit bolder. “You really got me going, you little minx. I haven’t fucked like that in years.”
She smiled broadly. “I wanted to say thanks for being my knight in shining armor.”
“I hope that wasn’t the only reason.”
Her smile faded, and her voice lowered to a whisper. Leaning close to Jock’s ear, she said earnestly, “Of course not. I really like you. Look, I know people say I’m a tease. But I’m serious. I liked you as soon as I met you. Even when you practically knocked me on my ass.” The smile returned, and she nibbled his ear playfully. “I don’t have sex with people unless I like them.”
Jock had relaxed completely now. “I was pretty sure we connected on a deeper level. Not that I would mind another fuck.” He mouthed the word “fuck” without actually saying it out loud. “But I really would like to keep seeing you, and for more than just that.”
“When I saw you on that couch after I finished my shower…” Her voice trailed off, but she didn’t need to finish. Jock could see the sincerity in her eyes and hear it in her voice.
He held her hand as she finished her drink, a vodka martini straight up, lightly shaken, with a twist.
“Let’s get some air,” Jock offered.
The two walked outside. The night air was humid but pleasant. Erin threw her arms around his neck and kissed him passionately. Jock responded by probing her mouth with his tongue. He peeked around the back of the building, toward an industrial equipment shed. No one there. He pulled Erin close and motioned her to follow him.
Erin leaned against the outside framework of the shed as Jock kissed her and cupped her breast with his hand. As she reached for his crotch, he slipped his hand underneath her shirt and unclasped her bra. She slipped it off underneath her shirt.
They tried the door. It was not locked. Jock grinned at her when the latch turned.
Equipment was strewn all over the shed, but a corner was large enough to accommodate both of them easily.
“Okay, you little tease. You have no idea how much I have wanted to fuck you silly ever since I walked you home the other night.” Jock moved to her, slipped his hand underneath her shirt again, and began to caress and knead her naked breasts. When he began to pinch her nipples, she moaned loudly.
“Too hard?”
“No. Oh, fuuuck!” She lifted her arms straight over her head so that he could remove her shirt. She arched her back, almost begging him to give her nipples the attention they craved. They were hard as little marbles. He took the hint and began to alternately squeeze her right breast while sucking on her left nipple.
Erin was already panting hard. She didn’t wait for Jock to help her with her skirt. In one smooth movement, she lowered the skirt and her nearly transparent white panties, then stepped out of them. There was already a wet spot in the crotch.
Being in that shed with Jock seemed to make her almost insatiable. She undid Jock’s belt, unbuttoned his jeans, and pulled down his jeans and gray briefs. Squatting down, she took Jock’s raging cock into her mouth. She was sucking him just as expertly as she had Friday night, and it was all Jock could do not to cum within a few seconds.
“Stop, stop!” Jock said. She obeyed, looking at him quizzically.
“I want to cum in your pussy tonight, not your mouth.”
He lifted her leg toward a nearby shelf. Erin took the hint and balanced on one leg while steadying herself by keeping her arms wrapped tightly around his neck. Jock inserted his index and middle finger into her already sopping wet cunt, seeking her G-spot. She screamed in ecstasy as Jock’s fingers scraped the front wall of her pussy from the inside.
“NO!” she cried as Jock removed his fingers. “You need to make me cum NOW!”
“With my cock, not my fingers.”
With that, his cock found its mark and slid easily into her. He kissed her violently as he pumped.
Erin was the first to climax. It always took Jock a little longer at his age, but it certainly didn’t take much longer. Erin’s climax caused her muscle contractions to squeeze his cock deliciously. He released a torrent of semen into her, continuing to pump until his orgasm subsided and his limp cock withdrew on its own.
Erin licked the cum from Jock’s now limp cock and pubic hair. He reached for his pants and fished out a couple of tissues so that he could wipe the cum seeping from her pussy. He used another tissue to clean the cum from her matted pubic hair.
“Sorry I don’t have a washcloth, but this is not exactly the greatest place to do this,” he grinned.
The interior of the shed was stuffy and close, given the night’s humidity. Jock and Erin dressed quickly and were relieved to get out into the fresh air. They slumped to the grass and held each other as they recovered.
“Look, Jock, I’ll be honest. I’ve never met anyone quite like you. Truth be told, I wanted this to happen tonight. Maybe not in some crummy shed, but I did.”
“Why does everybody call you a cock tease?”
“I like flirting. I know it got me into some trouble the other night, but that asshole had no right to force himself on me. I thought he was going to do God knows what to me.” Her eyes teared up as they had Friday night.
Jock dabbed her eyes tenderly. He said gently, “I’ll ask you again, Erin. Are you sure you aren’t with me tonight because I happened to be around when you got into trouble?”
“Goddammit, Jock! I told you I liked you from the very beginning. In fact, I think I’m in love with you.”
“I believe you. And the feeling is mutual.”
She hugged him fiercely, and they exchanged a passionate kiss.
“Walk you home?” he offered.
“I don’t think so,’ she answered, looking serious.
Jock looked at her quizzically.
She gave a wry smile. “Come back to the bar with me.”
Erin had forgotten the leather bag she had with her when she walked into Ship’s Rudder. Melissa had placed it behind the bar so it wouldn’t get lost. As she saw Erin and Jock approaching, she grinned wickedly. She knew what the hell had happened.
Jock and Erin walked out of Ship’s Rudder. She suddenly put her leather bag on the ground and unzipped it. Inside were clothes and accessories – underwear, shirt, pants, toothbrush, and cosmetics. She smiled and kissed him.
“You can walk me to your place.”
Dilemma solved.