Lucy and Jo both worked at the same company. They had been there for about five years. Jo was employed after Lucy, but only by about six months. The two girls became good friends, and after about two years, they decided to move into a flat together
After all, it would help with the bills and the wages were not great. The one thing the company did have was that they promoted from within, where ever and whenever possible.
When they moved in together, they did, of course, have a lot of duplicate things. The one thing they did not have though, was sex toys. So, off they went to a sex shop to have a bit of fun.
They came out with all kinds of things like dildos, condoms, handcuffs, blindfolds, tasselled whip and, of course, what turned them both on, uniforms.
Today though was Friday. Two whole days of doing what they wanted.
When they got home, Jo said, “how about going to that new club downtown, the Zodiac club? I hear it is good,” she added.
“Sounds good to me,” said Lucy. ” Let’s get dressed up and go. You never know, we may meet a couple of good blokes down there, we can bring back to our place, and have a good time with,” she added, with a big smile on her face. We can then put our sex toys to good use. How does that sound?” Lucy asked.
“Sounds like a great plan to me,” said Jo.
The club was good, and after a number of drinks, well, a number of drinks too many, they stumbled out totally drunk, and not walking at all straight.
Two patrolling police officers came up to them. “Good morning ladies,” they said. “Are you okay?”
“We are fine,” said Jo. Even though, both of them, were not very steady on their legs, slurring their words and very drunk.
The officer said, “Can we help you both to a taxi?”
” Look,” said Jo, “we have told you we are fine, now go away, stop bugging us, and do some real work.”
” Right ladies, you are coming with us,” said the Officer.
They tried to resist, but it was no good, the officers, were far too strong for them. The more they struggled, and fought the officers, the tighter the handcuffs, which were now on, seemed to become. They got put into the police van, unceremoniously, and off they went.
“Where do you think they are taking us?” Asked Lucy.
“I would presume, they are just about to go off shift, then take us home,” replied Jo. “I hope they take their uniforms and handcuffs home with them, then we can have a great time,” added Jo.
Jo carried on, “I would love to drop my knickers for them, bend over, and have him take me hard from behind. How does that sound?” she asked.
“I would love to give them a great fuck like they never had before,” said Lucy. “Then afterwards, we can give them both a great blow job, and swallow every last drop of their cum,” Lucy added.
“Two real officers, that is great.” Jo asked, “how would you like to be spanked by them?”
“Shit,” said Lucy. “That would make me even wetter, so they can slide their hard cocks up me and really get in easily.”
They got to the station and were bundled inside. “What are the charges?” the desk officer asked.
“Both of them, drunk and disorderly and resisting arrest.”
“Cell two for her, and cell five for her,” said the desk officer.
In the morning, both girls woke up, with a headache like they had never experienced before. They were offered breakfast, but they both felt to sick to eat.
Then they got taken down to the desk officer, who told them, “you are being released, to appear in court, on Monday, at 10 am.” Both girls looked at each other, and could not believe it.
“It is the first time we have been arrested,” said Jo. “We will most likely get a slapped wrist, and told do not do that again.”
When they got to court, the charges had been read out. The evidence given against them was irrefutable, so it was pointless pleading not guilty.
The judge then said, “Joanne Mary Little and Lucy Anne Armstrong, you have both been found guilty by this court and it is my duty to now pass sentence. This is despicable behaviour, and one we see all too often, both on the street and here in my courtroom. I sentence you both to six strokes of the cane, to be given with a light adult cane. This will be carried out immediately. Guard, take them down.”
Lucy and Jo, looked at each other, not believing their ears.
Jo, still optimistic, whispered to Lucy, “Oh, this can’t be any worse than at school, and we got the cane enough there.”
When they got downstairs, they were told by a guard, “Go into your cubicle, get completely undressed and put on the gown, then you will be called. Cubicle 25 for you, and cubicle 15 for you.”
They did as told, but both were thinking, this was not like it was at school.
An officer came to the cubicle. “Are you Joanne Mary Little?”
“Yes,” replied Jo.
“Come with me,” said the officer.
When they entered the punishment room, Jo saw a variety of canes, a spanking bench and two officers.
“I am Officer Wilkins, who will administer your caning, and this is Officer Seaman, who is my witness and your arresting officer.”
“Officer Seaman, please strap Little to the canning bench. Is she tight down Officer?”
“She is,” he replied. “The punishment can now be given.”
Jo felt two taps on her bare bottom, then whoosh, thwack.
“Ahhh,” she screamed, two taps whoosh thwack.
“Ahhh,” she cried again. She could feel deep marks on her bottom. Even as this happened, she was wishing the cane was in Officer Seaman’s hand. She was getting wet she found, looking at him. After four strokes, the pain seemed terrible and she noticed her vision was blurred from the tears. Two to go, whoosh thwack.
“Ahh,” screamed Jo. One more to go, whoosh, thwack.
Jo was screaming out in pain by now and couldn’t believe how aroused she was at the same time.
“Release Little, please,” said Officer Wilkins.
Jo went back to her cubicle and got changed. Then she carefully walked out.
Lucy arrived shortly after her, also with tears coming on her face.
“How are you?” Jo asked.
“You mean apart from the terrible pain, deep lines, crying and screaming?” Lucy replied.
“Yes, apart from that,” said Jo.
“Well, with the arresting officer there, I was getting very wet,” Lucy replied.
“Oh, so you had the wetness as well, I think that one maybe two more strokes and I would have cum,” said Jo. “One other thing, what was the name of your arresting officer?” asked Jo.
“Officer Dixon,” said Lucy.
“It has given me an idea for the future though…” Said Jo.