So, when you post to fellow horny friends and followers about ordering a new razor strap for a good spanking, he sees it and the seed is planted…
Off we went up to shower (having spent the day in our PJs being lazy) do some quick fingering and a blowie in the bathroom, and next thing, he had me on all fours on the bed, blindfolded and my ass was taking a hard hand spanking, walloping down thick and fast, one cheek to the other.
Good long deep strokes sent the heat to my ass cheeks quickly. Next came the accoutrements; plastic spatula, which felt amazing, quick spicy strokes getting me wet right away! Next thing, and I wasn’t expecting this so fast but a slim solid crack across my two cheeks, straight line, sharp and crisp… the cane! Next one was even more sharp, perhaps cause I knew what it was now.
Alternating between the cane, other wooden spatulas, back of a bath brush and back to the cane I wasn’t sure I could take much more.
“Three more,” he demanded as I fell flat onto my front. Two passed quickly as my breathing paused for the final. “One hard last one,” he said as the cane sliced through the air and kissed my two ass cheeks, down low, so hard my breath stalled altogether. “Wasn’t hard enough,” he sniggered quickly as it cracked down heavily and noisily one more time!
Just when I thought he was done… he had a different idea in mind. Informing me that, while I had ordered a razor strap, he had come to the conclusion that I must be ridiculously craving a hard genuine leather belting and that in the meantime, while we awaited the delivery, he would have to make do with his own belt.
I thought about his belt and snuck a sideways glance as he began to unbuckle. His belt was very broad, probably two inches thick, but old and worn, tough sturdy leather that has had a lot of wear. A shiver of fear and anticipation both pulsed through me at once. I felt the rush of heat in the excitement inside my sex.
Removing the blindfold, he stood me up again, bent at the waist, hands on the bed and instructed me not to look, and not to move.
It felt like an eternity before there was another sound… and when I heard it, I knew he meant business! My ass was getting it! It was the slap of the belt doubled over and being tightened hard to make a slapping sound against itself. Surely he wasn’t going to belt me with this thick leather belt DOUBLED OVER!
The first crack caught me completely unawares. My breath sounded like someone else’s as I heard it inhale urgent and sharp. Before I had reopened my eyes, the second crack struck, harder this time, fast and across the bottom half of both cheeks. They were already throbbing. I shuffled my feet slightly and bit my lip.
“I told you not to move,” he stated calmly but authoritatively as he belted my ass again. I couldn’t see him for my eyes were now squeezed shut, but it felt like he was taking the largest swing of his arm with each stroke.
A fourth welt forced me forward till I was now pretty much lying on the bed, my arms folded at the elbow and hands still under me against the bed where they’d been holding me up before. He must’ve seen this as an even more sturdy surface as he hit me with three more hard consecutive quickfire motions.
This sent me into a complete spin, my breathing stalling altogether once more, breasts and nipples hard against the bed, my ass completely on fire. I heard the belt hit the floor and I started to breathe again, mouth in an “O” shape trying to calm myself and holding back the tears, he ran his palms over my cheeks, somewhat soothing my rippled skin.
Finally, he was behind me pulling me back onto all fours, soothing and caressing my skin on my ass before sending himself hard, deep and fast into my sopping wet pussy!
I was not expecting it after the rapid belting I’d just taken, but he must’ve been able to tell how wet it had made me as he slid straight in, full-length pressing in as far as he could go. I took a good hard fucking, eyes still shut, mouth wide open in search of something to breathe, him pulling my ass cheeks apart making me take every single bit of his immense length over and over!
Pulling me back by the hips and sending a hard slap across my tender bruised butt, I felt my insides warm and my heart rate increase as my orgasm built. Taking me hard and deep and deep and DEEP, my breathing stalled once again.
With every hard thrust against my burning ass, I was reminded of the hard intense slap of the belt against me and the sharp, painful, earth-shattering bite it sent up my body. I felt my eyes rolling in my head and my mouth fell open as I searched for breath once more and felt my cunt contact and envelope him with wetness as I oozed my naughty, punished pussy juice all over his erection.
Anyway, got carried away with the sex stuff when really you’re all just interested in the spanking. The welts across my bum are raised and tender as hell right now and the heat radiating out of my pants now as I sit on the sofa is like a fire. I love it though, and I’m definitely looking forward to a mass top-up in the week when the strap arrives!