She parts my folds with long slender fingers
Sighs escape from me
as I feel her lips
pressing against my throbbing clit
my bladder is bursting
aching for release
I writhe.
I squirm…
feeling urine squeeze out of me
like a persistent worm
“Baby, I need to–“
“It’s okay. Go on. I want you to”
“You want me to pee on you?”
“Yes let me taste you”
I groan at the thought
of her face splashed with my piss.
My bladder spasms.
I swallow a hiss.
Arch my hips up
Trying to angle into her mouth
her lips cup my mound
I relax my muscles
the feeling almost orgasmic
as I release my flow, and feel her suck
drinking and swallowing me down
tongue lashing at my clit
her palms resting on my thighs
not a drop spared
she drank me to completion
warm and fresh, I shiver, now empty
and sated
better than having just masturbated.