Couples Yoga

"A yoga session with extra attention."

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“God this traffic is brutal,” I though to myself as I sat on the highway not moving anywhere. “I’m going to be late if this doesn’t let up soon.”


I was on my way to meet my friend Lindsay and was already late. She is a co-worker that has tried to convince me for months to come to yoga with her. To be fair tho I have always wanted to try it but have never had the time. Between work and setting up my new house, I barely had time to breathe. 


Today though the contractors were doing a big renovation on the kitchen so I couldn’t go home anyway. My husband Adam watches too much tv and was convinced that buying a “fixer upper” house was the way to go. So life at home has been a non stop construction zone.


We were college sweet hearts and decided to get married a year after we finished school. Maybe we rushed it a bit but I loved him so I didn’t care. Life seemed to be going nowhere but up. We both got amazing jobs and started building our life just the way I pictured it. Life was good…


Aside from this stupid traffic!!!


Finally we started moving again and I made it to the yoga studio only 5 minutes late. Not to bad considering I drove across the entire city to get here.


“Ugh this better be worth it,” I thought to myself as I grabbed my gym bag and headed to the door.


“Ashley finally!” I heard a voice shout.


I looked up to see Lindsay holding the door to the studio open and waving at me. I hurried and jogged over to her.


“What took you so long?” Lindsay said in a stern voice.


“Oh yeah sorry. Traffic was bru…” I began to say before Lindsay interrupted me.


“Wait! You are not even dressed?”


“No, I got to change” I said as I gestured to my gym bag.


“We are already late though and the instructor locks the doors when the class starts!” Lindsay shouted panicked. “What are you wearing under your clothes?”


“Uh… Just a sports bra and some Booty shorts.”


“Good enough!” Lindsay said sounding slightly relieved. She grabbed my hand and dragged me down the hall.


“Wait what?” I said as I was being dragged along. She wasn’t really suggesting I just wear that right?


“Ok get undressed and just leave your stuff here,” she said trying to hurry me up.


“I can’t just wear…” I started saying as Lindsay interrupted me again.


“It’s fine and your stuff is safe. It’s an all girls class and half the girls are almost naked anyway,” Lindsay said as she started tugging at my shirt.


“Ok ok finee! Just let me do it,” I shouted as I slapped her hand away. I quickly pulled my sweater over my head revealing my pink sports bra covering my perky 34B tits. I kicked off my shoes and yanked down my jeans and threw them into a pile against the wall. I readjusted the waist band for my black nylon booty shorts. They are nylon, tight, and basically just underwear.


“Wow! You are hot!” Lindsay said grinning and looking me up and down.


Not to gloat but I am in amazing shape. I’m one of those lucky people with a metabolism that lets me eat whatever I want and stay thin. Well… that and I run like 5k every day, gym 3 times a week, and am on a strict healthy diet.


Lindsay however has the opposite metabolism. She had to practically kill herself to stay fit but you would never know by looking at her. She was thin and toned but still had big tits and a perfect ass. Oh yes I checked her out from time to time, but that’s another story.

“Ok enough enjoying you,” she grabbed my hand and pulled me into the room.

It was a very nice room with hardwood floors, repurposed wood pillars, and even a stone waterfall. I looked around to see all the other girls were already on their mats and waiting to start. I blushed hard as they all looked at me. 


They were all wearing the same thing Lindsay was, yoga pants and a tanks top. I hung my head just imagining the things they must be thinking about this almost naked girl entering the room. I quickly followed Lindsay to a couple empty mats and tried not to think about it. 


We sat on the mats and sat down just and the instructor came in the room.


“Ok let’s start breathing everyone,” the instructor said. 


I turned my head to look at him completely embarrassed. Lindsay said this class was all women. 


My embarrassment quickly turned into… something else… when I finally got a good look at him. He was tall with the most incredible body ever. He looked like Chris Hemsworth but slightly older and more distinguished. If it wasn’t for that stupid man bun he would have been the most beautiful man I had ever seen. 


I snapped out of it and looked around. The other girls were all sitting with their legs crossed and eyes closed. 


“Oh I guess we started already,” I thought to myself as I tried to mimic them.


I began taking deep breaths like the rest of the girls and closed my eyes.


“Is this your first time?”


I opened my eyes, startled that the instructor was standing right in front of me.

“is this guy a fucking ninja?” I thought “I didn’t even hear him approach me.”


I looked up at him and blushed.


“Uh yeah. Is it that obvious?” I said nervously.


My eyes couldn’t help but look down his body. His tight shirt clung to his muscles like it was painted on. I looked down even further noticing a massive bulge in his spandex shorts.


He chucked and knelt beside me.


“You are not breathing right, ” he said.


“You are breathing from here,”

He placed his hand on my chest. His massive hand was pressing into both of my breast as I let out a slight gasp. I was shocked by his actions but I couldn’t bring my self to protest.


“You need to be breathing from here,” he said as his hand slid down bare torso and resting on my abdomen. 


I looked over at Lindsay as she watched us with a stupid grin on her face.


I returned my focus to the instructor and did as he said. We began breathing together. His hand still pressed on my stomach. I was starting to relax but at the same time, I was getting very aroused. 


“That’s better, ” he said as he stood up again. “nice outfit by the way.”


I almost fell over when he said that…


The class continued and we did a few simple poses. Easy things that anyone could do. I began thinking that this isn’t that hard. Then we got to warrior pose. This one was more difficult and involved balancing with one leg stretched way out in front of the other and then raising my hands above my head.


I was struggling and it was obvious. The instructor approached me again. He didn’t say anything he just started manipulating my body so I was doing the pose correctly. 


He moved my back leg so it was more in line with my front. He wrapped his hands around my waist to straighten my back. And then he reached his hand under my thigh to adjust my front leg.


“Do you feel this?” he said with a seductive tone.


I simply nodded.


“You should feel it here as well. Do you feel it?” he said as his hand slid further up my thigh.


I blushed and nodded again.


“And if you are doing it properly then you should feel it here as well.”


He slid his hand up even further until the side of it was pressed up against my barely covered pussy.

I gasped again.

My brain was saying this was inappropriate but my body wouldn’t let me do anything about it. My body had a mind of its own I soon realized as I softly bit my bottom lip.


“Do you feel it?” he said again as his fingers moved again to cup my mound, gently rubbing me. 


I nodded again.


“Does it feel good?” he said.


I nodded again enthusiastically.


I tried to tell him to stop but his touch was making me melt. It was as if my body was under his control.


His hand stayed there rubbing me until we switched to the next pose. He removed his hand and went back to the front of the class. 


I was relieved but at the same time I was also disappointed. I wanted more but… Ah what am I thinking. I am a married woman. I can’t be doing this. 


We did a few more simple poses but I couldn’t focus anymore. I couldn’t stop thinking about his fingers rubbing me and the massive bulge in his shorts. 


The class ended and I was lost in my thoughts. I could still feel him touching me and the damp spot he left in my shorts.




I began imagining what would have happened if we were alone.




If we were both naked and…




I finally snapped back to reality and realized Lindsay was shouting at me.


“huh?” I responded finally.


“Jeeze where did you go?” Lindsay said quizzically.


“Oh I uh…” I mumbled trying my hardest to form a sentence.


“Did You like the class?”


“Yeah it was fun, ” I said.


“Good! Come meet Francis, ” she said as she grabbed my hand again yanking me to follow.


I pulled my hand back stopping her from pulling me. I knew that knowing as little about this man as possible would be the smartest decision. I needed to just get away from here as quick as possible before I make any stupid decisions.


“No I can’t I really have to go,” I said as I headed to the door so I could grab my things and get dressed again. 


“Ok fine,” Lindsay said disappointed. “Ill talk to you later then.”

I hugged her and got out of the studio as quick as I could. The whole drive home I kept thinking of what I should have done differently. After each thought though I kept drifting to sexual thoughts. Thoughts of what his cock looks like and feels like. The thought of his hands all over me.


“Ugh I need to stop this,” I thought. 


I got home and headed straight for the shower. I finished up and was moisturizing on the bed when Adam came in. 


“So how was yoga?” Adam said. 


“It was a lot of fun actually. Wish I had time to do it regularly.”


“Oh so you are not going to go again?” Adam said confused.


“No. The place is on the other side of town and I don’t think I want to find one around here and go by myself.”


“Oh. Well what if we went together?” Adam said enthusiastically.


“Oh well uh yeah maybe. You want to see if you can find a co-ed class sweetie?” 


“Sure I’ll see what I can find.”


A few week went by and I completely forgot about this conversation. Lindsay kept bugging me to come with her again but I knew that was a bad idea so I just told her it was not my thing. 


I got home from work one day and found Adam wearing his work out clothes. There were a couple of yoga mats placed on the floor and he was sitting on the couch looking very proud of himself. 


“What’s this for?” I said confused. 


“Well… I couldn’t find any good classes in the area for us so I did the next best thing. I hired an instructor to come here.”


“Awe baby!” I walked over to him and kissed him. “Ok I’ll go get changed then.”


I was happy at the effort he made but at the same time I was worn out and didn’t want to do anything. I guess I didn’t have a choice though. I stripped off my work clothes and went to my closet. I started looking around for all of my gym stuff but then I realized I left my gym bag at work. It was all dirty anyway. I decided to forgo the underwear and just put on a talk top and a pair of sweat short shorts. 


  It wasn’t the best looking workout outfit but it was comfortable. I figured since I am at home it doesn’t matter that much. My tank top was loose enough that my nipples didn’t poke too much. 


I headed downstairs to see Adam talking with someone. I almost fell down when I noticed who he was talking to. There standing in my living room was Francis from the yoga studio Lindsay brought me to.


“Oh there she is,” Adam said as he looked over at me. 


Francis looked shocked at first but then a big grin immediately appeared on his face. 


A wave of excitement and fear ran through my body. Out of all the people my husband could have found to be our instructor, it had to be him. 


I tried to stay calm and collected as I walked over to them.


“And this is my beautiful wife Ashley,” Adam said as his hands gestured to me. “Honey this is our yoga instructor Francis.”


Frances reached out to shake my hand.


“Its nice to meet you Ashley.”


“Its uh… nice to meet you too,” I said flustered. 


“So… shall we begin?” Francis said as he moved the mats so they are one in front of the other. “Adam since this is your first time I don’t want you to be distracted by your wife so I will place you in front.” 


Adam nodded and headed over to his mat and I proceeded to the one behind him. Just like before we started with breathing. Francis was hands on with Adam as well when instructing him how to breathe. I was kind of relieved as I thought “maybe this is just how he does things with everyone.”


That thought quickly disappeared as he approached me again. I knew I was breathing the way he showed me the first time. What more instructions could I require.


Francis came behind me and knelt down.


“We need to work on your breathing as well. You need to do as your husband is doing,” Francis said.


I knew that comment would go straight to Adams head. And sure enough Adam started taking deeper and louder breaths as he looked forward away from us.


I expected Francis to put his hand on my chest again but…


He slipped his hand under my tank top and on my bare breasts. I shivered with excitement the second I felt his hands touch my bare skin. 


“You are breathing from here,” Francis said. 


I reached up and grabbed his hand through my tank top. I was going to pull his hand out from under my shirt but I really didn’t want to. My body was at his mercy once again and I liked it. 


I looked at Adam and it was clear he was on a mission to do well at this so I knew he wouldn’t turn around. I released Francis’s hand and put my arms back down to my side. I guess Frances took this as permission. His had cupped my right breasts and began massaging it. This alone was sending shivers through my body but then his fingers began pinching and teasing my nipples.


I inhaled deeply as I enjoyed the sensation.


“But you need to be breathing from here,” Francis continued saying as he started working on my other breast. 


Francis stood up again and sat in front of my husband as he demonstrated the next post. 


“This is called the lunge pose,” Francis said and he stretched one leg back and placed his hands on the ground.


Adam and I both copied him. Francis went to Adam first to help him. He helped him adjust and told him how well he was doing before coming back to me.


He pressed one hand under my chest lifting me slightly. This was actually fixing my posture. His other hand however went straight for my ass. His big hands kneeling and grabbing until he realized how lose my shorts are around my legs. 

His fingers slowly slild under the fabric onto my bare cheek. I gasped as I felt his hand slide farther until his fingers reached my bare pussy. 


I could feel his fingers press between my labia. I was so wet with excitement that his finger was quickly coated in my juices as he stroked up and down between my slit. 


I bit my lip as I tried not to moan. I tried to stay as quit as possible with only the slightest whimper escaping. 


“Ok now switch legs,” Francis said. I was unable to move as he began pushing his massive finger inside of me.


 I watched as Adam switched his leg while Francis fingered me. I used this as a good opportunity to let out a little moan. 




“You doing ok Ashley?” Adam asked. 


“She is not as flexible as you it seems Adam,” Francis said clearly trying to boost his ego.

Adam chuckled and held his position. If only he knew this man was expertly fingering his wife right behind him. 


Francis kept fingering me with a slow steady motion. My legs were getting weak and I was struggling to maintain the pose. 


Francis removed his had and went back in front of Adam to show the next pose.


“Next is the happy baby pose.”


Francis laid on his back and grabbed his feel holding them high in the air while his knees stretched to either side of his chest.


Once again Adam and I did the same. This time though Francis didn’t help Adam. He came straight towards me. He knelt down so his knees were on either side of my head and his crotch hovering above my face.  He lifted the leg to his shorts letting his huge semi erect cock free from confinement. 


“You need to lift your legs more,” Francis said as he leaned forward.


I looked down to see my pussy was clearly visible as the crotch of my shorts was pushed to one side. I watched as Francis lowered his head and began teasing my clit with his tongue.


I threw my head back in pleasure and felt his massive member touching my face. It was as if instinct took over. I turned my head and let his cock fall into my mouth. It was hard not to choke on it as it pressed into the back of my throat. I wrapped my lips around it and sucked as best I could but my head had nowhere to go. 


Francis must have noticed as he began trusting his pelvis, slowly fucking my mouth. It was so hard to stay quiet. I made the odd slurping noise as he pushed his cock in and out of my mouth but it was minimal. I was actually kind of proud of myself. 


His tongue working over my clit was making me wild. I had to force myself to remember that my husband is only a few feet away.  I was so close to cumming though. I started arching my back as the pleasure was getting to be to much and then Francis stood up again. 


I laid there disappointed with my face covered in saliva and my exposed pussy begging for attention.


“Ok so we will do one more pose. This pose will help you relax. Many people even fall asleep during this one,” Francis said as he moved in front of my husband again. 


I wiped my face and sat up to watch. Adam looked back at me and said “I think I’m pretty good at this. Are you doing ok though? You look a bit flushed.”


“I’m fine. I just have some muscles that really need to be worked out,” I said.


Francis chucked and then began to show us the pose. He got on his knees and the laid forward until his head was resting on the ground with his hands stretched in front of him.


“This is called child’s post and we are going to hold this one longer than the others,” Francis said as he got up again. “Looking very good Adam.”


I did the pose as shown and Francis came behind me.


“Oh, you need a little adjustment Ashley,” he said and he knelt behinds me again. 


I gasped as looked back at him.I felt what was obviously his penis rubbing against my pussy. I looked at him with pleading eyes, but pleading for what. I didn’t even know and I couldn’t decide so I just put my head back on the ground.


His cock ran up and down between my slit still coated in my saliva. I let out a light moan as the head of his cock pushed into me. It was so big I didn’t even know if I could take it let alone stay quiet while he fucked me. 


He pushed in just a little at a time allowing me to get used to his size.


“I like this position,” I said with a slight moan.


“Because it’s easy,” Adam chuckled. 


I lifted my head as I looked at my husband from behind. That comment pissed me off a little. I lifted myself so I was on my hands and knees and pushed myself back, impaling myself with the rest of his cock.


I turned my head to look back at Francis and he slowly and quietly pushed his massive cock in and out of me. I wanted him to just fuck me so bad but we couldn’t . Not yet.. until… 


Adam started snoring.


I pushed myself back onto that massive cock increasing the pace. Francis grabbed my hips and starting fucking me harder. I could feel his balls slapping against my clit.


“Oh fuck,” I whimpered.


All my muscles tightened up and started trembling. My back arched and I covered my mouth as I moaned in pleasure. My pussy clenching around Francis’s cock as I felt him tense up and his cock start pulsing. Shooting his hot seed deep inside my womb. 


I collapsed on the mat again laying in a position that coincidentally resembles baby pose.


Francis pulled his cock out of me and he readjusted my shorts.


He got up and went and tapped on Adam. 

“You sleeping?” he said. 


“No no, I’m awake,” Adam said as he got to his feet. “Ashley looks like she is out though.


Adam rubbed my shoulder “honey wake up.”


I slowly got up, me legs still weak and trembling. 


“I’m up. Are we done?” I said panting.


I could feel his cum start to drip down my leg. I was about to try to run upstairs to clean up but then Adam wrapped his arms around me.

“I really enjoyed that. I feel great! We should do this at least once a week. What do you think honey?”


I looked at Francis’s and grinned.


“I think that’s a great idea. Maybe even twice a week? Or three times a week?” I said eagerly.


“That works for me,” Francis said with a wink. 



Copyright © Lindseee. All Rights Reserved.


Published 6 years ago

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