Gabrielle, My Christmas Angel

"Shy guy escapes the friendzone in time for the holidays"

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As I held back my unrequited love’s hair while she relieved her troubled stomach all over the icy pavement, I reflected that this wasn’t exactly how I’d hoped to spend my first Christmas in London.

The previous year, after months of interviews in secret, I’d landed a new job in the City. I celebrated by taking my work colleagues out for a curry – a kind of Merry Christmas/Happy New Job/Goodbye kind of thing. I’d sure miss that crew; they were more like family than my own blood.

My fiancée Julie however celebrated by getting spitroasted in our bed by my brother and best friend, at our New Year’s party.

While she was still wiping her face and gusset, I’d thrown a week’s change of clothes, my wallet and passport into a rucksack and walked out of our flat and our life. I even left my phone behind; all it contained were memories I no longer wanted and numbers for people I didn’t want to talk to.

Julie had been my first and only serious girlfriend. I’d been a bit of a loner at school, a nerd, but she’d found that sweet and attractive. She’d taught me everything I knew about women. I should have realised something was awry based on how much knowledge she had to teach, for a girl who insisted she was a virgin when we started going out and claimed to have been faithful.

Early January in London is cold and miserable, all the more so if you are alone. I was burning through my meagre savings staying in shitty hotels until I managed to rent a room – a box, really – next to a cheap flophouse in Earl’s Court. Two by four metres; big enough for a bed, a fridge, a sink, and a dual-hob camping stove that ate through the electricity pre-pay cards. The floor sloped to one side, but luckily the carpet was sticky, so stuff didn’t slide around too much; the walls paper-thin. The shared bathroom down the hall had black mould growing up from where the shower tray met the crudely-tiled wall. The underground trains rattled and rumbled below late at night and early in the mornings, but at least if there was a big gig on at Earl’s Court I could leave my window open to hear the music, pretending I was living my best life.

It was a shithole, but it was my shithole; nobody in that flat was going to screw me over.

At 3 am that first night, with the working girl next door still screaming her fake pleasure, I looked at the half-full bottle of Jack Daniels in my hand and realised that booze was no escape from loneliness and misery. I poured the rest down the sink, smothered my ears in my coat, and let exhaustion take me.

I met the prostitute in the hallway one afternoon. She apologised for the noise; I shrugged it off in my terribly English way. She promised to “make it up to me sometime” – I thanked her for the offer, and she slipped back into her room. I shuddered; I wasn’t that desperate, yet.


So – New Year, new life.

Fortunately, the job was great. They were so welcoming, the training went well, and the work was enjoyable. I started opening up, making a few new friends with the guys in my team, bonding over shared problems and the occasional beer.

But software engineering was almost exclusively a male field. To find somebody to date, I’d need to socialise more widely; but clubbing really wasn’t my thing. When I heard that the Firm was setting up a choir, I jumped at the chance. I love singing; I’d often fill the empty evenings by sitting in the back of a draughty London church and listening to the choir, or hanging out in the basement toilets of a pub to hear the musical theatre next door banging through the walls.

The choir had three times as many women as men. The odds were surely in my favour. But of all the eligible young ladies there, I only had eyes for one.

For Gabrielle.

Cute, bubbly, bouncy Gabby, full of fun infectious energy. A little bundle of joy, always enthusiastic. It lifted my heart just to see her across a crowded room. Choir practise quickly became the highlight of my week – getting ready for the summer shows; later in the year preparing old favourite carols mixed with numbers from musical theatre; rehearsing the occasional dramatic vignette to go between songs. Great fun, and a great networking opportunity.

We did a few gigs at small churches and theatres in the City. Venues with tiny backstage areas where we’d all be squeezed into a cramped storeroom space or such like, to put on our stage makeup and outfits. Quickly we became oblivious to each other, used to catching a glimpse of fellow choir members in various states of undress.

Or at least, everyone else seemed to be blasé about the situation. The memory of Gabby’s toned, curvaceous body from behind in just her underwear could keep me awake at night for a week. She’d call me over to help her in and out of outfits; my hands would tremble as I pulled up the zips, terrified in case I caught her perfect skin, or in case she spotted me gawping at her breasts as we wrapped velvet or silk or linen over them.

We built a firm friendship through a shared love of the theatre. We’d gamble on cheap tickets and go see a midweek musical, hiding out in the gods and humming along to our favourites. I imagined myself sweeping her off her feet, like a proper leading man; but when it mattered most, the words wouldn’t come to me. I was terrified of ruining our great friendship by bungling a romantic gesture, so pretended I was happy just spending time in her company – with a thousand others all around us.

We’d socialise in each other’s circles: at the pub, going bowling, karaoke. Spending quality time together. My heart broke a little more each time she introduced me as her “friend”, yet I couldn’t bring myself to refer to her any other way when I reciprocated. We weren’t dating, I lied to myself, knowing exactly that’s how I thought of our relationship. Knowing she didn’t feel the same.

At nights I’d lie in bed, losing the race to orgasm against the guys next door, as I thought of how she’d smiled at me, or brushed my arm.


“Are you coming to the Christmas Party?” Gabby asked after rehearsal.

I shook my head. The memories of my last festive party were still too raw.

“Oh, but you must! Everyone will be there!”

I mumbled something about having nothing to wear.

“Well, that settles it. I’m going shopping with the girls on Saturday and you’re coming with.”

There was no arguing with her – which is how I found myself wading through department stores, arms weighed down by designer paper bags, as the girls giggled their way through dresses and leggings and lingerie, eager to seek my opinions. I tried to be as honest as I could, but frankly, they were all gorgeous and there was nothing they could wear that would change that.

As they paraded around me, partially dressed, I realised that I had moved too slowly. Not only had I been friendzoned, they were sufficiently comfortable in my company and apparent lack of interest that it didn’t occur to them to cover up or hide themselves from me. I’d been too gentlemanly to be considered a man; I was of no threat to their virtue.

You’d think it would be exciting, erotic even, to have a gang of sexy girls parading themselves in front of you? Checking if these shorts were too slutty, or this top revealed too much cleavage? What do you think Neil – is this outfit ‘work sexy’ or ‘clubbing sexy’? It wasn’t exciting if they just treated you as one of the girls. Or worse, like part of the furniture. If I wanted a relationship, I was going to have to find myself a new hobby.

They picked out a suit for me, a nice three-piece, with a suitable shirt and tie. It cost a week’s wages, but they insisted on how dapper I looked and how it would turn heads. There were some nice guys in sales that had an eye for a sharply-dressed gent, they said.

Now it made sense. They thought I was gay. Because I’d been nice, not made crude jokes at their expense, not touched them up or taken advantage. I raged, mostly at myself; nice guys finish last. It was too late for me now to reveal how attractive I thought they all were. That would be the end of our friendships, of my time in the choir. How dare I pose as a gay man to sneak peeks at them? I could easily imagine their outrage, their horror at such a breach of trust, even if it was just a lie they’d told themselves. It might even land me in trouble at work. I couldn’t risk that; after walking out of my old life, my work and the people there were all I had left.

And Gabby. The thought of not seeing her again, even as a friend if that’s how it had to be, was like a knife through my heart. No; I’d just have to learn to appreciate what I had, without expecting more.


Some of her vomit splattered over my spats. The rest steamed in the crisp evening air. I held her long blonde hair into a crude ponytail as she coughed and cried and apologised in slurred speech. The Uber had moved on, with a heartfelt “fuck that shit”, so it was either a long walk or a long wait for the night bus.

She looked so sad, so pathetic. I wrapped my blazer around her shivering body; the red skin-tight minidress was unforgiving in the early hours of this cold December Saturday morning. Ignoring her protestations, I lifted her onto my back – she weighed nothing – and started the slow walk back to her Knightsbridge apartment.

It had started as a pleasant enough evening, with canapés and Prosecco and dancing. I watched Gabby and the girls having the best time, gyrating with arms in the air, jumping and singing at the top of their lungs while their bodies snaked and bounced and moved in the most appealing way.

But the open bar was soon drained, and the credit cards came out; shots were lined up and downed. Likely lads got their hands filled with arse cheeks and their faces slapped, before walking away laughing it off.

It was hell.

Cringing as Gabby threw herself at slick guys who’d cop a feel then move on to some other floozy. Watching her with tongue throat-deep in some other bloke, or grinding her cute butt against some slimeball’s crotch. I hated myself and wanted to leave. But couldn’t. I couldn’t abandon her. If I left and anything bad happened, I couldn’t live with myself.

And this is your reward, you idiot: carrying her paralytic on aching feet across Kensington at 2 am, handbag bashing painfully against my knee. Yes, I had my hands on her thighs with her legs wrapped round my waist; but these weren’t exactly the circumstances I’d hoped for.

When we started out, Gabby had been singing and babbling unintelligibly as we walked along. Now she was quieter, mumbling to herself as her head lolled on my shoulder. I trudged on, trying to ignore yet simultaneously enjoy feeling her firm tits pressing into my back, as I carried her past the Natural History Museum and its seasonal ice rink, ignoring the occasional drunk Imperial student wolf-whistling at Gabby’s practically bare arse as we made our way past the V&A and on towards Harrods. Eventually, we reached her apartment building; but I couldn’t see how to get in.

“Where are your keys?” I asked, nervously eyeing the homeless guy on the other side of the street.



“Issa keyless entry. Need a passcard. Purse.”

I held her handbag up to a sensor panel, heard locks click open, and pulled on the heavy door. Gratefully I stumbled into the warm lobby.

“Fifth floor,” she drooled. Thank fuck the lift was working. I had to stop her collapsing to the floor when the mechanism started up.

She stumbled down the plush-carpeted corridor to her front door, unsteady in those ludicrous but oh-so-sexy heels, and swiped us in.

“Coffee?” Clearly, she was in no fit state to make it.

“Bed,” I said.

“Thought you’d never ask.” She swayed over to the bedroom, leant against the door. “You know what? I love you, Neil. You’re my bestest friend.” I mumbled agreement, not wanting an argument. “Wish I could get me a man like you.”

I unzipped the dress and let it fall to the floor. Any other time, I’d have boggled over the expensive red lace bra and thong set she was wearing, riding her curves and presenting her in such a delicious way. But tonight I was tired and frustrated and upset, fed up with being second best. And there was nothing sexy about her drunken, delirious state. As I pulled the duvet over her, I took one last glance at her amazing body, so I could remember it in future. I’d have to stop socialising with her; this was killing me.

I started to leave. Loosely she reached for my hand, tried to pull me back. “Don’t go,” she begged. “Come sleep with me. Let’s play.”

The thought of taking advantage flitted briefly through my brain, but I dismissed it instantly. She’d never forgive me; more to the point, I’d never forgive myself.

I slipped from her limp grasp and retreated to the lounge. I couldn’t face the long walk home, back to my miserable room, in the cold early hours. I’d head across in the morning before she woke.

The lighting was low, a warm glow across the opulent interior. I poured myself a generous scotch from a crystal decanter and reclined into the vast leather sofa, hoping that the alcohol would stop the thoughts churning round my head and let me sleep. My reflection stared back at me from a score of mirror-glass baubles on the Christmas tree; the golden-white angel atop fixing me with an accusatory stare. I winced under their combined judgement.

“A man like you,” she’d said. I’m right here! I have been, for months! I knocked back the whisky before it got too diluted with tears; eventually, my pickled brain rescued itself and took me down into oblivion.


When I woke, it was already daylight outside, mid-morning on this winter’s day. Ophelia, Gabby’s white Persian, padded her way along the sofa and poked at me with a paw – partly ‘who are you’, but mostly ‘why aren’t you feeding me?’

I massaged my aching neck and headed over to the kitchen to hunt out some tuna and a bowl. The cat left me be after that. I heard groans coming from the bedroom, and made myself useful by beating some eggs and torn salmon in a bowl, then started hunting for a frying pan.

“Holy fuck Neil, what are you doing here?”

I jumped, bashing my head against the top of the under-counter cupboard I was exploring. By the time I turned around, cradling my skull in my hands, she was tying a rich cotton dressing gown around herself.

“Making breakfast?” I offered, weakly.

“I can see that. Not what I meant.”

“I brought you home last night. Don’t you remember?”

She frowned, looking at me. As if it were unlikely she’d have invited me in, yet undeniably here I was. “To be honest I don’t remember much after the shots were passed round. What the fuck happened?” She shook her head, holding up her palm to stop me replying. “No, don’t answer that, I don’t want to know.” I passed her a tall glass of water. “Thanks,” she said, and drained it in one.

I whisked the eggs and poured them into the pan, stirring gently while waiting for the toast.

“Fuck, my head,” she winced, rooting through her medicine box for salvation.

“Here, eat this,” I said, plating up and pushing hers across the granite worktop.

She took a forkful, tentative at first but then more eager. “Nice work.”

I nodded thanks and ate my own breakfast.

“Sorry if I acted… inappropriately last night,” she said.

“Don’t worry about it. Nothing happened.” More’s the pity. Then I chastised myself. Sexual assault was not my style.

She pushed her empty plate forwards, and stood. “Well, thanks for taking care of me. God knows what state I must have been in. At least I know I was safe, with you to look after me. Thanks, Neil, I’m so lucky to have such a great friend.” And she bent forwards and gave me a peck on the cheek, like you would to thank and dismiss a family member.

I caught her eye as she leant back. This was the moment, my hindbrain screamed. If not now, then when?

I leant back towards her. “You’re welcome,” I said, and pressed and held my lips delicately against hers in a gentle, chaste kiss, my body trembling.

I watched her pupils dilate; her brows raise as the shock registered. “But…” she mumbled, as we came back together, and our lips met once more.

Suddenly, something broke inside me. Months of restrained lust and longing surged through me; I took her in my arms as my lips parted and my tongue danced across her lips. She opened her mouth to me, and we fell together, grasping and clawing at each other in a sudden desperate urge to climb inside each other’s skin.

The kiss was wild, passionate, full of need. For how long had she wanted me back? I wanted to ask, but my mouth was busy, and the answer seemed irrelevant in the moment. I lifted her onto the worktop; she sat and wrapped her legs back around me, while I had one hand in her hair and the other stroking up the side of her dressing gown, exploring the shape of her. I pushed the gown from her shoulders, and she pulled her arms free and wrapped them round my neck, letting the gown pool on the granite as my hands traced her soft skin across her shoulders, over her full firm breasts, into the narrowness of her waist and across her supple thighs. She tore at my shirt with her hands, eager to rake her fingers across my naked chest.

I growled, cupping her breast in my hand and gently rolling the nipple with my thumb, making her purr. The kiss broke apart, and she lowered her mouth to my neck.

“So, not gay, then,” she breathed, eyes shining. In reply I merely smiled, sliding one hand up her taut thigh, fingers sliding into her warm wetness; my other palm supporting the weight of her breast as my lips and tongue danced over her nipple. She gasped, and purred; I stroked and licked, drawing her on. “Oh god, that’s so…. Mmmm yeah.” She began to rock, pressing her clit to my hand, arching her back and thrusting her tits into my face. She set me a rhythm to follow, and I played her, until she reached a crescendo.

“Shit!” she screamed, as the pleasure tore through her, fast and unexpected, splashing over my hand and onto the tiled floor. She looked back down to me, shock and delight dancing over her face.

Her aroma, rising between her thighs, captivated me. So enticing, I had to taste it; I fell onto a stool at the worktop, grabbed her by the hips and lowered my face to her glory. She was well-trimmed, lips cleanly shaven, soft and buttery as I lapped at her smoothness. Still riding the tail of the first orgasm, this was too much. “Slower,” her voice pleaded; but didn’t tell her hands, which balled into fists in my hair and pulled me tight against her.

I looked up, along her amazing body – toned stomach leading to those great tits, rippling gently with our motions, her smiling face framed in the aura of her light blonde hair.

“How long… I’ve wanted… oh god, yeah, just like that…”

She needn’t say anything. Her pulse, her pussy, spoke to me in a language beyond words. We were in tune; I could read her need and respond before she could articulate it. Her soft moans and cries lit my heart and drove me to greater efforts; soon I could feel her breath quickening, and I brought her over once more, drinking her nectar as she rewarded me with her pleasure.

“Shit, stop, please,” she begged, releasing my head and stroking my cheek with her hand. “No guy has ever… I need you, inside me. Now.”

I stood, and she clawed at the clasp of my suit trousers, kissing my face without a care for what I’d just been doing. I found that unbearably arousing, lost one hand in the hair at her neck as the other groped at her tit and our tongues danced. She freed my aching cock from the confines of my trousers, which dropped to the floor. She stroked me, delighted in her prize, shuffling to the edge of the worktop and spreading her legs wider.

“Condoms?” I asked, trying to free my feet from the confines of my suit trousers.

She nodded her head sideways. “Bedside cabinet.”

Fucks sake, I couldn’t get out of those damned wool-polyester blend shackles.

“Fuck it, I can’t wait,” she exclaimed, grabbed my arse in her spare hand to pull me close, and guided me into her.

As her pussy lips closed around my tip, I knew I was home. Burning hot, I wanted her to consume me. So tight, never let me go. So right, as I rocked and thrust into her, filling her void; body and soul, she took me inside her.

Legs wrapped around me, she leant back to give me room to work. I watched her taut frame shimmer as I thrust into her, unable to hold back. Not wanting to hold back. Her boobs danced, and her hair thrashed as she tossed her head. Her pussy clamped round me, I felt her working herself and rocking her hips. I didn’t want this to ever end, but both our needs were too strong; we raced each other towards the finish.

“Oh Gabby, I…”

“Gabrielle. Call me Gabrielle,” she pleaded in a whisper.

It was beautiful; just like her. Perfect.

“Gabrielle, I love you so much.”

“I fucking love you too, Neil, you stupid bastard!”

And she laughed, and it was the music of angels, and that drove me past the point of no return. I pulled her up close to me, pressed her body against mine as I filled her with white-hot fire, my cheeks damp with sweat and tears.


Our breath condensed in the chilly morning air, frost-crisped leaves crunching under our feet as we walked, wrapped in woollen scarves and duffle coats, along the Serpentine.

She told me of how she’d fancied me since she first saw me at choir practice. How she loved my voice, my confidence, and had set out with the intent to seduce me. How she’d make sure I was looking before she got changed, how she’d seize the opportunity to get me to help her dress, though she didn’t need it. Of how disappointed she felt when I didn’t respond by making a pass at her; how she resigned herself to thinking I wasn’t interested since I never paid her that kind of attention.

“What, because I sound effeminate and love musical theatre?”

“And you do so much for the LGBTQ community.”

“Well, I do like lesbians,” I quipped, waggling my eyebrows. That earned me a punch on the arm.

“You just seem more comfortable with the guys.”

“Well, I’m kinda shy.” There was a long silence; too long, as if she knew there was more to come. “And I got hurt, badly, last year.”

She pulled me closer as we walked, and I told her the story – of Julie, my childhood sweetheart; of how she’d destroyed my life and my friendships with such a cruel act of betrayal.

She listened, with no judgement or false pity, just holding me and letting me unburden myself of all the poison of the past year. Looking back on that walk now, I couldn’t have asked for a greater Christmas gift.

As we walked through Winter Wonderland, with mulled wine in one hand and an overpriced bratwurst in the other, I felt at peace for the first time in ages; felt the magic of Christmas starting to warm me from inside, thaw me out. We stood, under the giant Christmas tree beside the ice rink, and kissed for the longest time.

We won’t ruin this, she promised me. We were good friends; great friends. We’ll be greater lovers.

Later, as we lay naked on her voluminous sofa, firelight dancing over her alabaster skin and flashing from the sweat of our exertions, I felt a deep sense of contentment. I stroked Ophelia, curled contentedly next to me. I chuckled at the obvious joke – never thought I’d get the chance to stroke her furry pussy – but didn’t spoil the mood by saying it.

She looked up. “I have an early Christmas present for you,” she smiled.

I felt guilty. I’d not got her anything. But we’d only been going out for a day.

She danced into the bedroom, then floated back, holding something behind her. She leant down for a kiss, her heavy breasts swaying in the firelight. I pecked her lips, and she handed me my gift.

A spare keycard, which she’d hastily tied a ribbon around.

“Stay,” she pleaded. “At least for Christmas. Nobody should be alone for the holidays.”

I paused. Could I run out of my own life and move in here? Could I leave my shitty apartment, next door to the cheap hooker, where the drunks were pissing up against my door as they stumbled for the Night Tube home, leaving me a carpet of vomit to navigate in the morning? Let me see…

Damn right I could. It’s not like it would be the first time.

Perhaps she misunderstood my hesitation; she knelt in front of me on the fake fur carpet. “I can be quite persuasive, you know,” sliding her ruby lips over my stiffening cock and swallowing me whole.

I stared down at her, a tear rolling down my cheek, not believing things had finally gone so right for me.


I did find her the perfect gift. A band of crisp silver, capturing the cool ice of winter in its grasp, the sparkle matching her eyes. She wept when I gave it to her on Christmas morning.

Our colleagues laughed, said it was too soon. But our hearts were one; we just knew.

As I watched her walk towards me the following December, through the snow and up the aisle in her flowing white lace dress, I thanked the spirit of the season for bringing us together.

Gabrielle, my Christmas angel.

Published 2 years ago

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