Things with James and Donna had never been better. With her working now at the club, and the trucking company James worked at doing better, money was no longer the specter it used to be. Now they could check the mail in peace and not be afraid that they wouldn’t make the bills. In fact, things were so good that James and Donna had started planning a long-awaited vacation.
It had been about nine months since James had found out, rather unexpectedly, about her working at the strip club. And while it led to some tense moments between them at the time, James was smart enough to see what Donna was trying to do, and realize that she was just trying to help with the family finances.
He also was smart enough to realize that he had a hot wife and that letting other men know it wasn’t such a bad thing. He was proud of his sexy wife, and it always pleased him when he came to the club to pick her up, knowing he was making all the other men there jealous that she went home with him!
Donna loved her job. Being able to dance and tease the men at The Dollhouse was a tremendous ego boost for her, and she loved the attention she would garner from them. And she had gotten quite good at it in a very short time. She was a natural born stripper, her floor boss Rachael had told her, and she had quickly become one of the most popular girls at the club.
And there was no doubt the money she brought home had solved their financial woes and then some. The car was able to receive some care that it needed, and the house had gotten a fresh coat of paint, the fence repaired, and some new carpet inside.
Yes, things were definitely looking a lot better than they had been only a few short months ago. And the easing of tensions showed in their relationship as well. James came home in a lot better frame of mind these days, and his sexy stripper wife was there ready to help him feel even better!
One day James came home from work with a bit of news for Donna. “Honey, I want to talk to you about something that happened at the shop today,” he said as they were eating the dinner she had prepared.
“Uh-oh, this doesn’t sound good. What is it James?” she asked, putting her food down for a moment.
“Oh, it’s nothing like that… nothing bad. It’s just that Danny–you know Danny–well he and Martha have decided to tie the knot and get married finally, and Big Mike is throwing him a bachelor party.
“Well, they all know you work at The Dollhouse, and Mike was wondering if you would be interested in being the entertainment at the bachelor party. I told them I would ask you, but that you would probably be happy to do it,” he said.
“Oh, James! Yes, of course, I’ll do it! It would be my pleasure to dance for Danny at his bachelor party!” Donna said excitedly.
“That’s pretty much what I told him too. Now I don’t know all the details yet–you and Mike will have to work all that out–I’m just giving you a heads up that it’s happening and letting you they want you to dance at the party,” he said.
“Well, I am honored that they thought of me. Why don’t you have Mike come over tomorrow night for dinner and we can discuss all this then,” she suggested.
The next morning James called Donna from work. “Okay hon, I told Mike you’d be thrilled to dance for the guys at the bachelor party and he will be coming to dinner tonight to talk about it some more,” he told her.
“Sounds wonderful James, I can hardly wait! Hurry home, sweetheart!” she said. Donna was elated–she had been asked to dance at one of their best friends bachelor party. It was the first time she had done anything like this outside the club and she was excited to have been asked.
Donna quickly got the house in order and got started on dinner. She wanted everything to be ready so she could spend the time talking about the upcoming party and find out all she needed to know.
James and Mike pulled up at the house right after work and Donna was there with a kiss for them both–one for her husband and one on the cheek for Mike.
“Welcome home, Dinner will be ready in a little bit. You boys go into the living room and relax, I’ll call you when dinner is ready!” she said. James and Mike went into the living room and sat down to watch the news and talk. Donna came in a couple of minutes later bringing a cold beer for each of them.
“Here you go boys, I thought this might help you unwind!”
“Damn, James! I’m gonna have to hang around here more often! A hot wife, cold beer… you really got it made, dude!” Mike said.
Donna smiled at the compliment and tousled his hair. “Aww, Mike, you know you’re welcome here anytime, especially if you keep saying things like that!” she said, blowing him a kiss as she left to head back to the kitchen.
About twenty minutes and another round of beers later, Donna came into the living room. “Okay guys, dinner is on the table!” she said, ushering the two men into the dining room.
After a wonderful dinner of pot roast, baby red potatoes, sauteed asparagus spears, and fresh cornbread, the two men returned to the living room while Donna cleared the table and put the dishes in the sink to soak. Then she joined the men and they sat down to discuss the reason for Mike’s visit.
“I can’t tell you how honored and flattered I am being asked to participate in Danny’s bachelor party,” Donna said, “I was thrilled to hear that he and Martha are finally getting married. Danny has been a good friend almost as long as you have, Mike.”
“Well, I’m just thankful you wanted to do it! I wasn’t really looking forward to asking around to see if I could find someone else. Not only do I not know anything about this sort of thing, but I didn’t want to disappoint the guys by hiring someone who wouldn’t be any good!
“You know being the best man is a big responsibility–you kinda want to do the job right!” Mike said. “Everyone at work who has seen you dance says you are the best, and they’ll be glad I was able to get you to do it.”
“So what do you want me to do at this bachelor party, Mike? What kinds of things are you looking for?” she asked.
“Oh, nothing too extreme, Donna, just basically what you do at The Dollhouse. You know, a little stripping, a few lap dances that kind of thing. I do want the man of the hour to get an extra little treat like a special lap dance,” he said.
“I see. Well, that sounds tame enough,” she said. “Now how do you want me?”
“I don’t understand…” he said.
“Well in my act at work I have several different outfits. Is there anything, in particular, you want to see?” she asked.
“Oh no, whatever you want to wear is fine… you won’t be in it long anyway!” he said grinning.
“That’s true. And that brings me to my next question. How far do you want me to go? At work, we can only strip to our panties, but this is a private party so…” she said.
Mike shot a quick glance over to James before answering. “It’s okay Mike,” he said.
“Well, we will leave that up to you. If you just want to strip down to your panties, that’s fine. Whatever you are comfortable with,” Mike said.
“Okay, I have some outfits at work I can bring to the party. I’ll find something that will work. Now when is this shindig anyway?” she asked
“We were hoping to have it on Friday a couple of weeks from now. Danny and Martha are getting married a month from now and I’m sure the womenfolk will want to have a bridal shower and maybe a bachelorette party so we need to work around those.
“Friday after work is a good time to have the party. It gets the weekend off to a good start and gives us a couple of days to get over any hangovers!” he chuckled.
“I see. Well, Fridays are my work days at the club usually, but I can switch with one of the girls that week. I know a couple of the girls there who wouldn’t mind switching. Fridays are good tip days and they will like the extra money,” Donna said.
“Speaking of money, um… how much would you charge for your services?” Mike asked.
“Oh, honey, I wouldn’t charge you guys!” she said, shocked that he would even ask that question.
“No, no, Donna, we don’t expect you to do this for free. We will pay the going rate, we just need to know what that is. Don’t let these guys take advantage of you just because you are a friend!” he said.
“Okay, I will have to ask around at the club. I’ve never done a private party, so I will see what ‘the going rate’ is and give you a good deal then,” she said.
“Fair enough. Just let us know and we will squeeze the money from these tight-fisted Scrooges one way or another–even if we have to charge admission!” he laughed.
With their business concluded, the three spent the rest of the evening talking about other things–work at the trucking company, the new regulations, and work at the club with the new girls that had just gotten there.
Soon it was time for Mike to go home. “I really appreciate your helping us with the party Donna, it’s going to be a great time,” Mike said as he got ready to leave.
“Mike, honey, I should be thanking you. This will be fun for me too, and a whole new experience. Thank you for asking me,” she said, giving him another kiss on the cheek. “And you need to stop by the club and watch me dance sometime. You’re about the only one at the shop that hasn’t seen me!”
Then, with a promise to drop by the club sometime, he left and Donna went into the kitchen to take care of those dishes…
The next day Donna went to talk to Rachael, her floor boss, about the upcoming bachelor party. “Rachael, you got a minute?” Donna asked after knocking on the door.
“Sure, honey, come on in. What’s up?” Rachael said, shutting the door for privacy.
“Well, some of the guys my husband works with have asked me to do a bachelor party for one of them whose getting married. But I’ve never done a bachelor party before. What goes on at these things–what will they expect me to do?” she asked.
“Donna, the first and most important thing I can tell you is that you make the decision as to what you will or won’t do. They can want you to do this or that, but it’s up to you to agree to it.
“And conversely, once you do agree to it, you should follow through. Otherwise, you won’t be asked again and your reputation may be damaged. Which could even affect your work here. So be careful what you agree to and then honor the agreement,” Rachael said.
“Yeah, I can see that,” Donna said.
“These parties can be a lot of fun and give you a chance to stretch your wings a bit without messing with your job here. You get to try out new routines and tricks in a small crowd before bringing them here to work. It can really help your work here too. Have they told you anything about what they expect of you?” Rachael asked.
“We talked about it a little. They said it will be pretty much what I do here–except…” Donna said.
“Except what?” Rachael said, getting on the defensive already.
“Well they said it was entirely up to me, but I kinda think they want me to strip… completely,” Donna said.
“I see. And what do you think about this?” Rachael said.
“I don’t know. I mean I am used to taking off my clothes to my panties but to drop my last shred of modesty…” she started.
“Well, Donna remember you have the right to say what goes on… or comes off!” Rachael said. “Never forget that–it is very important!”
“I know. The problem is that part of me wants to do a complete strip! I think it would be very sexy to know I was completely and totally vulnerable and open for these men. And they are friends–most of them have even been here to the club to watch me dance,” Donna said.
“Donna honey, the choice is yours. But let me tell you, I have done a few of these types of things… bachelor parties, birthday parties, and so forth. And really there isn’t all that much difference than what we do here.
“Oh, maybe we might take off a bit more at the private things and we can let them get away with a little more grabby hands stuff, but the reality of it is it’s still just taking our clothes off for money. When you look at it through business eyes, it isn’t so bad,” Rachael said.
“That’s why I came to you, Rachael. You are so logical and realistic!” Donna said.
“More like jaded, sweetheart. I’ve been in this business in one form or fashion for a long time. I know the score and I’m not easily surprised,” she said.
“So how much should I ask for my services? What does a typical party like this pay?” Donna asked.
“That depends on a few things. First off, do you know how many guys will be there?” Rachael asked.
“Gosh, I don’t know. I didn’t think to even ask!” Donna said.
“Well let’s figure on ten, that’s a good number for something like this. Okay, ten guys, and you will be dancing probably at least one lap dance apiece with the groom to be getting a couple. And supposing you do strip all the way, I wouldn’t do it for less than $250 an hour with a two-hour minimum if I were you. Myself, they’d pay considerably more but they are paying for experience with me.
“That’s for the ‘basic package’–he dancing and a lap dance each except for the groom. If they want more lap dances or something else, the cost goes up from there. And then there are the tips–I’m sure that they will all show up with a fist full of ones! A good night could get you a very nice paycheck. The girls here love working parties like this! You are a lucky girl, honey!” Rachael said.
“Yeah, now all I have to do is find one of the girls to switch days with me so I can work the party!” Donna said.
“What day is the party scheduled for?” Rachael asked.
“It’s tentatively set for Friday two weeks from now,” Donna said.
“Well, that shouldn’t be a problem. Fridays are usually pretty good days for tips and table dances. I’m sure that one of the girls would be happy to switch with you. And if you just can’t find anyone, let me know. I have been wanting to get back on the floor a bit myself!” Rachael said.
“Really?” Donna said surprised.
“Sure, I like to keep my hand in it when I can, that way I can relate more to what you girls go through because I’m one of you,” Rachael explained. “I kinda miss being able to tease the men and have them eating out of my hand! It makes a girl feel good to see that bulge in their pants and know it’s because of you!”
Donna knew exactly what she meant. She got excited too when she saw her customers fidgeting in their seats, adjusting themselves as their cocks took up more and more space in their pants. “Well, would you want to work my shift? That way you would get back out there and I won’t have to ask one of the other girls–and then be beholding to them for a turnaround someday!” she asked.
“I think that’s a great idea! Yes, I’ll do it! I still have my outfits and some of them may even fit!” Rachael giggled.
“Oh, Rachael, you are still a knockout! I’m sure the guys here will love seeing you up on stage instead of stuck in this dark back office all the time!” Donna said.
“It will be good to get out front of the men and see if I can still turn a head or two!” Rachael said.
“I don’t think you have to worry about that, Rach… I wish I had your body!” Donna said.
So with these details taken care of, Donna was all the more excited about working the party. She could hardly wait to get home that night and tell James the great news. But first, she had to finish her shift. It turned out to be a pretty good night there too, with Donna making a couple of hundred dollars in tips and table dances along with her regular pay.
Unable to wait a moment longer, Donna called home during one of her breaks between sets. “James, I talked to Rachael at work about the bachelor party. She said I should charge $250 an hour for a party of ten guys with a two-hour minimum. That’s for starters, then if the guys want more, of course, it goes up from there.
“I figured, because they are our friends, I would charge $200 an hour and give everyone a lap dance and Danny a couple of them. If you break it down, that’s just over $44.00 a piece for nine guys–I don’t think Danny should have to pay for his bachelor party.
“And if they want an extra hour it would be $22.00 an hour for each of them. Rachael says that more experienced strippers get a lot more, but this is my first time so I wanted to keep it on the low side. What do you think?” Donna asked.
“Sounds good to me. I’ll tell Mike and we’ll see what he has to say. I don’t know how many guys are coming, but if you break it down like that, we can figure out the final cost per person and let you know.
“I know these are our friends, but I’m sure they don’t want to shortchange you just to save a few bucks. And I don’t want you working for free either. After all, you are working, even if it is a party,” James said.
“That’s kinda what Rachael said,” Donna replied. “And don’t forget to tell them to bring their ones too. A girl likes to feel she’s appreciated!”
“Of course! I’m sure they were planning to do that anyway!” he said. “Guys get just as much of a thrill filling a sexy girl’s g-string as you girls get by getting the money!”
Donna giggled and hung up the phone. This was going to be a long two weeks! She turned and headed back out onto the floor and tried to put the party out of her head so she could concentrate on work. The night went on and she finished her shift, going home tired but very happy.
James had just placed an order for a pizza because he figured she’d be worn out from dancing all shift. Donna went in to change clothes to something more comfy and while she was in the bedroom, she heard the pizza guy at the door. Once she heard the door close again, she came out wearing an oversize t-shirt and her panties.
“Wow, Donna, that looks like the perfect pizza eating outfit!” James said eyeing her appreciatively.
“Well. James, maybe you can have something more than pizza tonight!” she said, with a playful wink.