The Bethlem Curse

"A cure for insanity ends up unleashing his inner demons."

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My name is Edward Verde. I was once held with some regard within high society, but my fall from grace began when some friends and I went to an opium den. This was quite the daring thing to do around London during 1862. We went to try our luck with the eastern dragon.

My friends at the time made sure I had plenty to smoke, being one of the more reserved out of our troupe, they thought it would be good sport to see me completely under its spell. Little did I know that this produce of the devil’s poppy would unlock something buried deep within the caverns of my soul.

Once my head had cleared from the opiate, I found myself in a police cell, I had apparently run rampage through the streets. My mind was not my own, possessed by this Chinese poison, eventually being accosted by officers of the law.

Throughout my rantings and ravings, I was sentenced to two years in Bethlem Asylum, for treatment of the mentally disturbed. It was here I lost everything; my wife, my house, fortune, so-called friends. I had slipped from the pedestal of the elite, cast aside by society.

During my time there, I had many terrible things done to me (of what I could actually recall). I was restrained for months on end, had electroshock therapy, left in solitary confinement in a straight jacket within a padded cell, where I lost all track of time.

But it was nearing the end of my time there, believe it or not, I had got better. My acts of insanity grew less and less, the split personality that I had been diagnosed with was under control. But this all came at quite a cost, being an inmate within an asylum means you are no longer treated like a human. I was tested upon using experiments dreamt up to better understand the human psyche.

It was one of these experiments that led to my final release, or more accurately the agreement to undergo the experiments. I had been given a simple choice, undergo this experimental procedure, or a lobotomy. No choice at all. I had no idea if they would or not go through with the threat, but with the promise of this ’freedom’, I could not risk turning it down.

I was given simple lodgings, clothes, and an allowance ensuring I could buy food.

The first day of the experiment happened soon after I had acquainted myself with my new room. Three men came to my door, along with the doctor whom I had made the agreement with. Three vials of a purple looking liquid were given to me, I was meant to drink the first one there and then. The sinister dark purple serum that now sat nestled in my hand was about to go through its first human trial, on me.

I brought the vial to my lips, I could not avoid smelling the bittersweet aroma it gave off. Throwing the liquid to the back of my throat, I swallowed this unknown concoction. After waiting for some minutes and showing no change, the doctor made some notes and stated he would be back in two days for the next dose. Before taking his leave, he promised at the end of the course I would be a changed man, no longer held back by my sickness. 

For a while I still felt nothing, then a sensation in the pit of my stomach began to spread. With it’s spreading, the first waves of agony gripped my body and I shouted out in pain. Doubling over, I fell to the floor. Then the second wave hit me, this time a searing heat engulfed me, my whole body felt like it was on fire. I clutched my head as soon as the third and final wave crashed over me, my body contorted in agony, my bones cracking, being crushed from within. The last thing I remembered was a high pitched scream pouring out of my lungs.


I came to, my eyes blurred, trying to focus, standing up, my clothes felt ill-fitting, my trousers falling to the floor. Methodically I removed them all, standing naked in my room. I walked over to a small framed mirror that hung on one of the walls to look at myself. Much better, grinning a lustful smile, I looked at my beautiful body, dark long thick hair, my tits firm and yes, as I grabbed them with my hands, a very nice handful at that.

 Putting two fingers into my mouth, I pushed them into my waiting pussy, ahh finally release, the good Doctor had done me a decent turn and let me out. It was my time. Carla Scharlach to play and paint the twisted city of London a deep crimson red.

I found some slimmer fitting clothing and a large overcoat. If I was to have my entertainment, I needed proper attire, more suitable aquatinted with a woman of my needs and skill, and I would be needing money to achieve this. 

Verde knew about the more darker sides of London, and whilst making my way through the streets I ’bumped’ into a well to do gentleman. He apologised, I smiled the very demeanour of a lady and carried on, having relieved him of his purse. I now had a tidy sum at my disposal. 

I found my way to a tailor of specific tastes, walking in, I told the owner exactly what I wanted, and I wanted it as soon as possible.

‘I can get it back to you at the end of the week,’ Stated the tailor

‘Too late, you need to start now!’

‘You are not the only person in London who is wanting my services.’

‘But I am the one who is here right now, and you in a delicate position, you can receive my praise for satisfying me.’ At that moment, I removed the undercoat, followed by the rest of the clothing. I had already spotted a riding crop hanging from the wall, taking it from there, then dropping my voice to a sinister whisper. ‘Or you will find my displeasure. And the last thing you want is to do is displease Mistress Scharlach.’ 

To better express myself, I cracked the riding crop on the table where the tailor had been busy working. He nearly leapt out of his skin, and he could be seen to visibly perspire. He struggled to keep his eyes off me, but the riding crop that still was pressed against the table gave him due course to keep his eyes from straying anywhere where he shouldn’t’

‘Of course, I will start straight away.’

‘Start straight away, what?’

He began to stammer, ‘Start straight away, Mistress Scharlach.’

‘Much better. I like a slave who knows who their betters are. We are going to play a game, little slave. For every piece of clothing you make, you will put it on me, and then remove a corresponding piece of clothing from yourself. If you have done a good job and in prompt time, you will get a reward.’

Piece by piece the tailor made the clothes. Piece by piece he placed them on me, and piece by piece he removed an item of his own. Eventually, he had clad my body in the finest leather. A tight fitting dress that clung to my curves, a scooped neckline showed off my ample tits and perfect opera length gloves. I found some thigh length boots. Taking a liking to them, I tried them on, they fitted me well.

‘Please, Mistress Scharlach, those are for another customer. They will be picking them up in two days time. Could I not interest you in another pair of equally fine boots?’ The tailor looked pained, he found himself in an impossible situation.

’No, these are just fine, and you need not worry about the other customer. I shall convince them that I am more suited to them.’

I walked up and down the tailor’s shop, feeling how well the craftsmanship moved with my body. I moved over to where I had found the riding crop was, taking a sturdy-looking collar from where it hung, I moved back to the naked tailor. 

Placing the end of the riding crop on his shoulder, I pressed down, motioning for him to kneel. Moving it under his chin, I lifted his face to meet mine. ‘This is the only time you will look into my eyes without being informed to do so.’ I put the collar around his neck locking it in place. ‘You will wear this, and not take it off. If you need to, you may cover it with a scarf, but in my presence, it will be on show, and you will drop to your knees as you are now, eyes focused on the tip of my boot.’

‘Surely I cannot wear it all the time? What about my wife? She knows I am a tailor, but she would not understand this.’

‘Your wife does not concern me. You belong to me now, not her. She can accept this fact, or you will have to leave her,’ I said all this quite calmly, as far as I saw it, he had little choice but to do as I say.

 I walked around him slowly, so he could hear every footfall. By the time I had made my way behind him, he was shivering, perhaps he was feeling the cold, or perhaps maybe fear. It was time to make him realise his new reality. 

Using my foot, I reached under his backside, finding with my boot his exposed genitals, running it gently over his flaccid cock then over to his balls, back and forth until he began to react accordingly. Once he was fully erect, I placed the heal of my boot into his puckered anus, he jerked forward a little in surprise, ‘Back to where you were, slave!’ I shouted. He moved himself back, slowly pushing his anus back onto my heel. I began fucking him a little with it until I was satisfied by his obedience. 

Walking around to face him, I stood directly in front of him. I opened my legs. ‘Service me, slave. Service me with your mouth. Make me cum under ten minutes, and I will let you relieve that pain between your legs. But if you fail, you will feel the bite of my crop on that pale arse of yours, until it runs red with your blood.’

He began immediately. I think he knew full well this was no bluff. Either he succeeded, or he would be wishing he had. 

His mouth sought out his new altar, lavishing attention on my pussy, plunging his tongue in as deep as he could muster. I began to bear down on his mouth, rubbing myself over his face, making him breathe in my scent and work harder to keep his focus on my pussy. 

He managed to lock his lips around my excited clit and began to suck on it, like a baby desperate for milk, flicking his tongue over the sensitive nub. I began to feel a rise inside, the build-up for my orgasm. Looking at the clock, he still had four minutes spare, curse his skilled mouth, and curse Edward for keeping me locked away for so long. My resilience would have to be worked on if I was to get my thrills. 

With two minutes to go, I could not hold back any longer, my carnal song erupted from my mouth as I gushed my nectar over his face. My breathing was beginning to calm down. Still I was riding his face, and he was struggling to breathe, such was the extent of my juices flowing over his mouth and nose, and how hard I had clamped him between my thighs. 

‘Clean me, slave. Make sure you don’t get your sticky face anywhere near my perfect legs, tongue only.’ He spent another three minutes cleaning me up. Finally, I was able to move away from him, placing one booted foot in front of him. 

‘Congratulation, you managed to please me this time. You may relieve yourself.’

Needing no further prompting, the tailor began masturbating, licking his lips, trying hard to get the taste of my sweet juices. He lasted a pathetic minute before he erupted over my positioned boot. This, of course, I had done on purpose, to make him think it was ok to do so. ‘Vile worm! Look what mess you have made on your Mistress’s boot. Now lick it clean!’

The tailor brought his mouth to my boot and reluctantly began to lick his own cum from my boot. ‘Better, but you missed some on the floor.’ I pointed with the riding crop to the damp patch on the wooden floor.

‘Please, Mistress, this floor has not been cleaned for some time. Could I not just use a cloth?’

My crop struck his shoulders twice in quick succession. ‘If I wanted you to use a cloth, I would have said so. Your tongue, now!’

He had no choice, licking the dirty floorboards, where his cum had now mixed in with whatever sat on the surface.

‘Good, from now on, when I tell you to do something, you will do it with no hesitation. My will is your desire. If I tell you to bend over and let me ram my fist up your arse, you will be bent over ready to accept my gift to you. I suggest you clean this hovel you call a shop. You never know just what you will be doing next time I visit. Now say thank you to me for treating you so fairly.’

The tailor went to look at me, then thought quickly not to do so, for fear of what reprisal he may suffer. ‘Thank you, Mistress, thank you for letting me service you.’

‘Well done, slave, until next we meet.’ With this I grabbed the overcoat, leaving the other clothes behind and walked out of the shop.

I felt off, I needed to get back to the room. It was not long before I felt my grasp on this body slipping. Making haste, I got to the door of the apartment, pushing through into the bedroom. 

I fell down to my knees, and clawed at the clothing on me, determined to remove it. There was no way that wimp Edward was going to damage my clothes. I had managed to get the last piece off, and felt the change happening, I clutched at my stomach, feeling the pain coursing through my veins, as his body took control once again.

I felt weak, gathering my strength I stood up, naked, I fumbled around embarrassed to find a blanket to cover myself. I staggered to the mirror, once again I was back in my body. Carla Scharlach was no longer there. I felt relief, then revulsion. I had been aware of everything, unable to do or say anything, a spectator of this debauchery.

‘Never again,’ I thought to myself, but in my mind, I could feel her coiling inside. She was there waiting. ‘Never again dear Edward? Oh no, I will not be denied my pleasures, we have only just begun.’ 

Her laughter resonated in my head as I staggered off to bed, to rest from this living nightmare.

Published 6 years ago

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