Tina slipped into the bed, then shuffled over to the side that I usually slept on. I smiled because I knew at that moment, she could take anything of mine and I wouldn’t object, just so long as she was mine. I got in behind her, wrapping my arms around her. She seemed tiny as she snuggled back until we were spooning together.
“Do you usually sleep on this side?” she asked.
“Why do you ask?”
“I can smell you on the pillows. We can swap if you want.”
“No, you’re good. I was just keeping it warm for you anyway.”
She grabbed my arms holding me tightly. I kissed the back of her head and in a few minutes heard soft regular breaths that suggested she had gone to sleep, I don’t remember much after until my alarm went off later that morning.
Tina had turned in her sleep. I was now cuddling her with her head tucked under my chin and an arm draped over my waist. So peaceful, I almost didn’t want to get up but knew I had to. I kissed her forehead and reached over her to turn the alarm off. She grumbled and stirred a little looking up at me as I got out of bed.
“Morning, sleepy head,” I said.
“Mmmm, can I stay here all day please.”
“If you want. I’ll be back about six or seven.”
“No, with you, I want to stay all day with you.” She was even cuter than I’d seen her before. I was tempted, very tempted.
“Sorry, beautiful, I’ve got a match to go to. If you want breakfast, come down in a minute and I’ll get you something.”
I leant over the bed and gave her another kiss on the forehead before slipping on some boxers and heading to the kitchen. The others were already there with the usual matchday fare cooking away.
“Morning, stud,” said Matt met with a chorus of laughs.
I said nothing, grabbing two cups and making coffees.
“Oooh, not talking to us? We not good enough for you, now?”
“Sorry, you said ‘stud’, I thought you were talking to someone else.”
There was more laughter and it quickly settled down to the general banter that went on in the house, before Andy said “Rut ro!”
Matt and Rob fell silent and looked from the door to me. I looked around and Tina had walked in. How could she look so good? Her hair was a mess, she was rubbing her eyes and yawning. She had grabbed one of my rugby tops and I couldn’t see if she had anything else on. Fortunately, this probably meant that none of the others could either.
“He let you wear that?” Andy continued.
It was almost as if she had not realised where she was and gave a little start, “Is something wrong?”
Andy chuckled in his deep-throated way, “You know you are honoured, that’s Luke’s favourite top.”
Tina looked around hesitantly, I shook my head as they burst out laughing.
“Let’s try again. Morning ma’am, what can I get you for breakfast?” Matt asked.
“Oh, just a coffee and some toast if you have it.”
Matt laughed, “I think we have some bread left. I hope you haven’t ruined his legs?”
Tina was totally confused now, so I told her not to worry. She sat next to me, milked and sugared her coffee and took a sip before taking a couple of slices of toast and buttering them. She then looked around the table at what we were eating. Three of four eggs each, a few sausages, bacon, beans and mushrooms with several slices of toast each. “Jeez, where are you planning on putting that lot?”
There was a general chuckle. “Most will go on the pitch today. After the carbs last night, it’s protein and some more carbs this morning, then back to a more normal diet of only a few thousand calories a day. That was the joke about there being bread left. We will go through a loaf on the morning of a match.”
“Wow!” was her only reply. After a couple of minutes, Tina cursed, “Oh crap! I forgot. Diane wanted to come today.”
Rob piped up, “Not a problem, I’m driving, I’ll pick her up and meet you there.”
One thing that struck me was how relaxed Tina was around the others. Her timidity had shown through when Andy had teased her about the shirt she borrowed. Other than that, she had settled into the conversation, talking easily with them. The surprising thing was that all four of us were in nothing more than our underwear. Though that was overdressed from how Tina had seen us at the clubhouse, this was our home and therefore a far more intimate setting.
When the others had cleared up and left us, Tina leant over and whispered, “Sorry.”
I creased up my forehead, “About?”
She tugged the front of her shirt, which inadvertently let me see she had no bra on. “I didn’t realise it was your favourite.”
“It’s even more so now you’ve worn it. Don’t worry about them, they are just pulling, erm, ribbing you. Yes, it’s one of my favourites, but you’re welcome to use any of my stuff.”
She got up, picking up our plates and cups. She leant down to whisper “What if I want to borrow a pair of boxers?” She kissed my cheek and took them to the sink.
I walked up behind her running my hand down her back and said, “Only if I can borrow your knickers.” I twanged her waistband through the shirt as I kissed her back.
We washed our stuff and finished clearing up then went back to my room. Funnily we both started acting nervous and shy again. I checked the bathroom was free and Tina took her clothes up with her, leaving her bra and knickers on my floor. I picked them up and threw them in my laundry bag. A few shouts came up the stairs as the others left and I went to shower. When we were both ready, I grabbed my bag and we headed out.
It took about three-quarters of an hour to get to the other university. It was a bit daunting; you get so used to your own place. Even going to our ground only a few times, I was expecting similar and was disturbed when it wasn’t. I saw Diane walking toward us as we got out of the car and felt easier. I know Rob had said he was picking her up, but something was niggling me that she wouldn’t turn up for some reason.
Luke came around to my side and kissed me, patting my bum as he bent over. “See you in a bit, beautiful.”
“Bye, good luck,” I responded, but also heard a whistle coming from behind.
I turned to a grinning Diane who grabbed me and hugged me. “I’m so happy for you!”
“You spent the night at Luke’s and you both still look happy together. You were upset after your time with Idiot.”
“Yes, well, Luke remembered I wasn’t just a piece of meat and didn’t walk out without a by your leave when he was done.” I could tell Diane was chomping at the bit for the whole story. I was loving having the upper hand for once.
“What?” I said, putting on my most innocent face.
“Details, girl, the crowd want details.”
I laughed and tucked my arm through hers. “They’ll be out soon. Let’s go find which pitch they are playing on.”
Some people were hovering around the clubhouse, so we asked them and were pointed to the closest pitch. As we walked away, one of them whistled. Usually, that would have been whistled at Diane, but today I decided that I would have some of it and smiled. “What’s this all about their legs?”
Diane laughed, “There appears to be some superstition about having sex the night before a match ruining their legs. So, did you ruin Luke’s?”
I told Diane about the meal and then the dancing. She thought it was an ingenious move. She laughed about the greeting we got back at Luke’s and about me telling him to hold the coffee. “Oh look, here they come.”
“Bitch!” I laughed at her frustration.
The match started and we were cheering on our men, by which I meant the team that had adopted us. About fifteen minutes into the game someone came up to us and asked, “So, you girls the travelling entertainment?”
I turned to him and replied, “I have no idea what you mean,” then turned back to the game.
“You know like groupies for the rugby team,” he said draping an arm on my shoulder.
I lifted it off and said, “No, you have the wrong people.” I still get annoyed by people that can’t take fairly obvious hints, when people are so ignorant as to ignore a simple, ‘no’, then I can get a little vocal.
When he put his arm back on my shoulder, before he got to ask another question, I said, “No, it means, no. Please respect that and kindly let me continue to watch the game.”
“Whatever!” and he walked away.
Diane put her arm through mine, “It’s like a butterfly breaking out of its cocoon.”
At half time, Diane was at me again to tell her, so I did. She only interrupted a couple of times to ask quick questions, until I mentioned the second peak. She stopped me and asked me in detail about it, then gave me such a hug.
“What was that for?”
“Oh, baby girl, it’s not every girl that is lucky enough to meet the partner that can make one orgasm roll into the next. It’s a step away from multiple orgasms. Honey, it’s a bloody rarity. If you ever want to get rid of him, send him my way.” She laughed before telling me to carry on.
“And, what was he like?” She asked after I told her what I had said to Luke after my second peak.
“Wow!” Was her response to that. “Totally different to Idiot then?” I nodded. “I’m pleased he didn’t.”
I looked at her questioningly, “Rob wouldn’t either, because of their delicate legs.” We laughed at this.
“And what was that kiss like?”
My hand flew over my mouth, “Oh, I’ve only just realised what I did.” I could feel myself blushing. It had never occurred to me that the moisture on Luke’s lips when he kissed me was actually mine.
Diane was smiling kindly, “What’s so embarrassing? I’ve done it, it doesn’t taste too bad.”
I leant in and quietly said, “The embarrassing bit is thinking about that kiss is turning me on. Worse than that, I’m commando today, I don’t want it showing through my jeans. It tasted fine, well better than fine, but that could have just been afterglow it was a rather… wonderful night.”
“Aww, my baby girl’s growing up.”
She laughed and the whistle went for the second half. At one point it looked like Rob had been knocked out. It was okay, he had just been winded by one of the tallest players I had seen. He had a couple of inches on Andy who I knew to be six-foot-seven. He made all of our team look short.
Even though he had almost a foot on him, Luke didn’t hesitate to stand in front and push him back away from Rob. It was the first time I really saw what Andy had meant the day Luke first asked me to dinner. It was something else that I loved about him. When it came to friends and loved ones, Luke just didn’t flinch about standing up for them.
I wrapped my arms around myself and shuddered when he did this. It made me feel warm knowing that I had captured this generous, loving man. Then I got scared. The player Luke had pushed stared at him for a second then swung his fist right into the side of Luke’s face. His head snapped around and his body followed, but he didn’t fall over. Instead, he turned through a full circle, shook his head and continued to stare at the other player.
The referee’s whistle was blowing, other players were rushing in to keep them apart, even though Luke looked like a statue. It calmed down after a few seconds. When it all settled, both Luke and the other player were sent off. I could see Luke and Rob grinning to each other as they walked closer and then slapped hands as they passed.
I found out later that Luke had only been given a yellow card which meant ten minutes off the pitch, while the other player had received a red card. I also learnt that this was not the first time Luke or Rob had taken a punch to the face and by not reacting had reduced the other team to fourteen players.
Our team won. It was that day I first caught myself referring to them as ‘our’. After the previous night and morning after, it felt right. Diane and I walked into the bar with the other supporters and bought a drink. We had just sat down when the person that had approached us earlier, sat down opposite.
“So, when does the entertainment start?”
This time Diane replied, less subtly than me, “Listen, fuckwit, we are not, nor will we ever be your entertainment. Leave us alone or when I next address you, I will not be so nice as to keep it amongst us.”
“Ooh, I like a woman with attitude, I might have you first.”
Diane laughed and said, “It will be the last thing you do.”
He leant forward and was about to answer when one of the home team came over and whispered in his ear. He looked very sheepish and disappeared.
“Sorry about that c…”
“Cunt?” Diane offered.
He smiled and continued, “Yeah, he pesters any visiting women if they are alone. He has actually been barred from the club, but it’s not always easy to see everyone who’s coming and going with so many different people about.”
“What did you say to him to get him running off like that?” Diane asked
“Sort of the truth. Rumours are doing the rounds that a couple of guys pissed off one of your lot by being rude to one of the female supporters. The rumour goes that he threw both of them out of the clubhouse without opening the doors. I just told him about the rumour and said that one of the opposition players today is supposedly that guy. I said I wouldn’t like to risk it, but hey, it’s up to him.”
We giggled and thanked him. The rest of the afternoon was quite quiet compared with the home matches. They had a small meal after and there was drinking and some singing. It was nothing compared with what our team got up to. At one point Luke and Rob got up together and went over to the player that got sent off. I grabbed Diane’s hand and felt her tense up.
After a couple of minutes, they were laughing. Luke put his hand on the other’s chest shaking his head. They shook hands and came back. “Silly bugger offered to buy us all drinks to make up for hitting me.”
“And the other silly bugger turned him down!” Said Rob and we all laughed.
Sticking up his middle finger, Luke said, “Here Rob, I’ve got somewhere for you to sit.” We were nearly rolling about now.
That was how the afternoon went, jokes and laughter at everyone’s expense, even Diane and I were not spared anymore. But it was all in good humour. People came and went from our table and the guys from ours moved about other tables. It was fascinating watching all this going on. Diane was disappointed though, there were no naked men.
About six in the evening they decided to call it a day and said their goodbyes to the others in both teams and we came away. Luke had said about Saturday being a bit of curry night at the house and asked me if I would like to join them. I was pleased that Rob had asked Diane, but would have said yes anyway. Matt jumped in with us for the journey back.
“We’re going to pick up Rachel on our way through. You’ve never met her, have you? She’s Matt’s girlfriend.”
“Oh, that’ll be nice,” I went on to question Matt about her and why she hadn’t been to any games. They had only been together a few weeks and she worked Saturdays. It turns out Andy had a girlfriend too, the longest standing of all. They had been together since last year. She also worked Saturdays, hence not seeing her about, but that was to change tonight too.
During the journey, I asked about the various things that had happened during and after the match, though I didn’t mention the person who had been trying to, I’m still not sure what, proposition, suggest we were something we weren’t, I really don’t know.
“I also find it fascinating how you all act. The referee was possibly the smallest on the pitch yet not one person argued with him, even Luke and the guy that was sent off acted like naughty school children with their tails between their legs.”
“You have to be like that or it would be an out of control fight,” said Matt. “No matter how high temperatures have gotten, when the testosterone is saying you can’t back down from a confrontation,” he leant forward, “Luke… The referee is a focus and excuse for everyone, even if they are. I reckon he was six-foot-nine.”
“Yeah about that, he was taller than Andy,” Luke said. “Also, it’s all left on the pitch, the most that we hope will be taken into the clubhouse is the want to buy someone a drink. We play hard, then play harder.”
We picked up Rachel and Rob picked up Andy’s girlfriend, Cara. All arriving back at theirs about the same time.
“Hot, medium or mild?” Andy asked Diane and me. We weren’t given a choice of what we wanted; he just ordered a bunch of different dishes of varying strengths according to preferences. About fifteen minutes later Rob and Luke disappeared to collect the food, then we all sat around the living room on the floor and chairs, paired off.
The food was great, the company better. Rachel and Cara were lovely, though not what I would have expected. Rachel was very quiet and it didn’t feel like she had got as comfortable with the group yet, but she and Matt did have a spark between them. Cara was nuts and I could love her to bits, she certainly seemed more suited to these four.
After we had eaten, some music was put on in the background and while Matt and Luke disappeared to wash up, we carried on chatting in the other room.
Rob said to me, “I hear you were disappointed that I kept my clothes on today.” I nearly spat my drink all over the carpet.
“I think you need to be asking your partner in crime,” I replied. It was so easy being in their company, I always felt confident speaking out with the banter.
Diane shrugged, “Okay, guilty as charged.”
“We can remedy that! Cards anyone?”
Matt had come back in and whispered to Rachel, then said, “We’ll give it a miss, thanks.” A look of relief came over her face. This got me a little worried, especially when I saw the look on Diane’s face and Cara was giggling too.
Luke was last back, “What’s happening?”
“Diane was complaining about the lack of nudity, so I suggested cards. After all, this might be the last time you get to see my glory before Christmas.”
“Rachel and I have ducked out,” Said Matt, obviously giving us an excuse.
Luke looked at me, “It’ll be strip poker, s’up to you.”
Tina gave me a look I have come to know so well over the years, it said: “You bastard, you had to go and do that didn’t you?” She looked at the other couples in the room, then back at me, then shrugged.
“We’re in, at least for a while,” I said.
“Okie dokes,” Said Matt, “Usual rules, five-card draw. Worst hand left at the call loses one item of clothing, a pair of footwear count as one. We going to play the winning hand does the removing?”
“Not this time,” I replied.
“Give me a sec,” said Tina and disappeared into my room and was back out in less than a minute.
Rob shuffled the deck as we moved about. Rachel and Matt moved to the far end of the sofa they were on and she leant into him. Tina sat on the other end with me on the floor at her feet, leaning on the arm. Diane was at the near end of the other sofa with Rob in the middle and Cara at the other end with Andy sat on the floor completing the circle.
The first hand was dealt and I realised my first mistake. I picked my cards up and held them very close as I looked at them. I got two nines and an ace. I threw in two cards. Diane got two as well, Tina three, Andy one and Rachel four, Rob looked at Andy then took one for himself. I got a king and queen to go with my hand. All three girls folded. Rob had an ace high and Andy, two pairs. Rob’s socks came off, to much jeering.
It wasn’t long before Andy and Rob were in their boxers. I was no better in only a t-shirt as I had not started the day in boxers. Cara, who never seemed to care less about anything, was the first naked and a massive distraction. So, Rob was right, a good size pair of tits could take my mind off the game. I had heard Andy say she was a D cup. When her top had come off, I had heard some whispering behind me and when I looked up, I saw Diane leaning over to Tina.
Looking at Tina, she appeared suddenly down. In that instant, it dawned on me what was wrong. The look on her face now and how she had tried to cover herself last night, she was embarrassed by the size of her own tits. I rubbed her foot and then brought her leg over my shoulder, kissed her knee and started to gently rub her shin. I was hoping she would get my silent message, “I’m here and here with you.”
A few hands passed and I was still on my last piece of clothing with Andy, Diane was in bra and knickers and Tina in her t-shirt and knickers. But she had been commando earlier. That’s what she must have been doing in my room. I liked that she had felt comfortable enough to go in that without asking. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’d put her bra on too, it would have been the sensible thing to do. Rob lost his last item of clothes and stood and bowed as he dropped them to his ankles.
“Oh, now things are getting better,” said Diane and I heard a giggle from the other end of the sofa. She may have been the only one not to have seen us all naked, but Rachel didn’t seem to mind.
The next hand I dealt and if I had dealt myself a foot it would have been better. I looked at the others in turn. Tina took two cards. Andy took four and threw his cards down in disgust straight away. Cara was out the same as Rob. Finally, Diane took three cards. I looked at Diane sat without a care in the world.
Then I looked at Tina, she was the exact opposite, she looked really nervous. A plan formed in my head. I didn’t draw any cards. Tina bit her lip and stayed in, Andy folded, if, “Fuck this shit!” counts as folding, Diane and I both stayed in.
Tina lay down three kings and looked tentatively over at Diane. She put down two pairs, aces over fives. A half smile crossed Tina’s lips which was gone as she looked over to me.
“To the victor, the spoils,” I said as I stood and took my t-shirt off. I handed it to Tina and as she took it, I pulled her up into a kiss.
“Trust me?” I whispered in her ear. She held my gaze for a second or two before giving me a slight nod. I bent at the knees (careful not to show Rachel the back door) and put a shoulder into her belly, then stood with her over my shoulder holding onto her legs.
“Sorry about this, folks. I am being dragged off to my bedroom totally against my will. I am under the power of a beautiful enchantress and am compelled to do her bidding. Please don’t try and save me.”
Rob made a move, pretending to start to get up.
“Seriously, don’t try and save me, or I may get violent!”
He raised his hands in defeat, “Sorry, me old mucker,
looks like you’re on your own this time.” Laughing I said goodnight to them all.
As I turned for my room, I heard them saying goodnight to Tina. When I was in my room, I heard the door shut behind. I reversed what I had done and stood Tina gently on the floor. I held her shoulders and looked at her in silence for a while. She said nothing to me, but cocked her head to one side as if to say, “What?”
“You okay?” I asked.
“Yes, it’s been a great day.” She then came over, put her hands around my neck and pulled me down into a soft kiss, “Thank you, that was sweet of you.”
When Cara took her top off, I instantly regretted agreeing to play cards. Her boobs were bigger than Diane’s and she didn’t worry about any of us seeing them. I was jealous and angry and nervous all at the same time. Diane spotted this and leant over to check I was okay. Luke noticed and took my leg and held it to him giving me a peck on the knee.
As the game went on, I was glad I had snuck into Luke’s room to grab my underwear from yesterday. It was at the point I was going to quit when Luke dealt me three kings. It was a quandary. I was really getting nervous about taking my t-shirt off. I knew that five of the others in the room would not say a word, wouldn’t even make me feel uncomfortable.
Cara and Rachel seemed nice enough. No, the person I was most afraid of making me feel uncomfortable was me. Andy folded, which left Diane and Luke. Diane didn’t think I had anything to worry about and Luke had been wonderful the previous night, but I also knew by then, he played games to win.
I was relieved when Diane lay down two pairs, now it was down to Luke. He didn’t show his cards, he put them down and took off his top and passed it to me, saying, “To the victor, the spoils.”
He then pulled me out of my seat and kissed me. After looking at me for several days, maybe weeks, okay, probably less than a second, he asked me to trust him and of course, I nodded. He promptly threw me over his shoulder and after a little banter turned to leave the room. As he turned, Rob grabbed his cards, had a quick look and showed them to me with a smile. It was the worst hand possible, a six high.
He had recognised my nervousness and had sacrificed his last item to save me from my embarrassment. I felt a grin spread across my face and waved back as they all said goodnight to me. Diane gave me a quick thumbs up, then just as we turned the corner, it looked like she wiped her eyes.
“Let me just get out of my shining armour, m’lady.”
“Oh, my! Sir Knight, it seems you have been divested of it on the long hard fight to your castle,” Tina said, putting her hand over her mouth in faux surprise.
I had to laugh, she had such a sharp mind. She still had a hand behind my neck, when I leant in for another kiss. I ran my hands down her back to her bum, cupping a cheek in each hand. I lifted her up as our kiss got more passionate. The hand she had mocked shock with was now behind my head and she wrapped her legs around my waist. She was the aggressor when it came to the kiss, pushing her tongue into my mouth the instant I opened my lips a little.
With her grip around my waist, I tried moving my hands over her bum a little and found she was able to hold her weight on me. I moved my hands up her back, under her t-shirt and soon found she had put on that indescribably confusing contraption that is so innocently named with three letters but designed to confuse and confound all but the most practised hand. I struggled to undo her bra. When I got one clip undone, the other was still in place. I got that undone and somehow the first one had got itself hooked back again.
After more than a few attempts at this, Tina broke off the kiss, “Hold me,” she whispered.
I put an arm around her back and supported her with my other hand. She jumped a little as my fingertips brushed against the material of her knickers. With this reaction, I looked at her and there was no sign I had done wrong, so started to gently rub my fingers back and forth in the area.
Tina smiled and leant back a little causing me to jump this time, thinking she might be falling. Keeping eye contact with me, she grabbed the hem of her t-shirt and lifted it over her head. As she threw it on the floor, she leant in and started kissing me again. By some act of contortion, she also had her hands behind her undoing her bra. She then held my head and started to kiss me again.
This was all having an effect and I could feel myself rising to the occasion. I put my hands on her back again, applying a little pressure, pulling her in closer. Stepping over to my bed, I turned and sat with Tina still around my waist and felt myself push against her thigh or bum.
“Oh, er sorry,” I said, Tina just smiled.
I started to move my hands over her back, applying pressure in some places, almost tickling in others. I stopped kissing, gripping her tongue with my lips and pulling it slightly as I finished. Without pausing, I kissed her cheek and then ran my tongue over her ear and nipped at her earlobe. She put both her hands on the back of my head and sighed. I brought one hand up and mimicked what I was doing on the other side, playing with her ear, then tracing my fingers down to her neck as I kissed it too.
With my other hand, I ran my fingertips up and down her spine a few times. One time I inadvertently went right to the end, to her tailbone. As my fingertip rolled over the end of it, she pushed forward and gasped slightly. She also grabbed my hand, so I paused and looked at her. Nothing was said, but important words passed between us, the line had been drawn, this far and no further.
As I ran a finger, then two over her tailbone, Tina started to move her hips. I kissed from her neck to her front collar bone. She held me around my neck but leant back allowing me access to her front. Again, balancing my movements, my other hand came down her front and brushed over her nipple, causing her to shudder. When my mouth reached her other, it was fully erect, the little lumps on her areola very noticeable. I toyed with both her nipples, running tongue or fingertip around them, gripping gently and pulling, flicking over the tips and sometimes twisting and pinching a little. Every change of move was getting a little gasp, some caused shudders.
I caused her to moan a little when I moved away from her nipples and rubbed and stroked and nibbled around the little mounds that were her tits. I was keenly aware of how self-conscious she was about them. They weren’t huge, but they were obvious and better still possibly the most sensitive I had had the pleasure of enjoying. I kept on playing with her tailbone, my hand now inside her knickers, pressing it, tickling around it, rubbing it softly and quite hard. Her hips were pushing against me and I could feel myself pushing against the underside of her knickers.
“Oh shit!” It was the first time I had heard Tina swear, I stopped everything.
“Are you okay?”
In a voice I couldn’t believe was her’s, she almost growled at me, “Don’t stop!”
I went back to what I was doing and seconds later, she pulled herself as close as possible, trapping my head against her chest as she shuddered for several seconds, tensing everything, lifting off my lap. When she settled, I rolled her onto her back and leant over and kissed her gently on her lips. She smiled back at me.
My thanks to cbears52 for proofreading
Thank you to the moderators helping me get this published
And finally a thanks to everyone that reads, comments and/or votes.
As always, all feedback is welcome, the more constructive the better.