In The Beginning – Chapter 5

"Saturday night continues into Sunday"

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I hadn’t expected that. Before last night, I had only ever had an orgasm from playing with my clitoris. Tonight, Luke hadn’t been touching my vagina. Of course, I needed all the other bits to build up to that, but I had never had an orgasm, even from the times I had penetrated myself with my fingers unless I used my clitoris. I was still in a bit of a daze when Luke turned over and lay me on his bed. He kissed me on my lips and looked at me for a second. When I smiled, he returned it and bent down and kissed my neck again. He wasn’t stopping, like last night, he had given me a pause to catch my breath then carried on. On my own, I stopped after the first one.

As he was kissing my boobs, he certainly seemed to like them, I was playing my fingers through his hair. In all honesty, it was a bit like an out of body experience. I was there, but in what felt like a dream state. He trailed his fingers along my sides and down to my hips. I sensed something happening, my knickers were sliding down my legs. He then put a hand on each knee and pushed my legs apart. There was no force, the pressure he exerted was enough to tell me what he wanted, but not so much that I couldn’t resist. He was massaging my thighs, his thumb getting close to the top, but never touching. It was frustrating. I could feel I was wet, surely, he must know. Next time his hands came up, I grabbed them and tried to pull them further. I gripped hard and tried my hardest to pull, but as he easily pulled his hands back, it only served to make me sit up. I gave up.

During the struggle, I had not noticed that Luke was now kissing just below my belly button and getting lower.

“It’s okay,” he said as I put my hands in his hair again, “I know you’ve not had chance to tidy up.”

I giggled. I would make sure I did something about that as soon as I got a chance.

A hand ran through my pubic hair and over my vagina. There was no pressure, just a light touch that made me squirm. As it moved down, Luke followed with his mouth and tongue. I felt the tip run over the top of my clitoris, down over my lips, I wondered where he would stop and felt myself tense up.



As my tongue reached the bottom of her lips, I was tempted to go further, just to tease a little. I knew already that Tina would not want it to go further than a little tease, but when I felt her tense up, I knew I shouldn’t mess about this time. Putting a bit more pressure on I dragged my tongue back up, pushing it between her lips. Tina had been gasping and moaning quite a bit, now she let out a louder gasp.

My fingers were following where my tongue had been. She was pushing forward as I started to kiss and hum on her clit. I pushed the tip of my finger into her, curling it slightly so I stroked along her front wall when I was inside her pussy. When it went over a rough patch Tina’s hips bucked up a little. I pulled out and pushed two fingers into her. She was tight and again tensed a little.

“Are you a virgin?” I asked, perhaps a bit too bluntly.

Tina looked off to the side and quietly said, “No.” It was almost as if she was ashamed.

“It’s alright m’lady. I just didn’t want to hurt you.” She smiled at me and I could feel her relax.

I started to circle her clit with my tongue, teasing it, then pulling back. I slid just a single finger into her pushing it up over the same place I had before. As she lifted her hips, I slipped my other hand behind her and found her coccyx again and started to rub that. I withdrew my finger completely and ran my tongue slowly down then back up along her lips. She was so much wetter than before. When I reached her clit, I started to toy with her entrance with two fingers again. Holding them as close as possible, I sucked on her clit and pushed them slowly into her.

“Oh sh…!” I heard Tina gasp, causing me to smile.

When they were in most of the way I curled my fingers to see if I could find that sensitive spot again and was rewarded with a “Shit!” at the top of her voice, followed by a “sorry” whispered to me. Tina was pushing her hips forward, moving them slowly up and down. I couldn’t see her eyes as her head was back. I sped up my movements and then slowed to a stop as I felt her starting to shake again.

“Oh, please, don’t stop,” she moaned.

Pressing my thumb on her clit, I reached for my bedside drawer and pulled out a condom. I ripped the end of the packet off with my teeth, then went back to licking at her pussy, teasing her clit and spreading her lips, trying to push inside her with my tongue. This was eliciting moans from Tina and keeping her well lubricated while I fiddled about with the rubber. Finally, it was on and I raised myself over her, taking hold of my dick. I ran the head along her lips a few times, then found her entrance with my finger and pushed forward along it.

As the head of my dick pushed a little into her, I paused, pulling my hand out of the way. Looking at her I leant forward, bit by bit going deeper into her. At first, she was tense and tight, but she slowly relaxed and allowed me in. As I reached as far as I could go, Tina’s legs came up around me, gripping hard and tight. I leant forward and kissed her, she grabbed my head and kissed me back as if it was the last kiss she would ever have.

As I pulled back, she stopped kissing me, saying sadly, “Noo,” looking up at me plaintively.

I pushed into her again to a sigh, then she tensed, her knees gripping my ribs, her fingers on my shoulders with her nails digging in. It felt like her pussy was trying to strangle my dick. I could still move, so carried on slowly, back and forth. As I continued, Tina’s grips didn’t lessen. Her breathing got harsher and faster. I was worried she might hyperventilate. After several minutes of this, she slammed onto me giving out an incoherent grunt. That was it, it pushed me over the edge, I tensed up and felt my whole body shake four or five times, one for each spurt.

Tina opened her eyes and smiled; everything was good in the world. I kissed her and she hugged herself to me. I rolled over and she lay her head on my chest as I cuddled her. Breathing heavy with her weight on top of me, still inside her, I’m not sure I had been more content before that.



I had still not seen Luke with an erection. The previous night, he had pleasured me, then we had gone to sleep. Sure, I felt him behind me, but it was not in a position I could compare with. Earlier that night was similar, I had felt some movement when we were kissing at his door. After that, he had put me on the bed and the most I saw of him was from the waist up. Not that I’m complaining, I did enjoy the view. However, I had seen him in the clubhouse and earlier playing cards and he appeared as if he should be bigger than Idiot and I had only seen Idiot erect.

This made me nervous. Last night when I had said I wanted him in me, as if that wasn’t embarrassing enough, so I was sure, if I stayed, Luke would expect a repeat. When Idiot had done his thing, it hurt, not just the initial penetration, I was expecting that, but everything after that hurt and hurt for several days. Diane had said a little under six-inches was about average from what she had read and Idiot didn’t appear to be any longer than the short rulers, if anything I would guess he was shorter.

My nerves, in the end, were for nothing. Luke must have been smaller. He had ensured I was happy and comfortable; he gave me several good orgasms before trying to penetrate me and when he did, it was a slow push, rather than a slam. It wasn’t a continuous push either, it was push a little, pause, push again. Until I could feel his legs pressing against mine and knew he was as deep as possible. He paused for longer this time.

Even though he was smaller than Idiot, he made me feel so much different. Every millimetre was like a tiny version of the burn you get in your muscles from a good workout, only it was all centred around my vagina. It was like he was stretching the muscles in my vaginal walls, but he couldn’t be, he was smaller than Idiot and he didn’t give me that feeling. Then when Luke was as deep as I thought he could go, I just felt full. It was a bit like when you really need to pee, your bladder walls are straining ready to burst, this is how it felt, but again focused on my vagina. Unlike the bladder, it was a positive feeling, not negative. I didn’t want to lose this feeling, there was a warmth to it that was spreading through my body. My legs came up and wrapped around Luke.

He leant over to kiss me but then started to pull back. I had this idea that he was just teasing me, he’d conquered me and now he was leaving. I panicked and said “No,” trying to hold him in with my legs. Then he pushed back into me, slow but all the way, it was like he pressed a button and all that heat and stretch exploded through my body outwards from my vagina. He didn’t slam in and out like Idiot, he had a steady movement back and forth, taking his time, a bit like a generator rebuilding what had just been released and then I orgasmed a second time, or was it a second peak, I didn’t know how to count these things, still don’t, I just know that it was like a lorry load of joy crashed into my vagina spilling it’s goods throughout my body. I felt my hips buck up and then Luke went stiff and jerked a few times before relaxing.

When I opened my eyes, I saw the happiest eyes I ever had and just needed to hug him, I lifted myself off the bed a little doing this. Luke kissed me and turned over on the bed, taking me with him. Lying on him and around him, it was and still is one of the safest, most peaceful feelings I have ever felt. As I felt him deflate, I expected to feel his deposit leak out of me, but it didn’t. I kissed his cheek.

“Just need to clean up.”

“No, you don’t, if you don’t want to.”

“It’s code, you doofus,” I said, slapping his chest playfully.

“Oh, erm, you can borrow my robe on the door.”

“What’s up? Don’t you want your girlfriend parading around showing off her body to all and sundry?”

When he hesitated, looking trapped and adorable, I kissed him quickly and as I grabbed his robe said, “I’m not that kind of girl, yet.”

As I had turned to say it, I suddenly understood why I hadn’t felt him leak from me. This gentle giant had, without me noticing, put on a condom. It clicked when and where he had got it, but I just hadn’t registered what he was doing. I went back over and kissed his head,

“Thank you,” I said.

“Erm, you’re welcome,” he replied, running his hand up my leg and gripping the back of my thigh.



Bloody women and their doublespeak. First, it’s code for something, needing a pee, I think. Then she’s saying about showing off naked, was that a jibe at me or was she saying she was willing to get fully involved in the after match celebrations. And then the ‘Thank you’, it was too disjointed to be for the sex and besides I should be thanking her. If only someone would publish a Woman to English dictionary, it would soon overtake the bible as the top selling book.

While all this is going through my head, I had taken off the condom and tied and binned it. I grabbed a pair of boxers from my laundry bag and went to the living room or is that pig-sty? It looked like there had been a scramble to get out of there, clothes and cards were still all over. I found those that Tina and I had left in there and took them to my room. Then gathered the glasses and cards and put them in the kitchen.

“Ooh, there you are. Aren’t you well trained? I might keep you.”

“Just waiting for you to finish, they can finish clearing their shit up tomorrow. I grabbed our clothes and put them in our room. I just need to have a quick pee and I’ll be in.”

Tina came over and kissed me then turned back to my room. As she was about to go in, she took my robe off, looked over her shoulder and smiled and then the door was closed.

What the fuck was that all about? Did it mean she would walk around naked? Was she telling me to hurry? Jesus, dealing with a bunch of naked, horny rugby players was easier than this. I went for what I saw was the best option and hurried a quick wash and brush of the teeth then back to bed.

As I stepped into my room, I dropped my boxers and kicked them toward the laundry bag and turned to the bed. I stopped in my tracks. From being completely covered, Tina was now laying there, on what used to be my side with the duvet turned back on the other side. This exposed her down to her navel as she lay there, she supported her head on her hand and had her other arm along her side. Gone was the shyness of earlier, now she just exuded sex appeal. She could have had her picture taken like that and made any of the glamour magazines.

I walked to the bed, sat on the edge and slid my feet under the covers. When I turned to her, Tina looked like she hadn’t moved. We stared at each other for what might have been hours, but in reality, was more like a few seconds. Life was good.



After we had just stared at each other, Luke smiled and shuffled closer to me, putting a hand on the side of my face and after a little pause, he kissed me on the nose. I smiled back and he kissed that too.

“Goodnight Tina. Thank you for,” he paused, “these last few weeks. I’ve enjoyed every aspect of it, even being an idiot.”

“There is a story and I will tell you, but please don’t call yourself an idiot. But we’ve been as bad as each other. I think we should go and thank Diane.”

As if on cue, we heard, “Oh fuck me, Rob, yes!”

“Or maybe leave it until the morning.” Luke laughed.

“I think so, now, please hold me while we go to sleep.” We had one last kiss, longer and bit of touching of tongues, but a comforting, loving kiss.

I turned around and lay down, Luke moved closer wrapping an arm under my neck and bending it up under my head and put his other around my waist holding me tight to him. I snuggled back into his embrace and felt him all down my back, with a noticeable lump by my bum. With him curled under my legs, it was like I was sitting on his lap.

He whispered in my ear, “Did I keep your side warm enough?”

“Uhuh,” I replied giving his arm a little squeeze. I don’t think it took me long to drop off after that

I woke up a little after eight the following morning as the sun started to come through a gap at the top of the curtains. I was usually awake by seven even at weekends, even if I had been out the night before. I also slept really soundly, which is unusual for me in a strange bed. I had turned to face Luke while we slept. Normally I would wake up in the same position I fell asleep in.

As I lay there with the sun dancing over the sheets, Luke looked so peaceful. The duvet had fallen back and I could see his chest rising and falling evenly. I had seen him naked before, but never really seen him. And never when he was totally at rest. Curiosity got the better of me and I pulled the duvet back exposing more of him. It had never struck me before, as I put my hand on first his chest, spreading my fingers across it, then on his arm and leg, I saw just how big he was. I could not reach halfway around the top of his forearm and that was possibly one of the smaller parts of him. Even with my fingers spread, his thigh was wider than my hand. It must be to do with his training as he didn’t look overly big when he was with the others in the house.

No, my curiosity didn’t stop at his chest, arms and legs. However, I could not believe what I saw. He was fast asleep with an erection, I wasn’t that naïve that I didn’t know about the morning glory, what surprised me was how big he was. He can’t have been that big last night, I would have known. Lying there, I ran my fingers along the length of it, then put my hand around it and then my other hand. He was bigger than Idiot and by a reasonable margin. I haven’t got big hands, but when Idiot had told me to take it in both hands, I had engulfed him. Here, doing the same to Luke and there was about half-inch poking out of the top.

I caught myself doing it again, comparing Luke to Idiot, I felt tears running down my face. I was so confused. Why did I keep comparing them? Why was Luke interested in me? I turned and lay back down pushing in tight to him, holding his arm so tight to me to make sure he couldn’t get away. I hadn’t realised that my sobs had woken him up.



As I came too, I felt Tina holding my arm tightly and could feel little judders. It took a moment for me to comprehend that she was crying.

“Morning you, what’s the matter?” 

“Oh Luke, I’m so sorry,” she started and then a jumble of words came out. Words like idiot, compare, why, confused.

“Okay, just stop for a second, take a few breaths and try again. What are you sorry about?”

“I woke up and I was looking at you and I started to compare you to my last boyfriend.”

This woke me up. “Oh.” What else can you say? Maybe if it had been in a moment of fun and laughter I might have gotten away with, “And how do I stack up?” This was not one of those moments.

She gripped my hand around her waist, entwining her fingers with mine. “Oh sweetie, you don’t compare. If he was a bump in the road, you would be Mount Everest. If he was a planet it would be Pluto, you would be the Sun.”

I hugged in tightly, “It seems to me like a good thing?” I turned it into a question to try and draw more out of her.

“It is. I just feel guilty and confused and as I was lying there it all washed over me, not for the first time and then I started crying and then I got scared and then…”

“Shhh, slow down, take another breath.” She stopped and I felt a few more sobs. “Shall I go and get Diane would it be easier to talk to her?”

Again, she squeezed my hand, I’m not sure she released it from the first time, at this rate I thought I might lose the use of it.

“No and yes,” she said.


“No, I don’t want you to get Diane, though yes it would be easier to talk to her. It’s you I need to tell.”

“So, tell me. If it’s something that is likely to send us our separate ways, perhaps it’s better to be said now and… I was going to say cause less pain, I think, give us longer to heal would be better.” This was the first time I think I had hinted at my true feelings to Tina.

“I’m sorry, but last night while we made love, I was comparing you to him and it wasn’t the first time. At other times, like when you threw Diane’s friend out of the club and when you gave up your last bit of clothes last night, just some examples. I found myself wondering what he would do and every time he came up short. He wouldn’t have stood up to someone bigger than him, even with all his friends around. He would have been comfortable seeing me embarrassed and taking my clothes off.”

“I’m sorry, but I have to ask.”

“Last night?”


“Oh god, this is the worst.”

She went on to tell me about her only experience with a male. How he had tried to show what a man he was by making her take hold of him, how he bragged that he wasn’t a sissy and that is why he refused to go down on her. And finally, without much in the way of foreplay, knowing full well she was a virgin, he had thrust into her without pause.

In some ways, she had been relieved about his lack of experience as he only pushed in once more before he was done. He had then got up and dressed and said he had to go, leaving her in pain and tears, though she had refused to cry in front of him. She was in pain for several days after and was scared last night about what I would expect from her and how I would be.

“This is where it gets really bad,” she let out another shuddering sob. “I was so relieved when you were in me that you were smaller than him. Then this morning, god this is embarrassing.”

I gave her another squeeze, which she clung onto.

“This morning I was looking at you, the Sun was shining on your body, I pulled back the covers and you had, you know. I hadn’t seen your erection before, soft you didn’t look much smaller than Idiot, sorry Diane started calling him that, I don’t even think of him by name anymore. Anyway, the way it felt last night you must have been smaller than him. But then this morning, it looked, and then I held it and…” She burst into tears again.

“Oh Luke, I’m so sorry.”

I hugged her until she settled a bit, then pulled her shoulder back, “Turn around let me look at you.”

“I must look a mess.”

“I don’t care, perfectly made up or a mess, it makes no odds.” Tina slowly turned and faced me and yes, she did look a mess, a beautiful one, but definitely a mess.

“I’m confused. What is it you’re sorry about and why has this made you so upset?”

“I’m sorry I compared you to him. I’m sorry I thought you were smaller. I’m sorry I wasted your time.”

She had made as if to get up as she finished talking but I held her in place. My engineering brain had kicked into overdrive now, analysing what Tina was saying and breaking it down into manageable chunks.

“Let me go back to something that I’m a little concerned about.”

Her eyes opened wide.

“You said you were scared about what I would expect of you.”

She nodded.

I took her hand in both of mine, as well as you can, lying like we were. “I expect you to enjoy our time together. If there is anything you are nervous or even scared of, tell me. I might ask you to trust me, I might do something else, but I will never poo-poo it.”

I kissed her hand before continuing.

“There’s no need to be sorry about comparing me to him or any other person. It’s natural. If there’s something you prefer about him-”

Tina cut me off. “No, there is nothing!”

I put my finger on her lips, “If there is something you prefer about him or anyone, tell me, especially if I can change. Maybe someone did a certain thing with their hands or while they were kissing…” I let that hang. “But also, if there is anything you like me doing or don’t like, please tell me. If you ever just want to stop, whether it’s because you’re nervous or afraid or any other reason or none at all, you just say so and I’ll stop.”

I chuckled as I thought about my next answer, “I’m sort of flattered that you thought I was smaller.” I could see the surprise in her face, “I don’t give a shit about how big I am, I gauge myself on how you react and the way you reacted was phenomenal. I’ve never known anyone so reactive to me. God that makes me sound like a slut. Of the four girls I’ve made love to, you are the most reactive and other than a few hesitations, like when you said about trimming, you have been the most accepting of what I have wanted to give you. Does that make sense?”

Tears started running down her face again.

“Did I say something wrong?”

She put her hand on my cheek and smiled and shook her head. “I’ll tell you in a minute.”

“Okay, how about you tell me what you meant by waste my time?”

She shrugged, “I don’t know, I just feel, you know, why waste your time on me? You could do so much better.”

I laughed out loud, “I’m sorry, but yes I do know exactly how you feel, I feel the same about you. You are beautiful inside and out, your eyes are like lasers to guide me by, your left boob should be about a D cup because your heart is so big.” I leant forward and almost conspiratorially whispered to her, “And when you wear jeans it shows off an arse that could start wars. I’d certainly kill for it.”

Tina laughed, hard and loud at this. “Jane said you had been a little hypnotised by it.”

“Ah shit my secret’s out!” I leant forward and kissed both cheeks, “Not wasting any more tears.” Then kissed her nose and finally a lingering kiss on the lips.

“Hold me, Luke,” it wasn’t a request.

As she turned and snuggled back into me, there was a banging on my bedroom door.

“It’s okay,” I whispered, “I usually cook Sunday morning.”

Then louder to whoever was banging, “Fuck off, the chef’s on strike.”

“More like he’s got his sausage, oww!”

“Sorry, baby girl, I’ll get him under control.” I heard Diane and it must have been Rob, laughing.

“You were going to tell me something about your tears when I said about reacting.”

What Tina told me next left me flabbergasted. “You mean you and Diane, you…”

“Like that idea, do you?”

“Erm, well…”

“I can feel how much you like it, pressing against my bum.” She gave a little wiggle to emphasise her point.

“No, Diane and I didn’t and haven’t. The thing is that when I stopped her, she said those exact words to me, ‘receptive and accepting’. She is my best friend and I love her to bits, so when you said that, it tugged at a very special heartstring.

“By the way,” she continued, with another wiggle, “she said she would but that she would never push me. I’m sorry to shatter your dreams, again, but I’m not interested in anything like that. Maybe you did pick wrong.”

“Nope, it might be a nice little fantasy to roll about in my head…”

“Just so long as it stays there.” She cut across me again.

“Absolutely. If it doesn’t it’s no longer a fantasy, either it’s forgotten or it’s reality. And we all know that reality sucks. Besides, I’m not sure I had a lot of say in the picking, the fates have put us together.”

“Thank you, Luke.”

“For fantasising over you and Diane together, my pleasure, seriously, it is.”

“Nooo, you know.”

“I do. I don’t see there’s a need for thanks though. If we can’t support each other when we need it and can’t talk and listen to each other, we might as well talk about having a relationship like Diane and Rob.”

“How did you get like this, thinking so…clearly.”

“It’s a story for another day, but I promise I will tell you.”

We must have dozed off again because when I woke up there was a cup of coffee on each side of the bed. Barely warm, I would have to talk with the chef. I smiled as I sat up, slipping my arm from under Tina. It was good to see her at peace after our talk earlier. While I was sitting on the edge of the bed, I saw two things. First the time, it was just before noon, shit we had slept for probably three more hours. The other was that bloody contraption called a bra. I thought to myself, I’m going to conquer this evil thing and stooped to pick it up.

Thanks to cbears52 for proofreading

Thank you to the moderators helping me getting this published

And thank you to everyone that reads, comments and/or votes.

All feedback is welcome, either in the comments or via a direct message.




Published 6 years ago

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