Jan started towards me, nipples still very prominent, the last of my effusive previous cum still oozing from her ravaged pussy and leaving a trail down her thigh, “OK Sven – what needs a bit more awakening…?”
Mike may have been at ‘full staff’ but I wasn’t yet – while I was still trying to work out where this next turn of events was heading, I realised that Pat was blushing furiously.
Jan continued, “Pat and I had a little chat about something, that so far she’s never been able to do and is curious about.”
I realised then, where we might be heading, Pat and I had often wondered about a little anal, but sometimes size may be a blessing at others a curse! I had been simply too large to even contemplate ‘going there,’ Mike on the other hand…
Mike, as I could now see only too well, was about my length, were we comparing, which we weren’t, but did have the benefit of being a lot slimmer in girth. Perfect!
Jan said, “this time I’m the ‘fluffer,’’’ and she proceeded to ‘fluff’ me, caressing my sac as she deep-throated me to a full-blown hardness.
“Right Sven, lie down on your back, Jan, you’re already as wet as Sven now is, Jan had rubbed some warm oil onto my shaft – ‘climb aboard.’” And Pat, my wife of so many years that I’d thought I knew so well, did just that.
Kneeling astride my midriff, she reached down tucked me into place and then slid straight down. All the way home.
Jan, by now recognised as the full-time Master of Ceremonies, said, “Come on Mike, we don’t want Sven subsiding.”
I managed to keep a straight face, just. With Pat’s dangly ‘cantaloupes’ now trying to slide either side of my neck and the sight of Jan’s beautiful rack right next to me, there was little chance of that.
Mike disappeared behind Pat’s back as I noticed he had a bottle of lubricant and a condom in hand. A few seconds later Pat’s eyes first widened and then narrowed as I felt the presence of Mike’s cock joining in the act.
Feeling another cock, now taking Pat’s anal virginity, somewhere I’d never been, was quite amazing as well as highly erotic. Mike was being very gentle for Pat’s first time and took a moment or two to slowly make his way fully in. In the meantime feeling him touching me, but not touching me, as it were, was quite sensational.
Trying to delay the inevitable, especially as Jan was now caressing and fondling my balls, was a lost cause. Pat was keening as her own orgasm approached, I was now moving hard and fast as was MIke.
I came first with an explosion that made me see stars, rapidly followed by Pat and lastly Mike.
Truly there was something different about such an intense climax. Jan giggled and asked, “Did you like that?”
Silly question!
She then went on, “Have you never used cannabidiol as a lubricant before?”
Pat and I laid together as both Mike and I began to lose hardness and start to slip from our respective nests.
Jan continued, “Well it’s pretty damn good as you now know and Sven, you’ve got the perfect, built-in applicator, so you don’t need to use it, Pat.”
As is finally slid out from Pat’s vagina, so did Mike, in what I thought might be an ending to our amazing and unexpected adventure.
Then our master of ceremonies spoke again, “Right Sven, come on, shower time,” and she pulled me to my feet and we headed off to the main bathroom while Mike and Pat went off to use our en-suite.
This time Jan, with a little titivation, washed me thoroughly as I, in turn, did the same to her. Pat and Mike reappeared about the same time, so no further hanky-panky there then.
Pat then explained that the events of the past few days were as a result of she and Jan meeting after a gym session. Really it had been almost serendipitous. The cafe had been full and Jan had asked to use, what had been almost the only vacant spot left in the seating area.
As you do, they’d got chatting and realised that they had quite a lot in common. That had been several months ago and they’d turned into good friends who then met regularly. And inevitably, I guess, the chatting got saucier. Then it turned out that Mike’s IT profession of installations covered cameras so when we were looking for one, he’d got involved.
It has to be said that at that stage, I suspect I was the only one that didn’t know of the background saucy uses that he and Jan put it to when one or other of them was out of the county.
Jan’s egging Pat on had coincided with our bedroom fantasies getting, shall we say, more interesting. The rest and what I had witnessed, had, like the best of unplanned adventures had been just that, unplanned. But the three of them had just ‘gone for it’ and my reaction to the events had been far better than they might ever have hoped for.
Naked as we still were, Pat had been teasing MIke, much as Jan had been doing to me. Pat got up gave me a big hug and a kiss, said, “See you in the morning…” pulled Mike to his feet and then wandered off, towing him towards the guest suite.
Jan giggled and called out to their retreating backs, “Don’t do anything we aren’t going to do. See you in the morning.”
As we got up, I was enveloped in her arms. My cock crushed hotly between us as I was treated to a hot sloppy kiss with tongues – full of promise for the remainder of the night ahead.
Tomorrow was going to be a new day, obviously, and the surprises may have been ending, but Mike and Jan had opened a completely new chapter in our marriage and lives and by Pat’s willingness I knew, that like me, we were both looking forward to it.
Perhaps Pandora’s Box, once opened, can never be closed again but having tasted, literally, our new adventures, neither Pat or I wanted to return to or go back to our, old, former, rather a staid way of life.