When I awoke again, Luke was sat on the side of the bed. I rolled over and was about to crawl over to him when I saw red lines crisscrossing his back. Some wide, some narrower. I silently put my hand over my mouth as it occurred to me what the narrow ones were. They were by his shoulders and around the bottom of his back, looking like they might go around his waist. I looked at my nails and then his back.
I knelt behind him, putting my hands around his neck and kissing his cheek asked, “Everything okay?” As I rested my chin on his shoulder, I saw what he was doing, then burst out laughing.
“Who designed these fucking things?”
“Do you want me to leave it for you to practice with?”
He looked round in all earnestness and said, “Would you? I’ll wash it and give it back when I’m done.”
He had so many sides to him. The friend everyone wanted to be around. The generous person that would help anyone, even a stranger with strawberry blonde hair and no boobs. The protector and fighter, willing to take on the world for his friends.
The competitor on the field and in all games, but without forgetting that losing is sometimes the right thing to do. The wonderful, gentle lover I had discovered over the previous two nights.
Now, he was almost childlike in his fascination with my bra and how the clasps worked and his innocent response to my joking question.
As I looked down on his left leg there were more red lines. I hadn’t seen them before as he had been lying on them.
“Luke, sweetie?”
“Yeah,” still focused on my bra. I put my hand on his chin and pulled his head to face me.
“What are those red lines on your leg?”
“Oh, them? Stud marks, it’s a rare game I come off the pitch without a set.”
“What happened?”
“It’s usually where I’ve dived on a ball or been tackled. I might be rucked out of the way or just plain trampled. There was one point yesterday, it felt like my back had taken a rucking too. Are there any marks there?
“About that.” He suddenly looked very serious, “There are quite a lot of red marks on your back. Not all of them stud marks.”
He thought for a second, then turned to the side and kissed my arm, “Marking me as your own, were you?”
“Would you like that?”
He kissed my arm again and got up, he talked about my bum… “Hey, that’s cheating!”
“What?” He laughed.
“Distracting me with your bum to avoid the question.”
“Well, if you’re allowed to do it to me.” He threw one of his tops at me and slipped on a pair of boxers. The top came halfway down my thigh, so I didn’t think I needed to bother with my knickers. But it did make me think that maybe I should leave a few pairs here, just in case.
When he turned, I gasped.
“What’s up?” He asked.
“Your face, it’s, I hadn’t noticed, it was on the pillow, your cheek, it’s black.
He reached up and touched where he had been hit yesterday, dabbing it with his fingertips. He then grinned.
“Please m’lady,” he put on an old cockney accent and held out his hand, “would you be kind enough as to spare a fought for an old wounded soldier? Per’aps a kiss would ‘elp ‘eal me.” Then back to his normal voice, “Oh, and yes.”
I went over and kissed the black mark on his cheek, “Yes what?”
“Please?” He responded.
I slapped his back as he left the room.
“Ooh, kinky!”
I could feel my face redden at the thought someone might have heard, then had another thought.
“Luke, do you want to put on a top?”
He stopped just beyond the doorway and turned around. I was relieved it would save my embarrassment.
“No,” he said, grabbing my face and kissing me, “Yes, I would like you marking me as yours and no, I don’t want to wear a top. I wear my wounds with pride.” He gently caressed my cheek for a second looking into my very soul, “All of them.” And then that damned smile.
Just as soon as we walked into the kitchen, Diane stood up and marched me back into our room. I stopped in my tracks.
“What’s up?”
“I just thought you have brought me back into our room.”
“Yes?” she asked.
“Last night, Luke came and grabbed our clothes and he said he had put them in our room,” This time with some emphasis on the ‘our’.
Diane grabbed me and hugged me so tight, I had to push away, “I’m so happy for you. You two seem to have just slotted together. Talking of which, did you slot together okay last night?”
“Ugh, you have an awful turn of phrase. A lady doesn’t kiss and tell. But oh my god! If Idiot nearly turned me celibate, Luke may have given me an addiction.”
“Oh, was his dick-tion added value?” She was like a naughty schoolgirl at times, so I slapped her arm like one.
“If you really must know, yes, yes it is.” After a bit of playful toing and froing, I told her about the night, not all the details, but a lot of the feelings, mainly to show how different it had been to Idiot. I also told her about this morning.
“Wow! A lot of men would have been pissed off about that. Steal their car, burn their house down, even steal their woman, but don’t say they have a smaller cock than, well, anything.”
“Is Rob like that? I get the feeling the team, at least the ones here, don’t really care. So long as you don’t hurt or insult them or someone they like,”
“Or love,” interjected Diane pointedly.
I smiled and continued, “then, they really aren’t bothered by small minded comments.”
“Oh, baby girl, you are so adorable and so lucky, I think you’ve found a good un.” She hugged me and kissed me, on the lips as had become the norm with her now. “You also know the difference between a man and a boy.”
I looked at her quizzically, “I bet if you gave me all the details, he basically worshipped you and your body last night.” I felt myself blush, especially when I remembered him kissing my feet. “Idiot, on the other, used, no, abused your body and you!”
If Idiot had been in the local area, I think by the look on Diane’s face, she would have gone and hurt him there and then.
“You say he’s a man,” she nodded, “but when I awoke the second time, he was sat on the edge of the bed trying to work out how to undo my bra. He was even eager when I offered to leave it for him to practice on.”
Diane laughed, standing with her arm linked in mine, “You two in all your strengths and naiveties, look like you make a perfect pairing. Where one falls, the other will carry them. Maybe we should start calling you Fay.”
“Fay Wray, played Ann in King Kong, beauty…”
“That killed the beast,” I cut her off, “I only want to capture him. Maybe you meant Belle.”
“For your sake, Luke’s and all of ours, don’t ever try to tame him though.”
I smiled to myself as we left OUR bedroom.
“To be honest though, baby girl, I was thinking of your delicate frame, draped in satin,” she said as she patted my bum. “But I’m pleased you’re seeing yourself as the beauty that you are.”
“Shit man, she gave you a going over last night!” said Matt as I walked into the kitchen.
I guessed he was trying to shock Rachel. It was her first morning after a match. To be honest, I was surprised she was here, but then Tina was and we had only been on two, make that four, dates. Like Tina though, Rachel would not have seen the state that we were often in, both from the pitch and the after match.
“Morning all,” I said.
“Jeez, Luke! What happened to your face?” asked Cara.
I walked over and kissed Cara on the cheek, “I was getting bored with being the prettiest in the house, so Rob arranged a facelift for me.” I heard a gasp behind me.
“Is it usually like this?” I heard Rachel whisper.
“No, sometimes someone really works Luke over, you should see him then.”
“Who was wearing the running spikes though Luke,” said Andy running his fingers over one of the sets of lines Tina had gifted me with.
I looked over my shoulder and just winked.
As they came into the kitchen, I heard Diane say, “To be honest though, baby girl, I was thinking of your delicate frame, draped in satin,” to Tina. When she had finished talking Matt and Rob started to sing.
“Say it isn’t true!” Diane turned to Tina, “Oh honey, you have to let me take them all home!”
Tina looked thoroughly confused. I heard groans from the others, except Rachel, I think she was still in shock from the state of my back. I grinned and rubbed my hands.
“Well that’s later sorted,” I said.
“Girl, run away now! Run and don’t look back. There is no hope for us, but there’s still time, you can escape before he drags you into his warped world.” Said Andy.
Tina looked no less confused as I handed her a coffee and kissed her cheek. I mouthed ‘Okay?” and she gave me a little nod. I don’t know who had made it, but there was a dish of what we loosely referred to a cowboy stew in the oven. Basically, mince, potatoes and vegetables with gravy, Worcester sauce and some salt and pepper. All put in a pot and left to cook slowly.
I grabbed a couple of bowls and put some bread on a plate, I took them over to Tina. I went to lift her onto the side and there was a look of panic in her face. I hesitated, then understood and lifted her, just a little more carefully. I picked up my bowl and leant against her knees.
She slowly opened them a little and hooked her legs around the front of me. All of us ate and laughed and joked. It was one of those times that I will remember with fondness, a time that if you could bottle it and sell it, there would be no more wars or poverty.
All three of the Sunday after ‘virgins’ had been shocked by the state of my back and face and both mine and Rob’s legs. As we talked, we took turns in the shower, by the time it was mine, the bruise on my cheek was getting purple patches and had spread to my eye.
When I got dressed, or rather, put on clean boxers, I grabbed a video off my shelf and put it into the player in the living room. I went into the kitchen and told them I was ready to explain my comment to Tina if anyone wanted to join us. All the others begged off, Matt promised to explain to Rachel and Diane said she would talk with Tina back at the halls later. I felt disappointment at this, but understood, it probably wouldn’t do any harm to get an early night, it had been a rather full on weekend.
This was curious, a sudden outburst of song after Diane’s comment. Then her excitement at hearing it. Luke had checked I was okay. I took it to mean from my conversation with Diane but given how the others had reacted I wasn’t so sure if it was actually about offering to explain later. Luke lifted me onto the side which was a bit nervy, given my underwear choice.
Once we settled in he blocked my modesty and it felt only natural to put my legs around his waist. At one point, I caught myself thinking that it looked like quite a possessive move but also thought so what, he’s mine. The rest of lunch was chatty, the drunken highs from the night before had dissipated but everyone was still in a good mood.
The kitchen was cleaned and tidied in no time, with everyone helping. About three in the afternoon, Luke and I had the house to ourselves. He was still in his boxers and his back was bugging me. I went to my bag and dug about and found what I was looking for. I went into the kitchen and took Luke by the hand and pulled him into the bedroom. Our bedroom.
I turned and kissed him, “Lie down sweetie, face down.”
Luke narrowed his eyes, then smirked and complied.
I pulled the top of his boxers down to about halfway over his bum. I grabbed the tube I had retrieved and put some of its contents onto the tip of my first and middle finger. Spreading his buttocks a little and feeling him tense up, I inserted my fingers slowly between them. He jumped as the cold cream touched his skin and his buttocks clenched on my fingertips.
I leant forward and whispered, “Trust me.”
Thanks to cbears52 for proofreading
Thank you to the moderators helping me getting this published
And thank you to everyone that reads, comments and/or votes.
All feedback is welcome, either in the comments or via a direct message.