The Checkout Girl.

"A day at the beach can truly change your outlook on sex."

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Blip, blip, the sound was almost hypnotic as one article after another was scanned as I passed it in front of the scanner. My butt hurt, my legs were asleep, and I wanted to go on my break which had been delayed due to a rush of customers.

“Cash or credit card?” I asked the construction worker in front of me.


The fucker took out a fifty Euro bill to pay for a bun and a small bottle of water. The till opened and I looked down at the dwindling amount of change I had left.

“Here is your change, and have a good day,” I said with a big smile as I heaped loads of small coins into his hand. That will teach him a lesson I thought.

There was a crackle in my headset and my supervisor, Eva’s, screechy voice said, “Linda, take your break.”

Thank god, I thought as I put the till in pause and scurried off into the changing rooms for my hand bag.

I never took my break in the designated break room. I liked to be alone outside, so I sat down under a tree in the parking lot and took several gulps from the fruit juice I had brought from home before I lit a cigarette. I had a twenty-minute break, which meant, half a bottle of juice and two or three cigarettes.

As I sat there smoking a low-slung sports car entered the parking and made a few circles before parking as close to the entrance to the supermarket as possible. I watched the car wondering what it would be like owning one. Expensive I expected. The driver’s door opened and a woman got out. Tall, in her late forties, white summer dress, sunglasses pushed up holding her dark brown hair away from her angular face. She looked around like if she was expecting an applause or some other recognition for being there. Rich bitch, I thought and finished off my juice.

Back at my till I put on my happy to see you smile and chatted with the customers as they came and went. I was about to change the ticket roll when something caught my eye. The woman from the parking lot came walking towards my station with a shopping cart filled to the brim. Oh fuck, I thought, here we go. She will probably bitch and moan about something. As she began piling her shopping on the belt, I scanned them and pushed them to the side.

“Excuse me, ma’am. Are you shopping alone?” I asked.

“Yes, why?”

“Well, it would be easier and faster if there was someone bagging your things while you put them on the belt.”

She smiled at me. “I know, but today I’m alone.”

I did the best I could by trying to place each item as best I could, but the mountain grew and some bags of fruits almost fell to the floor.

I got up and began to bag her things. This was something that we never did, it wasn’t part of our job description.

“What are you doing, Linda?” came the screechy voice in my ear.

“She is alone, and I’m just helping,” I told Eva.

I could see her watching me from the aisle with cleaning products. Her narrow lizard’s face and stringy hair, begging me to punch her lights out.

“We will talk about this later.”


I sat back down and continued passing the items until the last one had come through.

“Cash or credit,” I asked.


I waited until the woman had counted out the money while watching her. Up close she looked a bit younger than I had thought, maybe she had done some work around her eyes.

“There you go,” she said, handing me the money.

I gave her change back. “Thank you, and please come again.”

She tilted her head and almost whispered. “I’d love to come again, and again.”

She turned and walked away with the bagged items in her cart. I just stared at her back, not quite sure about what I had just heard.

A few days later I had my day off and since it was early in the summer, I decided to work on my fish belly white body and went to a beach. Not one of the big a famous ones, but a smaller less known one.

When I arrived, it was fairly empty and I parked my motorcycle under a tree where it would stay in the shade so I wouldn’t burn my lower ass and thighs when I sat down on the saddle later on. I wore short shorts and a halter top to cover my bikini.

I lay down my towel and spread plenty of sun lotion on my body. I wore no bikini top and my firm C tits got their fair share of the cream. I couldn’t help pulling and pinching my nipples a bit, it had been a while since I had had sex and my body was telling me I needed it.

I was dozing off when I heard the deep rumble of a large engine and I looked out to sea. A white speedboat had entered the cove and as I watched, the anchor dropped and the engines turned off. The lovely silence was back and I lay down again closing my eyes.

Sex, that’s what was on my mind as my body soaked in the sunlight. The last good fuck I had had was with Michael a month ago. God that man could fuck well. He had a nice cock that wasn’t too long, but thick so I really knew he was inside me. And he loved to lick me, and could do it for a long time, making me come over and over again.

But now there was no more Michael, the wimp had fallen in love he had told me and we had to end our fuck buddy relationship. I guess I was glad for him, but at the same time frustrated since I now had to find someone new. I wasn’t ready for a serious relationship. At twenty-five I liked being single and to do what I wanted when I wanted. Playing with myself took the worst of the tension away, but it just wasn’t good enough.

“Excuse me, do you know if the bar is going to open?”

I came out of my daydream and focused on the shape in front of me. There was something in the voice that I recognized so I sat up and pushed up my sunglasses.

It was her, the woman from the shop.

“Oh, hi, I didn’t recognize you without the uniform on. Enjoying your day off?” she asked.

“Yeah. I’m not sure when the bar opens, what time is it?”

“Just after ten.”

“Strange, it should be. Maybe the owner is stuck in traffic?”

“Maybe. The thing is, I didn’t bring any food with me and I’m kind of hungry. I only have drinks on the boat.”

I looked past her at the white boat bobbing on the surface. “Is that yours?”

“My late husband’s actually, but I enjoy it when I can.”

“I bet you do. Looks nice.”

She moved so she wasn’t standing in front of the sun. “Would you like to come on board for a drink while we wait for the bar to open? Then I’ll buy you lunch.”

This was odd, I thought. What would an obviously very wealthy woman want with someone like me a simple teller girl?

She must have noticed me hesitating because she smiled and continued. “I don’t have many friends, they were mostly my husbands and when he died, well, they scattered I guess.”

“Sure, why not. I could use a drink.”

I grabbed my purse and followed her down to the water’s edge where a small dinghy was pulled up on the beach. I helped her push it into the water and when she started the electrical engine the little rubber boat moved surprisingly fast across the water.

Her boat was much bigger than I had first thought, and it was anchored further away than it had seemed. The sea, sometimes gives you the illusion that things are closer than they really are. I guess it was close to fifty feet long and as I climbed on board, the woman hooked the dinghy onto two hooks on a small crane and it was lifted out of the water.

“I’m Marie, by the way. Please sit down while I get the drinks. What would you like?”

“White wine? My name is Linda.”

“Sure, Linda.”

I looked back at the beach and the ant sized people walking along the edge of the water. Out here, there was a breeze and my hair got into my face. As I was brushing it away Marie came back with a wine cooler, a bottle and two glasses.

She opened the bottle and then poured. The wine was perfectly chilled and it was amazingly good.

“Wow that is nice.”

Thanks, it’s from one of my wineries.”

“One of them?”

Marie giggled. “Yes, my husband was in the wine business. The company owns vineyards in California, Spain, France, Italy and Greece.”

I whistled through my teeth. “You must do a lot of travelling, then?”

“Not really, I have others for that. I spend most of my time with my passion. Children homes. I was an orphan myself and since I am in a position where I can donate large amounts of money I like to give back.”

Marie was not what I had thought of her the first time I saw her in the parking lot. My respect for her grew tenfold.

“Anyway, what about you? Do you have a boyfriend, family…children?” she asked.

We sat down on the white sofa, with her next to me.

“None of the above. Not ready to have children and haven’t found a man who I felt was boyfriend material or husband material yet.”

“Yeah, they are hard to come by. My Gregory was fifteen years older than I. We met at a fundraising for children’s homes. At the time I was working full-time in a hotel, but when I could I would help an organization where I lived. It wasn’t love at first sight. He was older, and I was dating a guy. But we kept in contact and when my, at the time, boyfriend left me, my work with Gregory became more frequent. I guess our feelings grew and then one day we were in love.”

“Wow, that is so romantic.”

I finished the wine and Marie poured me some more. “So, how long are you on the island?” I asked.

“Another week, then I’m off to Argentina. We are building a few schools there and I want to see how it’s going. Do you live here all year?”

“Yes, I’m and islander, not from birth, but for ten years now. I like it and don’t have the need to get off it during the winter as many do.”

“Must be a very relaxing lifestyle.”

“It sure is, but a lonely one, sometimes.”

We sat in silence and I noticed a pair of binoculars by the helm. I picked them up and looked at the beach.

“The bar is open.”

Marie put a warm hand on my right thigh and I jumped. “Oh, I’m sorry,” I said.

She laughed. “What? Did you think I was going to molest you?”

“No, no, it’s just been a while since I felt another person touch me.”

Her hand was back on my thigh and this time it felt good, strangely enough. It was soft and she gave my leg a light squeeze. “Maybe, just maybe, we could change that. If you want?”

She got up and didn’t give me a change to answer. I was silent all the way back to the beach, looking at it growing closer, and thinking about her hand on my skin. I had never had a woman touch me like that before, and it felt strange and exciting. I was no stranger to same gender sex, many of the people I hung out with were very liberal in their sexuality without seeing themselves as being either straight, lesbian, gay or in-between, they just were. For some reason I had never felt the need to explore my own sexuality like they did, I was happy with Michael and his thick cock. He got me off, he was kind, handsome, and funny, just what a girl needed. But now there was no Michael, and maybe I should venture out past my comfort zone and see how it was there?

Marie had a conversation with the bar owner in Spanish and ordered for both of us. It turned out to be an expanded Surf and Turf dish with plenty of seafood and meats. To this we had more white wine. I was becoming a bit tipsy and asked for a bottle of water. Marie seemed not to be affected.

“Coming back to what I said before we left, how do you feel about same gender sex?” asked Marie over coffees. The question was stated so simply as if she was asking about the weather, but her eyes were exploring mine for any sign of discomfort.

I explained about my friends and how I have passed up the opportunities that had opened themselves to me.

“You still haven’t answered my question, Linda. I like a straight up yes and no answers.”

I sipped from my water and looked at her over the rim. She was a stunning woman and the bikini she wore showed off a firm body with the right curves. She must spend a lot of time in a gym, I thought but then corrected myself. Women like her didn’t go to gyms, they had personal trainers, diets and an army of other specialists that kept them in shape.

“To be honest, yes, I’d like to try, but at the same time it makes me nervous.”

“What does, exactly?”

“What if I like it, what if I really, really like it?”

Marie pondered the question while sipping on her coffee, after putting it down, she said, “Well, there is nothing wrong with liking it, what I think you worry about is if it would turn you into a lesbian.”

“Yeah, maybe.”

She smiled. “Hardly, in my opinion and experience, lesbians are born, not made. A Bisexual person that’s a different animal all together. I guess they could be made or born as such.”

“I like men, and always have. I can’t remember any moment I’ve had any emotional feelings towards a woman apart from friendship. Sure, I have met some very hot looking ones, you included.”

That made her laugh and she patted my hand. “Look, let’s go back to the boat and see what happens. I promise I won’t do anything you don’t agree with.”

“Okay, that sounds good. But if I fall asleep it’s your fault, this food was just delicious and I ate too much.”

“Don’t worry, I know ways to keep you awake.”

Back on the boat Marie took off her clothes and stood naked in front of me. It made me a little nervous that she was coming on so strong.

“Relax, I like to tan naked. You can too if you want, but don’t feel pressured.”

Her pussy was shaved with small lips peeking out at me. It was hard not to take my eyes off them, but she helped me with that by walking away and onto the foredeck where she lay down on a mattress.

I stood by the helm not sure what to do. I wanted to be brave and follow her, but at the same tame I was nervous and unsure. I sighed and then took off my bikini and went after her.

“Glad you joined me. By the way, you have a great body. Work out much?”

“No, but I do lift a lot of boxes at work, so I guess that keeps me in shape.”

She pulled down her sunglasses from her forehead and put her hands behind her head. We lay in silence and then she said, “It’s okay if you want to touch me.”

How had she known? My eyes and eaten up her body, following her round breasts that obviously had had a lift down to her flat stomach and the curve of her shaved mound. She had long legs and quite small feet with red toenails.

“Sometimes it’s easier if you are in control, that’s just my experience,” she said.

“Oh, so you often seduce younger women on your boat?”

She laughed. “It’s happened, I’m not going to lie to you about that.”

“Good, I like people who are honest.”

With that, I turned over on my stomach and reached out for her right boob. It was firm under my fingers and her nipple became erect immediately. Marie sighed quietly as I began to caress the soft skin and flick my fingers over her nipple. When I pulled at it, she actually parted her lips and moaned. By now, I was wet, and horny as fuck. The sun, the wine, Marie’s naked body was making me want to do things I wouldn’t even have thought about the previous day, and it made me smile.

I scooted up a bit and began to lick and nibble on her nipple while my right hand moved down her stomach. When it reached her mound, Marie spread her legs a little and my middle finger went on a treasure hunt. Her clit was large and swollen as my finger ran over it and inside her pussy. I began to finger fuck her and Marie responded by pulling me up and kissing my lips. Our tongues played and her fingernails dug into my back.

“Use two fingers,” she whispered in my ear.

When I did, she moaned louder and held me closer. She was so wet that I could hear the slushy sound of my fingers fucking her. She pulled up her legs and spread them wider as her back arched a little. Then her body tensed and her nails dug in deeper.

“Yes, yes, Linda, make me come, fuck my pussy!”

I did and she came, hard, moaning and pushing her pussy against my fingers that she squeezed hard with her sex as she came several times.

She lay gasping and I slid out my fingers and for the first time tasted pussy juice. I licked them slowly, savoring the sweet and a little bitter taste of her. It tasted nothing like cum, better actually when I thought about it. I rested my head on my elbow and looked down at this fascinating woman. Her skin was tanned and was covered in a thin film of sweat from the sex and the sun. Suddenly I realized that it most likely was my turn, her hands and lips on my body and that made me shiver with excitement. Then I heard the light snoring. Marie’s head was tilted to one side and she was sleeping.

I laughed silently and my bad fortune and then got up. I dove into the sea and swam underwater, letting the cool water wash away some of my horniness, but not all. I wanted Marie to make me come over and over again.

She woke up an hour later and reached for me. I was sitting next to her watching a couple of guys trying to Stand Up paddle. They weren’t too good at it and kept on falling.

“Hey, sorry I fell asleep. It must have been the wine and the food,” she said in a drowsy voice.

“No problem.”

“So, how do you feel after?”

I knew what she meant. “It was exciting and so sexy.”

She smiled at me. “Good, now it’s your turn, but at my place.”

She got up and went to the helm where she hauled up the anchor and then started the engines. The boat vibrated and the sound of the engines were deafening. When the anchor was up, she slowly turned it out to sea and then pushed the throttles forward. The power was so strong I fell backwards as the boat shot forward.

We sped across the water along the coast and I watched other boats and people frolicking on them. The cliffs were tall and on top were large villas, millionaires’ homes. After maybe twenty minutes she slowed down and turned the boat towards the cliffs. As we came closer, I saw a dock and some kind of contraption built into the cliff wall.

“I’m too old to walk all the way up, so I had a lift installed,” she said.

I helped her tie the boat and then we got into the lift that quickly brought us to the top. A small gate opened into a vast lawn with fruit trees and flower beds. I wondered how much her water bill was monthly to cover the expenses of keeping such a big garden green.

“Welcome to my home. Please, feel free to wander around. I’m going to take a shower. You can use the guest cabana by the pool.”

With that, she walked away and into the house. I stood there looking at it. Low slung it was a one-story building with a lot of panel windows and sliding doors. The pool was surrounded by tall palm trees and to one side stood a bar. I went over there and made myself a gin tonic. I needed something to pick me up.

To my left was the cabana so I walked over to it and when I went inside, I stopped and stared. It was twice the size of my apartment with a king size bed, living room with large LED screen and a view of the sea to die for. The bathroom had a Jacuzzi and I quickly took my clothes off while I waited for the water to warm up.

Bathed and freshened up I put on a thin white and pink kimono I found in one of the wardrobes. I didn’t wear any underwear or my bikini bottom. I figured they would come off anyway.

Marie was by the pool in a sunbed sipping on a fruit juice. She wore a long cotton and very thin T-shirt and she was naked under it.

“Would you like a smoothie?” she said and held up her glass.

I went over to the table and poured a glass from the mixer. It was light green and smelled weird. I tasted a little and wrinkled my nose.

Marie laughed. “I know, tastes horrible, but it’s good for you.”

I put the glass back. “No thanks.”

She finished hers and got up. Without a word took my hand and led me into the house to a large bedroom with the same view as the cabana. She opened and wardrobe, but instead of clothes it was filled with sex toys, it even had very expensive looking sex doll.

“What would you like to begin with?” she said and let her thin top fall to the floor showing her body.

“Wow, I have no idea. You know I don’t have any experience with this girl sex stuff. But I don’t like the look of that, those, and whatever that is.”

I had pointed to a few whips and leather outfits.

“Yeah, BDSM, is not for everyone. Gregory and I would play around with it, but we never lived the lifestyle.”

I sat down on the bed and opened my kimono. “What about if you just make me feel good?”

She smiled at me and came forward. “I can do that.”

I lay down and she did the same next to me. Her body smelt of expensive body lotion and a hint of perfume. Her hair was soft and the shampoo was coconut. When she put her hand on my right boob, I got goose bumps and my nipples went stone hard.

“Wow, that is some nice tits you got,” she said, squeezing it lightly. It was too large for her hand.


She kissed and sucked on the nipple and I closed my eyes, letting her take over. She kissed her way down, not like Michael used to do, but much more tenderly, licking my belly button, kissing my hip bones and then finally arriving at the top of my pussy where the slit began. She licked my clit and sparks of pleasure exploded from it. She took it between her lips and gently sucked and licked. My fingers dug into the sheets and I moaned. Spreading my legs, she moved in between them and put her underarms under my buttocks so I could hardly move. Then she began to suck and lick more intensely and my body reacted, and I moaned louder until I felt I was speaking in tongues.

“Oh, oh, fuck, Marie, god, yes, yes, don’t stop, please don’t stop.”

But she did. She stopped and looked up at me with a dirty smile on her face. “Your pussy needs a good fucking and my fingers won’t do it.”

She got up and while I watched, dying for her to come back, she got something from her wardrobe of sex toys. Turning around,  she was sporting a large, thick strap on.

“Oh fuck,” I moaned, feeling myself become wetter.

She got on the bed and pushed a pillow under my ass. Holding on to the toy’s base she let the large head run along my slit.

“This will make you come so hard, harder than any man ever made you cum.”

I lifted my head and tried to see as the toy began to slide inside me. I fell back as I was stretched further than I had ever been before.

“Oh, oh, god, that thing is big!”

She gently began to fuck me, slowly and carefully. My pussy adjusted and suddenly it felt like it sucked in the rest of the cock as far as my sex would let it. My mouth formed an O and a weak “oh,” came out.

I wouldn’t call myself a slut, however, I have had enough cocks in my pussy to know that Marie fucked better than any of them. Men get excited as their orgasms builds up and when that happens, they either slow down or increase the speed, for me, this is kind of a turn off. I need that steady rhythm to come hard and long and Marie knew just how to do that.

She used the entire length of the toy, letting it almost pop out and then slide it in all the way in the same rhythm. It drove me crazy and when I finally came, I screamed straight out and lifted my head from the bed, I must have looked like someone possessed.

“Oh fuck, fuck, Marie that was amazing,” I whispered in her ear as she lay on top of me.

We were wet with perspiration and it was so sexy. My legs trembled and my pussy was still leaking pussy juice onto the sheets. Marie kissed me lightly on the lips.

“C’mon, I need to get you back to the beach and your bike.”

“Oh fuck, I hope no one stole my helmet, I left it on the beach towel!”

On the way back in her sports car which turned out to be some kind of Italian job she explained her eyesight wasn’t good and her doctor had warned her not to drive in darkness.

By the time we arrived at the beach the sun was setting and I ran down and to my surprise and happiness my stuff was still there. Back at her car we kissed goodbye and decided to keep in touch. I watched her do a U turn and then the red lights disappearing into the dusk.

Published 6 years ago

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