I sat trying hard to wait patiently, but I could not help but fidget. A few others in the room also fidgeted as we waited our turn for the audition. So far three had taken their turn, with twelve of us yet to go. I looked nervously about, well aware that I was extremely lucky to be here, and by the looks from a couple of the others, a deep loathing that showed their total resentment that I should even be in the same room as them.
To them, I was the odd man out, Yes… Man, but I was not a man anymore, but they did not see it that way. We had been in dance classes together, and to them, I was still Nicholas Kerr, a weird young guy who didn’t quite fit in.
The audition room door opened and out limped a girl in tears, clearly, her audition had gone very wrong, and she had hurt herself.
Well, what I meant by ‘girl’ is that she was about eighteen or so, but we were all called girls cause that how it went. She shuffled towards her seat, then I stood up and went over to help her as nobody else was willing to face her torment.
The audition was for a place with the National Dance Company, and it was really a once in a lifetime chance to get selected. Any mishap and you were ruined, dreams shattered, chances missed. The audition was the pinnacle for any of the local girls to get beyond here, and onto the national or international stage.
The girl I had seen in passing but had never danced with before. She sobbed her heartache onto my shoulder, for her, this was the end. For everyone else, however, she was just another obstacle out of their way. Slowly she gathered her kit and made her way to the outer door, there was no point in her staying anymore. I went back to my seat.
“Susan Willis.”
Another girl two seats away stood up and move towards the audition room, closing the door behind her. A few minutes later she returned looking flushed, but quite happy.
“Angela Banks.”
Angela Banks, that was me, the new me, I stood up and walked over to the door, I heard the angry hiss of disproval behind me. I shut the door and the hiss diminished, there were now just four people in the room, and that’s all that mattered at this time.
I faced the panel of three, waiting for them to instruct me for whatever they wanted. Two I did not know, but the third had been my dance teacher from high school, Misses Reeves. That could be either awkward or helpful, but which, I did not know.
“Angela, you present us with a very difficult problem.” The first woman looked at me. “You are our first trans woman to seek a place in the National Dance Company. I am sure you already know and understand the implications of that.”
“Yes, I do understand, but that should not be a problem if you are looking for the best dancer for the company.”
“While the best should be selected, it is not always the best that is selected if the best is going to be an ongoing liability.”
I had heard that before, it was very hard to argue in such a position like this. I knew how catty and difficult some girls could be to each other and I would be very much on the outer of the group, but it was something I had learned to deal with in my past. It was very important in a company like this to be able to get along with everyone else.
“Yes, I am aware that such problems can arise.”
“You have selected the second piece of music for your dance.” The second woman queried, “Why that piece?”
I faced her, “The music flows and is very expressive, I grew up dancing to that piece. I feel the music takes me to a better place.”
“Very well, begin.”
The music began and I began to dance, I focused in on the sounds and flowed to each phase of the music, shifting, twirling, gliding and leaping. I dance my heart out, drawing deeply from my own past and the more formal training I had since.
The music ended and I stood there panting slightly, feeling a little flushed from the excursion. I knew I had done the dance to the best of my ability.
The three judges took notes and then face me again. Then my old high school teacher escorted me to the door.
“Nic, umm, Angela, you have done me proud today, thank you.”
I gave her a brief smile and returned back to my seat, took a drink and waited, it was going to be a long afternoon. One by one the others took their turn, some looked happy at their performance, while a few showed the strain and sad looks as they returned, knowing that they had made some kind of mistake, lowering their chances to get a place.
Then came the agonizing wait, while the judges took their time to select the final few for a further interview and dance. Time ticked slowly by as we waited. Then the judges came out and addressed us.
They talked about the wonderful standard of dancing that they had seen, the difficulty of making their choices, and the deep regrets that so many of us would have to miss out this time.
“Would the following please go through to the audition room.” She paused, “Kim Chow, Susan Willis, Brenda Goldsmith, and Angela Banks.”
I sat there for a moment in shock that my name had been read out. The others were getting to their feet. I heard some disquiet that my name had been called, like that I did not belong there. I still had to get through the rest of the afternoon, along with the others who were now making their way to the audition room. Quickly I followed.
There was no doubting that the other three girls were the cream of the crop, they had been dancing since they were small and they were very well trained. My dancing had only really got underway at high school.
We were instructed to do a standard dance to a set piece of music, this time together rather than individual dancers. We did what was required and we worked our way through flawlessly, or so we thought.
Then we were told we need to dance an improvised dance to a piece of music, we were to space our selves out, and then the music began. The music began slowly then it picked up the pace, shifted and slowed again. Then a different melody started and we kept on dancing. Again the music change to a simple four-beat song, then it stopped suddenly.
The others stopped mid-dance, unsure what was happening, but I kept on going, the music in my mind, and then it started again and I was right on the beat. The song ended and we waited.
The judges concurred, and then faced us again. “Susan, Brenda, your dancing is wonderful, energetic, and well timed. It is with regret that we can not offer you a place at this time. There will be further auditions in six months time, please attend those. Thank you for your efforts today. That will be all.”
Both girls were shattered at the news, but Susan thanked the judges, and held her head up high, then walked out. Brenda stood for a moment in disbelief, then began to make towards the door, she turned back and gave me a look of utter loathing. She wailed as she closed the door behind her.
“Kim, your dancing is superb, brilliant, and of a very high caliber. You were the top dancer here today. You will do well and go far in the National Dance Company.” She turned and looked at me.
“Angela, you are something extraordinary, you dance as if the music is part of you, your dancing flows from your mind and your body. You keep going even when the music stopped, you didn’t miss a beat. Yes, you will do very well in the National Dance Company.
This was it, I had now achieved what I had wanted since I was very little. I was now officially a ballerina with the National Dance Company.
After getting more instructions we thanked the judges, and then it was time for us to go. I was going back to my flat, and Kim to her family. We gave each other a brief hug, then we were on our way.
I lived in an old villa with four bedrooms, and there were six of us living there. Dawn and Violet, in one room, they were lesbian lovers. Dan and Robert in the next, they were both gay. Grant was by himself, he claimed to be a Vampire and only came out of his room when it was dark. That left me, I was a trans woman. We all got on very well together.
I arrived home to find everyone waiting for me, they knew it was my big day. They all waited with bated breath while I took off my jacket a then entered the lounge.
“How did you get on?” Asked Grant.
“I did it, I’m in, I’m a ballerina with the National Dance Company.” I beamed.
Ten seconds later there was a party going on, I had a glass of wine in my hand everyone had kissed me. The call went out and soon after a few more friends arrived to celebrate my success.
Happy with my success, my friends then wanted me to tell them all of how it happened, right from the beginning, right to the audition.
“All?” I asked.
“ALL!” Came the reply as they filled my glass again. And so I began at the very beginning.
I was born a boy, eight years after my sister arrived, and more years after my three big brothers. I was a small child growing up and I simply adored and wanted to be like my big sister who unfortunately got to babysit me more often than not.
We lived in a provincial town, where attitudes were at least thirty years behind. Boys were boy and girls were girls, and you did not dare to challenge that belief. I was going to be brought up as a boy no matter what.
I was still a pre-schooler, but my sister had ballet classes after school, so I came along as I was too little to be left at home. This did not bother me as I watch my sister learning to dance, and soon after I wanted to dance too. There were a few other pre-schoolers, so we found a corner of the hall and tried to dance too, but I was the only boy there.
My sister was given a beautiful music box for her birthday, one that opened and a ballerina would then stand up and dance around it a circle, while music played. I was fascinated by her music box and would often sneak into her room so I could wind the key and watch the figurine go around and around. Mom grew cross with me so I had to stop.
About a month before my fifth birthday, my Grandmother came to visit and took my sister and me to see the ballet, The Nut Cracker. I was hooked then, I knew I wanted to be just like the dancers on stage.
I turned five, and it was my first day at school. I was excited and happy to begin, but for one awkward moment when I was asked what I wanted to be when I grew up.
I replied, “I want to be a ballerina.”
Everyone else laughed, then the teacher told me that boys can’t be ballerinas, but only girls could be ballerinas. I would have to think of something else to be when I grew up. While I did not say anything, I thought that perhaps just once in a while a boy might be able to become a ballerina.
My sister began high school, and no longer had ballet classes after school, she now had dance and drama classes as part of her subjects choices. At first, this meant I no longer had any form of dance, but then my sister needed to practice at home, and when she did so, I tried to join in.
After a few weeks, my sister found that by showing me what she needed to learn, she began to quickly master her steps, and I got to dance much to my relief. This was a good combination.
My father, however, was not pleased that I wanted to dance, and he enrolled me in a variety of different sports, hoping to find something to change my mind. But for me, I was still about three sizes too small for my age, nothing sparked any kind of interest, and more often than not I end up sidelined in order that I would not get hurt.
My sister then began to change and I began to wonder about what would happen to me when I go to her age, and what changes I was going to expect, and if such changes would prevent me from becoming a ballerina.
When I was ten, we had a big change for our family, my sister finished high school, and as my older brothers had done, she left home. Then my dad got a promotion to the big city. We packed up and moved houses and towns.
My new room had a huge wardrobe, and in it was stacked all sorts of boxes and bags, that mom wanted to keep for when she started to have grandchildren. I then discovered that one of the boxes contained assorted clothing and toys that my sister use to have, including the ballerina music box.
With the move, I also began a new school, one that was a lot different from my last school. I found they had after-school activities, including jazz dance and drama. But I quickly discovered that the dance group was for girls only, but I could do drama if I wanted, it seemed to be a poor second.
I attended the drama group and found it to be much better than I had thought. I began to learn stage skills that would prove to be very worthwhile for later in my life. I also found a small group of friends who did not mind that I was small and that I was a bit weird with my desire to dance.
A couple of years later I began high school, and while a dance class was an option, my dad interfered and told me that I had to do woodwork, much to my dismay.
Needless to say, I had attended woodwork for three weeks, when my teacher, Mr. Blakely, asked me why I had chosen woodwork as the option, as it was clear to him I was totally out of my depth. I told him it was my dad’s choice, not mine, and that I wanted to be in the dance class.
I was asked to stay after school, and I was to meet with Miss Puller at the dance studios. Miss Puller was a bit older than I expected, but she had the look of a well-trained athlete.
“Well Nicholas, you would like to join my dance class, yes?”
“Yes. Please, if I can, I would like that very much.”
“Have you done much dancing before? I will warn you I expect a high standard from all my dancers, this is not an easy option.”
I explained what I had done and what I knew about dancing, then she asked me to do a demonstration for her to see what I could achieve. I danced as best I could and she then smiled at me.
“You are a bit rough about the edges, but I’m sure you can quite quickly catch up to the others in my class.” She made some notes then looked at me. “The next class for you will be after lunch tomorrow, please be on time and have on your PE gear. You will be the only boy in the class, I hope that is not going to be a problem for you.”
“Not a problem as far as I know.”
The next day I attend my first actual dance class, there was some disquiet from a few of the other girls there, but Miss Puller quickly silenced the class, introduced me and then started the class with warm-ups. I had a wonderful time and began to learn what it takes to be a good dancer.
Within a couple of weeks, I began to catch up and was dancing as well as about half the class. A few more weeks and was beginning to catch up with the top dancers of the class, but these dancers had been dancing for a lot longer and had much more skill that I did, they kept well ahead of me.
Dad was very angry with me when he found out I had changed classes. Mom, however, had decided that if this was what made me happy then she would support me as long as I got good grades in all my other subjects.
At the end of the year, there was the typical school concert. Our class was to perform a dance that we had worked on for the last term. My Mom attended but my Dad decided to stay away, as he did not want to see me ruining my life like that. He would carry on disliking my choice.
Early the next year, two things happened that would change my life forever, the first was that our English class watched Billy Elliot, the film about a boy who wanted to dance, and then we had a change in our dance teacher.
Billy Elliot inspired me beyond belief, plus seeing Billy’s friend Michael dressing up also made me think about how many different types of people there were, and the attitudes towards them.
Misses Reeves took over as our dance teacher, and she was extremely strict. She scowled at me when she first attended our class, unsure if I should be in the class or not. While I had tried and worked hard for the first part of the year, I quickly realized I would need to step up further to be able to remain in the class.
On top of that, quite a few of the girls in the class began to grow rapidly, and not just up, they began to become more shapely. I was still quite small compared to them, and I had no sign of a growth spurt any time soon.
Within a week Misses Reeves had made most of the girls cry, I had come close a couple of times, but I managed to hold on and push myself and persevere, meeting a grudging approval from our new teacher.
Our training became more intense, and we all responded, learning the drive and perseverance needed to become top class dancers. Our standard lifted as the year progressed. The other thing I began to notice was that Misses Reeves called us all girls, no hint of the fact that I was actually a boy. I did not mind that at all.
At home things were moderately settled, my mom had a new job working in the afternoons, so I was home alone after school most of the time. Some days I would just wind the music box and then try to dance the same as the small ballerina as she spun about.
Once in a while I had my friends I made from the drama club come and visit too. We all liked to dress up and sometimes we had fun putting on stage makeup as well. My only problem was they were rapidly changing as they grew, while I still remained stubbornly small.
There was again an end of year concert, and we all performed once again. Our dance was much more difficult and we had a few lead dancers, I was not one of them. Overall, the year still ended on a high note for me.
I began my third year at high school, watching all my friends sprout and become more solid. I still stayed small. Apart from that, it was a very busy year. I danced my ass off and was invited to help backstage with the drama club.
Near the end of the year, I turned sixteen and we had a small party at our home. It was then I began to realize just how small and girl like I really was.
During the break, I fell ill and went to see my doctor. After a number of blood tests, they found my hormones were out of kilter, I had a bit of trouble with my pituitary gland. My doctor informed me that this was most likely the reason I was small and that puberty was running later for me. There was a chance that I would not begin puberty without some kind of intervention.
I took a deep breath, then quietly asked, “If I don’t have puberty, then what?”
“Well, you will stay much the same as you are now, you may grow some more, but not much more. You will not be able to have a family as such, your body won’t work that way.”
I closed my eyes and thought hard about my next question. “Would not having puberty make it easier if I wanted to become a girl?”
“Ah, I can’t really help you there, but yes, it would make it a bit easier for you if you wish to become a girl. You will, however, need to go and see a specialist at the hospital if that is what you are wanting to do.” He paused, then looked at me. “I can make the referral if you wish.”
“Please, yes, if you could, just don’t tell my mom.”
“What is said in this room is strictly confidential between us.”
“Thank you.”
I was back at high school before I got my appointment with the specialist, I had also to see a psychologist, and then have more tests done. Finally, I was given a packet of pills, and I began my new journey to become a girl.
Taking the pills was the easy part, once a day, just swallow, and that was that. Well no, that was not that. The pills made me feel nauseous, they made me feel dizzy sometimes. I grew moody and at times short-tempered, as well as my body began to make slow but subtle changes.
Dance classes began to get more difficult, but I kept on going, my other school work began to suffer, but still, I tried. After about three months the awkwardness began to fade and I was more able to concentrate on my studies.
I went to the specialist again for a checkup and then carried on taking the pills I had been given. Progress was what had been expected.
My seventeenth birthday was a fairly quiet affair, just a few friends from my drama club attending. We had our fun in the usual way. Then we joked about kissing and that I needed kissing on my birthday. So they all lined up, and quite quickly they began, each then took their turn, and lined up again for another round.
For the second round of kissing, I took my time, making sure I enjoyed each of my friends. Then as Dianne kissed me we swung a bit and she put out her hand to steady us, but it rubbed over my chest. I squeaked in surprise as it felt a bit tender.
“Ohh, are your titties growing?” asked Dianne.
I looked down, I hadn’t really noticed them before, one day after another, I missed seeing the slight swelling beneath my nipples.
“Do show us.” chirped in Linda, “You must be proud to have them now.”
I hesitated, unsure if I should be showing off my tiny titties. But these were my good friends, ones who had been supporting me so far. I began to unbutton my shirt, then slowly eased it open. Yes, there was swelling beneath my nipples, and it was a bit more than I realized too.
“Oh, they are so cute, I can remember having little titties like that,” informed Linda, “Can I kiss them?”
Before I had any chance to react, Linda leaned down and kissed them both, making me squeak. Suddenly everyone else also wanted to kiss them and I was too stunned to stop them. I squeaked and squealed, but everyone got their turn, my little titties were now thoroughly kissed.
“Well Nick, I guess we can’t call you Nicholas anymore,” laughed Greg. “What about Nichola? Or is that too close to your old name?”
Yeah, I needed a new name, after a few suggestions I noticed an angel on one of the books I had been given, “Angel, no, Angela, Yes Angela.”
From then on I became Angela.
I managed to make it to the end of the year without being caught out with my slowly swelling breasts. A baggy shirt two sizes too big helped, and I was glad nobody really noticed at my dance class when I had to change. I did not do quite so well in the dancing class that year, but still good enough to carry on.
Over the new year mom found out, but I made her promise not to tell dad, as I knew he would most likely throw me out of the house. The new year at school started well, but then after four months, it all changed and I was forced to leave.
I found a job, and then found a night school for ballet, relishing the opportunity to dance again. I then began to think seriously about having gender change surgery, making the final change needed to become a girl. My options were very limited. Then dad found out what was going on and I had to leave home. Dad wanted to disown me, so after that, I called myself Angela Banks.
The next year was very difficult, I worked, danced, and tried to save up for my operation. Some of the other dancers disliked me being at the class, but as my teacher pointed out, it was a mixed class, and there had been boys in it before.
Slowly everything began to improve. I turned nineteen and had half the savings that I needed. Then out of the blue, mom gave me several thousand dollars, telling me she had won it. I didn’t believe her, but I was not going to argue.
I made final arrangements, and then I was off overseas for the operation. They told me it all went well, but it would look a mess for a while until it all healed. Yeah, it was a mess, but in time, it did heal and I was now a girl.
I went back to work and back to dance, My dance teacher was very impressed by my change, and thought I was one of the most talented dancers she had taught in her life. She recommended that I should try to get a place in the National Dance Company. There were auditions due in town in a few months.
I found a new place to stay, one where everyone was a bit different. This was a place where I was welcomed and they were very supportive of me wanting to go for a place at the National Dance Company.
“And so… Today I attend those auditions, and now,” I paused and took another mouthful of wine. “I’M A BALLERINA,” I screamed.
The evening wore on, then Greg began to kiss me and I began to feel excited, I then took Greg to my room, we both stripped and climbed into bed together. I have never actually been all the way with a boy before, so I was curious to know what it was going to be like.
Greg admitted that he had always liked me a lot, more than just as a friend, but when I was a boy, he did not know what to do. We kissed and began to rub each other, and I discovered Greg’s cock was quite big. I explained that I had to use a small dildo to make sure everything stayed working, but it was much small that his cock.
Greg climbed on top of me, while I eased my legs apart, was I ready? I hoped so. Greg began to slowly ease his cock into me, it felt huge, it was quite tight and felt awkward. I whimpered and groaned, but he slowly pushed in a bit deeper. Then he began to slowly fuck me.
After a minute or so the tightness eased and he began to go a bit deeper, and I began to fuck him back. It took a few minutes, and then I felt my orgasm begin to build. I was going to have my first real fuck orgasm. Then as I began to orgasm, Greg thrust in much firmer and a lot deeper, enhancing my orgasm.
Greg made me orgasm twice more before he climaxed. God, it felt so good!
I was now a true trans woman, and I could relish that with Pride.