The Professional Woman Part Four: Everything Works Out

"Everything usually works out in the end"

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“You did not,” Lucy said. 

“Without us?” Ginger asked. “You bitch!” 

“I didn’t want to get you girls in trouble, in case he called the cops on me for trespassing,” I tried to explain my actions from the previous day. I had told them about my visit to Edward’s office. 

“Technically, he can’t,” Jeremy said as he looked at me. “He could only file Trespassing if he told you never to come back or kicked you out. Since the three of you signed the papers and willingly left, he can’t stop you from entering the building.” 

“I am sure he filed papers today,” I smiled. 

“Well, I am sure he did,” Jeremy nodded. 

“It felt good though,” I smiled. Even though it happened yesterday, I had never felt this good. 

“Steph, you have two visitors,” Sara said over our intercom. 

I looked back out of our office. “No way!” I stated. 

“Get out of here,” Lucy said, standing up. 

“I have no idea who they are,” Jeremy said. “But I will leave you three to handle it.” 

“Jennifer,” I said as I greeted her with a handshake. 

“Marcus,” I smiled as he kissed me on the cheek. 

Lucy had pulled out two seats for them. 

Jennifer stared at the two ladies next to me as we sat on the long couch. “Oh,” I said. “These are no longer my assistants. They are my partners, anything you say to me can be said to them.” 

“Congratulations,” Marcus smiled. 

“Thank you,” Lucy and Ginger nodded. 

Jennifer was not impressed, but she rarely was, especially after the Tiffany switch at her show. It had felt like a lifetime ago, but I was sure to Jennifer it felt like it was yesterday. 

“Anyway,” Marcus said, breaking the silence. “The two of us have designs that will be on show in Miami,” he began to speak. 

“A summer wear show, with lots of summer clothes, swimwear, afternoon wear…” Jennifer stated. 

“Lots of skin showing,” Marcus said. 

“Yes,” Jennifer said, rolling her eyes. “It will consist of a combination of both of our designs and a collection of other designers.” 

I nodded. Jennifer handed me a large folder. “Holy,” I began to say as I looked at the names. 

“Yes,” Marcus said. 

“I told you it was too big for her to handle,” Jennifer said. 

“I didn’t say that,” I said, holding up my hand. “Did you want me to…” 

“No, no,” Marcus shook his head. “It is being planned and handled by Frederick and Frederick. 

“Holy shit!” Lucy said as she looked at the folder as I handed it to her. “Everyone’s here!” 

Ginger’s mouth was wide open as she stared at Marcus. “The two of them are together again?” she asked. 

“Yes,” Marcus lightly clapped with excitement. “Who knew they would bury the hatchet, right; after all, it was a huge hatchet.” 

Ginger nodded. I was trying to hold in my enthusiasm. The two brothers had been known worldwide for putting on the best shows. It took months even years for them to accept anyone’s attempt to book them. Then they split after one of them had slept with the other’s assistant. I forgot which one did the deed, but they stopped doing shows and dropped off the face of the map. Now it seemed they were both back. 

“What would you like from us, exactly?” I asked, handing the folder back to Jennifer. 

“Models, of course,” Jennifer stated. “I wanted to go with your old company, as they have the upper hand in experience.” 

“I told her, that I had promised you my next show, so here we are,” Marcus said. 

My heart was beating through my chest. It felt like the whole world had spun completely around, and I had stayed still. 

“We can do it,” Lucy said. “I will get our new roster.” 

Lucy got up and ran for the door. 

“Do you want a drink or anything?” Ginger asked. 

“Water,” Marcus said. 

Jennifer held up her hand. “These girls must be attractive and be pleasantly…” 

“Naturally bustier than the regular model,” Marcus interjected. “Like we talked before.” 

“Yes,” I nodded. 

Lucy came back into the office with three of our roster folders and laid them out on the large table. 

Jennifer and Marcus began to look through them, holding their red and green markers. Red meant they could make it work if the model was available to make slight changes, Green was a perfect match.

The three of us stood by my desk. Not one of us wanted to say a word. It seemed like hours had passed. Marcus and Jennifer went back and forth, highlighting then wiping away the mark, arguing then smiling and laughing. 

“We have reached an agreement,” Marcus said. 

Lucy picked up the folders. She went through each page slowly. Ginger counted along with her. “Seventeen,” Ginger said. Lucy nodded. 

“We need seven more from another company, sadly,” Jennifer said. 

“Wait,” I said, stopping her from leaving. 

“Get Celia’s folder,” I said, feeling myself shrink in size for a moment. 

“Are you sure?” Ginger asked. 

“Yes,” I nodded. “It is my sister’s company, they aren’t models, but I have used them for a show, and they did very well.” 

Lucy returned with Celia’s folder. Immediately Marcus looked up at me. Then looked back at the pages. “These girls are …” Jennifer said, looking at me. 

“In training,” Ginger replied. “We only use them sparingly.” 

“Uh-huh,” Marcus said as they flipped through the pages. 

Again it took them going back and forth. This time the red marker was used a lot more than the green. 

“These seven will do, but…” Marcus said. 

“We will make sure they do what you need them to,” I said. 

“The show is in three weeks. I do not have to tell you how important this is to all of us,” Jennifer said as she walked out. 

Marcus gave us all a hug. “I am counting on you all.” 

We were left alone with the folders. “It’s going to be a long night,” Lucy stated as she looked over the folders. They had left notes inside each of them with the changes that needed to be done. 

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

The long night had turned into two frantic weeks, from arranging transportation for all twenty-five girls and us included to booking rooms. It seemed every hotel worth a damn was filled. Lucy talked to every girl, including the ones from Celia’s folder.  

The short notice had us at a disadvantage, but it was our only shot at being taken seriously. If we were going to make a name for ourselves, it had to be at this show. 

Jeremy had provided us with an advantage. He knew a few friends that could get us villas on the beach. That would give us room to prep, clothe, and lodge. Most of the others would have taken all the good changing rooms, leaving us with the smaller rooms. 

Sara’s friends would provide us with makeup. I had used them before, and with some money down, they were able to change their schedule. Everything was falling into place. Even Mark had provided his input, first-class tickets for all of us, there and back. 

“Kick his ass,” Mark said to me as he wished me good luck. 

“This is your boss,” I replied as I stood at the entrance to the airport. 

“I don’t give a shit,” Mark said. I could hear his new girlfriend in the background. “I mean it, kick his ass.” 

“Thank you,” I said as I hung up the phone. 

I looked back at everyone. “This is it,” I said as we stood together. Celia’s girls had changed their hair color as needed. One of them had taken out all of their facial piercings. 

Celia stood next to me. “I won’t come,” she nodded. 

“But,” I began to say. 

“This is your time to shine,” Celia nodded. “I can’t go looking like this,” she said, looking down at herself. “They won’t take you seriously, with me standing near you.” 

“Celia,” Lucy said. “We might need someone to distract the handsome men.” 

“Also, get dirt on the others at the parties before the show,” Ginger said. “Who is going to do that?” 

“They have a point,” I smiled. 

“Then, I will go separate,” Celia nodded. 

“Okay,” I nodded. 

* * * * * * * * * * * * 

The night of the show came fast. Our villas were perfect; they were a short walk from the back entrance of the show. Jeremy’s friends had given us the best changing rooms. Four large villas with ample space, with wardrobes, bathrooms, and everything we would need to pull it off. Rudolph and Gary had driven down and provided security along the short path. 

The atmosphere was buzzing. Cable networks had reporters everywhere. We found out that it was being shown live on two of the fashion channels and also on other channels abroad. I looked out of the backroom toward the runway. I was glad I had brought the girls down four days earlier; they had practiced walking with Celia’s girls so that they could get it right. 

“Sis,” Celia said over our private intercom. 

“Yes,” I asked, bringing my head back in. 

“Fourth row up, next to the bald guy,” Celia said. 

I peeked my head back out and saw her sitting next to a large bald guy. 

“Don’t worry, I gave him a fake name,” Celia said. “Two of Madison’s girls drank a lot last night. You should have seen them.” 

“Nice,” I smiled. “Keep in touch.” 

Madison was one of the other model agencies that were here. I walked through the changing back rooms and found Madison’s. 

“Hey,” I said to one of the women. “I have just been going around wishing everyone good luck,” I lied. 

I instantly saw the two models, their eyes heavy and the makeup artist applying heavy makeup to their faces. 

“Thanks,” the lady said as she worriedly looked around. 

“Here,” I said, holding out two pills. “Give it to them an hour before they go on, it will stop them from throwing up and calm their stomachs.” 

“You,” the lady said. 

“Helping each other out, that is all,” I nodded. I walked away and smiled. 

“Your company?” the lady asked. 

“Angelique, tell Madison I said hi,” I waved back at her. 

The wait was killing me. I watched as four of the other designers showed their clothes. Then I heard the name I was regretting. Edward had changed the name of the company to something that should be in a musical. I saw former models walk down the catwalk. They were perfect. 

“One hour,” Ginger said over the intercom. 

I pressed the button on my earpiece, “On my way.” 

As much as I wanted to bury Edward and Todd, I wanted the models to do their best. I walked back to the villas. 

“Everyone ready?” I asked. 

All the girls nodded. “I would give you a long-winded speech, but I think this speaks for itself.” 

I pulled out the painting of Teresa’s first shoot. “This day was her first shoot in front of a camera, she threw up four times,” I smiled as I showed it to them. “It took the whole day to get this perfect shot and not once did she not look her best.” 

All of them smiled. “Now, all you have to do is be good at what you do, that’s it.” I shrugged. “I will not ask you to do anything more, have fun, smile, and in a few hours, this would be another day gone, and we will be back home.” 

Ginger pulled me aside. “I think you should take this side,” she whispered. 

I shook my head. “No,” I looked at her. “This is as big as it is for me as it is for you. You and Lucy know the girls. I know you will do well. Let’s stick to what we do the best.” 

Ginger nodded. I walked back to the show and waited for my company’s name. Marcus stood on my left and Jennifer on my right. 

It had been ages since I had walked the catwalk, and even longer since I had worn a designer’s dress; it hugged my body like a second skin and even though I was on the plus side of any model here, it fit perfectly.

 Our names were called, and the three of us walked out. The two of them separated and stood at the podiums that were at the beginning of the catwalk. I walked with my head high and smiled. 

Marcus and Jennifer described the long evening gown I was wearing as I walked to the end of the catwalk, then made a right. The ending of the catwalk was shaped like the number eight. Judges sat in the middle of the two large circles, as well as other designers and photographers. I turned around the last circle making sure to spin at the right times. I hoped that my plunging neckline wasn’t too much. I made my way to the other ring, stopping so that the photographers could take their pictures. I waved at the crowd as I made my back up the catwalk. 

“Perfect!” Marcus whispered as I passed him. 

Even Jennifer gave me a slight smile. I passed the next girl as she came out. 

I took a deep breath once I got back inside. Jeremy handed me my earpiece. 

“Doing good,” I said as I looked out. Every girl that came back quickly rushed to the back of the studio and out to the villas. 

One of Celia’s girls came back, and she had been the first one of Celia’s group. The makeup specialists had done a miracle with her. Her right arm was covered in tattoos. They had put a flesh tone sleeve over it and then blended it to the rest of her skin. As she walked down the runway, there was no way to tell that she had an arm full of tattoos. 

When she came back, I high fived her as she walked by. “Nailed it!” I said to her; the smile on her face filled the room. Other models waved at her as she walked by. 

“Stephanie,” I heard a voice say. 

“Madison,” I said, turning to look at her. 

“I heard what you did for my girls,” the tall raven-haired woman said. Madison had been a former model. Now she owned her own company. “You could have spilled that to the…” 

“I wouldn’t do that,” I shook my head as I high fived the next girl as she passed between us. “Awesome job!” 

“Now I know,” Madison smiled. “If there is anything I can do for you, just let me know.” 

“Actually,” I said. “One of our makeup artists might need your expertise; one of our girls is allergic to everything that we brought.” 

“Skin allergies, or is it medical?” Madison asked. 

“Skin,” Jeremy said. 

“I got just the thing, take me there,” Madison said as she ran with Jeremy. 

We had eight more outfits to go. I hoped Madison could work her magic on the last one or else we would have to send one of the girls out for a second walk. It wasn’t a bad thing, but it was frowned upon by many of the insiders. 

“Any luck?” I asked over the intercom. 

“Yes,” Madison replied. “I had some natural kits for just an occasion.” 

I sighed my relief as I looked at the last girl heading into the line. “She looks perfect, thank you, Madison.” 

“Just returning the favor,” Madison replied. 

“Stephanie,” Celia said. 

I turned away from everybody, “Go ahead,” I replied. 

“Is talking to one of the developers a big no?” Celia asked. 

“Of course it is,” I whispered back. “You could…” 

“It’s not me,” Celia quickly replied. “Edward is talking to one of the brothers and the wife of someone called Theodore? If that means anything.” 

“Theodore Qreanne?” I replied in haste. I heard her talking to someone who was whispering. 

“Yes,” Celia replied. 

I peeked out once more. The last model was making her final turn. There was Theodore in the final circle, one of the biggest names in our business; he created or broke a designer, a model, anybody that wanted to make a name for themselves. Theodore could destroy or make them. 

“That’s huge,” I replied. “Take pictures immediately.” 

“Okay,” Celia replied. 

Marcus and Jennifer walked into the back. I rushed over to them. “There is something you two should see.” 

Marcus sat in a chair slowly. “He is insane!” 

“What is he thinking?” Jennifer asked as she looked at the pictures. 

“What should I do?” I asked. 

“Leave it to me,” Jennifer said. “Send them to me, Theodore and I have a great relationship, and he won’t get mad at me if I show him. If either of you two did it,” Jennifer paused and shook her head. 

I knew what that meant. There was a rumor that Jennifer had turned Theodore down when he proposed to her many years ago. It would seem that rumor was true. I sent the pictures to Jennifer, and she nodded then walked away. 

“You should make yourself scarce,” Marcus said. “The fallout from this will be catastrophic, to say the least.” 

I nodded and rushed outside. 

Designers and the heads of the model agencies were called back to the main venue after the show had finished. The place was empty; all the cameras and reporters were gone. All of us took seats in chairs, then it began. Theodore tore into both of the developers, not just for talking to Edward but other things he had noticed throughout the show. 

Then he turned his attention to Marcel and Edward. Marcel had designed all the clothes Edward’s models had worn. Theodore scrapped all of it from the show. Poor Marcel ran away crying with his entourage close behind him. 

Theodore and Edward stared at each other. Neither flinched nor looked away. They were like two bulls daring the other to get out of the way. In this world, Edward had no leg to stand on, but without Edward’s finance company, Theodore’s magazine would crumble. Finally, Edward smiled and put his hand out. Theodore shook it. An unseen deal was made. 

“Talk to me when you get back home,” Edward said with a smile as he walked past me. 

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“Well?” Ginger asked as I entered the room. 

The whole gang was there waiting for Madison and me to return. We broke it down for them, and they looked at us. 

“So, what does this mean?” Jeremy asked. 

“It means that Marcus and Jennifer have one less designer to get in their way to being named top designer,” Madison said. 

We all knew what that meant. Marcus and Jennifer’s designs would be the talk of the summer. Stores would be rushing to get their orders in, which meant sales, which also meant they would be paying our company a big chunk of the profits; after all, it was our models that wore them. 

“Celebration!” Lucy yelled. 

I didn’t know Lucy had brought as much alcohol as I saw being shared around the room. Luckily we had all the villas booked, or else there would have been complaints about the noise. I felt like I should be the worried mom of the group as the models danced with some of the security personnel that had randomly shown up. 

The music got too loud for me, so I went outside to breathe. I found Madison sitting on one of the benches. 

“Too loud for you too,” I said as I joined her. 

Madison nodded. I knew that look; something was on her mind. I sat in silence, waiting for her to talk. “This was it,” Madison said, breaking the silence. “My last chance,” she said, looking at me. 

“With Marcel out of the picture, Dixon’s…” I began to say. 

“You saw the clothes, the colors,” Madison shook her head. “Dixon has lost his edge, his flair,” Madison nodded. “We both knew this was our last chance, and we failed, my girl stumbled on the turn and his designs, well, they spoke for themselves.” 

I nodded. I wasn’t going to try and convince her otherwise. “What are you going to do?” I asked. 

“Sell,” Madison said. “It’s the right thing to do, for my girls as well as the company.” 

“How about a merge?” I asked. 

“You’re serious?” Madison asked as she looked at me. 

“Your connections around the globe are unbeatable,” I nodded. “I had to crawl my way back up. You say it’s your last chance because you can’t step back from being the model, you are on the forefront with them every day, which makes your business fall flat.” 

Madison nodded. “I can’t help it,” she shrugged. “It’s who I am.” 

“And that’s great, but imagine this for one moment,” I said, turning to face her. “Lucy and you working together with the girls doing the shows. Ginger and I working the business part, making the deals that have to be made,” I looked at her with excitement in my eyes. 

“Your makeup team do need work,” said Madison. 

“A lot of work,” I nodded. 

“I do have a good set of fleet vehicles,” Madison nodded. “Let’s do it.” 

We shook hands and smiled. “We keep the name though,” I said. Madison nodded. 

“You two are missing out on the party!” Lucy said as she screamed at us. 

“Guess we can go back inside,” I said. 

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The party eventually came to an end. Lucy walked back inside. “That’s the last of them, all of them safe and sound inside,” she said as she plopped herself down on one of the couches. 

“It’s so comfortable,” Ginger said for the fifteenth time as she laid out on one of the huge bean bags. 

“You’re drunk,” Jeremy said. 

“Look who’s talking,” Madison replied. “You still can’t find your shirt.” 

“Where the hell is it?” Jeremy said, turning around in the chair he was sitting in. 

“Why did you take it off?” I asked. 

I got a few death stares from the women in the room. Ginger pointed to a rolled-up wad under the couch; no doubt that was Jeremy’s shirt. 

“Someone dared me to take it off,” Jeremy said he was slurring some of his words. 

“I said if you showed me yours, I would show you mine,” Sara laughed. 

“You did not,” I said as I looked at her. 

“Oh yes I did, and it was worth it,” Sara smiled. 

“They are fricking huge!” Jeremy said with a significant smile. 

If he thought they were big, wait until he saw mine, I thought to myself. 

“What’s with guys and big boobs?” Madison asked. Like Lucy, she was a member of the itty bitty titty committee. “Small tits need love too.” 

“They sure do,” Lucy said as she sat next to Madison. “Us small titty girls want equal titty rights!” 

“Oh, please,” Sara shook her head. “You can run down a flight of stairs without holding your chest.” 

“Lie on your stomach for long periods of time,” Ginger said. 

“Not take off your bra, and crumbles of food fall out from the bottom,” I said. 

“We can’t get tit fucked,” Lucy said. 

“Speak for yourself,” Madison shook her head. “I can do that quite well.” 

“If you leave your bra on,” Lucy said. “Without it, it’s more like a tit rub than a tit fuck.” 

“My favorite,” Jeremy said as he still looked around for his shirt. He spun around on the computer chair looking around, but it was apparent they were hiding it well. 

“What is?” Ginger asked. 

“What is what?” Jeremy asked as he stopped his chair. 

“You said something is your favorite,” Sara said. 

“Oh, tit fucking,” Jeremy said as he swigged his beer. 

“Okay,” Madison said as she stood up and took his beer away. “You have reached your limit.” 

“You sure?” Jeremy said. 

“Yes!” all of us girls said in unison. 

“Fine!” Jeremy said. 

“Why?” Sara asked. “What do guys like about putting their dicks between boobs?” 

“Stupid question,” Lucy said, shaking her head. “Guys like putting their dicks anywhere, even places it doesn’t belong.” 

“Amen,” Ginger said. “Like the guy that put his dick in a hot tub jet.” 

“Or a light socket?” I laughed 

We all looked at Jeremy. “Don’t look at me. I don’t put it anywhere it doesn’t belong.” 

“Oh right,” Madison said as she rejoined us on the couch next to Lucy. “So, you have never said, ‘Oops, the wrong hole’.” 

Jeremy started to say something when I felt I should interrupt. “Well, technically for some of us, there isn’t a wrong hole.” 

Sara looked at me. “I will join you on that statement.” 

“You’re serious?” Madison said, looking at Sara and me. 

“Absolutely,” I nodded. “Put it at the top of my list.” 

“Okay, I won’t say top, but a close fourth or fifth,” Sara said. 

Ginger was counting on her fingers. “Seventh,” she smiled. 

“You too?” Madison shook her head. 

“It’s not like I totally enjoy it, and if he’s well endowed, no way, but an average size, it can be… exciting,” Ginger said. 

Madison turned to Lucy. “Don’t look at me. I have no limits in the bedroom.” 

“So you all like it, well you know,” Madison shook her head. 

“I didn’t say I liked it,” Lucy said, “But if it’s on the table, I will take it.” 

“What are you talking about?” Jeremy said as he looked at us, confused. 

“Anal, honey, we are talking about anal,” Sara said. 

“Oh, that’s good too,” Jeremy said. He got up and headed for the bathroom. 

“Don’t forget to put the seat down, there are a bunch of women that need to use it too,” I shouted back at him. 

“Wash your hands!” Madison yelled. 

It was funny out of all the women in the room, Madison and I were the only ones that had been married. Madison had been married to a male model. The relationship lasted four years; then they had a messy public divorce. Since then, she had come out of the closet and said she only liked women. 

I always liked how she had kept her runway model physique, even through all the stressful events in her life. 

“So, what is your favorite?” Sara turned to Madison. 

“I have a few guesses,” Lucy turned to look at Madison. 

“Go ahead,” Madison smiled. 

Lucy moved closer and kissed her on the mouth. The two were locked in a mind-blowing kiss that even made me want to kiss one of them. 

Finally, they stopped, and Lucy smiled. “Knew it.” 

“Still that is not sexual,” Sara said as she coughed. 

“To hell it is not,” Ginger said. “A good kiss can set the mood. It can press the right buttons and light a fire.” 

“I agree,” I nodded. 

“Okay, what’s yours, then?” Ginger asked Sara. 

Sara turned around and stuck her ass out. “If this goes up in the air, he better hold on tight.” 

We all laughed as she backed her huge ass up. “You’re crazy,” Jeremy said as he reentered the room. 

“Whose turn is it?” I asked. 

“Ginger or Lucy,” Madison said, the one ever to be keeping score. 

“I told you, nothing is off the table for me, so all of it is my favorite, except the hot dog thing,” Lucy said, shaking her head. 

“Hot dog?” I asked, looking over at her. 

“You’ve never been hot dogged?” Sara asked. 

“No idea what that is,” Madison said. 

“Neither do I,” Ginger said. 

“It’s where the guy rubs his dick between your ass cheeks, pressing them together,” Lucy said. “So, it looks like a hot dog.” 

“Again,” Ginger said, “Guys putting their dicks anywhere.” 

Jeremy shook his head and shrugged. 

“Oh, yeah,” I nodded. “Mark has done that a couple of times, didn’t know they had a name for it.” 

“Pegging,” Ginger said abruptly. 

“What?” Lucy shouted as she bolted upright. 

“One of my exes liked to be,” Ginger said as she looked at us. “It started as a joke, he wanted to fuck my ass, and I jokingly said only if I get to fuck his and two hours later after going to the store to get a strap-on.” 

“No fucking way,” Jeremy said as he shifted uncomfortably in his chair. 

“Yes way,” Ginger nodded. 

“Did Gary like to be… pegged?” I asked, trying not to think of the masculine looking man at her apartment being fucked. 

Slowly Ginger nodded. 

“I can’t help it,” Ginger said, “It’s one of the things I look for and want in a sexual partner now.” 

Madison began to laugh. “We are all freaks in our own way.” 

“I’ll drink to that,” I said as I drank the last of whatever it was that was in my glass. 

Silence crept over the room as we all sat in our thoughts. “So, I missed a kiss?” Jeremy said, breaking the silence. 

“Yes,” Lucy said, “Want a repeat?” 

Before he could answer, Lucy and Madison were lip locked, this time with Madison being the aggressor. Lucy fell backward, and I had to move so she could lie flat on her back. 

“Now that’s a kiss,” I said looking at them. 

“Not really,” Ginger said as she surprised me with a kiss on my lips. I was caught unaware, but I quickly recovered. I had never kissed another woman before; it had never come about. Now I wanted to kiss her more. Slowly I pushed her back, and we ended up on the floor. 

Ginger squeezed my large breasts in her pale white hands. “Damn,” she said as she let go. “They are huge,” she smiled as she lay underneath me. 

“Not too bad yourself,” I said, squeezing her hand-sized orbs. They were pert and firm, not like mine which were slightly beginning to sag. We kissed again, and slowly clothes started to come off in our excitement to get each other’s clothes off. I managed to see we weren’t the only ones getting unclothed. 

Madison and Lucy were writhing onto each other completely naked. Sara was getting her chest completely pummeled by Jeremy’s long cock. Her lips and tongue lashed against it as it came up from between her boobs. 

Ginger was working her way down my body, kissing and licking me as she went. I moaned loudly as her tongue lashed against me. “Holy,” I said as she began licking the inside of me. Her fingers and tongue were working in unison to bring me to the first orgasm in months. “Don’t stop,” I said, pushing her head between my legs. Her ginger hair was sticking out between my legs. 

Then I felt someone near me. Lucy straddled my face and slowly lowered herself down. I instantly began to sink my tongue into her wet slit, licking her clit and holding onto her thighs as she rode my face. Ginger suddenly stopped, and I longed for someone to touch me.

 I wanted to be fucked hard and long; Lucy was beginning to cum. I lapped and tongued her as fast as she rode me. 

That’s when I felt it. A long shaft entered my wet pussy. “Fuck!” I moaned as it buried itself deep inside me. I knew what it was. It was Ginger returning with her strap-on; I knew her touch as she held my legs. Lucy got off me as I watched Ginger fuck me with her fake dick; she held my legs out wide. 

“Fuck me!” I yelled up at the redhead. The two of us locked eyes as she pushed it deep inside me. 

A loud moan drew my attention away from Ginger. On the couch, I could see Madison’s legs spread wide with Sara’s head buried between them. What I couldn’t believe was what she was doing with her mouth.  Her head was hanging off the edge of the couch while Jeremy was fucking her mouth. No, I had to correct myself as I looked at Madison’s tiny throat bulge back and forth. Jeremy’s cock was buried in her throat. I could see every movement it made as it pistoned back and forth. 

Madison gasped for a second as he pulled it out of her mouth; long strings of saliva and throat fluids ran from her mouth to his long black cock. Madison’s eyes were wild and eager for more as she pulled his cock back to her mouth. 

“Your turn,” Lucy said as she returned with a strap-on of her own. What, did all these women come with their toys? 

I opened my mouth as Lucy straddled my face. “Suck that fake dick!” Lucy smiled down at me. I sucked on her fake dick as she pretended to moan and groan like a man. 

Lucy and Ginger both stopped at the same time, leaving me lying on the floor. “Come on,” Lucy said, lying on the floor next to me. I took the hint and straddled her. 

I wanted the real thing, but Jeremy was inches deep inside of Sara, while her head was down in Madison. I slid down onto her as I did. I could see her eyes curl. I knew that look; she had the double-sided piece. The more pressure I added on my side went down into her. 

I smiled as I began to ride her fake dick. Lucy moaned louder, the faster I bounced. I felt a hand on my shoulders, pushing me forward. Ginger slid into my ass from behind. Another thing I wanted to try was being fulfilled, as I felt both my holes being fucked. 

“Fuck my ass!” I screamed as Ginger pulled on my hair. 

Lucy squeezed and pinched on my nipples as I came again. 

They switched positions on me twice before I couldn’t feel my legs or any part of me. Then they began to kiss and fondle each other. I looked over for Jeremy, wanting to feel his cock inside of me. Madison was riding him like a sex-crazed cowgirl. I lay back on the couch for a minute, hoping that I would be next to feel that cock. 

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The morning sun broke through the window and pierced my eyelids. I shot upward and looked around. I was in my bed in my villa. “What the hell?” I said as I slowly got out of bed. 

I tried to remember how I got here. The last thing I remember was watching Madison riding Jeremy’s cock in the reverse cowgirl. She was even swinging her arms around as if she was swinging a lasso above her head. I smiled at the supposedly full-fledged lesbian riding a black cock. 

I walked into the kitchen and started to make some coffee. I would call the others later after I fully woke up. I looked at the time on the microwave. “Shit,” I said I had slept nearly half the day away. “What was in those drinks?” I said as I made my way to the bathroom. 

A quick shower and some clean clothes later, I sat at the table drinking my coffee. Marcus and Jennifer had won second place, which wasn’t bad; first would have been good, but their designs were still going to be mentioned, and they would still honor our deal. 

There was a knock on the door. I opened it to see Jeremy standing there in his beach shorts. “Just checking in on you,” he said as he was dripping water. 

“How’s the water?” I asked as I looked out at the beach. 

“Choppy, but reviving,” Jeremy smiled. 

“Come in,” I said as I let him in. “I will get you a towel.”

“I heard the news,” Jeremy yelled. 

“It’s great news,” I said, returning with a towel. “We already got a few calls from companies wanting to do shows and shoots.” 

“Great,” Jeremy said as he dried himself off. I couldn’t help but stare at his dark skin and those muscles that rippled all over his body. 

“Talking of great,” I smiled, “Someone had a great night.” 

“Oh,” Jeremy said as he leaned against the wall. “So did you, from the looks of things.” 

“I won’t lie, I had a good time,” I said as I looked at him. 

“But,” Jeremy said as he saw the look on my face. 

“It was a one-time thing, I prefer the real thing, and with men,” I smiled. 

“So, you’re not going to the other side quite yet?” Jeremy laughed. 

“Never, like I said it was fun for a one-time thing, I tried it, it was nice but not going to happen again,” I nodded. 

“Ginger said the same thing this morning,” Jeremy said. “I saw her down at the beach.” 

“Well,” I said with a bit of jealousy in my voice. “You got round to everyone last night, huh? Even turning the lesbian to a cowgirl, all she was missing was a lasso and a hat.” 

“Hey,” Jeremy said, holding his hands up. “That was all her, not me.” 

“I can’t blame her,” I said as I stared at his crotch. “I would have ridden that thing into the sunset if given a chance.” 

“Oh, really,” Jeremy said with a glint in his eye. “What’s stopping you?” 

“Still have the energy for more, huh?” I said, taking the hint. I got on my knees as I got close to him. With one tug, his beach shorts were down to his ankles. His large cock sprang up and pointed directly at me. “Oh, finally,” I said as I gripped his cock in both hands. 

“That’s it, suck on it,” Jeremy said as I tried to work his thick, long cock into my mouth. I wrapped my hands around him and squeezed his ass. Jeremy’s hand locked onto my head as he pushed his cock into my mouth. 

“Holy fuck,” I said as I pulled myself away. “How the fuck did Madison get this thing down her throat!” I said as I wrapped both my hands around it. Even with both my hands, it wasn’t enough to cover the whole thing. 

Last night I had seen Madison take this whole thing down her throat. I had watched his heavy balls slap against her face as he fucked her throat. I could barely get half of it down my mouth. 

There is no way I am going to let that skinny bitch outdo me, I said to myself. I opened my mouth wide and took his dick back into my mouth. I pulled on his ass as I tried to push his dick deeper; it hit the back of my mouth, and I wiggled my mouth and angled my throat as I had done many times to get Mark’s dick down. This was too thick; I couldn’t breathe. 

I gasped again as I pulled myself back. “Fuck,” I yelled, looking at the monster in front of me. Then an idea popped in my head. 

“Sit,” I said as I pointed to one of the chairs at the table. I might not be able to throat this monster, but there was something I could do with it. 

I quickly yanked my shirt off and unhooked my bra. “Holy shit,” Jeremy said as he stared at my massive tits. 

“And you thought Sara’s were huge,” I laughed as I shook my massive tits back and forth. I knew Sara’s size, and she was nowhere near to me. I squeezed and rolled my chest in my hands. They spilled over each hand and flopped against my chest as I let them go. 

I got between his legs and slapped each one around his cock, immediately making it disappear between them. “Now who is bigger?” I smiled up at him. Not even the head of his dick made it up between them. I bounced them up and down and squeezed them. 

“Fuck,” he said as his eyes rolled to the back of his head. I had him like putty between my tits. I squeezed them together harder and bounced my chest as quickly as I could. The loud smacking of my tits hitting his thighs filled the small villa. 

“That’s it, cum between my tits,” I said, looking up at him. I knew he was close. I could feel his dick throbbing between my breasts. 

Then I felt it, thick shots of cum shooting out of his dick. I squeezed my tits tightly, wrapping my arms around them as he came. 

“Damn,” Jeremy said as he looked down at me. “Didn’t think I would ever stop cumming.” 

I took my tits off his dick and slowly spread them apart; his cum was thick. I ran my finger along my cleavage and sucked on it, tasting his cum. “These things are too good,” Jeremy said as he squeezed and played with my tits. 

“Keep doing that, and you will regret it,” I said with a smile. 

“Or you will,” Jeremy winked at me. 

“Challenge accepted,” I said as I looked at his cock. It looked spent, but there were already signs of it hardening for round two. “I love a true breast man.” 

I wrapped my mouth around his cock, tasting the remnants of his cum. Slowly I tongued all around it and then held it up as I licked and sucked on his balls. 

“Get up,” Jeremy ordered. 

I got off the ground and stood up. Jeremy turned me around, so I was facing the table. I spread my legs apart as I waited for him to enter me from behind. 

“You’re soaking already, and I haven’t even touched you yet,” Jeremy said as he slid a finger into my dripping pussy. 

If he had known how long I had been waiting, craving, and fantasizing about this moment, he would understand why I was so wet and ready for him. The moment I saw him at the door, I had started to get excited,  Seeing my hands wrapped around his dark, black cock had me soaking my panties; the moment I felt his dick between my tits I had already creamed myself. Now his thick fingers probed my insides. 

“Stop teasing me,” I said in a weak and desperate voice. 

I felt his thick cock press against me, slipping up and down between my lips but not entering. “Stop,” I whined. 

“What?” Jeremy said as he teased me, his thick cock at the entrance of my hole, but not getting inside. I pushed back to get it to pierce me, to enter me, but he pulled away. “What do you want?” Jeremy teased again. 

“Fuck me. I want to feel your cock inside me,” I begged. 

Jeremy slapped his cock against my ass. “You want this?” he said with each slap. 

“Yes,” I begged. “Please.” 

My legs were quivering with anticipation. “Where?” Jeremy asked. 

No, I thought to myself. It was a huge cock, long and thick. I knew what my body wanted, but my mind was trying not to say it. 

Jeremy ran his cock through my butt cheeks over my hole. I bit my lip as I tried not to say it. “Where do you want it?” he asked as he slid it back and forth between my cheeks; every time it passed over, I wanted him to push it in. 

I shook my head and tried not to say the word that was on the tip of my tongue, then it passed over again, and all the walls broke down. 

“Put it in my ass, fuck my tight ass with your big black cock!” I screamed. 

I felt Jeremy grip my hips tightly with one hand and hold the head of his cock at the entrance of my anus. At first, I didn’t think it would fit. Then I felt it pierce my hole. Instantly my head buried itself into the table, and my hands gripped the edges tightly. 

“Fuck!” Jeremy bellowed as he pushed his dick into my tight ass. Slowly he began fucking my ass. 

“So fucking big,” I said out loud, repeating it over and over as I felt it going back and forth. Slowly Jeremy was working his thick dick into my ass inch by incredible inch. “That’s it, fuck me,” I said, nodding my head. 

My hand worked itself into a frenzy against my clit. “Fuck my ass, with your fucking cock!” I said as I gritted my teeth. 

Jeremy slapped one cheek with his large hand, then the other. “This big ass was meant for fucking,” he said as he slapped both of them at the same time.

Jeremy squeezed my ass with both his hands. I loved how he made me feel.  Mark always made me feel like my ass and tits were too big. Jeremy loved them both. I gasped as he made a final thrust, I had taken all of his dick up my ass. I could feel every inch inside of me. 

“Fuck me hard!” I yelled as I pushed back. “Fuck my fat ass!” 

Jeremy started to do just that; he grabbed a handful of my hair and yanked it backward. Then he began pounding into me, thrusting his hips back and forth. I met each thrust with one of my own. “Fuck!” he said as he let my hair go, his arms reaching around as he held onto my tits. His hands rolled and massaged my massive tits with his dick balls deep in my ass. 

“Get on the floor,” he growled at me. 

I thankfully got on all fours. My legs were burning from standing up. Jeremy pushed me down, so I was flat on the floor. He pushed my legs together as he straddled my ass. He was going to fuck my ass while I was helpless to move. 

Jeremy didn’t enter me slowly. He pushed it deep in one hard thrust. I gasped as he thrust his cock into me. “Is this what you want?” he said as he lay on top of me. 

“Yes,” I whimpered. “Use me,” I said with my face pressed against the hard tile floor. Jeremy was fucking me harder than I had ever been fucked. Then I felt it a kiss on the neck. He was fucking me and kissing me. “Cum in my ass,” I said. “Please.” 

Jeremy thrust his cock deep inside my ass as he pushed his body on top of mine. I felt him cumming inside me. Our bodies stayed still for a moment before he got off of me. 

“You’re going to have to help me get up,” I said with a smile. “I can’t feel my legs.” 

“What makes you think I can feel mine?” Jeremy replied. 

We both laughed. 

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I sat down as I waited for Edward to enter his office. I had called and set up a meeting with him. Madison was running things at the office. She didn’t want to meet with him; none of the others did; they were all scared they might do something or say something they would regret. 

“No entourage?” Edward said as he entered. 

“No,” I replied as I looked straight ahead, not turning around to look at him. 

Edward sat down at his desk and looked at me. “You won,” he said with a smile. “Are you happy?” 

It didn’t feel like a victory; sure, the merger with Madison had put us on the map, so to speak. Marcus and Jennifer had made us the sole model agency for all their businesses. We had work lined up for every week from now until the end of the year, but it still didn’t feel like a victory. 

“No,” I said. 

“Why not?” Edward asked as he sat back. “I am bowing gracefully out of the modeling world. I am selling the company to anyone, you, of course, have the first bidding option.” 

I shook my head as I looked at him. “Option?” 

“Come now,” Edward shook his head. “I am a businessman, I will not sell it for cheap, I will tear it down piece by piece before I did that. I will sell the models’ photos, past and present, to anybody that wanted it, and by that I mean anybody and every picture.” 

My teeth clenched as he said that; there were pictures that most of those models took when they were young and naive; some of them were not meant to see the light of day. I didn’t want them to put online for anyone to see. 

“Now, what is your first bid?” Edward said. 

I took a piece of paper out and wrote the number Madison and I had agreed on. I handed it over to him. 

“Sold,” Edward said. 

I couldn’t believe it. That was the first bid; we had two other more significant numbers after that one. “What?” I said, shaking my head. Edward was already signing a piece of paper. 

“Theodore and I go way back, way back even before you were riding your first bicycle, that look you saw us give each other was a standoff,” Edward smiled. “I knew if I didn’t back out of his world, his life, he would enter into mine, and right now, I cannot stand the extra competition.” 

Edward stood up and offered his hand. “The company is yours,” he said with a smile. 

I felt like I was shaking hands with the devil himself. I knew it was a hollow victory, and for the life of me, it felt like he had won first prize, and I was taking home the participation award. 

“What about your shadow?” I asked as Edward walked towards the door. 

“Fire him, keep him, throw him out the window. I don’t care, he is your problem now,” Edward shrugged. 

I looked around my old office, soon to be my new office. I had two buildings now. “What are we going to do now?” I laughed out loud. 

On the way back, something nagged at my mind. I called Mark and quickly explained everything. 

“Am I on speaker?” Mark asked. 

“Yes, but I am alone in my car,” I replied. 

“Take me off,” Mark said. 

“Okay,” I replied as I pulled over and took out my phone. 

“What’s going on?” I asked. 

“Edward attempted a buyout of one of our competitors, it fell through badly,” Mark said. “Do you remember Leon?” 

“Yes, the lead you promoted when you got promoted,” I replied as I remembered the jerk’s name. He had tried hitting on me a few times. 

“He got fired, so did many others,” Mark said. “Even this expansion office might be taken away if Edward doesn’t do something and fast.” 

“Wow, what happened?” I asked. 

“Some unknown person at the other office is stirring up things, he is making a big splash, and no one knows how he is doing it,” Mark said. 

“Mark, you sound scared,” I said, hearing the fear in his voice. 

“Whoever this person is, he just took one of the largest accounts ever. I mean, every company worth its salt has tried to nail this account, and he got it within days, you hear me, days, not weeks, not months, days, you damn right I am scared, everyone is,” Mark said, his voice breaking. 

I wanted to feel bad or some remorse for Mark, but part of me was jumping for joy. “I am sorry,” I said, but even that felt like a lie. 

“I got to go,” Mark said. “Don’t tell anyone.” 

“Of course not,” I said. 

I put the phone down. Then I picked it back up. I  redialed a number. 

“I thought our business was through,” Edward said. 

“It is,” I said with a smile. 

“Then what do you want?” Edward asked; he sounded like he was in a hurry. 

“I hope whoever the competition you mentioned is, kicks your ass!” I said as I hung up. 

I pulled down my sunglasses and pulled back into traffic. Whoever that unknown person was, I was rooting for them, wherever they were. 

I hoped Jeremy was done fucking any of the others. Now that I had got my victory, I needed a good fuck.


Published 6 years ago

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