In The Beginning – Chapter 9

"Who was it? Meeting Tina's parents and first time at Luke's house."

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It’s amazing how fast the brain can process information. It was a micro-second that told me who the three people where, Diane hadn’t finished saying “Oh, fuck!” before I knew.

“I’m guessing that’s not her brother, that she’s never spoken of?”

“She hasn’t got a brother. Luke, for Tina, please stay calm.”

“When have you ever known me not to stay calm?”

“Okay, how about you not go over and rip his face off?”

“One question, I haven’t caught her out have I?”

“How could you say that?”

“I want you to confirm what I think, that I have NOT caught her out. Hell, she could be playing me for a mug, but I truly can’t believe that of her.”

“No, Luke, honey, you have not caught her out. This will devastate her, because she, for some reason thinks you are going to dump her any second and knowing her, she’ll think this will be your excuse.”


“She won’t tell him to fuck off, like I would, but that would leave any sane person questioning how she feels about him.”

“So, are you saying, either I’m not sane or I should dump her?” Diane answered by punching my arm.

“You know, you don’t hit as hard as Tina.

“Don’t you want to go and support your friend? Stand on her right.”

In the few seconds that it took to have this whispered and rushed conversation, Tina had hugged her mum and her dad. When the other had gone to hug her, she took a step back. Then Diane was next to her.

“Hi Mrs Croft, hi Mr Croft, how are you both?”

She held them in a brief chat while I grabbed the bag that Tina had dropped and along with the other two that I had got out of the boot, took them over and put them just inside the front door. I introduced myself to her parents shaking each of their hands and as I said my name, things suddenly felt very awkward. I walked behind the girls and standing in between, put my arms around both their shoulders.

I smiled as he tensed up. Then, keeping my arm around Tina’s shoulder, reached out with my right hand, palm up and lowered my eyes and tilted my head a little. I could almost feel him stand up straighter and smirk. It was almost too easy.

I looked up at him, ensuring I blinked a lot, “You must be, Isaac, Isambard? I know it’s something that begins with I, Tina and Diane have talked a lot about you.”

“It’s…” I could hear the confusion in his voice and also the silence as Tina, Diane and Mrs Croft held their breath. Mr Croft moved his feet changing his stance a little. He chose then to put the squeeze onto my hand.

I didn’t let him finish, “Ivan, be a good chap and help me with the last of Tina’s bags.”

As I said this, I looked him straight in the eye, without blinking this time, returning the squeeze and turning his hand over so mine was now on top.

“But…” Tina started, I stopped her with a squeeze to her shoulder.

“It’s okay, Tina, we’ve got this, haven’t we, Ian?” I gave a quick tug.

I walked back to the rear of my car and rested my hands on the edge of the open car boot, looking at Diane’s bags. He did the same.

“Right, let me explain how this is going to work,” he started.

“Okay, first thing I don’t give a fuck what your name is.” And slammed the boot shut. Idiot only just got his hands out of the way, then he took a step toward me, looking up at him, I took a step back. He was like a puppet, he took another step forward. He still gave the appearance that he thought he was dominating me. Tina was right, he was fairly tall, a few inches shorter than Andy and I suppose quite good looking. I made a note to find some friends shorter than me, I was starting to hate looking up people’s nostrils.

“But…” he visibly squared his shoulders and pushed his chest out at me.

“Second,” cutting him off, “you will not explain anything to me because I already know how this is going to work.”

“I don’t…” he started.

“Yeah, I don’t either,” cutting him off again. “I don’t know what you are doing here, I don’t know why you weren’t smothered at birth and I don’t know what Tina saw in you.

“What I do know is you are going to go over, make your apologies and fuck off. You hurt the most wonderful person it has been my fortune to meet this year and I won’t let you do it again.”

As he took a step forward, Diane put her hand on my arm.

“Luke, Tina needs you.”

I held his gaze for a half-second longer, then threw down my usual challenge and turned my back on him, paused and went to walk away. As I did, I felt what I thought was a rock, hit the back of my head. When I say rock, I am referring to pumice, there was an instant of not even pain, before it crumbled. As I turned, I heard scuffling on the drive and Tina was holding my hand as I faced Idiot again. This time I didn’t blink.

“Oh, for fucks sake!” exclaimed Diane. “You really are a fucking idiot.”

“Did you do that? Did you honestly do that? Did you hit me in the back of the head after I had turned away from you? Are you really that pathetic that you hurt women and have to attack men smaller than you,” Tina chuckled at this, “when they have their backs turned?”

“I would have told you to leave just for doing what you did,” said Mr Croft as he walked across to us, “Tina did he hurt you?”

Tina looked down, I squeezed her hand “Yes daddy, he did.” I then curled her into my embrace.

“You are no longer welcome on my property or in my family’s life. Leave now.” He then turned to me, “Luke, thank you for driving Tina and Diane home, can I offer you something to eat, it looks like we have a spare place in our family now.”

“Thank you.” I locked my car door and looked at him, “One scratch, one mark and I will come for you. Only this time I’ll make sure the girls aren’t about to temper me.” I left Idiot standing in the drive looking like an, well, an idiot.

“It’s a good job you got rid of him Mr Croft, there wouldn’t have been enough food to go around with Luke here.”

“Oh, big eater, are we?” Tina’s mum had the most beguiling accent.

Tina sniggered, “A touch, we went for a meal at his house with his housemates. We had a takeaway curry. You know I usually have a dish and a small rice? There were four girls and four boys, we had eight large rice and fifteen different dishes. I don’t think I ate any more than usual, but everything was gone.”

“Tina honey, daddy and me are so sorry, we didn’t know how he had treated you. When he showed up at the door we told him you were coming home at the weekend and he said he would love to see you. I hadn’t realised that you were getting a lift from Luke today. I also thought he lived a couple of hours from here.”

“No, that’s Rob,” Diane piped up, “the guy I’ve gotten to know, Luke’s best friend.”

“Well, we always liked him and got on well with his parents, we invited him in for a quick chat to try and explain, but he seemed to think it was all just a misunderstanding, a term time thing?

“I don’t know what we are going to say to his parents when we see them.”

“We’ll tell them the truth,” Mr Croft said, “they should know their son hurts women. So, what, did he do, hit you?”

I laughed, “Mr Croft, no offence, but if he had hit Tina, even before I knew her, I would have knocked him into next year. Really, I think this might be conversation for Tina and her mum.”



He did it again, standing up for me, but not lashing out when he had the perfect excuse. I don’t want to tame him and I don’t think he would do anything stupid, but to feel him relax when I took hold of his hand. It made my heart swell each time it happened, knowing that my touch was enough for him. No need for anger, no need for vengeance, just calm, peace and love.

I did find it funny that in the midst of putting Idiot down, he found time to inject a little humour. What was nice was that it was just us that knew the real extent of what he meant. Then when daddy was looking like he might pry a little bit too much, he protected me by deflecting the question to mummy.

We talked about how we met and some of the things we had got up to. I did say about being the Choirmaster but left out the nudity. I did say about the curry night but left out the poker game and afterwards. Mummy bless her, got totally the wrong stick about his Choirmaster title.

“So, you’re some sort of mascot, is it?” she asked him, which made Diane and I titter.

“Sort of, I tend to lead the singing in the bar after home matches, if I’m asked.”

“Well I guess with a name like Evans, it’s probably in your blood. We used to like to have a sing-song at Christmas after a couple of mulled wines. Perhaps you could join us this year and we could start the tradition again.”

I could see in Diane’s eyes she was struggling to hold it together, as much as me, so we offered to clear the table. While crying in each other’s arms in the kitchen we carried on eavesdropping, it was a little cruel to leave Luke like that.

“I’m sure that would be very nice, Mrs Croft, but I don’t know that many carols.”

“Oh, the more usual hymns, is it?”

“Err, not really, my speciality is more particular.”

“Like what?”

He looked to daddy for support and came up blank, he looked to the kitchen, but Diane and I were impotent to help. “Well, it’s like rugby songs.”

“You’ll have to give us a verse or two.”

As we walked back in the room the look on his face was incomparable.

“Maybe another time, mummy,” I suggested.

“So,” asked daddy, “do you go to support all the matches, Luke? Tina has told us she has got a bit of an interest in the game now.”

Diane laughed out loud. “Daddy, Luke is the university’s first fifteen hooker. He goes to all the games to play. You don’t think his face would look like that from supporting.” I then went on to tell them about the incident at the last match.

It was a pleasant evening, when we eventually got inside. Luke seemed to get on well with mummy and daddy. I learnt another thing about him that night, he is the most charming person a parent could meet. He rounded it all off by helping clear the table.

“It’s okay Luke, you don’t have to worry,” said daddy.

Luke stood and slipped his fleece off, “It’s the least I can do after such a lovely meal and if we all get stuck in, of course with the exception of Tina’s gorgeous mother, we’ll have the washing up done in no time.” I kicked his ankle at this, then noticed mummy and daddy looked like they had been frozen.

“What’s up?” I asked.

“What? Oh, nothing, love,” said daddy.

They were impressed enough to invite him around for Boxing Day and if he could make it at some point on Christmas Day, he was more than welcome. When it got to ten-thirty, Luke suggested it was time to get Diane home. We saw him to the front door; daddy shook his hand and mummy kissed his cheek. I had been going out with Idiot two months before he was treated like that. Luke gave Diane the keys to his car and she took the hint. Then with an “Oh, yes, good to meet you Luke, see you soon,” we were left alone on the doorstep.

“Thank you for tonight,” I said.

“No, thank you, I enjoyed it.”

“Luke, how did you not react when he hit you?”

Simple really, I had already won, twice.”


“When I shook his hand, I put on a submissive posture until he thought he had the upper hand, then turned it around on him. He tried, but he couldn’t stop me. The second time, you know.

“If it had just been the two of us, I would, as Diane so eloquently put it, have ripped his face off.”

We kissed and hugged goodnight, it was not long enough, I never wanted to let go. Our hugs are still not long enough. He said he would come around tomorrow and take me to meet his family. Then he got in his car and was gone.

When I went back in, mummy said she thought he was really nice.

“I’m very impressed he held his cool like that,” said daddy. “I was actually a little concerned, I know the reputation your ex has. Then when I saw the size of his arms when he took his fleece off, wow. I’m actually a little embarrassed, part of my concern for him was I thought he was fat.”

“I wasn’t certain until I went to that first match. He always wears looser clothes that do nothing to show off his physique. You should see him in a pair of shorts,” I said.

“I look forward to it,” replied mummy, laughing at my reaction. I had never known her to be like that with any of my few boyfriends. I took it as a positive, so long as she kept her hands to herself, I would hate to rip my own mother’s eyes out.

“No need to look so down,” daddy said, putting an arm around me, “you’re seeing him tomorrow.”

“Looks like I might need to start looking for a hat,” said mummy with a smile.



“Left or right?”

“Right, then to the end and left.”

As we pulled out onto the road, I said, “Do you know where he lives?”

“Yes, but…”

“I want his address.”

“Tina won’t thank you.”

“I don’t want thanks; I just want to send a clear message. It’s going to be nothing more than I know where you live. And if his parents are there, maybe let them know what a cowardly piece of shit their son is.”

Diane put her hand on my knee, “You’re a better man than Rob.”

“Ha, I don’t know about that.”

“I do, he wouldn’t have stopped for me, as a friend, or me as his partner.”

“Different time and place, I possibly wouldn’t have, especially after that sucker punch. With Tina’s parents there what impression would it have given? Plus, you and Tina were too close, who knows what that twat would have done.”

“Giving you more reason not to stop?” She patted my knee and pulled her hand back.

We drove on, talking about the rest of the night and were at her parents in about ten minutes. They invited me in for a drink, but I declined wanting to get home. It only occurred to me then that my parents were probably expecting me for around dinner time. Oops.

I was right, it took just under thirty minutes to get from Diane’s to mine. When I pulled up outside our house, I could see the lights still on. I grabbed my bags and went in the back door.

“Luukkkkeeeee!” This bundle of hair and pyjamas dived into my arms.

“Hi Sam.”

She kissed me on the cheek making no attempt to let me put her down, “Where is she then? Lover girl that keeps you away from the phone.”

“Oh shit!” I had totally forgotten about the Sunday morning phone call.

“Indeed,” said my mum, “and three hours later than expected tonight, even with the accident. Rob covered for you on Sunday, need someone else for today?”

Sam let me put her down and I went and I hugged and kissed mum and dad who were both at the doorway to the kitchen. Just to upset my mum more, I told her I had also eaten. We went and sat in the living room, Sam plonked herself in my lap and I updated them on everything they had missed, at least a censored version.

“This from the missus? She keeping you in your place?” said Sam, prodding at my cheek.

Lifting her and putting her on the sofa, I asked “What’s got into you? Every time I come home, you’re all over me.”

“Can’t a big sister miss her little brother?”

“Hmm. That is from some monster in the last match, Tina’s far more devastating.”

“Aww, ain’t it sweet?”

“Samantha Evans!” Mother had spoken, Sam laughed, kissed my cheek and said goodnight.

“I expect to meet the person that’s managed to get a hold on my brother’s heart so easily,” she said as she went upstairs.

I gave a questioning look at mum and dad. Mum spoke up, “You know, I think she’s part jealous and part worried.”

“Huh? Since when has Sam worried about me? And jealous?”

Dad spoke up, “Since you started at university. She would really have liked to have gone; it was just the wrong time. She’s worried she’ll lose her little brother, worried you’ll get hurt and jealous that she’s not the only girl in your life now.

“In short she misses you and has come to realise just how close you two really were.”

“Silly tart, she knows I’ll always be there for her.”

“Does she?” asked mum. “When was the last time you told her? Have you ever told her?”

“I suppose not.”

“I have to agree with Sam on one thing, when will your father and I get to meet Tina?”

“I’m hoping to bring her over tomorrow, if that’s okay?”

Oh, that would be fine, she can stay for dinner and then on Friday perhaps we can have a girls’ day out and…”

“Anne, behave! The girl needs to spend time with her family.”

“I know, but I’m excited and…”

“Mum, you might not even like her,” with that bombshell, I laughed. “Goodnight.” I gave them both a kiss and headed up.



I woke up at four, then five, then five-thirty. I managed an hour and a half after that and gave up. I walked into the kitchen and mummy was putting some bread in the grill and daddy was ready for work, just finishing his coffee while reading the paper.

“Morning petal, I thought teenagers were supposed to sleep twenty hours a day.”

“Hi daddy, I think I’m just not used to my bed.”

He got up and kissed my cheek and gave mummy a kiss, said his goodbyes and left for work.

“Have you lost your appetite too?” Mummy was smiling at me.

“No, just some toast please,” I replied while pouring a coffee, totally missing the unsaid part of what mummy had asked.

Over breakfast mummy asked all about the term and I had to tell her much the same as I had the night before. She asked more questions, some about the course, some about my room and then lots about Luke and the whole dynamic with the rugby team and Diane. She asked the inevitable, what had happened during the summer with Idiot and what he had done to hurt me. I tried to tell her without telling her, but she wanted me to be specific, not necessarily with the depth of detail that Diane wanted, but what had happened.

The silly thing was mummy was the one in tears and I was consoling her by the time we were finished talking. She said that if they had known there is no way that he would have got through the front door.

“Having got that far, I now wish me and your father had held you and Diane back. Your Da will be tamping when I tell him,” she raised an eyebrow. “Luke treats you well though,” it wasn’t a question, but I nodded.

“And he’s gentle and caring, makes sure you’re well looked after,” I nodded again, then realised what mummy had just dragged out of me. I could feel myself burning up.

Mummy laughed, “Give me a cwtch,” and hugged me in only the way that she could.

“That’s how it should be sweetheart. I know you don’t want to hear it, but your father looks after me proper and I do for him. Luke seems like a lovely boy. He makes you happy, it’s written all over you. Look after him and fight tooth and nail to hold onto him.”

Mummy gave me another hug and said, “When’s that hunk of a man coming for you?”

“About ten-ish.”

“Hmm, it’ll be nice to see him in the daylight.”

“Mummy!” I cried but when I looked at her, she was grinning like the Cheshire cat.



Sleep? Who needs it? There’s plenty of time for it when you’re dead. Or so I tried to convince myself as I checked the clock again. I had woken up every hour and it felt like it took two hours to get back to sleep. After the weekend, I had exams to concentrate on, last night I only had today to look forward to. I gave up at five-o’clock and went for a run. I bought the paper on the way home and brought it back with me. I had missed my turn cooking breakfast on Sunday, so set about my parents’ kitchen.

“Morning son, you’re up early. Trouble sleeping?”

“Like you wouldn’t believe. I’ve been for a run and got your paper for you.”

“What was the matter, bed too small?”

“Lots and nothing. The last couple of days I’ve been concentrating on exams, last night I guess it was just the end of term come down and too much space in my bed.”

“Yes, son, I get it,” he nodded knowingly.

“Eggs, bacon, sausage, mushrooms, beans?”

“You are welcome home every day if this is what I get. Yes, to all.”

As I placed his coffee and a rack of toast in front of him, I asked, “Only if I do this?”

We were laughing as mum came in and the cross-examination really started. How we met, what we had been up to, what she was like, how I felt and on. I deflected as much as I could, like what did she look like? You’ll see when you meet her.

I was just about to sort myself out when Sam walked in looking like she had been dragged through a hedge backwards.

Laughing, I asked, “Rough night, sis?

“And which way would madam like me to rotate on that?” I asked in response to her raised middle finger.

I dished up a similar breakfast for Sam, one egg to my three, one sausage to my two, a single rasher of bacon to my stack, beans, and mushrooms.

“Have I told you lately that you’re my favourite brother?”

“And you’re my favourite sister.” Mum and dad had finished and were upstairs doing what they needed to do. I reached over and took Sam’s hand.

“Sis, you know you don’t have to worry about me and if you ever, ever need me, just call. If you want to get away for some time, you have my address and there’s a space on the floor for a sleeping bag. Who knows what the future holds or if there is much of a future for me and Tina, it doesn’t matter, she can never replace you as my sister.”

Sam gave my hand a squeeze, “I think my little brother is growing up. And I will always be here for you. But please Luke, promise me that you will call me if ever you do need me. I just don’t…”

“I promise, I will. I’m good now. Better than ever actually, but I know that even if Tina doesn’t work out, everything will be fine. You’ll be the first I will talk to if ever anything changes.”

I looked up and mum was stood at the door smiling, she gave me a little nod as she came into the kitchen. We finished eating, mostly in silence while she busied herself clearing up behind me. I was then hurried out of the kitchen to get washed and dressed ready to collect Tina. I had a feeling certain people were eager to meet her. When I got back down, I caught the tail end of their conversation.

“Oh, shoot! Sam, as soon as Luke’s done, get washed and dressed, we need to go shopping.”

“But mum, I’m supposed to be sick.”

“No buts, we’re going out. We need to get some food and it will give them a couple of hours with the house to themselves.”

“Okay, I’m out of here. See you in about an hour or so.”

“Luke, I didn’t get enough food. Sam and I are going shopping, we’ll do the Christmas shop so won’t be back before two.” She squeezed my arm and smiled at me.

Sam was grinning as she left the kitchen, “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” she said.



A little after ten, there was a rumbling from outside, it sounded like Luke’s car. I wanted to rush out to him, but it would be unseemly with mummy about. After a century of waiting there was a knock at the door.

“I’ll get it,” shouted mummy. I had to smile. I found her eagerness amusing, but it was a good sign.

“Alright Luke, come in. I’ll get her, is it.”

“It’s okay mummy, I’m here.” I kissed her on the cheek and said, “I’ll be back later.”

“Actually, Mrs C,” this made her giggle. “My mum has invited Tina for dinner, if that’s okay.”

“Ooh, that’s right tidy,” realising she had agreed for me, she looked over. I nodded to them both.

Luke stepped back to allow me to leave and turned to say goodbye to my mummy. She went up on tiptoes and he bent a little to let her kiss him on the cheek.

“Nice, seeing you again, mush, bye. Bye Tina.” She then stood in the open doorway.

Luke walked around to the passenger side of the car and unlocked it, opening the door for me to get in. As I was about to, he bent and kissed me on the lips and whispered, “Hi beautiful.”

I smiled and whispered back, “Hi sweetie.”

As he walked around the front of the car to get in, he waved to mummy.


“She’s from the valleys, is it. It’s a term of endearment. Never before used on a boyfriend of mine. The same if she calls you butt, she’s not calling you an arse, that’s reserved for me.”

“Carry on speaking like that and I might let her see it as I bend you over the bonnet.”

“Ooh, Mr Evans, you certainly know how to charm a girl.” We were both laughing as he pulled away.

“How you doing after last night?” he asked.

“I didn’t sleep brilliantly, but I’m not bad. My parents were suitably impressed by you, but I think I’m going to have to keep an eye on my mummy.” I giggled.

“She planning on putting on some tight jeans too?” Which earnt him a slapped leg.

“She does seem rather taken with you. I’ve never seen her kiss any of my boyfriends, except Idiot and he was a family friend before.”

“How are you with what happened with that… with him?”

“I’m okay, good really. I was worried what you would think, I know I’m not good with confrontation. I know I should have told him to leave without hesitation, but I needed to know that my parents would support me. I know it’s silly. Daddy was impressed you didn’t wipe the floor with him. I think the boy done good.” I patted his knee as I said this.

“Of course, he done good, my speciality is impressing other people’s parents.” He flashed me a cheesy grin before continuing, “It’s not silly, it’s your parent’s property, the final say is theirs. Though I would hope they would always support you. I trust you know at least now, that I would have your back in a similar situation?”

“I have spoken to Diane this morning and she told me what you said. Thank you for erring on the side of trust, it really did bother me what impression it would give.” I rested my head on his shoulder and held onto his leg.

“I do know, now. We are just still so new at this, all these little and not so little bumps, need special care going over, to make sure we don’t have a blowout.

“Diane also told me of you wanting his address. I only ask you don’t do anything silly. That’s all.” Luke went to respond, but I put a finger on his lips.

“You know that’s the third time you have done that.” When he looked at me, he screwed up his eyes and brow, “Been my knight in shining armour and stood up and defended my honour.”

He kissed the finger I had still on his lips, “For you m’lady, always.

“This is it,” he said as we pulled up outside a house. It was his turn to reassure me, “It’ll be fine, they’ll love you to bits. Besides, we have the house to ourselves for a few hours.”



As soon as I closed the back door, Tina turned and grabbed me around the neck pulling me down for a kiss. As I stood up, she didn’t release her grip on my neck or my lips and I lifted her off the ground. I put my hands under her bum and lifted her up so she could get a proper grip around my waist with her legs.

“Miss me?” I asked between breaths


“Are you going to let me put you down?”


“Sixpence or two-bob tour?”


“And this is my room,” I said as I finished showing her around.

“Uhuh,” I bit her lip. “Oww, what was that for?”

“And this is my room,” I repeated.

“Oh god, Luke, I’m sorry, I just missed you last night and…” I kissed her to stop her waffling.

I leant forward as far as I thought I did when bending to kiss her, while still kissing her. Then reaching behind I undid her legs and let her stand on her own. Without breaking our kiss, with her eyes still shut and her arms around my neck, I unzipped her fleece and pushed it back off her shoulders. Tina released the grip around my neck and I took one arm out of its sleeve, then stepping behind her, slid the rest off of her other arm. I moved her hair to the side and kissed the back of her neck watching the shiver work through her.

As I stepped away to hang her fleece over my chair, she turned. I pushed a finger into the back of her shoulder, pushing her around to where she was, causing her to whimper a little. I stepped in behind her and encircled her waist, kissing and running my tongue over her neck and ear. I could feel her relaxing her body back against mine. While doing this, I tugged the front of her t-shirt out of her jeans and then worked my way to the back until it was all out. Taking hold of the hem I lifted it over her body and with her compliance, off over her arms and head. Again, I stepped away and again stopped her when she went to turn, though with less of a whimper this time. I shook out her top and folded that and placed it on my chair. My sweatshirt was unceremoniously whipped off and thrown on the floor.

I moved her hair to expose the other side of her neck and paid it the same attention as the other. Taking her arms, I extended them forwards, placing her hands on the wall. Curling her hair in my hand, I turned her head to face me, kissing her mouth and dragging my tongue over her lips, pulling away when she tried to kiss me back.

“I think you’ve kissed me enough for the moment, don’t you?” She shook her head sadly.

“Don’t move,” I told her.

Without waiting for a response, I leant forward kissing her shoulders. I put my hands over hers then drew them back along the underside of her arms, down her sides, around her waist and crossing them over, up over her bra clad tits. The pressure was enough to stop it tickling, but not so much that I didn’t feel her squirming, trying to push into my hands more. After reaching her neck at the front, I brought them down over her tits again and down her sides, pulling them across her waist until my fingertips were touching on her belly. While I was doing this, I was kissing, licking and nibbling across her shoulders and the top of her back. Giving slightly harder nips on her shoulder blades when she pushed them out.

My hands found the button on her jeans and as one popped it open, the other pulled her zip down.

“I know it’s almost sacrilege to spoil such perfection, but needs must…” I slipped my hands in the side of her jeans, pushing them over her hips. When they were over her bum, I pulled her knickers back into place. As I continued to push her jeans down, I kissed lower down her back until I was just forced to kiss her cheeks. Lifting each leg in turn, I pulled her jeans off. Standing, I shook them out and folded them, placing them on top of her t-shirt. Mine landed in a heap on top of my sweatshirt, with boxers and socks all still entangled.

Taking a knee behind Tina, I lifted her foot off the ground and peeled her sock off. Before putting it down, I leant forward and ran my tongue the length of her sole causing her to shudder. I repeated this with her other foot getting a similar response. I was less careful with her socks, just casting them aside.

Running my hands up the front of her legs I kissed all over the back, getting a little buckle when I kissed the back of her knees. I could also hear little moans and sighs as my hands drew near to the tops of her legs, only to hear a whimper of frustration as I passed by. Squeezing up her sides made Tina arch her back, pushing her bum out toward me a little. I couldn’t resist giving it a little bite which made her squirm.

When I reached her bra, I was seriously tempted to get a pair of scissors, but bit the bullet, grabbed each side, putting my thumbs against the clasp, I pushed together, feeling the hooks come free I then pulled the back apart. I nearly thrust my fist into the air in celebration. Tina seemed to pick up on my feelings and giggled as it fell loose around her arms. She took her arms off the wall and allowed the bra to fall to the ground. I slid my hand around to the front of her, cupping a tit in each hand, leaning over and nibbling at her neck, I flicked my thumbs over her hard nipples.

It was as if she had been holding her breath, with this first touch she exhaled and I felt her legs wobble a little. I curled my fingers and ran them all in a fan shape over her tits, across her nipples and down to the sides. Applying some pressure to the soft spot in front of her hips, Tina moaned and took a half-step back. I repeated this, but held the pressure, until she had stepped back to the length of her arms.

I finally hooked my thumbs into the sides of her knickers and eased them over her bum and down her legs. I was surprised to see the crotch stick to her for a second longer wanting to stay where I wanted to be. I pushed them to her knees and let them drop, putting my hands on the front of her thighs, I kissed one, then the other of her cheeks. I noticed she lifted a foot out of her knickers, which were pooled at her feet and as she put it down again, I applied a little pressure and she stepped that foot to the side a little.

Putting my hands on her cheeks, I cracked the peach open. I now had access to her pussy and backdoor. The first thing I noticed there was no fuzz showing around her lips. Pressing a thumb on her starfish, she flinched.

I simply said, “Trust me.”

I could feel Tina was still tense, but she did not do any more to move away or stop me. I leant forward and pressed my tongue against the front of her lips and pulled upwards. I now understood why there was no fuzz, she had shaved.

“For me?” I asked.

“Uhuh,” she half moaned in response.

I applied a little more pressure with my thumb and as I got closer with my tongue, I moved my hand so both thumbs were now holding her cheeks apart. My fingers found her tail and started to rub that. As my tongue got to the end of her lips, Tina tensed a little more, but remained still. She was torn between moaning and complaining. She relaxed as I started back along her lips. It was more like she fell over the edge, than was pushed. Her knees and arms began to shake. She looked like she might collapse, so I stood and putting an arm around her waist to support her, I slid my middle and forefinger into her moist opening, pushing my thumb to her clit.

I was rewarded with, “Oh shit, Luke, I love you, please… uff”

I stepped in behind her, holding one of her hips, I took hold of my dick and pulled it along her pussy. Tina reached between her legs and grabbed it, guiding me straight to her entrance and pushing back on me. Unlike before where we had both been hesitant and cautious, this time, although slow and steady, she didn’t stop pushing until her bum hit my legs.

“Oh, my f…please Luke, please.”

Who was I to argue? I pushed forward; Tina braced herself against the wall. I would like to say we built up a great rhythm, but after a couple of thrusts I fell out and my dick rubbed over her clit. It wasn’t all bad, Tina cried out and her legs finally gave way. She would have collapsed to the floor had I not grabbed her. It was like carrying jelly, I picked up her shaking form and carried her to my bed. Sitting, holding her on my lap, I pulled back my duvet then lay her down, climbing in behind and holding her while she came down from her orgasm.

“I’m sorry, give me a second and we can try again,” Tina said after a minute.

I just smiled and kissed her shoulder, “Take your time, there’s no rush.”

How wrong can you be? At that instant I heard a door close downstairs and footsteps running up the stairs. Tina looked at me in panic, pulling the covers close to her. My bedroom door flew open and Tina pulled the covers over her head.

Thanks to cbears52 for proofreading

Thank you to the moderators helping me getting this published

And thank you to everyone that reads, comments and/or votes.

All feedback is welcome, either in the comments or via a direct message.




Published 6 years ago

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