I heard the conversation and wasn’t sure if I was hiding or trying to protect myself under here.
“Where is she?” asked a female voice.
“Hi Sam, try knocking, now fuck off.”
I felt someone sit on the bed, “Hi bruv,”
Then I felt something poking my hip, “You must be this goddess that has stolen my brother’s heart? I’m Sam, it’s lovely to meet you.”
“Seriously, Sam, fuck off.” Luke, with all the authority he carried on the rugby pitch and in the club, even in his house, was failing miserably with his sister.
I pushed up the bed a little and clutched the duvet to my chest as I sat up. I was greeted by a smile that was so familiar, yet very different. Where Luke was battered, she was beautiful, she had the same green eyes as him, but hers sparkled with life and mischief. Her hair was the same brown as Luke’s, but instead of cropped short, it flowed in waves, touching the bed where she was leant over.
I heard, “Samantha Evans, leave them be!” shouted up the stairs.
“They’re all good, mum, right Luke?”
Luke looked at me, then Sam and sighed. He then confirmed what Sam had said, “Yes, mum.”
“Oh, my god! Or should I say, goddess? You are beautiful.” She put the emphasis on ‘are’ as if this was a truth she was not expecting. Luke put his finger under her chin and pushed up.
“Tina, this is Sam, Sam this is Christina,” he introduced us. We both looked at him questioningly.
“Tina is for friends; it took me nearly two months to earn that status.”
I laughed out loud, “Sweetie, you could have called me Tina before the first maths lesson.”
I put my hand out to Sam, “Tina, please.”
She stuck her tongue out at Luke as she shook my hand, “Now Tina, get yourself dressed, I need to have a long chat with you downstairs. You,” poking Luke in the chest, “can stay here or not, I’m not bothered.”
She jumped up and strode out of his room closing the door behind her.
“Sorry about that.”
“It’s okay, just a bit embarrassing, being naked in bed the first time I meet anyone from your family.”
“Were you contemplating murder?”
“Oh, no, she seems nice, just a bit full on. I think Diane would handle her better.”
Luke was laughing. He leant over and kissed me, then got up.
“Not you, silly. Meeting people naked has got to be better than meeting people while getting ready to murder someone on their driveway.”
“I suppose, this is true, especially for people that have no qualms who sees them.”
When he gathered my underwear, he looked like he was contemplating whether to give it to me or not.
“Watch,” he said, as he sat next to me. Opening up my knickers, he kissed the inside of the crotch, then winked, folded them again and put them under his pillow. It was only now I noticed how neatly he had put my clothes as he had undressed me. While his back was turned, I tucked my bra under his pillow too; we were ready in a few minutes.
“Okay?” I nodded. “Let’s do this then.” He kissed me on both cheeks, then patted my bum as we left his room.
He took my hand and we walked down and into the kitchen where Sam was sitting at their breakfast bar. Smiling he turned to me and winked, “Let’s do this properly.” I wondered what he meant for a second.
“Tina, this is Sam, my big sister. Sam, this is Tina, the goddess that has stolen my heart.”
I felt myself blushing furiously.
“It’s great to finally meet you. He’s been mooning on the phone for weeks, then all of a sudden, he’s busy when it comes to the weekly phone call. Rob had a word with me on the QT and gave me the SP, it’s okay.”
I had no idea what she was going on about other than Rob had said it. It must have shown as Luke leant on my shoulder with his chin and said, “QT, quiet. SP, starting price, updated her about us.
“Sam, Tina’s a young lady of breeding. She was brought up proper, not dragged up like us. Speak proper, like what I does.”
Sam jumped up and kissed me on the cheek, she then took my hand and started to walk me into their living room. Luke followed but was then sent away.
“Luke, mum’s waiting for you to help with the shopping. Go, half of it’s for you anyway, fatty. Tina, come sit with me,” Sam was patting the seat next to her.
Luke gave me a nudge; when I looked at him he touched my cheek and winked. I know I was blushing again. He just sniggered and went out to help his mum.
I was a bit nervous, Sam seemed very nice, but as an only child, it was a dynamic that wasn’t natural to me. She and Luke were, obviously, very close, but I also knew something that she didn’t. I’m not sure quite how I felt about Sam kissing my cheek after what Luke had done. It was a little exciting because of the taboo and naughtiness of it, but part of me was saying it was all a bit weird. It summed up some of my first term at university: exciting, naughty and weird.
“How much does he pay you?”
“Luke, going out with you. I mean, he’s punching well above his weight. I do love my brother, but let’s be realistic, he looks like he’s been run over by a herd of cows.” She leant in and quietly said, “And he sometimes smells like it too. He’s so fat he’s obese, definite heart attack material. You can come clean with me; he must be paying you to pretend to be his girlfriend. Go on, just between us, you were fully clothed under the covers upstairs, weren’t you?”
I was gobsmacked. I honestly didn’t know what to think.
“He’s blackmailing you? What does he have on you? I can hurt him, get it off him, just tell me.”
At this point, she couldn’t keep it up. Her eyes broke first, then the same smile I’d seen earlier spread across her face. She put her hand on mine.
“I’m sorry, Tina, I couldn’t resist,” she whispered. Then in a louder voice, “He’s not helping mum, he’s earwigging. Aren’t you, Luke?”
I heard a chortle and the door close again.
“Now, please tell me all about yourself, how you met, what you see in him, how did he trap you.”
We talked for about twenty minutes while I heard voices and closing doors and rustling papers coming from the kitchen. Sam was treating me like a long-lost friend or her estranged sister. As I told her about me, she told me about her, Luke and their upbringing. At one point she did stop and tell me that Luke needed to tell me about that time.
After helping mum, we chatted for a little bit in the kitchen, but I also kept an ear on Sam interrogating Tina. Sam was always quite reserved when talking to my friends, rarely giving any of herself away and taking every chance to take the piss out of me. With my girlfriends, she had never been rude, but the conversation with Tina in my bedroom earlier was longer than any she’d had before with one.
Mum was finished and about to go and join them when I stopped her and indicated she should listen. After a couple of minutes mum mouthed “Wow,” to me. Sam was the best sister you could ask for, but if you didn’t know her, she could come across as a cold bitch too. There was none of this in evidence as she spoke with Tina.
Then we heard Sam say, “I will be candid, I was scared you would take him away from me, from our family and hurt him. You could never do that though, could you?”
As mum and I walked into the front room, the body language screamed ‘best of friends’; they were turned toward each other, their knees nearly touching, holding hands. Tina jumped up when she noticed us.
“Mum, this is Tina, Tina, my mum.”
As my mum embraced Tina, Sam said, “The goddess that has stolen your son’s heart.” There was no malice in her voice.
If she wanted to be, Tina could have been a dangerous person. She only had to meet people and they fell under her spell. My mind wandered back to the poker night; the enchantress had worked her magic again.
“Luke, I noticed your car needs a wash.” All three women were looking at me as mum said this. I looked at Tina, who shrugged and smiled.
“Be gentle with her!” I waved a finger at my mum and sister. “If you want to escape the witches, I’ll be…washing my car.”
As Luke left, his sister shouted, “But bruv, three makes a coven, we can turn you and dad into our slaves.”
“Too late, it’s already happened,” came his response, just before the door shut.
Luke’s mum asked some of the same questions as Sam had, much to her exasperation.
“So, it was you who followed him, you went to watch him before you had spoken.”
I know Diane had commented about my stalking, but now I felt embarrassed. Sam put her hand on my knee in reassurance.
“It’s fine, Tina, I’ve just always thought Luke did the chasing the way he has spoken about you. He saw you watching rugby, he recognised you from the library, he saw his chance to talk one night.”
“Hold on!” exclaimed Sam. “Sorry, a penny just dropped. The first time you had any sort of interaction with someone in his life was at a rugby match?”
“And you and your friends went into the clubhouse after?”
“And was he singing?”
Sam started giggling, “So, before you’d even spoken with him, when he offered to help you in the library, you’d already seen him buck naked?”
I felt too embarrassed to answer. Luke’s mum said, “It’s okay, Tina, we’ve all had to bear witness to his antics, it’s not like we’re a shy family, but Luke is definitely the exhibitionist.”
“And at least you knew what you were letting yourself in for,” continued Sam, who finished by waggling her eyebrows in the same way Luke does.
“Lunch,” said Luke’s mum after we had been talking for about a further half-an-hour.
“Actually, Mrs Evans…”
“Anne, please.”
“Err, Anne, Luke said he was going to take me somewhere for lunch.”
“Nonsense, I can feed you, it’s fine.”
“Mum, they want time alone. It’s bad enough I’ve already barged in on them today.”
As I felt myself go red and Mrs Evans–I never got used to calling her Anne–turned looking like she was going to ask about it, Luke walked in.
“All done. Can I have my girlfriend back, please? I promised to take her to lunch.”
“Luke, we have more than enough food here.”
I paused and gave my mum what I hoped was a withering look, “I promised to show Tina where we used to go swimming.”
Sam laughed, “Good job they don’t allow it anymore, this time of year…” she sat waving her little finger at me. In return, I waved my middle one at her.
Still laughing, I put my arm around Tina and guided her to the door, “See y’all later.”
“You okay?” I asked Tina.
“Yes, just thinking about this morning. Your mother is lovely, she looked upset that we didn’t stay, will she be alright?”
“She just loves feeding people, she was in her element when Rob and Matt popped in just before the start of the year. Sam was pretty happy too.”
“She’s a bit of a force of nature.”
“Yeah, sorry about that, I really don’t know what’s got into her. The most she has spoken to any of my previous girlfriends is hello and goodbye. I’m not sure why she was so excited about meeting you.”
“She loves you and wanted to make sure I was good enough for you. I think I’m passing at the moment.”
I put my hand on Tina’s knee, “You’ve passed, I didn’t doubt it, you put the same spell on her that you put on everyone. I expect you to do the same to dad.”
“I don’t do anything. I just try to be pleasant.”
“But you do it just the right side of innocent and shy, my friends all want to protect you. You are beautiful, but very demure. The women I’ve seen around you don’t seem threatened by you. It’s almost like they take you as a sister or something. Some even want to protect you from those awful men.
“When you listen, you show real interest. When you talk your enthusiasm is almost overwhelming, but you are never big headed or boastful. When you are in company, if you are relaxed you just fit in with the group. If you are not you are quiet, but without it being an issue.
“This sometimes has its issues as it attracts the wrong sort or after meeting you, they think they can take advantage. But your loyalty shines through. I would never be able to break you and Diane up, but even less established friendships are pretty solid. When you commit, it’s written in stone. God knows what would happen if you committed to two things that clashed.
“I suppose in summary, it’s just a pleasure to have you about. You’re just pleasant.”
I had to laugh a little, as at the end of my speech I realised that I had said much the same as Tina had said she tried.
“Sorry, I know you’re not comfortable hearing stuff like that, but I’m not going to lie. Anyway, we’re here now. Welcome to Black Beeches.”
“It’s a curious name, I have heard of it, but never been here. We used to go to the lidos on the edge of London when I was smaller.”
“We could cycle here and it was free to get in. But the saddle rash riding home in wet budgie smugglers, ouch.”
Tina was still smiling at the image when we got out of the car.
“From what I understand, the name of the family that originally owned this land was Black,” I waved my hands about, “and as you can see, there are beech trees everywhere. I don’t think it’s any more convoluted than that.”
“Ahh, I was thinking beach as in sand and sea and thinking we’re about eighty miles from the nearest.”
“It’s okay, I thought the same for years, even coming here regularly.”
Laughing we followed a short path through the trees, crossing a bridge over a stream that opened out onto a small lake.
“We used to play Pooh-sticks off the bridge when we were little.” Tina’s face lit up at this. “Then when we were older came swimming here at least once a week during the summer. Even after they banned it as older teens we carried on, even coming at night to go skinny dipping.”
“Hmm, you’ll have to bring me back in the summer.”
Tina put her arm around my waist and we walked around the lake. I hadn’t seen anyone since we arrived. There was one car in the car park and that person had returned and left by the time we had parked and got out. Heading toward the winter solstice, it wasn’t the time for picnics, especially midweek during term time, kids in school and parents out at work. It was like we had the park to ourselves.
We turned up a path to walk through the trees more and about a hundred yards on took another. The second path got harder and harder to follow until it ran out. We were soon walking through uncut grass and wild plants and bushes. At one point we had to walk single file and the view improved exponentially.
“If I’d known it was going to be like this, I would have worn boots.” Tina stopped and looked over her shoulder as she said this.
“If you had, I wouldn’t have been able to resist doing this,” I grabbed her around the waist from behind. Pulling her to me, I slid one hand up and the other down as I kissed her. When my hand went over her tit, she moaned a little and I could clearly feel her hard nipple under her top. I unzipped her fleece a bit and put my hand inside and went back to stroking her nipple while pulling her bum close to me with pressure just down past her belly button.
Tina reached up behind her putting her hands around my neck as our kiss became more passionate. We were standing next to a large oak, so I manoeuvred us until I was able to lean against it. When we settled, I put my hand back into her fleece and pinched one of her nipples, causing her to moan. I noticed that there didn’t seem to be much covering it. I moved my hand over and started playing with her other nipple and again it was very reactive and I could make out more detail with my touch than I would have expected. I started to move my hand back and stopped between her tits, just running my fingertips up and down.
“Hmm, I think you forgot something,” I breathed into her ear.
“Nope,” she said shivering.
I undid her fleece entirely and tugged the bottom of her t-shirt out of her jeans. When I put my hand inside, her belly jumped back away from it.
“You’ve got cold hands.”
“Sorry, you want both hands on your belly?” And I did as I was certain she had requested.
“Bastard,” she panted.
I left one hand stroking her belly, while the other pushed up her top and started playing with her boobs. Her nipples were as hard as I had known them, a combination of her arousal and the cold air on them.
“Oh, Luke. Someone might see.”
“Do you want me to stop?” I stopped all movement.
Resuming stroking her, I said, “Last week you didn’t want the guys to see your bra.”
“That’s different.”
“Oh, you don’t mind strangers seeing your tits?”
She shuddered pulling my head forward and biting my ear.
“Indeed? You like the idea of strangers seeing your tits!”
She moaned out loud.
I popped the button on her jeans and slid my hand down her front; my fingers were in her pubic hair before they reached her knickers.
“Full commando, while talking to my mum and sister? Staying that way out in public?”
“A little brazen, isn’t it?”
As I stroked and felt around her pubic hair it was noticeably shorter and had very defined edges. “Thank you, I noticed you had a tidy up. It looked and tasted divine.”
“Oh god.” Tina was now squirming and whimpering. I pushed my hand between her legs, over her clit causing her to moan out loud.
As I pushed my fingers along her lips to her entrance, I said, “If you carry on making that noise, you will draw attention to yourself.”
I pushed into her, saying, “Would you like someone to see you like this?”
I think I just released the exhibitionist in her; she gripped harder around my neck as her legs went soft. I stopped playing with her tits and held her around her waist. I wasn’t finger-fucking her, I just left the tip of my finger in her as I rubbed my thumb over her clit. I couldn’t help but feel I was being clumsy as hell, but Tina didn’t seem to mind at that moment.
“Oh god, oh god, oh god,” was all Tina was saying.
Then she threw her head back with her eyes tightly shut and her teeth clenched. Her whole body went tense before giving a single massive shudder and then she relaxed with the most beautiful look on her face. She was smiling and her eyes screamed happiness, satisfaction and contentment. They said we could stay in this second forever and she would be happy.
Without sorting her clothes out, Tina turned in my arms and kissed me for a short while. I felt her hand rubbing my dick through my jeans.
“You know, that’s two I owe you, just from today.”
“You know, I don’t keep tally.” I took hold of her wrist and saw the question on her face; smiling, I said, “But if you want to…” and let go of her wrist.
It wouldn’t have surprised me if Luke had stopped me. All the stories I heard about guys were that they had to orgasm and if you did as a by-product of them getting there, then great. Luke was so much more controlled; Friday night he had absolutely no intention of going further than he did. I put that down to his commitment to playing rugby. Then this morning when Sam had interrupted us, he had moved on and pleasured me again. I couldn’t help but keep tally, because it just wasn’t what I expected.
Feeling him hard through his jeans was a first. I had only held it a few times and each, it was naked. I ran my finger along one side of what I could feel, around the tip and back down the other. A couple of times it pulsed, which I took as a positive. I remember it pulsing when I put on my Welsh accent.
Gripping it and slipping into Welsh, “Did you like that, lover?”
I smiled up at him as it pulsed again. He leant down and kissed me, gently pushing on my lips, licking my lips. I opened my mouth a little and when his tongue entered me, I bit down on the end, holding it and looking him in the eye. While doing this I undid his jeans and pulled his zip down. Reaching in I took hold of him and pulled him upright. I ran my hand softly over the outside of it from tip to base, trying to feel the different bumps and grooves caused by the flesh and veins.
Luke reached down and when I looked, I saw him tucking his boxers under his balls. He was now exposed to the elements and…I got nervous and stopped doing what I was and looked around, expecting someone to be waiting to tell us off.
“Don’t fret, goddess, I’ll keep an eye out…three of them, actually,” he said with a smirk.
I set to work, sliding my hand up and down his shaft.
“This is the first time I’ve done this.”
“Okay, you’ll have to work a lot harder to break him.”
“Him. It. Little Luke, My Understudy, My Fucking Dirty Great Cock…” he burst out laughing at what must have been the look on my face when he said that.
“I guess you won’t like me saying I’m going to shove my dirty great cock into your tight little cunt?”
“I guess you won’t like me treating him like a ketchup bottle?”
“You know, hold it tight and slam my palm on the end until I get the contents out?” It was my turn to laugh as he winced.
While we had been talking, I had been running my hand the length of him and back. Luke now took hold of my hand and tightened my grip; he also put his hand on the back of my head. I was nervous, Diane had told me about her giving oral sex to her partners and Luke had already done it for me a few times, but I wasn’t sure I was ready for this. Then again, would it be fair of me to refuse?
Luke paused his movements, which caused me to look at him. “Remember, you don’t do anything you don’t want to, understand?” I nodded.
“Good. I’m not sure what was going through your mind, but I think you misunderstood, I just wanted you to look,” followed by that damn smile!
With that smile, I would have gone down on my knees and given him oral sex there and then if he had asked, but he didn’t and wouldn’t. Which confused me more, because that had made me want to all the more. I had to drag myself out of my thought processes, get back to the job in hand, literally, and tell myself, ‘Tina, focus.’
I looked down; it was pointing up at me, my hand around it and Luke’s around mine. Slowly but firmly, he pulled down; this pulled his foreskin back exposing his glans. I felt a throb go through it and saw it in the glans; it changed size and shade for a second. We did this a few times, then Luke took my other hand and when we pulled his foreskin back, he took a finger of mine, put it in his mouth and ran it around the tip and then around the edge, concentrating mostly on the underside. After a few circles, we pulled back up his shaft and he wet my finger again and repeated. Next time, he put my finger in my mouth; it was fine. On the third repetition, there was moisture on the tip already; he had started to leak pre-ejaculate.
The moment I noticed, I wondered whether he had and if I should say anything. Then he lifted my finger, leaving a strand connecting it to himself and looked at me; he had noticed. His smirk made me think though. He lifted my hand toward my mouth and I still wasn’t sure, but he didn’t hesitate and took it to his and sucked on it, before returning to circling him. This time, we continued stroking his shaft while circling his glans. He brought my hand up to about chest height and let go.
I knew what I was going to do. I put my finger in his mouth and he sucked again, running his tongue over the tip. He had let go of my other hand and I was now stroking his shaft on my own. When his glans was exposed, I ran my finger around it again, making sure I had spread around his fluid. Then I brought my hand up and put my finger in my mouth and sucked. I tasted nothing; it was a bit of a disappointment and this must have shown in my face and Luke grinned at me. He leant forward and kissed me before standing up straight, then taking hold of himself and pointing it at what looked like a painful angle away from us.
“Carry on,” he said in a strained voice.
I did and then he ejaculated, holding his breath as his muscles went taut, then letting out a panting breath.
“Oh, god, Tina! If that was your first time, I look forward to your hundredth. Shit, girl!”
He closed his eyes in an extended blink as if clearing them and was smiling when he opened them again. Then he scrambled into his pocket and pulled out his hanky and offered it to me. He had seen me looking at my hand. I was curious about how thick his semen was, how it hung between my fingers as I stretched them out. So much for firing into the distance; a good amount had got on my hand. My curiosity continued, I put a finger to my lips and touched it with my tongue. I didn’t taste much, so I licked along my finger. There was none of the salty taste I had heard some of my friends talk of; it erred on the side of sweet, but only just. It was more about the texture; it was not dissimilar to thick uncooked egg white and when I licked my finger and got a reasonable amount it was like sniffing back a runny nose when you had a streaming cold. Sexy huh? It did get me thinking about my earlier thoughts and made me wonder if I would be able to perform oral sex for Luke.
I took Luke’s hanky and wiped off the rest of my hand. He leant in to kiss me, but I turned my head away. I was concerned he would taste himself and feel embarrassed. Instead of kissing me, he pulled back and turned my face to him and then kissed me on my lips. He made a point of licking my lips and putting his tongue into my mouth when I opened it a little. It wasn’t a passionate kiss; it was about proving a point. Which he followed when he next spoke.
“It’s mine, if I can’t kiss you after you’ve tasted me, what sort of shit-head would that make me?
“Did you get embarrassed or try to stop me when I kissed you after our first time? No, you didn’t even flinch!”
I felt my face flush, “To tell the truth, it wasn’t until the next day when I was talking to Diane that I realised. I got highly embarrassed until she reassured me.”
“Oh, giving her all the dirty gossip?” he laughed.
“That’s more to the point,” he continued. “You were even more aware on Saturday and still you didn’t flinch.”
I went to straighten myself up and only then noticed that Luke had pulled my t-shirt down and done up my jeans, along with tucking himself away, all while we talked. He took my hand and we started to walk down back in the general direction of where we came.
I giggled to him as a dog ran past, “That was pretty good timing.”
He narrowed his eyes and just went, “Hmmm.” He suddenly seemed to be scanning all over with his eyes. This worried me; I had only seen this level of focus in the middle of his rugby matches. I tucked my arm around his and pulled in tighter.
Quietly he said, “This isn’t a proper path, a dog might run off down here or some people looking for a little adventure…”
Then I saw someone coming the other way. He asked, “Sorry, have you seen my dog?”
“A little black and white one? It just ran past.” As I replied, I felt Luke tense up.
“Aw-right mate?” the stranger asked him.
“Uhuh,” was Luke’s reply. Even for a stranger, this was very curt of Luke; something was playing on his mind. I hoped he was just being jumpy because of what we had done, not that he was getting protective.
Then someone else came down the path, this time with a dog on a lead. Luke looked over his shoulder and slowed down.
“Afternoon,” stranger two said.
“How do?” Luke responded, slower than I would have expected.
“So,” the new stranger continued, “when does the show start?”
Thanks to cbears52 for proofreading
Thank you to the moderators helping me getting this published
And thank you to everyone that reads, comments and/or votes.
All feedback is welcome, either in the comments or via a direct message.