In The Beginning – Chapter 12

"Tina's dad has a word with Luke"

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I pulled up at Tina’s and was not greeted at the door by mother or daughter; I actually had to knock.       

“Alright mush, come in. Tina will be down in a sec.” Mrs C leant up for a kiss, which I obliged and I swear she wiggled her bum as she walked into the kitchen. I thought I would have to watch her; I didn’t want Tina tearing my eyes out.

“Hi, sweetie,” a quick kiss on the cheek, “bye mummy, be back late.”

“Bye Mrs C, see you tomorrow.”

“Wela’i di wedyn,” rang from the kitchen. I looked at Tina.

“It means see you later,” she whispered. “You got your exhaust fixed,” she stated.

“Yeah and got bloody ignored for it, no gorgeous women rushing to open the door.”

As I unlocked her door, Tina grabbed the back of my neck and kissed me hard.

“For thinking I’m gorgeous and because I didn’t get any yesterday.” Before I could react, she turned and got in the car.

Tina settled into her usual pose in the car and we talked about our days. I knew mum and Sam had come home yesterday saying what a great time they had. Tina, like them, had enjoyed it and like them was a little coy about what they had looked at and bought. I had got my exhaust fixed, then gone and visited a couple of my old school friends, before spending the evening at home. We had watched some old rom-com after dinner. Mum and dad were snuggled up on one sofa, while Sam leant on me. Eventually, she laid her head on my lap while I stroked her hair, something we hadn’t done in years. I had seen mum look over at us and smile.

“It’s a good job I’m not jealous,” said Tina. “No, that’s a lie. I’ll be your green-eyed goddess. I’ll claw out the eyes of anyone knowingly trying to take you from me. Mummy is already in my sights; do I need to watch Sam?”

She burst out laughing at my stuttering. “Sam’s eyes would be good, they are the same as yours, then I could really be green-eyed.”

I was still struggling. Tina started stroking the inside of my thigh, “Luke, honey-bun, sweetie-pie, which is making you more uncomfortable, mummy or Sam?”

“Bugger that! I’m claiming the fifth! There’s no right answer to that question.”

“Sweetie, you have to tell, we don’t have any amendments,” I could feel myself getting wound around her little finger as she spoke.

“I have the right to remain silent, I have the right to legal representation, if I can’t afford any, one can be assigned to me. I think we need to visit Diane.”

Even though it was just the two of us in the car, Tina whispered, “Sweetie, next time you try and weird me out, remember this conversation.”

“Touché, though I wasn’t trying to weird you out, just wanted a dirty little secret. I found the present you left under my pillow, thank you. I slept so much better last night.”

“Is it alright if I strip you later?”

“Silly question, later in a minute or later tonight, the answer is yes.”

“Good, because I want to take your t-shirt home with me.”

“Oh, you can grab any of them from my drawer.”

“No, silly, I want one that smells of you. The last few nights have been hard sleeping without you. I know that sounds a bit bunny boiler-ish, but I can’t believe how much I missed you being next to me, opening my eyes and not seeing you, trying to sleep without your smell around me.”

I squeezed her hand as I pulled into the car park and kissed her when I stopped the engine.

“Not bunny boiler-ish at all, I know exactly how you feel.”

We slipped our wellies on, I hesitated as Tina walked away. What can I say – wellies are still boots and Tina was in jeans. I swear the little minx was playing with me, the way she swayed her hips, how she stopped and looked over her shoulder grinning. I stepped out and took her hand in mine; we walked hand in hand over to the first team pitch.

I asked one of the people watching and found out it was the second fifteen. This was just before I heard a shout behind me.

“Luke, you lazy bastard! Where’s your kit?” And got a thumbs up as I looked around at the player shouting at me.

I started pointing out the players I knew, cheering them on, explaining some of the nuances of what people were doing. This was all to no avail, the home team still lost, but it was a good game to watch. I was surprised at how much Tina had picked up about the game. After the game, we put our wellies back in the car and went in for a drink. I introduced Tina to my friends and while they were chatting, I went and got a round of drinks in. I was standing at the bar when one of the players, who I knew, but had never played with, turned and started talking to me.

After a few questions about where I had been for the season, he nodded over to where my friends were and said, “I see Stuart’s pulled, quite a horny looking thing, don’t you think.”

I felt myself bristle, it wasn’t about him finding Tina attractive, it was the disrespectful way he said it.

“I think, you really should be careful what you say about people,” I replied.

I picked up the tray of drinks I had paid for and took them over to where Tina was. I made a point of kissing her when I got back, looking past her, straight into the eyes of the one I had been speaking to. He looked at me, nodded and held up a hand, which I took as an apology. The group I was with was four people I had played all through the youth club with and two I had played in the seniors with. I was laughing at them playing three props in the game and was told there were only a limited number of people insane enough to play hooker.

“And even fewer with the scars to prove it,” I retorted. Tina looked at me questioningly and I rubbed my collar bone. She then went on to tell the tale of the punch in the face I had received in my previous game.

There were entreaties for me to bring my kit along for the Boxing Day or New Year’s Day games. I made no promises, wanting to spend time with Tina and our families. One of the seniors turned when we heard someone shout “Dad!” and this young boy joined us and was introduced as Steve. He was a couple of inches taller than Tina, but we were told he had just joined the youth club, meaning he was eleven or twelve. This was the first time I had seen Tina interact with a child and she showed all the signs then that I saw later were her natural parenting skills. Steve, on the other hand, showed the initial signs of being besotted with her that never dimmed over the years. He never pushed, let alone crossed any lines, becoming like the little brother she never had.

It was that Saturday that it started to dawn on me how much I loved being at university. It was nearly midwinter, the temperatures not best for outdoor activities and with parents about, indoor activities were restricted. When I pulled up at her parents’ house, Tina and I sat in the car talking and kissing and fumbling for about ten minutes before the porch light came on.

“Subtle,” I remarked.

Tina looked at me, then over her shoulder. She dropped her head onto my chest and said, “I’m sorry, it’s just their values.”

“It’s okay, I respect that, the light just feels like a couple of steps short of your old man marching me down the aisle with a gun in my back.”

That went down like a lead balloon, Tina kissed me on the cheek and said, “Well I best go, night.”

I was a bit stunned, to say the least. A kiss on the cheek, no affectionate touch, no see you tomorrow, I think I fucked up.



I could feel the tears welling up as I walked in. Slamming the front door did nothing to help me sneak up to my room.

“Tina honey, is that you?” A stupid question really, who else would it be.

“Of course,” I turned to go upstairs when mummy appeared in the door to the hall.

“What’s the matter, butt?”

“Why did you turn the light on? It’s hard enough stealing ten minutes with Luke alone and now you’ve messed all that up.”

“Christina, that’s no way to talk to your mother.”

“I’m sorry, daddy,” I looked at my mother and said, “I’m sorry, mummy.”

“Okay, now tell us what this is about.” I followed them into the lounge.

“When the light came on Luke said you were being subtle, he was being sarcastic. Then he made a comment about you,” I looked at daddy, “expecting him to marry me. His whole mood changed.”

“I’m sorry petal, it wasn’t a hint, I just wanted to make sure you didn’t trip over.”

Mummy came and sat next to me, putting an arm around my shoulders, as tears started to run down my face.

“It’s so frustrating. I know your values and morals and I would never expect you to change them. But things have changed so much since you were young.”

“I hope you’re not saying that it’s okay to disrespect parents or for him to disrespect you?”

I started to get angry at daddy’s intransigence, “I didn’t say anything of the sort!”

I pointed out toward the drive, “Just now he said to me that he respects your values, I could see he meant it. Even though we have only been together for a little over three weeks, in the nearly three months I have known him; he has only ever shown me respect. This is why it took him so long to ask me out.”

“So, I can assume that he has respected you enough to not press you into having sex?”

I felt mummy tense, I really didn’t want to explain my love life to daddy, but he saw something, “Ros?”

I put my hand on her knee, “You mean like that so-called friend of the family, who pressured me for most of the time we went out. That same friend of the family who walked out as soon as he got what he wanted. That same friend of the family who dumped me the next day?”

Daddy sat with his mouth open, as quiet descended on the room. “No,” I continued, “Luke has not pressured me. In two weeks and four dates, it happened naturally, because it felt right. I wanted it, even when I asked, he held back. When it happened he was nothing but respectful!”

“Fine, you’re an adult, don’t expect me to like it. Ros, I had hoped you wouldn’t encourage her.”

“Oh, don’t be an arse. I didn’t encourage her, but I was here for her when she needed to tell me about that idiot. Tina would not expect us to make any accommodation for them here, but I can understand her frustration.”

“I’m sorry, petal, but I have my beliefs and I will stand by them. Luke seems like a decent lad, but your mother is right, we will not make any accommodation for the two of you to be together, like that. What you do elsewhere is between you and your conscience. We will always love you and the last thing we want to see is you hurting. Not having sex will not hurt, having it and regretting it will.”

I was nearly at boiling point, looking straight at daddy, “After our first time, I did have a regret.” He nodded knowingly. “It was that we had wasted so much time. Do you really want me to tell you how he loved and adored me, treated me like I was the only person in the world?”

I softened my stance, “I’m sorry, daddy, I don’t want to argue and I certainly don’t want to discuss my love life with you, but you need to understand that Luke is special. I, we will respect your wishes under your roof, but we ask that you respect us as adults too.”

Mummy looked at me, “You know he won’t ask you to marry him until you’ve both finished uni?” I nodded. “But you want to be finished with uni tomorrow so that he will?” I nodded again. Mummy pulled me into one of her special hugs, which she called a cwtch, she was the only one I got these from.

“That’s another thing that frustrates me. Diane saw it even before he asked me out, I know she was right, I can even see it in him. He is probably still analysing what it all means instead of just believing it. Even when he does, I know he won’t ask me to marry him until we have finished uni.” I screamed at the end of this outburst.

I went and kissed daddy’s forehead and then mummy’s, before saying goodnight to them both. I climbed the stairs hoping Luke would not be too upset about what had transpired.



After the previous night, I didn’t know what to expect when I knocked on the door that morning. Mrs C answered, “Luke, mush. Bore da, come in,” not letting me pass without a peck on the cheek. She then called out to Tina.

That much Welsh I knew, “Morning Mrs C, how’s things?”

She squeezed my arm and looked at me for a second before saying, “I think there’s a few bumps, Luke, but I’m sure things will be fine.”

Mr C was next to greet me and I felt the temperature drop, he held out his hand to shake it, but there was a lot less warmth than there had been other times and he just said, “Luke.”

I looked him in the eye as I replied, “Mr C.” There was something in his look that said he wanted to throw me out or do something. He must have noticed me pick up on something and we just nodded. Neither of us could win if we had a row, we would be both fighting for Tina and would both lose her. I just hoped we could have a fragile peace.

Tina held onto the balustrade as she got to the bottom of the stairs and swung around to me, it was the first time I saw a sadness in her beautiful eyes, thankfully there have not been too many times since. She stopped short of me. Something was definitely not right.

I stepped forward and kissed her on the cheek, then whispered, “Good morning, beautiful.”

When I stepped back, the smile had returned, “Good morning, baby,” she said.

The three of them were dressed in what appeared to be Sunday-best outfits. Mr C in a three-piece suit and Mrs C and Tina both in floor-length skirts, blouses and most significantly as I had never seen Tina in one, a hat. I felt like the tramp at the ball. I had thought it may be a tidy affair, so had put on a shirt and trousers. Much to Sam’s amusement, I had my formal university first-fifteen jacket. The last suit I wore was for my interview two years ago, which I had outgrown with the regime I was now on. I don’t do ties, hated the bloody things, I thought hanging had been abolished in this country and to be honest, is an open collar really that much more untidy?

We went in Mr C’s car, Tina and I in the back, holding hands, but a respectful distance apart. The service was an eye-opener, sit, stand, kneel, rinse, repeat. I think I was the only one that didn’t know what they were doing, always half a second behind. When it came to the singing, I had to smirk when I noticed Mrs C glance over at me. All through this Tina held my hand tight, squeezing every so often. At one point we were asked to offer each other the sign of peace, which transpired to be shaking hands or kissing your neighbours in the church. Mrs C grabbed her chance and kissed my cheek. Mr C reached around and offered me his hand.

“Peace be with you Luke,” he said.

“Thank you, Mr C and peace to you too.”

Tina grabbed my hand when this was over and gave it another squeeze. When I looked at her I saw a tear on her cheek. I kissed it off, then leant down and whispered, “Mine.” Even quieter I said, “Can I have a piece of you?” It was funny watching Tina snort and bite her lip at the same time.

After the service, in, what must have been, a co-ordinated move, Mrs C whisked Tina off to some gathering while Mr C came up next to me.

“Walk with me, Luke.” It wasn’t a request, so I walked with him but did not say anything. Yes, people often called me an arse for doing things like that, but I believed if people wanted to talk, they would.

“I suppose you’re wondering what I want,” he said.

“I’m sure you’ll tell me,” I hated operating with no information and felt like I had been cornered so wasn’t happy. I was determined not to give any more than I got.

After a few minutes, we were at the back of the church walking along a path through the graveyard. There was no one else around, Mr C stopped and turned to face me.

“You scare me, Luke.” Of all the things he could say, this was the last thing I was expecting.

“Erm, well unless you hurt Tina or anyone of my friends and family, you’ve got nothing to fear from me.”

“Unfortunately, Luke, I think you’re wrong. Please understand that Tina is my only daughter, I will protect her with every ounce of strength I have. I also have to be guided by my moral convictions. I have been doing this balancing act all her life, until now,” he paused.

I refused to even nod, even though I knew he was looking for a reaction before he continued. After a moment he understood he was not going to get one, he went on to tell me he knew what had happened with the guys in the woods and then told me what Tina had said that night, implying she felt safer with me than her parents. He also told me of their argument the night before.

“You see if something were to happen with all of us about; before she would have turned to me, even over her last boyfriend and they were together for over six months, I think. In a few weeks with you, she’s changed; I’m scared my little girl is growing up and away from me. Before she wouldn’t have reamed me for doing something, she certainly wouldn’t have thrust her sex life in my face as she did.

“I’m not angry at you Luke, every father wants their girl to find someone who will protect and look after them at least as well as they could. It scares me how quick it has happened, it scares me the thought that the wrong word and she would turn to you and never look back at Ros and me.”

He paused then asked, “What are your intentions with my daughter?”

I looked at him for a moment more and wondered if we had stepped through a time-warp and almost messed up by saying so.

“My intentions for your daughter, interesting, considering I have only known her a few months. You do know we have only been out on two official dates, plus two less official?” He nodded but remained silent, the floor was all mine.

“I get that she is your daughter and you want to protect her,” I thought I knew, but until I had my own, I had no idea what he was going through.

“I’ll be honest with you Mr C, it seems everyone that has gotten to know Tina, wants to protect her. If I hurt her, you would have to join a growing queue, behind Diane and Sam, my sister and I swear my best mate would cause me serious harm too.

“I have strong feelings for Tina and if things continue as they are then maybe my intention will be to do what you would see as the honourable thing. However, we both have university to finish and lives to build the foundations of. I need to know it’s what she wants and what I want and what is best for both of us.

“In the meantime, I want to help her with her studies and with getting the most from university, all the time that we both want to. If it changes then her list of protectors will ensure that I let her down gently or suffer the consequences.

“You mentioned your moral convictions, I will respect them provided they hurt no one and you don’t try and push them on me or the people I love, that does include Tina.”

“Thank you, Luke.” He looked at the ground, then at the spire on the church which had a cross on it. He then asked me to follow him back inside. I stood in silence as he knelt and started to pray. After a few minutes, he stood and we walked back outside.

“I can’t change my stance, I will not accommodate or support anything that would mean you living in sin,” he held up his hand, “I will understand if your ‘parents’ invite Tina to stay over from time to time.”  He had emphasised parents, in other words, the invite could not come from me, I could work with that, but knew Tina wouldn’t lie to her parents.

“I can’t ask fairer than that,” knowing that it had probably taken a lot for him to make even that concession.

“Please don’t get me wrong Luke, I’ve known you less than a week but I must admit you have impressed me. How you were Wednesday and how you dealt with what happened on Thursday. I will have to trust you like you said though; I will join the queue if you let me down.”

“No pressure then?”

He laughed, “No, none at all, providing you look after my little girl.” Patting me on the back he started to walk to where Mrs C and Tina were stood waiting by the car.



Mummy and I had been standing at the car for a few minutes, by the time they started to walk back to it. It was something they had talked about before, mummy taking me in for a cake and daddy to take Luke for a walk. As soon as it happened I knew what they were doing and was upset about them treating us like that and that I didn’t get a chance to give Luke some sort of warning.

Thankfully they were laughing when they walked back to us. Luke kissed me and said, “Sorry,” which totally threw me.

When we got home, I dragged Luke into the lounge while mummy and daddy went up to get changed. “Sorry?”

“For assuming. I thought I had f…messed up last night, maybe it wasn’t the smartest thing to say, just felt a bit like we were being watched.”

“Assuming what?”

“That you had the arse with me. I was terrified coming around today, I didn’t know what I was walking into and the way your parents were didn’t help.

“Listen, your old man is frightened I’m going to take you away from him, them. Please reassure him. What he said woke me up to just how much you feel for me. I hope you know me well enough to know that everything takes a little longer with me. I can’t say I love you, not yet. I do care deeply for you; I don’t think I have ever felt as deep for someone. I will always be here for you no matter what, just please be a little patient.”

“Oh Luke, don’t be silly, if I had the arse with you, you’d know it.” I leant up and kissed him and tweaked his nipple making him yelp a little. “I’ll reassure daddy and you’re wrong.”


“You told me you loved me on Thursday,” I leant in and whispered, “Just before my first orgasm under the tree.” I pecked him on the cheek, “I know, during sex, doesn’t count, but I’ll take any scraps.”

He was just about to respond when mummy walked in the room and asked what we were whispering about. I looked at Luke and saw him go bright red as I felt my cheeks flush. Mummy smiled at us and then said, “Actually Luke, I think things are going to be just fine.”

Dinner and supper were far more relaxed than I had expected at the start of the day and it wasn’t that late when Luke said he should be going.

“I’ll get out from under your feet, I’m sure you’ve seen more than enough of me today.”

The handshake between him and daddy was a lot warmer than this morning, which I was pleased about. I would hate for there to be a conflict between the two main men in my life. Mummy was her usual carefree self, she didn’t worry that both daddy and I were in the room as she fluttered her eyelashes and giggled as Luke gave her a kiss. It crossed my mind how she would act if she met any of Luke’s friends. Winter was really settling in and to have a kiss and hug goodnight on the front step meant putting on several layers, but it was worth it.

As we broke off and Luke told me to go in, he said, “Expect a call from my mum.”

I asked what it would be about as he turned away and just heard him chuckle.



That was certainly an interesting day. Expecting to go in to get the cold shoulder from Tina, I get it from her father because he’s scared of losing her to me. Sometimes I hate my head, I think most people would shrug it all off, I know I’ll be processing all that for ages. I suddenly had a thought and jumped out of the car and ran back and knocked on the door. Tina answered immediately.

“Here hold that,” I said, handing her my jacket. I then undid my shirt and took it off, damn it was cold.

Handing it to her I said, “Nightwear?” and took my jacket back. She grinned and grabbed me around the neck for a final kiss of the night.

“See you tomorrow, night night beautiful.”

When I got home, I spoke to mum who claimed it was too late to call anyone, but she would in the morning. I kissed her goodnight, put my head in the front room and said goodnight to dad and Sam.

Just as I was about to go up mum said, “That underwear under your pillow. Is it for washing?” I heard Sam chuckling and the grin on mum’s face said it all.

“If you do, I’ll just have to get some more.”

Although I slept better, I didn’t sleep much longer and was up at five-thirty. I took another run and bought the paper, dad was getting spoilt, before starting breakfast, really spoilt! Sam was back at work today and mum had things to do, whatever that meant. Before I left, she was on the phone talking to Tina, so it was no surprise when I arrived she had a little overnight bag packed.



I grabbed the phone when it rang and sure enough, it was Luke’s mum.

“Hi Tina, love, it’s Anne, Luke’s mum.”

“Hello Mrs Evans,” I said.

“I was wondering, would you like to come for tea again tonight. We have a spare bed, so perhaps you’d like to stay over and we can go shopping tomorrow, just the two of us.”

I looked over at mummy, who was smiling and nodding. I found out later what daddy had said to Luke and of course, mummy knew too. I thanked Mrs Evans and hung up, giving mummy a quick kiss, I ran upstairs to pack an overnight bag.

It wasn’t long after that Luke arrived; I kissed him twice and thanked him each time.

“You’re welcome, you’re welcome.” He raised his eyebrows in question, in response I handed him my bag, shouted goodbye to my mother and walked to his car.

“See ya, Mrs C,” I heard behind me and the door closing.

“You gonna tell me what this is all about?” He asked as we pulled away.

“Thank you for your shirt, it’s daft, but I slept so much better in it.”

“Ah, that reminds me, I need to swap your underwear, mum’s threatening to wash the ones I have.”

Feeling myself blush, “Did you have to tell me? God, how embarrassing.”

“Sorry, we’re just so relaxed in my family. It’s not like we’re showing off or trying to wind up or embarrass anyone, though we might be, it’s just we’re all adults. We’ve all seen and heard the others as we grew up. I’ll remind them that they need to be a little more cautious.”

“Oh no, that’ll be worse. Anyway the other thank you was for your mum calling.”

“No, idea what you mean, you’ll have to thank her for that.” The grin on his face told me everything I needed to know.


“Cute ain’t it? Now tell me, why was I not attacked and molested by your mother today?”

“I think her and daddy had a little chat last night. If nothing else our barney seems to have got them talking a little. Mummy looked positively happy when I got the phone this morning, so I think they may take advantage of the house being empty, to talk more.”

As soon as we were in the kitchen and I saw it was empty, I turned to kiss Luke. He gave me a quick peck and pulled back, turned to lock the back door, then smiled. I thought he was going to kiss me when he leant forward, instead, he put his arm around my legs just under my bum, his shoulder pushed into my belly and he stood up. With a little yelp, I was over his shoulder and he was walking through the house.

“Gotta take your things to the spare room, I’m sure that’s where mum said you’d be sleeping.”

“Erm, yes,” I wasn’t sure what to make of the arrangement. I was happy to get time with Luke and his parents seemed more open-minded about things than mine. Yet, I was going to have to sleep in the spare room.

As if reading my mind, Luke said, “We can’t make you a liar. I bet no one said where I would be sleeping? Besides, it’s a bigger bed in there.” I couldn’t help but grin.

He didn’t hesitate, when we got in the room, I reached out and closed the door. Luke threw my bag onto the bed and put me down, he kissed me hard and passionately like it was our first time. His tongue searching for mine and dancing away before chasing it down again.

“Sorry, needed that,” he said as he pulled back.

“Some administration first.”

“Huh?” In response he took off my coat and hung it over the chair, then my jumper and t-shirt came next without ceremony. Next, he turned me around and undid my bra.

“One day I’ll be able to do that without looking,” he whispered into my ear, his lips brushing against them, sending shivers down my spine.

I was expecting my skirt or boots to come off next. Instead, he just bent down and lifted the hem of my skirt and when I looked back, he had ducked under it. At the same time, I felt his fingers run up my legs to my hips and then down, taking my knickers with him. As I stepped out of them, I felt his hand on my vagina, I could feel my skirt pulling as he stood and whispered in my other ear.

“Ooh, Miss Croft, I do believe you’re anticipating something.” As he said this again he brushed my ear. Again I shivered, but this time I felt him drag a finger between my labia from one end to the other, pushing up, parting my labia and pressing against my opening. All I could do was moan. I had never got aroused like this, where was the kissing and the fondling first, the build-up. Even when feeling turned on, when I was alone and wanted to masturbate, I was never like this. I could feel how easily his finger had moved, there was no resistance, it was as if my body knew and prepared to welcome him, even before I did.

Then he stopped. He pulled his damned hand away, the arse! I felt my skirt drop into place again. He then turned me around and looked at me and that damned smile appeared again. His hand was up and dangling from his finger were my bra and knickers.



Then the smile again, I could feel my legs going, what was happening? He carefully placed my underwear on the bedside table, then turned back to me. I wasn’t having any more of his messing around and undid my skirt and dropped it to the floor. Then the bastard pushed me, just like he had pushed that guy in the bar. Hand flat in the middle of my chest, though nowhere near as hard. I took a half step back, hooked in my skirt and my legs hitting the edge of the bed, I sat down. It took Luke about two seconds to get rid of his clothes; I guess he was practised at it.

He looked fully erect to me, I sat up and reached out for him, but he pushed my hand aside and knelt down with a hand on each of my knees. He looked at me while slowly parting them, then said one of the most embarrassing things I have heard.

“I’ve not had a good look at the after picture yet.”

It was daft considering what we had done, but as his eyes travelled down my body and he pushed my knees apart, I felt myself flush but also felt a tingling growing in my groin and my chest tightening. As I looked down I saw my nipples hard and erect. Looking further Luke was staring at me, focused only on the top of my legs.

He reached out and traced a finger around the triangle of hair I had left on my mons and I moaned a little.


He ran a finger along my vagina again, running back and forth as if he were tracing my labia, I moaned some more.

“Absolutely beautiful.

“You know, My Princess, this has only enhanced the perfection I saw before.”

I felt a little more pressure on my vagina and a finger pushing into me, just a little way. Was it his thumb running up toward my clitoris, slipping over it, before pushing down as his finger slid in further? As my muscles started to tense, I felt my legs pushed further apart. I looked and Luke was leaning forward, his broad shoulders pushing on my legs. Just when I thought he was going to split me, the pressure stopped and I felt his body moving between my legs.

I whimpered as he pulled his hand away, only to moan as I felt what must have been his penis rubbing up and down my vagina. Then I felt it at my entrance, he pushed in a little way, settling his body over me. He stroked the hair from my face and kissed my lips gently, but with enough pressure so they yielded to him, parting a little. He ran his tongue over them and then pulled away.

“Mine,” he said looking me in the eye.

He sat up a little, I felt him ease in a little more, feeling my muscles which had relaxed, tensing again. He took a nipple in each hand and put some pressure on them, pulled out a little.

“Mine,” he repeated and smiled as I moaned in response.

Putting his hands on the bed on either side of me, he slowly pushed into me, little by little, never breaking eye contact. I pushed my hips up wanting to urge him on, this had the opposite effect and stopped his movement. I tried to relax, but I could feel my legs and belly muscles start to spasm. He gave a last push, pulling his body more upright causing his pelvic bone to push into my clitoris.

“Mine,” he repeated just as calmly as before. My response was anything but.

“Oh shit, Luke!”

My legs came up around his waist, I sat up a little, pulling on his arms. Slowly he pulled back, before pushing forward again. Each time slowly making sure he ground his pelvis a little when we touched. My legs tried to break his ribs again and again. After a few minutes, he lowered himself and we kissed passionately, deeply, our tongues playing chase, once again. I had a hand behind his head and one under his arm on his back when it hit. I felt him tense up, followed by a flood of warmth inside my already molten core. My body reacted to this by firing all the heat outwards, all my tendons contracted, my legs holding him so he couldn’t move, my arms curling tighter and my fingers gripping on for dear life.

I moaned something, later Luke said it had been unintelligible. Then I collapsed, spent. The next thing I remember is waking up and looking around into a pair of green eyes.

“Hello beautiful, back with me now?”

Thanks to cbears52 for proofreading

Thank you to the moderators helping me getting this published

And thank you to everyone that reads, comments and/or votes.

All feedback is welcome, either in the comments or via a direct message.




Published 6 years ago

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