Loves Almost Silent Companions

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Something I never knew, or never before noticed,
As you lie with my arms wrapped about you,
And with your head on my chest,
Something special just happened.

Silence was broken.

Twas your breath,
Skating across my nipple and
Rustling the hairs on my chest before
Sliding off to the sheets below.

And the sun shone through the curtains,
Just as a smile erupted across your lips,
And with that flicker of contentment,
The warming rays needled your body.

Goosebumps erupt over your breast,
Aided by the soft blow from my lips,
And the sensual touch of my –

Slumber, gradually shaken aside,
Eyes open, and that smile –
The smile that launches thousands of ships,
Just like they have always done.

You twist, you turn,
Legs and thighs slide over mine,
Your soft and swaying flesh brushes over me,
As your body rises upward like a phoenix.

The red-hot kiss – yes it was the kiss,
That released all those butterflies,
Sending them upward on loves journey,
Joining the soft caress of your nipples on mine.

Silence was definitely broken.

It was something I never before noticed.


Published 6 years ago

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