It’s funny how quickly you can get used to something, how quickly you can get used to someone new in your life. When you just seem to click with that someone, everything feels comfortable with them. It is so easy to get used to little things, like having a hand to hold, an ear to whisper into, a head resting on your chest.
Lying here, spooning behind Tina, my head propped on my hand, stroking her hair, it felt like it had been an age since we had been like this, uninterrupted, not just over a week. In that week, even on the days I was distracted, I had felt antsy like I had an itch but couldn’t work out where it was. What I hadn’t noticed, until that day, was the itch was gone and thinking about it, it was gone whenever I was with Tina.
Thinking back to the conversation with Tina and her dad yesterday, along with comments from Diane and Rob over the previous couple of weeks, pieces started to fall into place. Tina was right, I had said I loved her, but that one didn’t count, but what about the declaration of ‘My Princess’ earlier, that was in the build-up to sex, did that count. I wasn’t sure it mattered as she wouldn’t know the meaning behind it unless she had read A Princess of Mars.
All that went on the back burner as I felt her stir and turn her head to me, as she awoke.
“Hello, beautiful, back with me now?”
“Hi, handsome, where did I go?”
“Nowhere to worry about, when we finished your eyes were getting droopy, it looked like you were trying to fight it, but lost. I just tucked us under the covers and let you keep me warm.”
Tina reached up and put a hand on the side of my face, in response I leant over and kissed her, wrapping my arm around her, resting my hand on her tit. Purring, Tina snuggled back into me, I got the distinct impression that it was purely innocent, just wanting to be closer. The last thing my dick thought was that it was innocent, and began to stir.
“I’ve missed this,” she said. Then she wiggled her bum, “And I could get used to waking up to this.”
I let out a little laugh, “What’s funny,” she asked.
“I was thinking of you while you were sleeping and came to much the same conclusion.”
“And you thought and you analysed it some more and then were left with more questions.
“Sweetie, there’s no need to fight it, you can just accept it, you know? Even if it is just living for the moment.”
“I’m sorry, my head just goes places that others don’t, it needs to. But it did get me wondering, even if just accept it, how can two people connect so fast?”
“I’m guessing you won’t go with a simple ‘their souls were meant for each other’?” Shaking her head, she continued, “Just shut up and kiss me!”
I did as commanded and with our lips still touching, staring into each other’s eyes, she said, “Luke Evans, you are a pain in the…”
“Aris, Aristotle, bottle.” She still looked blank, “Bottle and glass, arse.”
After a little snigger, she said, “Actually, I was going to say the neck, but I like aris.”
I had noticed myself getting harder all through this exchange and Tina must have as well. Pushing my hips forward, so there was no doubt, touching my lips onto hers, I whispered, “Not as much as I like this aris.”
As she purred her approval, I drew my fingers that had been gently stroking her tit, together and found myself an erect nipple longing to be pulled. Tina turned to look forward as I did this and reached behind grabbing my hip. The hand that had been supporting my head, I now slipped behind hers and down, to replace the other on her nipple. There was a little whimper from her as I let go, followed by a louder moan, as I took hold of it again. Applying pressure, but not pinching, turning, but not twisting, stretching, but not pulling, I could see her eyes closed and her mouth slightly opened. As I continued this, her moans were getting louder and she was pushing back into me harder.
I leant over kissing and licking her neck and ear, feeling a shiver run through us. I think she felt this, as she curled her leg back over mine and pushed back harder. She let go of my hip and reached between her legs, easing forward a fraction and taking hold of my dick. As she pulled it down between her legs, I felt it push between her cheeks and heard a moan, just before it popped out.
“Oh god, Luke, what have you done to me?” She breathed.
I didn’t answer, but couldn’t help smiling, I continued to nuzzle at her neck and stroke her leg with my free hand. When Tina started to move my dick side to side over her pussy, I started to move my hips back and forth a little. Then she stopped.
With eyes closed and mouth barely moving, I heard her whisper, “How much will it take to break it?”
I didn’t know what she meant until she started to bend my dick. I moved my hips back to try and give myself room, she just moved with me. I was about to say something when she found her target. She pushed the head of my dick into herself and then pushed back on it, letting out a gasp and another shudder. We lay still for a moment and then she pulled away a little and pushed back again.
“Now,” a request, a command, I didn’t really care.
Moving slowly, I had never been in this position before, I eased a little into her and out. Each movement was rewarded with a shudder and a gasp. I wanted to enhance this, so reached between her legs, only to find her hand already there. We locked fingers and together stroked her clit and moved in time with each other. It was slow and tender, but very rewarding. I could feel every pulse of her pussy as she shuddered, her gasps had given way to short panting breaths.
“Yours,” she cried out as she stiffened into her orgasm, clamping my fingers tight on her clit.
I rolled her onto her front and lifted her bum a little, reinserted myself and started to drive home. I noticed her hand still under her. I didn’t last too much longer, I could feel myself tensing. As I came, I clamped onto her shoulder with my mouth and sucked hard.
“Mine!” I said as I finished.
The final shudders ran through us as we lay there and my brain final got enough blood back to register that I was still lying on top of Tina. I eased up with my elbow and knees, kissing her neck softly and looking at the mark I had left. With an “aww” I rolled off of her and patted her bum.
I lifted my head, I didn’t really want to move more than that, so rested it on my hands, looking at Luke. I think I must have had the same silly, self-satisfied grin, on my face that he did. It just felt comfortable, lying here in the glow, next to this man who made me feel so good and safe. He lay propping his head up looking at me, with his hand resting on my bum, where he had patted it. If this moment could be frozen, it would be a golden one. I was thinking more about what we said, I didn’t put as much stock in Luke’s ‘what is said during sex’ idea, I thought sometimes your deepest, rawest thoughts and feelings, came to fore during moments of extreme pressure and pleasure. Let him think what he liked, he had claimed me, in part and as a whole, I could live with that.
“Aw shit!” he suddenly blurted out.
“What’s up, sweetie?”
“Look at the time, mum will be home soon and I said I’d have the oven warmed up. Pfft tough.”
He jumped out of bed and I went to follow him, but he put a hand on my back.
“Don’t mus a mooval,” he said.
“Don’t move. It was in an old comic years ago and sort of stuck instead of don’t move a muscle.”
I tittered as he disappeared out of the room, it’s the little things, they say. It was only when he returned that I realised he had gone out, not only naked but with evidence of what we had been up to apparent on him. I know they said they were relaxed and had seen his ‘antics’ before, but I was glad we were alone.
He climbed onto the bed and kissed me, then I jumped when I felt something damp on the back of my leg. Looking over my shoulder I saw that he had gone to get a flannel and put it in warm water. He rubbed it along my thighs and gently pulled my legs apart before holding it between them. After a few seconds, he gave a gentle rub back and forth, parting my cheeks a little, rubbing there. There was absolutely nothing sexual about what he was doing, but the tenderness and care he was taking, made this one of the most intimate moments of our relationship, so far. I’m not sure what it was, it screamed that after all the passion, his only thought was still to care for me. It may not have been sexual, but it was like he was making love to me again, in a totally new way, so much so that I started to get that, now familiar, tingling.
It was beautiful watching the attention he was paying to me, not just pulling my cheeks apart, but lifting them to get into the smile crease at the top of my legs. I could feel him going either side of my vagina too. He finally leant down and kissed each of my cheeks, while holding the flannel on my vagina.
He then looked at me and said, “All mine.”
I could feel myself well up a little as he jumped off the bed and took the flannel back to wherever it belonged. Just as he was coming back in, I heard voices.
“And when you’re finished, come down for lunch.”
“Will do.”
“Is your mum home?” I asked.
“Yeah, just got in, she said lunch will be ready in about fifteen minutes.”
“And she was upstairs?”
“Yeah, I was just talking to her…Oh, yeah, sorry. I just don’t think anything of it.”
I smiled, “It’s okay, sweetie. My parents were always a lot more…”
“Conservative?” He offered when I hesitated.
I smiled again and jumped out of bed and kissed him, “But I think you’re already changing me. Shall we?”
“Hold on a second,” he said, holding me. “You don’t think we were? No, she was in her room, I was talking to her from the bathroom. We’re relaxed, but not quite nudist family relaxed.”
I giggled wondering how I would have reacted if they had turned out to be. We got dressed and went downstairs.
“You see Tina, love, I don’t always cook loads. Despite what my son may say.”
Tina was chuckling as she listened to my mum and looked at me, as I was told off. I didn’t care. My mother and my girlfriend in the same room, getting on like a house on fire. What could I complain about?
After we had eaten some of the scraps off the chicken carcass, wedged between slabs of bread, liberally doused in mayonnaise, I found out what I could complain about. Even though she was preparing a soup with the bones and meat that were left and preparing vegetables to go in with it, my mother still managed to monopolise Tina’s attention. At the same time, I was told to do the washing up, not just the lunch things, but the extra that mum was creating as they spoke. When Tina got up to help, she was put in her place as a guest. Mum gave me a filthy look when I suggested charging her rent, then she would be a lodger and could help.
“You can stop laughing, I’ll remember this when your mum is fawning over me.”
Evidently, mum had been telling the truth all these years, I wasn’t too big to get a clip around the ear, which only made Tina lose it. This was the first time my mum saw her crying. The afternoon carried on like this until Sam got home, then it went downhill. I was swept to the side totally and while they were talking, I got up, kissed Tina on the cheek and said that I would be in the living room. I had sat down with the paper when Sam came in and asked if everything was okay.
“Yep, just seeing what’s going on in the world.”
“No, you and Tina?”
“Fine, why?”
“Leaving her out there with us.”
“You’re talking girly things, it’s way beyond my IQ. It’s fine, I think she’s comfortable enough to join me when she wants.”
As I said this Tina walked in and dropped onto the sofa next to me, snuggling up and pushing under my arm. Sam winked and left to go upstairs.
“You okay sweetie?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just saying to Sam that you seem comfortable enough.”
“Your family are lovely, it’s like this is my home. Your mum said I was welcome to come and go as I wanted, even told me about the spare key. I did say you’d told me, but she said now I had the proper permission.”
I squeezed her and kissed the top of her head, this was approval indeed, although other friends had known about it, it was always left to us to tell, mum never did. Tina did a full charm offensive on my dad that night, by which I mean she was her normal self. The self that gave as good as she got, joined in the conversation and wasn’t afraid to challenge ideas she disagreed with. This was the side of her my dad was enthralled by and I could see them sitting discussing heavy subjects until the early hours. Not on this occasion, mum reminded him and Sam they had work tomorrow and left us alone with a closing comment.
“Not too late you two, I’m taking Tina shopping tomorrow and you’re coming to carry.”
“What am I a pack horse?”
“No, an ass.”
Ever one to jump to my defence with my family, Tina giggled at me. As she snuggled up, she said, “Thank you, Luke.”
I guessed she meant for the day and just squeezed her shoulder, pulling me closer. After a few minutes sitting quietly, I suggested we go up and Tina hesitantly agreed. I walked her to the door of her room and kissed her goodnight.
“See you later,” I said, which caused her to furrow her brow.
I went and did my nightlies then went into my bedroom and stripped down. Sat on the edge of the bed, I counted the minutes and after five gave up, grabbed my t-shirt and went out. I didn’t notice Sam’s door was slightly open until I heard,
“Night Luke, don’t play too late.”
“Night Sam, I might. Do you need me to get you the duster?”
“Ooh, you shit head!”
“And you love me. Night.”
I heard her still laughing, as I knocked and entered the spare room. Tina looked at me as I walked in and let out a sigh.
“What’s up? Think it was someone else?”
“No, yes, I’m not sure, it’s just you said,” she ran out of words.
“See you later, it’s later. Besides I thought you might need this to help you sleep,” throwing my t-shirt at her.
“I’d rather the real thing.”
“Oh,” I let out a theatrical sigh, “if you insist.”
Then she did it again, just like when we got back into bed after we first made love. She lifted the covers, exposing herself to her navel, inviting me to join her. As we kissed, there was no rush, no excitement, just tenderness and closeness, yes, okay and love, I know that now. Our hands started to move, exploring each other, it wasn’t a mad race to the genitals either. We were soon mirroring each other and showing each other what felt good by doing it.
She circled my nipple, tweaking and pulling it gently, then harder when I didn’t react. I did the same to her, then harder when she did react, making her moan a little louder.
I played with her hair at the base of her skull, running my fingers around the back of her neck and down over her shoulder blades. Tina moaned and repeated it on me, eliciting a movement down below.
We played this game back and forth for an age, I don’t know if my skin was thicker or tougher or what, but even putting more pressure on me, there were far less reactive places on my body than hers. Truth be told, Tina’s whole body seemed like one continuous erogenous zone while we were doing this, though some spots seemed more so than others. Tina had lost her hesitancy when it came to stroking me and was more confident in expressing her thoughts.
“I am so sorry, Luke,” the way she said it was unlike others on this subject, there was no shame or regret, it was just heartfelt. Well, until the little giggle, “I just don’t know how I thought this was smaller than his. I’d suggest teaching him a lesson, but that conjures all sorts of images I don’t want.”
“You know, until that last bit, I was just going to say, ‘fuck him’, but that just seems so inappropriate now.” We both descended into a fit of the giggles, both telling the other to be quiet just made us worse until there was a knock on the wall from Sam. Then it was out and out hilarity. One thing that still confuses me to this day was how, during this, Tina had me roll onto my back and mounted me. I remember the sharp intake of breath, but put it down to her laughing too much, then she started to drop onto me and as I looked at her, she had a sly look on her face. All laughter stopped and she was sat bolt upright, looking me in the eye.
“Mine,” she said as our hips touched.
“And stay shut up,” we heard from next door, which started us off again.
Our lovemaking that night was so special, it involved all of our bodies and all of our spirits too. Tender and caring, gentle and watchful, laughing and crying because, of the laughter. With Tina on me, she controlled the pace mostly, but she didn’t go racing off. She was content to have me inside her and I was more than happy to remain that way. She wiggled a little from time to time, I pushed up and pulled back a little, both of us using our pelvic muscles, to throb and squeeze against the other. All the while kissing and exploring each other still.
I felt Tina shudder through several, what felt like little orgasms and I must admit I was tempted to take over but knew that would end with me fucking her and while I’m sure we would have both enjoyed it, it wasn’t a time for that. Eventually, my orgasm snuck up on me, a slow build and then ecstasy. Tina smiled and shuddered once more, laying her head on my chest, pushing her hips down a little, as if it to get more of me inside. She had hands and arms framing my head and I had mine wrapped around her waist, holding her tight and this is how we fell asleep.
When we awoke the following morning, it was past eight. Tina had slipped to one side, a leg between and twisted with one of my legs. She had an arm around my chest and her head on my shoulder. It never ceases to amaze me how wonderful it feels waking up wrapped around her and seeing her so peaceful. As I shifted a little, I felt a bit crispy, so tried to get out without waking her, to go and clean up. I failed.
“Morning, beautiful.”
“Eww, morning, sweetie.”
“Oh, thanks, that’s lovely.”
“Oh, no, I didn’t mean that, it’s just,” she stopped as she threw on my t-shirt and darted out of the door.
I had to smile; somehow, she just seemed to feel comfortable wherever she spent the night with me.
It is always wonderful falling asleep like we did and was the best night’s sleep in a week. The only trouble was waking up when everything had dried up. I’m so glad that Luke wasn’t in a rush to get to the loo and thankful that he woke me up to go first. Then I got ambushed.
“Luke, is that you?”
“Err, no, it’s Tina.”
“Oh, Tina love, it’s fine, I was only going to ask him to let you know that it’s safe to come down, Sam and David have gone to work.”
“Thank you, Mrs Evans, we’ll be down in a minute.”
As I was sorting myself out, I thought about the difference between here and home. Mummy would have come up and knocked on both our doors, both being the key thing. I wouldn’t dream of leaving my bedroom in anything less than my pyjamas and preferably my dressing gown or robe. Just like at Luke’s house at the university, I was welcomed here as part of the household, making me so comfortable. It made me smile thinking of daddy’s face if I wandered around at home in just a t-shirt.
All done, I went back into my room and thanked Luke for letting me go first. He grabbed me, sitting me on his lap, which made me squeal, but the surprise was nice as he gave me a hug and a kiss. I told him what his mum had said, so he patted my bum and pushed me off his lap then darted across to the bathroom.
We went down for breakfast, then came back to shower and get dressed before heading out. Out shopping, Luke disappeared on his own for an hour before meeting up with us. After lunch, much as I would have preferred to have stayed at Luke’s again, I also wanted time with my mummy and daddy. This was much the pattern over the next week either spending time at mine with Luke or vice versa. Luke didn’t get around on Christmas Day, but we had a lovely day on Boxing Day, followed by a third Christmas on the Monday. I felt like a young child again having, so many present days.
Christmas Day was fine, but I was told off several times for being fidgety. I claimed that I was doing it just to keep Sam happy, as every time I was told off it made her laugh. I would have loved to have gone around to Tina’s but, we had this tradition where we visited some friends and much as they seemed to have taken to Tina, I was not let off the hook by my parents. I know I was nearly twenty, but the wrath of my mother was too much to risk.
Boxing Day at Tina’s was a bit different from home. Everything was very formal and ordered, unlike the chaos that mum orchestrated. All the same, it was a relaxed day, although I managed to arrive after they had returned from church. Because of the short notice of who was going to be where we had agreed that only Tina and I would exchange gifts. I bought her a CD Walkman. It was official, the tape cassette was dying; this year was the first that CD sales were higher in the UK. Tina got me the astronomy yearbook for the following year, a perfect gift.
Monday at my parents was fun, both Sam and dad were off work until the New Year, so after breakfast, I shot round to collect Tina, who my mum had invited to stay over again. I loved my mum. While on the phone to Tina, she had also spoken to Mrs C and invited them both to celebrate New Year’s Eve at our house. Although there was still turkey and ham available, mum didn’t go full on Christmas dinner, for which I was thankful, I had already doubled my morning run when I was awake on time. There wasn’t any gift giving, though I did have one for Tina, which I had held back, as less appropriate to give at hers.
“Oh, bloody hell, Luke. What are you trying to do to the poor girl? She’s an innocent.”
That was Sam’s reaction when Tina unwrapped the CD I had bought her.
“I will brainwash you, I promise,” I said.
There was a round of laughs and groans. We got out Trivial Pursuit and it is usually a fairly balanced game, not this year, Tina wiped the floor with us. There were some more games and a light tea before, settling down and watching A Fish Called Wanda on television.
There was no pretence this time, Tina and I went into the spare room. This was, after all, where mum had told Mrs C that Tina would be sleeping. What surprised me was Tina immediately sent me out to my room.
“Last week you gave me some time before coming in and harassing me.”
“Erm, okay. I’ll see you in a bit.”
Sam was leaning against her doorframe, smirking.
“Night, bruv.”
“Hmm,” was all she got from me in response.
I went and had a shower and quick scrap to get rid of the days ‘growth, you never can tell, then went to my room and waited. And waited. After an eternity and thirty minutes, I gave up and went back to the spare room.
“Hello, Mr Evans, happy Christmas. Want to unwrap your other present.” Tina stood up in her robe and finally started laughing.
“Sorry, sweetie, that was just so corny.”
I stepped forward with a grin and tugged on her belt. Taking hold of her lapels, I stepped behind Tina and took her gown off her shoulders and dropped it down her arms.
“Oh, dear sweet Jesus, happy birthday!” Was all I could say.
“Yes sweetie, it was his birthday, two days ago,” Tina looked over her shoulder at me as she said this.
All I could see from the rear was a few thin strips of white material. There was a small white triangle fringed with pale pink at the top of her cheeks, whatever else there was disappeared into the divine valley. The back strap of her bra was thinner than I remember any of her others, again, this was fringed with pink. The straps over her shoulders were all but non-existent. I turned her around and saw such a shy girl, she could hardly look me in the eye and was blushing furiously. Her bra was two tiny triangles, although Tina bemoaned her tiny titties, they were perfect for this. The cups were lace filigree, curving around following the shape of her boobs, but not covering them, almost making it look like they were spilling out of the sides. The lace was sparse enough that a hint of her nipple was visible and the cups were fringed with pink. The front of her knickers was similar, lace filigree and the pink fringing disappearing between her legs.
I didn’t want to take this off as it only enhanced her beauty, but it did things to me that any straight male would have had to deal with. It was another night of gentle lovemaking, waking in the morning in much the same way we had last week, only with a lot more caution about moving around the house with others there.
“Well, bruv?” Sam asked over breakfast.
When I looked blankly at her, “Did you like all your presents?”
Tina said, “Sam helped me pick them out.”
“Now I know why I love my sister,” I said with a laugh.
I saw Tina every day that week and on Friday, the morning of New Year’s Eve, I was clearing up after breakfast when there was a knock on the front door. Wondering who was there, I went to answer it. I could see two large shadows on the other side of the glass, both looked taller than me, but it could have been a distortion due to the curved glass. I opened the door and the two people there turned to face me.
“So, this is where you live, then,” said the taller of the two.
Thanks to cbears52 for proofreading
Thank you to the moderators helping me getting this published
And thank you to everyone that reads, comments and/or votes.
All feedback is welcome, either in the comments or via a direct message.