Around one in the morning, they moved to the big bed awaiting them. While they always sleep interlocked together, the extra space around them after the small beds of the last several days is appreciated.
They sleep long and hard. It is near nine when they awake. Donald orders room service and they shower while they wait for it to arrive. Eating breakfast in front of the window, they see the morning view without all the bright lights. It still is captivating.
And Emma squirms with delight to herself that she has now visited New York City, and what a visit it is.
The valet pulls their vehicle up and they are headed south by ten-thirty. The next two days drives will be longer, but Donald does want to reach home by Saturday.
Before he starts, he pulls the vibrator from Emma’s purse and plugs in into the car charger to get it ready for action when needed.
They head to Richmond, Virginia for their stop for the night. Emma fully realizes that the whole travel itinerary has been carefully planned by Donald, and even with some of the ‘detours’ they took, all is going as he planned.
Emma feels a warm glow flow through her as she appreciates the time and thought Donald has put into making this trip so perfect.
About two hours into the drive, Donald opens the console and removes the charged vibrator. Emma looks at him and giggles.
“Emma, I want you to show me how you can satisfy yourself while I drive,” Donald commands her as he hands her the wand.
Emma gulps takes the vibe and spreads her legs. She twists in her seat some so Donald,, glancing over will be able to see the vibrator in action on her cunt. She lifts her dress just a bit, as she wonders if passing semis will be able to look down and see what she is doing. The thought of being on display again starts her throbbing.
She turns on the vibrator on low. And presses it against her panties to run up and now her slit through the fabric. Donald allows her to play at this basic level for a few minutes as he switches his attention back and forth from the road ahead and the lovely display being provided next to him.
He tells Emma she needs to increase the speed now that she is warmed up enough. And suddenly feeling in that sub place following all Donald commands of her she replies, “Yes sir” and presses a few times to get to a higher, more intense setting.
Donald enjoys his glances at her squirming so as the impact of the vibrations stir her. He sees her pull the vibrator a little away from her, trying to give herself a reprieve for a moment.
“Emma, keep it pressed against you. I want to see you bring yourself to climax without so much playing around,” Donald admonishes her. The sternness in his voice makes her shiver and hurry to comply with his wishes.
She presses the head of the vibrator hard against her clit and lets it dance over her, doing what is needed to get her panting and shivering with what is not far off.
Her head is back against the headrest, her mouth open panting, her face and neck bright red as she feels her almost there.
Then a truck does come up next to their car and honks as it rides right beside them, the driver looking down at the delightful scene taking place beside him. Such a nice surprise to break up the tedium of the drive.
Donald tells Emma to turn her head and wink at him so he knows she appreciates his attention. Doing so out the window is like when she played with herself in front of the computer weeks ago. It does take her over the edge and she cums shaking violently as wave after wave crashes over her. The truck driver gives a final toot and moves ahead of them.
Emma’s face remains red, even as she comes down from the climax, somewhat embarrassed about being watched, but then this other part of her almost purrs with contentment that she had two men watching her in such an act.
She wipes the vibrator down, plugs it back in and returns it to it hiding place in the console. This will be a wonderful added accessory for the Navigator.
They arrive in Richmond, Virginia around four-thirty in the afternoon. Both feel warm, tired, and sore from the drive. They have been in the car so much these last two weeks.
They go to their room and quickly strip and are in the tub bathing. They keep the water tepid so as not to become hotter. They take their time twisting and turning together washing each other completely. It is a lazy bath, and while both get provoked some by each other’s touch, they do not want to press it to something more right now.
After the bath, Donald quickly dries Emma’s hair, and they fall on the bed, not even getting under the covers, and drop off to sleep for a couple of hours.
Around seven they wake refreshed and hungry. They had nibbled on things from the food Dorothy and Maude had sent them on their way with while they drove, so they had eaten during the day as they drove. But it was not that much, and now cooler and rested did want something substantial to eat.
They quickly dress and drive to a nearby winery, which also serves dinner.
Before they eat, they go into the winery’s tasting room to sample the house selections. After sampling three or four, the sommelier asks if they would like to view the wine cellar. Donald immediately accepts the invitation, and he leads them to the steps down to it. Just then a large group enters the tasting room, and he apologizes that he can not give them a full tour, but to please go look around themselves.
They go down the steps and enter a cool, stone walled cellar. Rows and rows of wine are lined through the room. They wander through each aisle, looking at the different varieties offered. They go farther back in the vault and come to a row of just barreled wine, waiting to be placed on the racks to age.
It is interesting to see the new wine just finished. And over to the side, they see the equipment of the vineyard’s winery.
After finishing looking around, which really did not take that long, Donald turns Emma to one of the barrels which is about waist high and tells her to lean over it and hold its sides. Emma still in the mindset to follow all that Donald tells her to do just replies, “Yes sir” and bends over the lid.
She feels him lift her dress up over her back, lower her panties to her knees, and then the head of his penis rubbing against first her crack up and down, then settling in her slit to be moistened by her juices.
Emma feels the first hard drive into her as she realizes that Donald has been needing a release since her performance in the car on the way.
He bangs against her over and over, her stomach and thighs hitting the barrel over and over. She might end up with a couple of bruises, but it is well worth it for how wonderful it is feeling at the moment.
Donald is quivering with excitement inside her, and she begins to shudder against him as the sides of her vagina begin to contract and release against him.
Faster and harder, he rams into her. His whole being seeming to pulsate with each thrust. She begins to hear a deep rumbling coming up out of him, ready to escape. She moves her hands back to his ass cheeks, and her fingers near his asshole help bring him closer and closer to her with each push.
She is on edge now, ready to burst herself as she feels Donald press in one more deep time and shaking blasts his wad up in her with a low growl of satisfaction.
Emma takes her hands from his ass and leans against the barrel recuperating as Donald kisses the back of her neck. He lifts her panties and lowers her dress. Adjusts himself back into his pants after he wipes himself against the back of Emma’s panties to clean himself.
They are barely back to normal, walking towards the stairs when the sommelier joins them and asks if they enjoyed their tour. The assured them they truly had and thank him for the opportunity.
Upstairs they enter the dining room and have an appropriate meal to accompany the wine they had selected. It was fun that the Burgundy Donald chooses is the same type as is in the barrel they have just been over.