“Never. There that was simple, wasn’t it? Want me to expand?” Tina nodded.
I pulled the duvet around us and we snuggled into each other more, “Sam’s my sister, but it’s not about morals or legalities, sure they are stoppers, but they are inconsequential compared to the real reason.
“Morals are only the standards that the society you live in dictates to you. Incest is illegal here based on supposed science, though it’s more a moralistic thing. In France, Spain and Japan, just to start, certain levels are perfectly acceptable. We are allowed to marry first cousins, yet in parts of the US, that’s illegal.
“Soft drugs are illegal here, cross the Channel to Amsterdam and you can buy them in cafes. Go to Africa and some other countries, the legal age to get married and have kids, can be as young as thirteen, maybe less.
“No, my reasons are all about my relationship with Sam. Where we are, is the best place for both of us, so close a cigarette paper couldn’t get between us, but both knowing there is a very clear line we don’t cross. Neither of us ever will, because we would be scared it would ruin what we have and that saved, I think, both our lives.
“I bet you’re wondering what I said on the field today?” Again, she nodded.
“Sometimes, especially when there’s alcohol or there has been a lot of emotions, Sam gets very clingy, you’ve seen it over the last day. There have been times when the line has dimmed, for both of us, but not to the point of crossing. With Sam, her teasing gets very questionable, shall we say. Me, I just get wracked with guilt.
“This afternoon, when I caught her, I told her she needed a good spanking, to keep her in order. Did you see her look back at me?” A small nod from Tina, “She got a look in her eye, it’s like Aite takes over her body and then she was telling me I was too fat and weak to give her the spanking she needed. That’s when I just threw her over my shoulder.
“Who knows, maybe if we lived in one of those other countries, we may have crossed some lines, but I still wonder if our relationship may have held us back.”
“Who or what is Aite?”
“Sorry, the Greek goddess of mischief, granddaughter of Nyx, the goddess of night.”
“You really are a dork!”
“Thank you. You might be more familiar with Loki, but it would be wrong seeing him fill her.”
“Pervert!” she said, as she slapped my chest, then asked, “What about us?”
“In what sense?”
“If you’d been able to cross lines with Sam. Also, you said your relationship is too much to risk on crossing the line, but we’ve crossed that line.”
“If we’d crossed, possibly you wouldn’t be here. Not because I think more highly of Sam, but because I wouldn’t have gotten to know you, not as we do, at least. I’m afraid, I’m a bit of a one-woman man, once I make some sort of commitment, sorry.” I got a kiss on the chest for that one.
“We’re different, other than societal norms, our relationship, all aspects of it, have been developing together. Finding out about each other and our friends and families, finding out about our sexuality and exploring each other’s bodies and minds. It’s a package deal, a package I’m very happy with.”
Tina looked up at me smiling, “You may have spoiled her, you know that?”
“What you on about?”
“Sam. How will she ever find anyone that comes close to matching you?”
“Doesn’t matter, she’ll always have me. If I’ve got the time or money, I’m quite happy to keep spoiling her.”
“Oh, Luke,” she sighed, “for someone as perspicacious as you, you are so naïve at times. What man would want to share his wife with her brother?”
“She’s my sister, I’ll carry on spoiling her, it won’t affect her husband.”
Tina sighed, “You really don’t understand women or men.”
“You don’t need to worry, I’ll always spoil you first.”
Tina burst out laughing, “Too late, you’ve spoiled me already.”
“And I’ll keep spoiling you.”
She then started to kiss me so delicately; it was almost as if she wasn’t touching me.
“Such an adorable doofus.”
It wasn’t until a few years later that I understood what Tina meant and the distinction she had put on spoiled as opposed to spoilt.
The kissing progressed further and further. Eventually, leading to us making love again, before falling asleep, once more, in each other’s arms.
I awoke before Luke and again we were all tangled up. I kissed his nose, then slipped out of bed, put on his gown and ran to the loo. When I came out Mrs Evans was just walking past.
“Morning love, everything okay?”
“Yes, thank you.”
She smiled and said, “The coffee machine is on if you want to get a cup or two.”
“Thank you.”
I went downstairs, there was no one else about and wasn’t surprised when I saw the time, just before seven. I got two cups and filled them, Luke would be fine, he was happy with coffee that had gone cold. I put his cup on his side of the bed, then walking around to mine, I noticed two things.
First, how possessive I was getting over things to do with us, our room, our friends, our lives, my side of the bed; some things you don’t share, like Luke, for starters. That said, I knew, in my head, I had already given Sam an exception to that last rule, Luke told me they had not and would not cross that line, but that was physically, in their heads and hearts they had crossed it.
The really curious thing was I was one hundred per-cent comfortable with where Sam was in our lives. Excluding the physical aspects, I could almost imagine her being in a relationship with us. Given my vast experience of relationships, I then went on to wonder if this was common. When I got the chance, I would speak to Diane about it.
The other was the two books Luke professed to get out for me, sitting on his desk, ‘Feeling Good’, a book about mood therapy and ‘A Princess of Mars’, a novel, that on reading the summary, seemed to be a science fiction romance. I took them both and slipped under the covers. Deciding the mood book needed better attention, I turned to the novel.
It was a light book, written in 1912 it was certainly a book of its time. Within an hour I was halfway through it. There were solid good guys and evil bad guys, a beautiful princess and monsters and battles, it reminded me of some of the Saturday morning cinema films. My father would have said ‘a good old-fashioned romp’.
Other than learning a little about Luke’s reading interest, I learnt something of great interest. In the book, you could only call someone ‘my princess’, if you had declared your love and commitment for her, in other words, asked her to marry you and she had accepted it. I think this might have been Luke’s way of telling me how he felt, maybe I was reading too much into it, but I hoped.
“Morning, beautiful,” Luke said, not even looking up at me.
“Morning, sweetie, there’s a coffee for you, might be a bit cold.”
“I have all I need right here,” he moved down and rested his head on my lap.
With an arm behind me, curled around my bum and the other holding onto my leg, it was a perfect moment, after the chaos of the last forty-eight hours. It was only when I put the book down to look at him, I realised he had pushed the covers down. I smiled at how different I was with him and how comfortable it was. I started to stroke his hair and carried on reading.
Luke gave me a little squeeze in response and I swear he was purring. At one point, I rested the book on the back of his head, so I could carry on reading, while I sipped my coffee. When I picked the book up, I tittered.
“What’s funny?”
“You. For a second, I thought it looked like you were listening to my vagina.”
He snorted, “And you call me a doofus.”
“I only thought it, because you are and it’s the sort of thing I can imagine you doing.”
There was a light tapping at the door, “It’s me, Sam, you decent?”
Luke sat up, pulled the covers over our laps and told her we were. As the door opened, I remembered, I wasn’t, quite.
“Crap,” I whispered, as I put the book against my chest.
Sam only opened the door a fraction and put her head through, “I just wanted to check in on you both, before we got caught up in the herd downstairs.”
Luke waved her in and unlike the first time I met her, she perched softly on the edge of the bed, looking from one to the other of us. I could see what Luke meant about the change in her once things had settled.
“I’m good,” he showed her his wrists. “Still thinking, still living.”
She smiled and looked back to me, “I think I’ll be fine. Luke’s already getting me reading and I found out some interesting things.”
I elbowed him, “We’ll be alright, we can help each other, now and if you need either of us, I’ll make sure you have my room number before I go.”
Sam squeezed my foot through the covers and got up before she could leave, Luke held her wrist and pulled her back. As she fell onto the bed, he put his hand on her chest just below her neck, holding her in place, across our legs; there was absolutely no resistance in her.
He asked, “And you? You okay?”
She thought for a moment, then said, “Yes, yes I am. We are, all three of us.”
He leant down and kissed her forehead when she got up she walked around to my side and kissed my forehead. Then she paused, before pulling the top of the book away from me.
“Boobies!” Sam laughed and skipped out of the room.
When she left the room, I leant over to Luke, dropping the book away, “Decent were we?”
“Ah, fuck, sorry,” he said and pulled me into a hug.
I smiled, “As I said, you’ve spoiled her.”
“Uhuh. So, tell me, what did you learn?”
“Well you’ve fought for me, you’ve certainly won me and yes, you too are a strange mix of man and child. The book is over eighty years old, so I’ll let you off the last bit, my chieftain.”
He pulled me to him and kissed me softly, but possessively, slightly open-mouthed but no tongues, exchanging our life’s breath between us.
He paused and said, “I’m sorry, I stumble over words. I know loads of them, I’ve read loads of books, but when it comes to you, no words can justify how beautiful you are to me, your heart, your soul, your mind and yes, your body. No words can explain the feelings I have for you, it’s like the deaf man and the cliff. Like a lot of things I try and say, I find metaphor often work best.”
“You were listening?”
“You and Sam needed time. I’ve never been where you are, Sam has. She’s also the expert at trying to find a way in.”
“My turn,” Luke said, I nodded.
“What was that about Diane and showing her what she’s missing?”
I could feel myself blushing, “It’s a bit of a double-edged one, that. You remember what I told you about me and her?”
When Luke nodded, I carried on, “Well, more than once she’s said something along the lines of, if I ever want to get rid of you, she’ll snap you up. I think my comment was both, show her what she’s missing out on, giving and receiving and also, what she’s never getting.”
As Tina finished saying her piece, her eyes narrowed, dangerously.
“And that’s your best friend. I hate to think what you would do to someone you didn’t like,” I laughed.
“No, that’s not what I meant. Well, not entirely, I suppose. There is the green-eyed goddess, but there’s also the proudest a person could be, knowing that the fiercest of the love you give, is for me.”
“I detect a bit of greed in there too?”
Tina looked to her lap in thought and after a few seconds slowly nodded and turned to look at me, “Is it wrong? Wrong to scream at the world, ‘see this man? He’s mine, don’t you dare try and take him.’ Sharing is not an option. Is it bad, to be proud that you have chosen me?”
“Your dad wouldn’t be too happy, two of the seven deadly sins in there. As far as I’m concerned though, no, it’s not wrong or bad.”
Tina ran her finger down my chest and said, “Luke, sweetie,” pausing at my belly button and looking up at me.
“Yes,” I replied cautiously.
She moved her hand down and ran her finger over my dick, “Who was with us last night?”
I couldn’t help it, anyone would in my position, I throbbed, blood started to head south, “What makes you think there was?”
“Couple of things,” she said, tapping me. “This seems to like the memory and I felt them touch me.”
“You’re right, the memory of last night is great. Do you remember what I said about touching?”
“But would you hurt Sam or Diane?”
“No, you’re right.” I could see my answer only confused her more. “I was the only one who touched you.”
“But I felt touches beyond your reach, at one point, two people were kissing my nipples.”
I had to smile, this made Tina slap me, in response, I dug her in the ribs and that was how the tickle fight started, it ended with us falling out of bed. With a crash, the bedside table went flying along with my cold coffee, Tina and I landed in a tangled heap, laughing like fools. Next, there was pounding of feet on the stairs and my bedroom door flew open, just as I managed to pull the duvet over us. Through our laughter, I managed to tell them we were okay and had just been messing about.
When we got untangled and were half decent, I asked Tina where she got the books from. She pointed to my (or was this ours too?) desk. I took her hand and walked her over to it. I picked up my bendy rule and dragged it along her leg without bending over. I then peeled back her robe, exposing her boobs. As I leant to kiss one, I picked up the, now dry, sponge and gripped her other nipple with it before padding it about on her boob.
Tina pulled my head up and kissed me, at the same time said, “You devious bastard, Mr Evans, you devious bastard. God, I’m getting aroused again, just thinking about it. Come on breakfast or I’ll lock us up in here forever.”
“And that’s a bad thing, how?”
After breakfast, Rob, Andy and Cara got their things together and mum packed them off, with their weight in sandwiches. With hugs, noticeably tighter than before and a kiss from Cara, they thanked mum and dad. Sam and Tina were both made to promise to call any of them if they needed to talk. I ran Diane home after lunch and went to Tina’s, where I had dinner. Mr and Mrs C were far more relaxed than I had ever seen them though, I was assured they had not moved on their ‘living in sin’ line. I wondered how they would stop us at university.
Sunday night was a repeat of many at home in the past, watching TV with mum and dad, with Sam laid across my lap. Nothing was said about the previous days, it wasn’t time yet, that would come.
“Can I come in?”
“Of course, you know that.”
“Last time I walked in, you told me to fuck off.”
“Tina was here then and you hadn’t met her. I trust you to be discreet now.”
Sam pulled back the covers and slid in with me.
“Really?” She laughed as I jumped out of bed and put on some boxers.
“You could have grabbed a pair on your way in.”
“Meh, nothing I’ve not seen before.”
“Lines, Sam, lines.”
“Hold me?” I let Sam spoon into me and I held her tight. I wasn’t surprised that she turned up, it was the first time we had had to reconnect, away from everyone, since everything blew up on Friday morning.
“Have I lost you?”
“Never, I’ll always be your brother. Who knows, Tina’s made a good start at being the sister you never had. She can spy on me, for you, when you’re not about. When you are about, you can team up picking on me. She’s not competition, Sam. Have I been happier this holiday, better to be around?”
“It’s been one of the worst holidays with all that shit, but I can see through it all, you are happier, stronger, which makes it one of the best in years.”
“See? Now you’ve got brother plus.”
“Brother, never my…”
“Always your best friend, don’t cross the line, Sam. It’s going to happen to both of us when you meet your man, I’ll still be your brother, I’ll still be your best friend, I’ll still spoil you.”
“You already spoiled me. I think I’m surprised and a bit jealous. I never thought you would meet someone good enough for you. I thought I would always find something wrong, but I can’t.
“I don’t think I will ever find someone good enough.”
“Don’t be jealous, you occupy different parts of my heart, Tina can’t take that from you. But don’t be envious of her, you can’t have the part she has. Sam’s space and Tina’s territory.” I chuckled. “When you find someone, I promise not to go looking for faults. That said, he’d better worship the fucking ground you walk upon, or he’ll be answering to me.”
“Oh, just hold me, you fat bastard.”
When I woke up, Sam was still there, fast asleep. It wasn’t often we had time, just the two of us, over the last eighteen months. It was possible, moving forward, that this could easily have become less, without a conscious effort, an effort I resolved to make. As I gave her a squeeze she spoke.
“Sorry, Luke, I was feeling a little insecure, even though Tina said much the same as you. Tina’s a shockwave that ran through our lives and I thought she may have cracked our foundations. She’s actually like a plough, turning the soil over ready for fresh planting.”
She turned and kissed my nose, “Love you, bruv!”
“Love you too, now I have a run to do and I believe you have work.”
I spent the day with Tina and we finally had a long talk with mum and dad, over dinner. Thrashing out the last bits of fallout from the weekend, we were just about straight now. Tuesday, Tina and I went for a walk around Black Beeches, dropping her off in the early evening, so she could pack ready to head back to university the next day.
“Five bags? You only brought three back.”
I kissed my adorable dope on the chin, “Trust me?”
Luke took hold of my hands, looking at them back and front, “No, cream?”
Smiling, I said, “No cream.” Luke just shrugged and said no more.
We both went to kiss and hug mummy and daddy, “Look after my girl.”
“Look after my eye candy.”
“Mummy!” she just giggled, daddy smiled as she linked her arm through his and they snuggled close.
We collected Diane and were on our way within half an hour and back at our halls four hours later. Ever the gentleman, Luke was getting ready to carry all my bags to my room.
“Sweetie, put those two back in the car please.”
“Erm, okay.” He looked beautiful when he was confused. I pulled his coat down to make him bend and kissed his ear.
“Take me home next.” Bless him, so beautiful.
I threw my bags in my room without ceremony, kissed Diane and hugged her and shut and locked my door. Taking Luke’s hand in mine, I walked back to the car.
“Err, guess we’re off, see you, Diane.”
“What did you forget, can’t we buy it here?” He asked as we pulled away.
“Nope, we can’t buy it, but it’s okay, I have everything I need. Let’s see how the boys are, huh?”
At Luke’s, I took the two extra bags I had packed and carried them into our room.
“Home. Can I have some space?”
“Yes, but…”
“I know, I’m not allowed to move in and daddy said he would cut off my allowance if I did too. You can’t move out, we can’t have the children starving.
“This term Diane and I are going to need to look for a flat, for next year,” I put my hand on his lips and continued, “daddy said that you and I are welcome to move in together, however, he could not support it and would not pay for anything if we did. He did suggest trying to find a place close to here, as often, student flats were concentrated in the same roads.
“Now, I hope you don’t mind,” waving to my bags, “I just thought it might be easier if I had some stuff here too.”
He picked me up and hugged me so tight I had to hold my breath.
“I’ll take that as a yes.”
He shifted some of his stuff about and made room in some drawers and the wardrobe, for me. The bit I liked best, was hanging my robe over his. Once done, we went to say hello to everyone.
Matt looked closely at Luke for a second, “They told me, bud, you good?”
Luke put his hand on Matt’s shoulder and nodded. I know some say men don’t talk, but I found out these four could communicate. We got some drinks and talked about each other’s holidays and they all groaned at the CD Luke had bought for me.
“Oh, the placement letters arrived while we were away,” Matt said.
“Placement letters?” I asked.
“Yes, those of us doing the four-year M courses have to do a placement between year two and three.”
Luke opened his letter and his shoulders slumped.
“Bad news?” Andy asked.
He just handed me the letter.
Thanks to cbears52 for proofreading
Thank you to the moderators helping me getting this published
And thank you to everyone that reads, comments and/or votes.
All feedback is welcome, either in the comments or via a direct message.