Returning the Favor to Teenage Boys

"I experienced having my cock sucked by an older man, as a teenager, and returned the favor later on."

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Recent events in my life have shown me that it can be very satisfying to return the favors to others, that we enjoyed early in life, when we are able to repay them.

My name is Tom, and I live with my wife, Kendra, in the Atlanta suburbs. We’re in our late forties now, and our two children are already grown and have families of their own in the area. I’m in a management position with my company, and we are expected to perform community outreach in whatever way best suits our talents and preferences.

I have been playing chess since even before my early teens, and over the years had achieved the rating of ‘Master’. It seemed to be a good reason that I should look for an opportunity to share my talents, by teaching the youth in my community, as I had been taught. I researched the youth educational programs at the community center in my suburb and learned that there had never been any classes for chess.

The community center was grateful that I volunteered to start a chess program, and we advertised the offering to see how much interest there was in the community. We got responses from eight children, both girls and boys, and that was the nucleus of our fledgling program.

Before I discuss the events of my new program, I will describe the lifechanging events from the program I was in as a teenager, and how those experiences shaped what would occur later in my life.

High School Days

I grew up with a brother and a sister in a happy home in Alabama and was given an opportunity to learn chess, starting at the age of twelve. Our hometown has a youth center that offered those classes, and I found out that I have an aptitude for the game. Just like the other kids that joined, I was, admittedly, an awkward and nerdy boy, as you might expect of someone interested in chess at that age.

None of us kids in the chess class were especially good looking, and none of us were in the popular groups in middle school and high school. And although I sometimes envied the popular kids, I was still happy with my life and enjoyed the friends I made playing chess.

Our teacher was a man named Dave, who like me in the future, was volunteering his time to teach us kids. He seemed like a normal guy in his late forties when he began teaching our group. We’re about the same size too, at six feet tall and weighing about one hundred and eighty-five pounds.

I was one of three boys who continued the classes for over five years, right up until we turned sixteen years old, and even through our senior year in high school. During those years, I spent a lot of time with and became very close with Dave, partly because I was his best student, and because I was always eager to help him set up the tables and chairs before our classes, and then helped to put everything away afterwards. Because of that, he allowed me and few of the others to call him by his first name, and I was called Tommy back then.

We talked about a lot of things during our time together, usually about chess or things going on at school. But it wasn’t until the summer that I turned sixteen that our conversations became more personal. He was never forceful or heavy-handed, but he slowly started asking me about whether I was dating any girls, and even how far I had gotten with them.

I know that it usually freaks kids out when adults bring up stuff like that, but since I hadn’t had any experiences with girls yet, I enjoyed the conversations and any insights he was able to offer me. He was really showing a lot of interest in me, and we would usually sit around talking and drinking soft drinks for an hour or so after the other kids left.

We were talking one evening, when things got a little more awkward. There wasn’t much activity in the community center that night, and the other rooms down the hall near ours were empty. Dave seemed a little nervous when he said, “You’re sixteen now, Tommy, so you must be having those powerful urges to do things with girls.”

I still wasn’t through my nerdy stage and felt embarrassed that I hadn’t dated any girls. I think I might have been good looking enough, but just didn’t have the self-confidence to approach girls for more than platonic friendships. For that reason, I smiled sheepishly and answered, “Yeah, you would think so, Dave, but I haven’t had any luck yet.”

He laughed and said, “Take it from me, luck has nothing to do with it. You need to go after it, if you want it.”

When I didn’t say anything, he continued, “I remember when I was your age; my hormones were raging, and I needed to get off at least once a day. If you don’t mind me asking, are you at least taking care of yourself by hand?”

At that point, I was too naïve to know where he was headed with the conversation, and it was embarrassing to even hear the question, much less answering him. But I didn’t want to be rude, and I replied, “That’s getting kind of personal, Dave, but yes, I do relieve myself when I need to.”

Then he came right out and said, “When I was in high school, which I know was a long time ago, there were always at least a couple of boys in the group who had a taste for other boys, if you know what I mean. That didn’t necessarily mean that they were gay or anything, but they did enjoy doing a little cock sucking every now and then. Do you have any boys like that in your class?”

The conversation was really making me uncomfortable, but I responded, “I know of a couple of gay boys, but they pretty much keep to themselves. I’ve never heard about them offering to suck straight boys.”

That seemed to excite Dave, and he said, “That’s interesting, Tommy. What would you do if one of them offered to suck your dick? I can tell you from personal experience, that feels mighty good.”

I challenged him, asking, “Yeah right, Dave, when did anyone do that for you?”

Dave smiled and replied, “Well, my wife used to suck my cock a lot, before she lost interest in sex, but I also had it sucked in high school. And a couple of times I had to return the favor.”

I wasn’t sure that I heard him correctly, and I asked, “What are you saying, Dave? Are you saying that you’ve sucked cocks before?”

His face flushed as he responded, “Well, uh, yes, Tommy, I must admit that I did try it, and I probably wouldn’t mind doing it again. I mean, I’m married and everything and love pussy, but sex is sex.”

I was too astonished and curious to continue being embarrassed by then, and I said, “Wow, that’s pretty hard to believe.”

That was the moment of a big turning point in my young life, when he said, “I know it sounds hard to believe, but I’d be willing show you, if you’ll come out to my van with me right now. You might even find that you like it too.”

I was scared and at the same time excited by his offer, and I sure didn’t want to pass up an opportunity to have my cock sucked. So, I smiled and said, “I still don’t believe you, Dave, but I’m willing to go out to your van to let you prove it.”

Dave had a full-size conversion van, and the back seats folded down to make an area about the size of a queen-size bed. I nervously followed him into the parking lot and got into the van through the side door. His windows were darkly tinted, and he had curtains over the back and side windows. It was private and dark in there, with just a little ambient light coming through the windshield from the parking lot lights.

He knew that I was nervous, and tried to calm me saying, “Look, Tommy, this doesn’t have to be a big deal. Just one guy helping another, and if you decide to help me out, then that’s good too. Just take your shorts and underwear off, and I’ll do the same. Then we can lay on our sides, side-by-side, in opposite directions, and just see how it goes.”

I took off my shorts and underwear, but I didn’t know what he was talking about, when he said something about ‘if you decide to help me out’. I certainly had no intention of sucking his cock but figured if he wanted to take off his pants, that was up to him.

He turned around on the bed, and I wasn’t at all embarrassed for him to see my cock. I knew from seeing the other boys in the showers, that my cock is one thing about me that wasn’t nerdy. My thick, uncircumcised cock is eight inches long on hard, and my balls are the size of lemons and hang low in my scrotum.

I laid there, waiting to see what would happen, and that’s when I felt the most wonderful thing ever so far in my young life. His warm, wet mouth closed over my soft cock, as he began to fondle my balls. He reached over and held me by the ass as he pulled my quickly hardening cock into his mouth. The slurping sounds filled the van as he began sucking and moving his mouth back and forth on my cock.

The feeling of having my cock sucked was amazing, and I instinctively rolled partially over on his face, and began thrusting in his mouth. When I rolled that way, I inadvertently moved my face closer to his groin, and I smelled the musky aroma of his cock and balls. I just barely saw his uncircumcised, hard cock in front of my face, and it looked to be about seven inches long and almost as thick as mine.

Dave then moaned and pulled me farther over on top of him and shifted his hips closer to my face. The feeling was amazing, being on top of a mature man, fucking his face with my big cock, and him moaning because he loved my cock so much. He was holding me firmly on top of him and pulling my cock into his mouth in time with my thrusts, and that’s when I gave in to his desire for me to suck his cock meat.

I felt like I wanted to repay him for the wonderful feeling of him sucking my cock, and I tentatively took his cock into my mouth. It was hard, yet pliable, and the head was wet with precum. I wasn’t totally thrilled with the taste and feeling of it in my mouth, but it was okay. I began sucking his cock like he was sucking mine, and I was happy that he was teaching me about sucking cock.

He had been sucking my cock for only about three minutes, when I knew that I was close to cumming. I didn’t have enough experience to know what I should do, and I was moaning as I pulled off his cock to say, “I’m very close to cumming, Dave. You’d better let me roll off you if you don’t want a mouthful of cum.”

Dave didn’t try to pull away or say anything, and instead held me more tightly on top of him. That let me know that he wanted my cum in his mouth, and I started sucking him again as he sucked even harder on my cock.

It was only another minute before my cock erupted in his mouth, and he continued sucking as spurt after spurt of my thick, teen cum shot into his mouth from my throbbing, young cock. And I was so enthralled in my own ejaculation, that I didn’t notice at first when he brought his right leg up and over behind my head, holding my mouth on his cock, as it began to spew into my mouth. I didn’t know what else to do except keep sucking and swallowing his thick cum.

I was grossed out at first, but then realized that the taste and texture of his cum wasn’t so bad, and I kept sucking for more as his cock softened in my mouth. Dave held me on top of him for another few minutes, as he continued to suckle and drain the remnants of my cum from my spent cock, until he finally rolled me off him to the side.

He was still breathing hard as he said, “Oh fuck, Tommy, your cock is so big, and your thick teen cum tasted wonderful. And shit, thanks so much for taking care of me too. I haven’t cum that hard in months. Tell me, Tommy, what are you thinking about what we did?”

I still had the taste of his cum in my mouth when I answered, “Fuck, Dave, I never imagined that it would feel so good to have my cock sucked, or that I would ever suck a cock. This was an amazing first sexual experience for me, although I’m not sure that I’m all that excited about sucking cock.”

Dave said, “I’m glad you liked what I did for you, and happy that you at least reluctantly helped me out. There’s more I want to show you. Just lay on your back and pull your legs up to your chest.”

I did as he said, and he moved in and began sucking my balls. I had never even thought about someone doing that for me, and it felt so good as he took my testicles one at a time into his mouth and sucked them.

He sucked me that way for a few minutes, before pulling away and saying, “Oh fuck, I’m so turned on right now, that I have to show you something else. I’m going to lay back on the bed, and I want you to straddle my face with your knees, before sitting on my face.”

I did as he said, and it was amazing looking down at my mentor’s face, as I lowered my balls to his mouth. He held me by the thighs as he sucked my balls, and then pulled me forward until he was sucking my perineum. In that position, I felt his nose and forehead pressed into my ass, until he pulled me farther forward, and he was sucking my ass crack and asshole.

Dave sucked my ass for another ten minutes, until he finally pushed me back and came up for air. Then he said, “I don’t think I can cum again so soon, but I’d sure like to suck another load out of your big cock. Just lay back and relax while I worship your cock.”

I was feeling like I needed to piss, and I said, “Fuck, yeah, that’s fine with me, but after drinking that soda, I’ve got to piss first. Let me go back inside for a minute.”

That’s when Dave said, “Oh yes, this is perfect. Now I can show you something else that I enjoy. I’m going to take your nice cock into my mouth, and I want you to piss, just like you’re at a urinal. Trust me, Tommy, you’ll enjoy pissing in my mouth as much as I enjoy swallowing it.”

It was hard to believe that he wanted to drink my piss, and that sounded gross. But I decided that if he was nasty enough to want it, then I’d give it to him. I looked online when I got home and found out that urine is basically sterile when taken fresh from a healthy person, so I guess it wasn’t that big a deal.

Dave laid back on the bed, and I knelt by his head and shoved my soft cock into his mouth. He had a look of hunger and lust on his face as I concentrated to begin pissing, and then he smiled when he felt the flow of my pent-up pee. He swallowed continuously as I sprayed what seemed like a pint of piss in his mouth. I saw that really turned him on, because his cock got hard while swallowing my pee.

I tried to pull away when I finished pissing, but he pulled me back down over him in the sixty-nine position, without taking my cock out of his mouth. He began sucking my cock as he had done the first time, and I sucked his cock again out of gratitude, even though he said he wouldn’t be able to cum again so soon.

With the experience I gained from my first ejaculation, I began fucking his mouth like a cunt, as I continued sucking his rock-hard cock. It must have taken me ten minutes to cum that second time, and I was surprised when Dave also fed me another load of his cum.

That was all we did together the first night, but it became routine for him to suck my cock, balls and ass, as well as swallowing my cum, every time we met after that. I only infrequently sucked his cock, just enough to keep him interested in sucking mine. I also learned that he was sucking one of the other boys in my group, and we sometimes met together in Dave’s van, where he sucked us off one after the other.

I continued meeting with Dave until I graduated and moved away to college. I never had any other bisexual experiences with either boys or men following high school, at least not until the recent events as an adult in this story, as I’ll describe now.

Present Day

As I was organizing and establishing the new chess club, I couldn’t help thinking back to my experiences with Dave in his chess club. I remembered asking him one time why a married man who has a wife at home to fuck would be involved sucking young men’s cocks. He told me that his wife had lost interest in sex of any kind and having sex with boys was his way to get a little sexual enjoyment. It seemed strange at the time that he was able to get sexual relief by mostly providing sexual enjoyment to others.

I didn’t understand the situation Dave was describing with his wife, but I sure understood it when I was faced with the same thing. Kendra had lost interest in sex over the past couple of years, and although I’m horny most of the time, I thought it was too risky to have an affair with another woman. And when I started masturbating more often, I couldn’t help thinking back to my time with Dave.

It was especially hard for me with Kendra not wanting sex very often, because she is still very hot in my opinion, even at forty-six years old. She’s five feet and seven inches tall, weighs one hundred and thirty pounds, and her 34DD breasts are still firm, with minimal sag.

My chess club began in the late summer, just when the public schools were beginning for the year. Six of the eight members were younger; twelve and thirteen years old, and two of the boys, Jeff and Derek, were fifteen. We varied our meeting times, as mandated by the kids’ busy school schedules, and ended up getting together mostly on either Thursday or Friday evenings, or Saturday mornings.

I got to know all the kids very well over the ensuing several months, but I related best to the two older boys, both of whom are living in mostly single-parent homes with their mothers. Jeff’s father had run off with his secretary, and Derek’s father, who is Puerto Rican, was deployed in the Army for much of the time. It’s fair to say that I was becoming a kind of father figure to the boys, and we often spent time talking after the other kids left when the meetings were over.

We lost a couple of members over the fall and winter months, but by springtime, when Jeff and Derek turned sixteen, the members that stayed were doing very well with the game. I knew that the age of consent is sixteen in Georgia, and I started wondering whether I dared to approach either Jeff or Derek, or both, about having sex. I knew they have the normal teenage sexual urges; from the way they ogle Kendra when she stops by our meetings.

Remembering that I wasn’t all that enthused about sucking Dave’s cock the first time, those many years ago, it was amazing to me that I was considering sucking those boys’ cocks. And whatever criticisms and bad thoughts I might have had about Dave being such a lustful and hungry cock sucker for teen cocks, I was facing the realization that I was feeling those same urges. Maybe it was the lack of pussy, or changes in my psyche due to being older, but I was beginning to crave some young cock meat and cum.

I was thinking back to the way Dave had approached me. It worked out okay in the end, but it seemed a little awkward, and made me feel uncomfortable. If I hadn’t been so receptive to him, it could have ended badly, with me freaking out and reporting him to the authorities. I was trying to think of a way for it to happen more naturally for me, maybe by getting some private time with the boys away from the community center.

Although it probably couldn’t be helped for there to be some awkwardness in approaching them. It was also possible, in the right situation, that they might initiate something with either me or each other, especially if I could get them drinking beer.

After school was out for the summer, I got an idea of how to approach them. I knew from talking with the boys that they like fishing, and I secretly contacted their mothers to find out if it would be okay to invite them on a weekend fishing trip. I had all the camping and fishing gear and a small rowboat, and it wouldn’t cost the boys anything.

The boy’s mothers were delighted that I wanted to take them on a fishing trip, and the boys were excited when I invited them after our next meeting. We made plans to go the following weekend, leaving on Friday afternoon after I got off work, and returning late Sunday afternoon. I know about a small, little-used lake about a two-hour drive from our suburb, where we’d be able to pitch a tent in the trees, near the water’s edge.

We talked and laughed together on the way to the lake and arrived at about an hour before sunset. I brought two, large coolers, and the boys didn’t realize that one of them was packed with two cases of beer, until after the tent was set up and we started getting organized to cook our dinner over the fire, just as the sun was going down.

I was grilling hot dogs and hamburgers on the grate over the fire, which were then served with beans and cornbread, making a nice dinner. The boys were sitting by the fire and I said, “Okay, boys, I’ve got only three rules while we’re out here. First, I want you to feel free to call me Tom; second, you can drink beer if you want to, so long as it remains our little secret; and third, just relax and have a great time. But just so you know, I also have soft drinks if you prefer that.”

Jeff spoke up, saying, “Wow, thanks, Tom, that’s nice of you to let us drink beer. But are you sure that you only have those three rules? What if we get carried away, like say, skinny-dipping in the lake? Would that be okay too?”

I was pleased that he mentioned skinny-dipping, since it showed that he wasn’t uptight about exposing himself. I laughed and replied, “Yes, guys, anything goes, so long as you don’t do anything stupid to get yourselves hurt. Hell, I’ll go skinny-dipping too, if you guys do.”

We each had a beer during dinner, and then another when we fixed our s’mores. I don’t drink much usually and was already feeling the alcohol. The boys were getting silly by then too, since I had brought beer with five percent alcohol content instead of a weaker brew.

The boys are both good looking, and at six feet tall and about one hundred and seventy pounds they didn’t seem to be as nerdy as the group I was in during high school. But it also didn’t seem like they had dated any girls yet, just judging from the way they talked about the girls in their class. It was interesting that they would even talk about girls that way, in front of a forty-eight-year-old man like me.

We finished our s’mores and started on our third beers as we sat around the fire talking. It was almost 10:00 pm by then, and we were all feeling no pain. Jeff had just finished talking with Derek about a senior girl named Bethany, describing her pretty face, big tits, and nice shapely ass.

Then he turned to me and said, slurring his words, “Yeah, no shit, Tom, you should see that girl. She’s one of the most popular girls in school, but guys like Derek and me don’t stand a chance with her. She dates the athletes and popular boys with money. And fuck, we haven’t any luck with any other girls either.”

Derek chimed in, also slurring his words, saying, “That’s all true, Tom, but if you don’t mind me saying so, your wife’s got Bethany beat all to hell. Jeff and I just love it when she stops by our meetings. I mean, shit, man, I’m fucking jealous. You’ve got a beautiful woman like that whenever you want.”

I knew that Derek wouldn’t have said those things if he wasn’t drunk, and I saw it as an opportunity to broaden the sexual conversation. I was purposely vague when I smiled at Derek and said, “Thanks, Derek. I think she’s mighty fine looking too. But you’ll find out someday after you’ve been married for many years, that you just can’t always get pussy when you want it.”

Jeff understood my meaning and said, “Oh fuck, Tom! Pardon my crudeness, but it would be terrible to go to bed every night with a lady that fucking hot, and not be able to, uh, uh, you know, uh, fuck her when you want to. So, uh, uh, if you don’t mind me asking, what do you do then?”

The whole conversation with the boys was evolving faster and better than I could’ve ever expected, and I didn’t even need to start asking them embarrassing questions. That was another prime opportunity to expand the narrative, and I tried to look embarrassed when I responded, “Well, I hate to admit this, boys, but I probably do the same thing you boys do, which is what I did at least once every day when I was your age.”

Derek held his head in his hands, like he was surprised, and said, “Holy fuck! Well, yeah, Jeff and I jerk off about every day too, but fuck, man, you’re married. Do you uh, uh, do you still, you know, do you do it every day when you’re not getting any pussy?”

Those boys really didn’t mind getting personal, and I thought I would string them along a little more, and replied, “That’s getting a little personal, but yeah, maybe not every day; just when I feel the need. But you said you boys do it almost every day. If so, don’t let me stand in your way when you feel the need.”

They looked at me strangely and didn’t say anything after that, so after about ten seconds of painful silence, I said, “It’s getting late, boys, and we need to hit the lake just before sunrise. We’d better get some sleep for our long day in the hot sun tomorrow.”

We were all wearing t-shirts and athletic shorts, and since it was still warm that evening, I went into the tent and stretched out on top of my sleeping bag, after taking off my shorts, so I just had my t-shirt and boxer underwear on. The boys went out behind the tent to pee, and when I heard their strong streams of piss splashing in the leaves, I couldn’t help thinking of Dave those many years ago, how I urinated in his mouth, and wondering if I would sink to the same depravity with Jeff and Derek, given the opportunity.

The boys’ sleeping bags were right next to mine, and they came in and laid on top of their sleeping bags, with just their t-shirts and tight, white, underwear briefs on. I waited for a little while until I heard the rhythmic sounds of their slumbered breathing. I glanced over in the muted glow of the flickering campfire and the almost-full moon, and saw big, thick cock and ball lumps in their underwear. I was looking forward to the next day, when I might be able to get a closer look at their genitals.

I had the alarm on my watch set to wake us up at 4:30 am, so we’d have time to eat a nice breakfast before getting out on the lake by 5:30 am. The boys were a little hungover just like I was, but I fixed us a nice breakfast of eggs, pancakes, and bacon, and washed it down with orange juice.

We were in the boat and in a favorite fishing hole of mine just as the sun was coming up. We all had good luck catching fish, at least until we started drinking beer and making too much noise. It was mid-morning and we were preparing to head back to camp, when Jeff stood up on one side of the boat, and Derek stood up on the other. They pulled down their shorts and underwear and proceeded to piss over the sides of the boat.

I looked back and forth between the boys as they pissed, and I was impressed with the size of their cocks and balls. I mean, I’ve got a nice, thick, eight-inch cock on hard myself, but Jeff’s meat is uncircumcised, very thick, veiny, and over six inches long on soft, with big, egg-sized balls hanging low between his legs. Derek’s cock is about the same, except maybe an inch longer, and his genitals are darker in color, because of his Puerto Rican heritage.

It was obvious that they saw me staring at them, but I didn’t care. And watching their strong streams of beer piss splashing into the lake, made me think of Dave again, as he gulped down my piss. The boys pulled their pants up without saying anything, and we rowed back to our camp.

We cooked some of the fish, and had an early lunch, since we had gotten up so early. Then we sat around talking until the sun was high in the sky at noon, when the boys decided to go swimming.

That little lake is spring fed with a sand bottom, and the water is clear and cool. The boys went into the tent for a moment, and then came out, running the fifty feet to the shoreline. They were as naked as jaybirds, and they hooted and hollered when they hit the cool water. I couldn’t see their fronts until they stood in knee-deep water for a few seconds and turned to yell at me.

Jeff hollered, “Come on in, Tom, the water is nice and refreshing.”

I admired the boy’s muscular teen bodies and their big cocks for a few seconds, and then got up to take off my clothes. They watched me carefully as I ran to the water with my cock and balls flopping between my legs. We swam, splashed, and played in the water for about fifteen minutes until we got out since it was so cold.

We dried off and laid our towels on a grassy area in the sun, and it took us a few minutes to quit shivering. I looked over at the boys, and down at myself, and noticed that all our cocks had shriveled up in the cool water. I leaned up on one elbow and watched as the boys’ cocks started to thaw out and lengthen, and then I made my first suggestive comment to the boys.

I was looking right at their crotches when I said, “Damn, boys, that cold water sure shriveled up our junk. But I can see that they’re coming back to normal. You boys sure don’t have anything to be ashamed of in that department, and the girls should be chasing you for those things.”

Jeff looked over at me smiling and said, “Yeah, Tom, we noticed that you were checking us out in the boat when we pissed. But shit, man, you don’t have anything to be ashamed of either, especially for an older guy.”

I wanted to let them know that I had more than a little interest in their cocks, and took more risk, saying, “Yeah, sorry that I was watching you that way. It’s just that I’m surprised that young boys like you are hung so well, and I was just a little curious how big those things get on hard.”

The boys looked at each other and smiled and I knew that I hadn’t gone too far in my comment, when Derek said, “Hey, no problem, Tom. We can tell by looking at the other boys in the showers at school, that we’re more than a little above average, just like you are. But shit, man, if you’re really that curious, we can go up to the tent and show you how big they get. We haven’t jacked off in a couple of days, so you can watch us, and even jack yourself if you want to.”

My face felt like it was turning red with embarrassment when I responded, “This all seems a little weird, but yes, I’d like to see that. Let’s get another beer and go up to the tent.”

We had just sat down on our sleeping bags in the tent and taken sips of our beers, when I asked another, slightly veiled, risky question. I first said, “You boys implied yesterday that you haven’t fucked any girls yet, and as far as I know you just get off by jacking yourselves. Have you ever had anyone take care of you in other ways?”

Derek looked at me with his head cocked, and asked, “What do you mean by that, Tom? Do you mean by maybe having one of the homo boys suck us off?”

I tried to reply vaguely, saying, “Yeah, I guess so, but there might be other ways to get off?”

Then Jeff chimed in, “Well, other than getting a suck job, which I haven’t had, or using one of those fake, silicone pussies to jack in, I don’t know of any other ways. But since you mentioned it, have you ever gotten a blowjob from anyone other than your wife?”

That was the moment of truth for me, and I sheepishly smiled at the boys and replied, “Well, yes, I have to admit that an older guy sucked me off a lot of times when I was in high school.”

Jeff’s ears perked up and he said, “Whoa, that’s fucking hot. How did that happen? What situation would you have been in where an older guy would’ve sucked your cock?”

I knew that my answer would really stir things up, and I answered, “Believe it or not, I was in a chess club at a community center, like how you boys are now, and our instructor waited until I turned sixteen to put the move on me to suck my cock. He did more than that too, sucking my balls and ass, swallowing my cum, and he even drank my piss.”

Derek got a sour look on his face and said, “Holy fucking shit! That was a nasty fucker. But wait, if he did all of that to you, did you at least suck his cock?”

I lied a little and replied, “I didn’t really want to, but he said that if I sucked his cock just that first time, then he would take care of my cock and balls from then on.”

Derek followed up, asking, “Well, did you swallow his cum, like he was swallowing yours?”

They were staring at me, waiting for my answer, and I said, “I was scared and didn’t want to, but when his cock started pulsing, he wrapped his leg over my head and held me tightly in place. I had to either swallow or choke on his thick cum, so I swallowed.”

Jeff said, “Yuck! Well, did you like sucking him, and was that the only time you sucked his cock?”

They were both rubbing their cocks as I contemplated my answer, and I was pleased how things had gotten to that point with the boys, all because of the conversation that started when they talked about how hot Kendra is. So, I hadn’t had to take any huge risks by bringing up suggestive sexual topics. I knew that my next response would likely get things started with the boys.

I didn’t want to seem too anxious, though, and responded, “I’m embarrassed to admit it, but as much as I hated the thought of sucking him, to begin with, after I did it and tasted and swallowed his cum, I found out that it was okay. I didn’t do it for him every time we were together, just enough to keep him interested in sucking me. And I haven’t done it again, since I graduated from high school.”

Jeff caught on to a subtlety in my comments and asked, “Well shit, Tom, if he said that you only needed to suck his cock that first time, why did you continue to suck him? It must have been more than just ‘okay’ for you to keep doing it.”

Then Derek said, “Yeah, and this situation with you, being our chess teacher, and out here in a tent sitting naked with us, your sixteen-year-old students, sure sounds familiar after hearing your story. It’s almost like history is repeating itself, in a reversed roles kind of way.”

Jeff chimed in again, saying, “Fuck yeah, Tom! After hearing everything about your past and seeing the way you’ve been staring at and commenting on our big cocks, I’m pretty sure that you want to do more than just watch us jack off. Admit it, Tom; just go ahead and say it. I sure don’t mind letting you suck my cock, and don’t think that Derek will mind either.”

That was the moment I had been waiting for, and it was time for me to fully commit. So, I smiled at the boys sheepishly, and replied, “I must admit that I’ve recently been thinking about my days in high school, with Dave hungrily sucking my cock every time I wanted him to. I didn’t understand what his motivation was at the time, but now that I’m older, and after seeing you boys naked, I must be feeling some of the same urges, along with a desire to please you like he did me. What I’m saying, is that I would like to try sucking you boys the way Dave sucked me.”

The boys smiled and slapped their hands together in a high-five, as Jeff said, “Fuck yeah, Tom, and why don’t you start with me. I’ve never had a blow job or had anything else sucked either. Come on over and get a taste of my meat.”

They were each leaning back on one elbow, looking down at me, and taking swigs of beer, as I got on my knees between Jeff’s legs. I took his soft cock into one hand and his big balls in the other and leaned down to taste the head and foreskin of his thick, teen cock. He moaned, and his cock hardened immediately when he felt the warm wetness of my mouth on his meat, and I remembered what it felt like the first time Dave sucked my cock.

His hard cock is a little longer and thicker than mine, and as I moved up and down sucking on his tasty meat, I realized that it was uncomfortable leaning over like that. I remembered that Dave always wanted me on top of him in a sixty-nine when he sucked my cock, and I didn’t know what it felt like to be under someone like that.

I pulled off Jeff’s cock and said, “Let’s try another position, Jeff. I’ll lay back on my sleeping bag, and you get on your knees over me facing the other way. That’s called a sixty-nine, and Dave always sucked my cock that way. You can suck me if you want to, and I’d appreciate it, but you don’t have to.”

Jeff got into position over me, and I realized what Dave liked so much about that position. Jeff’s big balls were hanging down on my mouth and I saw his long, thick perineum and tight, teen ass right in front of my face. I had never sucked Dave’s balls, and I really enjoying taking Jeff’s meaty testicles into my mouth and sucking them, one at a time.

He was moaning above me, as he said to Derek, “Holy fuck, Derek, that feels so fucking good.”

Then Derek said, “Yeah, that looks pretty kinky, but are you going to suck Tom’s cock too?”

Jeff replied, “I don’t know, dude, that seems gay to me, but who knows what I might do if he sucks my cock really well.

I stopped sucking his balls and pulled his cock to my mouth, while at the same time wrapping my arms around his waist and ass to hold him in place. I started sucking his cock and rhythmically pulling his hips down, until he got the idea that he was fucking my mouth. He then leaned further into me and began fucking my mouth like a cunt, just the way that I had done to Dave.

Jeff was in a state of lust, and he continued to pound my face, as I rubbed his ass with my hands, and kept pulling his meat into my mouth, sucking as hard as I could on his tasty, young cock. He was panting and moaning as he told Derek, “Damn, man, he’s sucking my cock hard, and his mouth must feel something like what it’s like to fuck a cunt. He’s hungry for my meat and can’t keep his hands off my ass. I’ll be feeding him in just a couple of more minutes, and he’ll probably drown in my big, three-day load.”

He must have gotten turned on enough when he felt his own ejaculation approaching, because I felt his lips on my already hard cock. He wasn’t really sucking it, but just barely putting it into his mouth, aa Derek yelled out, “That’s it, Jeff, suck his cock too, and maybe I’ll let you suck mine someday.”

I loved being pinned under Jeff that way, having him use my mouth like a cunt, and I then understood the thrill Dave got from sucking my cock. Jeff suddenly held very still above me, and I felt his thick cock pulsing and throbbing, as his cock repeatedly convulsed, filling my mouth with spray after spray of his tasty teen cum. I was so excited that I also started to ejaculate, even though he wasn’t even sucking my cock.

He pulled his mouth off my meat after my first spasm, and I felt my cum splash onto my stomach, as I enjoyed the remaining spurts and oozing cum from his cock. I held him in place on top of me, sucking his softening, spent cock, and enjoying the final ooze of his cum.

Jeff moaned out loud, saying, “Damn, he’s drained my balls and he’s still sucking for more. This is a hungry cock sucker, Derek, and you’ll enjoy his cunt mouth. And fuck, man, he was so excited sucking my cock, that he shot his wad without me even sucking his.”

Then Derek chided him, saying, “Yeah, maybe so, but I saw his cock in your mouth.”

I released my grip on Jeff’s ass and he rolled off me and laid on the sleeping bag next to me. Then I used my towel to wipe my cum off my belly, as he said, “Holy fucking shit, Tom, that was wonderful. You sucked the cum right out of me and were sucking for more of my juice. I’ll have more for you in a little while, man.”

After taking a sip of my beer, I looked at Derek and said, “Come on over and fuck my face, Derek. It’s your turn now.”

He didn’t hesitate to move on top of me, and it was a new experience seeing his bigger cock and darker genitals over me. I gripped his ass as I had done Jeff’s and pulled his thick cock into my mouth. I loved the taste of his foreskin and precum, and after watching Jeff, he knew what to do. He started fucking my mouth as I pulled his cock hungrily into me, and it only took him a few minutes to feed me my second load of teen cum for the day.

I milked his big cock for as long as I could, and finally, let him roll off me. We drank beer and talked after that, and Jeff said, “Damn, Tom, I could hardly believe how hungry you were for our meat and cum. And, man, what a great fucking experience having our cocks sucked. I hope that you’ll be hungry for more, because after experiencing that, we’ll want to use your mouth all the time. How was it for you sucking cock after so many years?”

There was no sense in lying, and I said, “To be honest, I wasn’t sure if I could do it or if I’d like it, since I hadn’t really sucked Dave all that much. But now I understand and feel the joy he felt from sucking teen cocks, and especially swallowing your thick, young cum. I want to do everything he did, and please you boys the best I can.”

Derek laughed and asked, “Do you really mean everything? Do you think you’ll be willing to suck our asses and drink our piss too?”

I smiled and answered, “I haven’t even thought about that yet. But as turned on as I got sucking your cocks, I’m probably willing to try anything, at least once.”

Derek said, “If you will try anything, I’d like to see what it’s like to have my ass sucked.”

I thought for a few seconds and replied, “Okay, I guess we could try it, but I might not be able to go through with it. I’ll lay back on my sleeping bag, and you can straddle my face on your knees, facing my feet. I’ll begin by sucking your balls, and if I decide to try sucking your perineum and ass, I’ll slowly pull you forward.”

We all took another gulp of beer before I laid back, and Derek straddled my face. Even though we had washed off in the lake earlier, with me having sucked his cock, and the heat of the day, his crotch was getting musky, sweaty and gamey. I liked the aroma and being pinned under him that way, and began sucking his big, dark, dangling testicles.

He writhed over me, moaning as I sucked his balls, before pulling him farther forward to suck his bulging perineum. In that position, my face from the nose up was pressed into his muscular teen ass, and although it was a little aromatic, it wasn’t unpleasant. I decided to go for it, and pulled him farther forward, until my face was pressed in his ass crack. I spread his ass cheeks with my hands and began sucking his sweaty crack as his cheeks closed around my face.

I began sucking and licking up and down his crack, as Dave had done for me, and soon felt my tongue graze his sphincter. I paused momentarily to gain courage, and then began licking, sucking, and probing his asshole with my tongue

He was pressing down above me, as I barely heard him say, “Holy fuck, Jeff, he’s actually sucking and tongue fucking my asshole. Fuck man, this feels so good, and look, Jeff, his cocks getting hard from sucking my shit hole. That’s it, Tom, suck my Rican ass.”

Derek sat and squirmed on my face for what seemed like fifteen minutes, until I finally pushed him back and sat up. I could hardly believe how much I enjoyed sucking his balls and ass, and I motioned for Jeff to come over, so I could suck his ass too.

By the time I finished sucking Jeff’s sweaty ass, it was mid-afternoon and time to get back on the lake fishing. We went back to the same fishing hole and had even more luck catching fish as the afternoon wore on. It was almost time to head back to camp when Jeff stood up and drops his shorts and underwear to piss.

He looked at me and said, “Now might be a good time to try drinking piss, because I really need to get rid of some of this beer. Come on, Tom, you’ve already sucked our assholes, so how much worse could it be?”

I explained how I had found out that piss is harmless when taken fresh from a healthy person, and then said, “Even though it’s probably safe, I’m still not so sure about doing that. Why don’t I hold your cock while you start pissing, and if I decide to do it, you can just stop the stream for a second, while I get my mouth on your cock.”

Jeff started to piss, as I got onto my knees next to him, while Derek sat on the other side of the boat to counterbalance our weight. I held his thick cock and felt the vibrations of his strong stream of beer piss. He had been pissing for about twenty seconds when I told him I wanted to try it. He stopped the flow momentarily as I covered the head of his thick cock with my mouth.

His cock flexed as the strong flow started again, and I swallowed continuously to keep from letting his piss escape my mouth. I not only liked the taste of his piss, but I liked the feeling of it shooting so hard and with such volume into my mouth. It was almost as if it was a surrogate for cum, which I also like squirting forcefully into my mouth.

I swallowed his piss for about twenty seconds, and when the flow stopped, I pulled off his cock and looked over at Derek, who was sitting on the side of the boat with his pants and underwear down around his ankles. He smiled and said, “Come and get it, Tom. I’ve got to get rid of some beer too, and you can have my whole load.”

I took Derek’s big, soft, Rican cock into my mouth, and immediately felt and tasted the strong flow of his piss. I hugged his bare ass and held him tightly as I gulped and swallowed his big load of pee. And when he was finished, I sucked his cock, until he fed me another load of his tasty, teen cum. Then Jeff pulled me over to suck him off, before we rowed back to our campsite.

We had a great dinner of fish and side dishes, while continuing to drink beer. Then, as we sat around the campfire, I showed my increasing submissiveness to the boys by moving back and forth between them, casually sucking their balls and cocks, as they slouched back in the camp chairs. They became progressively more assertive, telling me what to do and dominating me for their pleasure, and feeding me more of their piss as they drank more beer.

When we finally went back into the tent, they took turns fucking my mouth and sitting on my face for hours, with both ejaculating three more times in my mouth. I then fully understood the lustful hunger and obsession for teen cocks and cum that Dave revealed to me in my youth, and I was eager to do anything to please those boys.

We were up until almost 2:00 am, and I didn’t bother setting the alarm on my watch. When we did wake up it was already 9:00 am, and I realized that I had gone to sleep on my back, and the boys were leaning partially over me from either side, with their big cocks and balls pressed against my face. I sucked both off again before we had breakfast, and since it was so late by then, we decided to forego any further fishing.

It was fun sitting around the camp and swimming nude with the boys until mid-afternoon on Sunday when we packed up to head back to Atlanta. On the ride home, the boys kept talking about how happy they were that I had become their cock sucker and cum dump.

Then Jeff said, “I know that Derek and I are really looking forward to having you suck us off after our chess meetings, but we need to find a way to meet with you even more often. Maybe we can go on more of these types of fishing trips, and we can even come to your home when your wife is out. And if you’re even hungrier for more teen cocks, maybe we can convince a couple of our classmates to start playing chess.”

I continued sucking those boys until they graduated and moved away to college, but the chess program had gained so much popularity, that I’ve had a steady stream of boys who turn sixteen and enjoy their introductory fishing trips with me.

Published 6 years ago

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