In The Beginning – Chapter 20

"A trip to the theatre followed by a departure for Finland."

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The week before Easter and the two weeks after, the university was involved in Sevens rugby tournaments. Given that Sevens is a game of speed and style, grace and skill, I felt lucky to get into the third team of four entered for each. For those that don’t know, Sevens was traditionally an end of season variant of rugby invented so that under the guise of either playing or watching, people can spend an entire day eating, drinking and being merry. Because of the general attitude to this part of the season, the university put on coaches for players and subsidised them for supporters.

The first team took it all very seriously; The Desperados, as we had nicknamed ourselves, were there to have fun. To try and keep as many teams playing as possible there are usually second tier (plate), sometimes third tier (vase) competitions alongside the main one (cup).

The first team got to the cup final of one tournament but were quite put out when we won the plate of the same tournament. Of course, it was never mentioned in the house, as Matt played for the first team. There were never any quips about asking if he had a cup for his coffee or would like his breakfast on a plate, ever. Until we got home.

The common denominator of all the tournaments, Rob, Matt and Andy, were drunk at the end of the day and Tina and Diane slept most of the way back. After the last tournament, Diane reminded us it was two weeks until the theatre and she was taking Tina shopping next Saturday for an outfit and we should make sure we were organised.



Over Easter, I had been surprised by both my parents’ reaction to Luke’s placement. Mummy seemed quite upset with him about it, saying things along lines of him leaving me alone for three months. Daddy, on the other hand, was very supportive, he thought it would be a great experience for Luke. He also said it would be good for us because, as a couple, so far, we had lived in each other’s pockets, even during the holidays and everything had been quite intense. This would give us both a chance to take a step back and assess exactly how we felt. He did add that he hoped it would strengthen us as a couple, not break us.

The rugby tournaments were a real eye-opener, watching people gradually getting more drunk through the day and still playing. The different level of how seriously people took it was funny too, especially when Matt’s team came second in one and Luke’s team won a trophy. I didn’t think I would enjoy a whole day of rugby like that, but the games were short and fast and the company great to be with. I had to put in a couple of extra sessions in the gym the weeks following them, there was so much food and drink flowing.

Then Diane reminded us of the theatre and stated she was taking me shopping. I know both Luke and she had said that people got dressed up, but I thought we could just go as innocent bystanders. I thought wrong. Diane dragged me around various shops but I wasn’t happy with any of the outfits she suggested. It was when we were having lunch, talking about the different options, when something occurred to me. When I explained to Diane, she thought it was a great idea and we were finished with my outfit and back at the halls in a couple of hours.

That night Luke asked how I had got on with my shopping and was constantly trying to tease information from me. When I asked about his outfit, he told me he was successful, but wouldn’t tell me anymore. This went on all week, back and forth trying to get details from the other. One night, I tried looking through his drawers and cupboards but came up blank. I found out after, he had hidden them in my side.

He wasn’t as subtle. One time in my room, he put me over his shoulder and started opening drawers and cupboards. Then he stopped and put me down. He didn’t say anymore, just turned to face me holding up what he had found.

‘Oh, shit!’ was all I could think. Luke didn’t give anything away, just raised an eyebrow.

I could feel myself blushing, “Diane bought it for me while we were out last week, a late Easter present.”

He still said nothing, but I could see something was going on in his head the way his eyes were moving. “Luke, sweetie, it’s just, she thought, well,” how the hell was I supposed to explain this one?

“Let me show you,” I said. At this, he grinned and held it out for me.

“What? No! No, let me show you the card Diane wrote with it.”

I took out the box and removed the card showing it to him.

To my Baby Girl
A late Easter present that I thought, you might need to keep you warm during those cold summer nights ahead.
All my love, your best friend,
P.S. You should name it Luke, too.

Luke looked at me, then the card and finally the vibrator. A smile broke across his face and he started laughing.

“You’re not angry?”

“No. Why would I be? We can’t be together every night, so summer’s going to be shit for both of us. I’m not going to get jealous of a toy, unless it’s better than me, then it might be a case of stepping outside with it.”

I took it from him and turned it to show him the end, I had written ‘L2’ in waterproof marker on the battery cap.

“Lagrangian point?”


“You know what I’m talking about. Nerd!”

He smiled and took it back and started inspecting it, turning it around, opening it up, holding it to the light, turning it on and off.

“Do you want a screwdriver?”

“If you…” he looked at me and laughed, “Sorry, never seen one before, I was trying to see how it worked. Is it any good?”

I felt myself blush again, “Erm, it’s a virgin,” I was totally embarrassed at this point.

I looked down not sure I wanted to say the next bit, but knowing that I did, “Even when it’s not, there are some things it’ll never be able to do. Oral sex, for a start, it can’t play with my nipples while it’s penetrating me either.”

Luke pulled me in close, “It’s okay, maybe we can work it out together.”

“Sweetie, it’s staying a virgin until the summer, though, maybe after that.”

He kissed me then, “Now, your outfit?”

“No, you can wait until Saturday.”

“Haha, it was worth a try.”

With Diane and Rob, we went to the Student Union on Friday night. We had agreed to a quiet night and then back to our own places before meeting up on Saturday. I had told Luke about the previous incident but there was no sign of him tonight. At one point, the barman was clearing glasses while Luke and Rob were playing pool. He motioned over his shoulder at them.

“Are you two going out with those guys?” he asked.

When we confirmed it, he shook his head, “Some people like to play with fire.”

When we asked what he meant, he explained, “The drunk last week. When I see him again, I’ll warn him.”

We explained what had happened and the barman said, “Oh, that was them?” and walked away shaking his head.

We were walked home and after final attempts at finding out what costumes we had, we were left alone. At six the following evening, the door buzzer went and we went downstairs, passing a few people on the way who just stared.

As we walked out of the foyer an incredible sight met our eyes, the other six were standing in full costume and in full view. Andy, Rob and Matt had black bras and knickers, fortunately of the granny variety, to contain them. Cara and Rachel had black basques with red lacing and all of them had on matching stockings, either with suspender belts or held up with the straps from the basques.

Then there was Luke, in a white silky looking bra and I found out later, knickers. He also had on a white slip, all topped off with a blonde wig. They each had a carrier bag, Luke and Rob had two, one each for Diane and I, in these were bags of rice, newspapers, toilet rolls, torches and water pistols.

Really, what had I let myself in for?



Diane didn’t surprise me and it appeared she had been in conversation with Cara and Rachel and was dressed the same. There is no way I would have imagined Tina being dressed similarly, even if we were going to be watching at the house. Between her and Diane though she had pulled it off.

She had a white vest, tucked into men’s white Y-fronts, black knee-length socks and black shoes. To top off the outfit she had a pair of black thick frame glasses. Somehow, through this, she still managed to do sexy.

“Brad!” I said.

“Janet!” Tina responded.

“Oh, shit. Brainwashed,” said Matt, causing us all to laugh.

When she came over for a kiss, I couldn’t resist and pulled out her Y-fronts and underneath were a pair of her more modest knickers.

We had decided, as the theatre was in the middle of town and the weather was decent, that we would walk. At first close to the halls we got lots of funny looks, but as we got into town and closer to our destination there were more and more people dressed similarly. Added to that I was getting more catcalls of ‘slag’ and ‘slut’, which was the standard greeting for anyone dressed like me.

For those that don’t know the Rocky Horror Show, the first song, once it has started is a proposal and during this, I pulled out a Haribo ring and put it on Tina’s finger. Although she giggled and played along, the ring was still on her finger when we got back to the house. Over the next couple of years, this became a regular event with us as a group. Sometimes it would only be three of us, other times there would be all eight and we would travel up to a hundred miles to see a show.



What a superb night. In the dorms, the looks were nothing out of the ordinary, as it wasn’t unusual for there to be a fancy-dress party somewhere. I was quite shocked at Luke dressing like he did as he had warned me off, but when we got into town I realised why. That was another thing that caught me off guard, walking to the theatre, at first, we got funny looks, but as we got closer, it was the ‘normal’ folk that seemed overdressed.

The show itself was not as polished as the film, but the cast interacted with the audience, the audience interacted with each other. Thankfully, I had Diane to one side of me and Luke to the other, so one of them could tell me what was happening and what prop I should be using. I chuckled to myself when I thought, ‘what would my parents think, having a water pistol fight in a theatre?’ When I thought about it, I was surprised my first thought was not what they would think of the way I was dressed.

In some ways, it was reminiscent of a night at the rugby club, everyone was singing and dancing, there were few clothes on, the atmosphere was great and everyone had a good time. The irony of Luke’s ‘proposal’ was not lost on me, as in the play Brad proposed to Janet. Yet here, Luke was dressed as Janet when he went down on one knee.

We went to the bar in the theatre after and got chatting to several others that had enjoyed the show. Some travelled the length and breadth of the country to watch it, one pair had even been to some special screenings of the Picture Show in the US. About half an hour after the show, the cast made an appearance and had drinks and tried to talk to everyone. The overall atmosphere was like an extended family and I could understand why Diane and Luke like the show so much. What I didn’t know at that point was how much it was going to cost me, not just in ticket prices and petrol.

“You know, being dressed as I am, I might get away with crashing at yours tonight.”

“You know, that’s not going to happen, Luke. Don’t look pouty, in my last week, we can. I just don’t want to get kicked out of here, sorry. Back in a second.”

I ran up to my room and gathered the various extras I would need to stay overnight, not least a change of clothes. Luke was good about the laundry, he would wash my clothes too, just when he got around to it. When we got back to the car, Cara and Andy were waiting for a lift, it was only a few minutes to drive and the conversation was lively about the evening. This carried on indoors, everyone was exuberant, about the singing, the dancing, the outfits people were wearing. Of course, my CD was put on and we danced some more. Eventually, we wound down and the others departed and we went to our separate rooms.

This was quite a strange situation, with the others, we were all still in the atmosphere of the play, now it was just us. We had not stripped down to underwear, we were already in our underwear, even though it was not our normal underwear. Luke had women’s on and I was in men’s.

“Come here, Brad,” Luke said stepping forward and wrapping his arms around me.

I had my hands on his chest, looking up at him grinning at me, I squeezed his boobs, making us laugh. I pulled the socks out of his bra, but when I reached around to undo it, he stopped me. Once again, he was getting my brain working, wondering what he had in mind. Once again, I was on edge, which just seemed to heighten my senses. I thought I could hear all the noises in the house; I could feel the hairs on Luke’s arms and legs brushing my skin. When he kissed me, it was like our first kiss, an electric shock ran through my lips and down to my toes.

Luke put his hands under the bottom of my vest and pushed up my back, taking the vest with it. I felt it go over my boobs and catch a little on my nipples sending a jolt through my body. I lifted my arms for Luke to continue, but he stopped with my vest bunched at the top of my chest. He then pushed his hands down the back of my Y-fronts and stopped.

“Ah yes, knickers too?”

“Well, a thong, but yes. Y-fronts gape, I wanted to retain a modicum of my dignity.”

“You’re a naughty girl, Brad, wearing ladies’ underwear.”

I took hold of his bra straps and pulled him forward for a kiss, “And you’re no better, hiding a penis in your panties, Janet.”

We collapsed onto the bed in a fit of giggles, holding each other, kissing what we could, touching what we couldn’t kiss. At one point Luke reached between my legs over my clothes. Instead of teasing, stroking or probing, he just cupped his hand around me and then sat back looking at me.

“Sorry, do I not turn you on?” He asked.

“What? Yes, of course. Why?” I sat up, horrified.

“I can’t find your hard-on.”

First, I slapped his arm, then reached down and pushed my hand into his knickers and took hold of his erect penis.

“You’re looking in the wrong place, that’s why. My hard-on is here.”

Luke crushed me to him, lifting me fully onto his lap as he knelt on the bed. His kisses covering my face, glancing over my lips. I kept my hand between us, stroking him, reaching further I cupped his balls, as I had seen him do and lifted them over the edge of his knickers.

Looking in his eye, I could see we were both on the edge of laughing most of the time. The whole situation from when we left my halls was surreal, feeling the soft material of his underwear against the back of my hand while freeing him just drove it home again. I snorted, which started Luke off before he composed himself.

“Okay, so what’s funny? You laughing at me, again?”

“No,” I answered, still laughing.

“Uhuh, I see.”

Luke threw me back onto the bed, making me yelp, but not helping my laughter. As he moved to me, he pushed my legs to either side of him, forcing them wider as he got closer. I reached out to him and he took my wrists, which I wasn’t prepared for and then as he leant over me kissing me, he put my hands down on the pillow above my head. He cheated, he damned well cheated, he held both my wrists in his one hand and with my legs where they were, I was in a rather delicate position.

“If only I had some rope,” he said as he ran his hand up the inside of one thigh.

“Shame you don’t wear ties,” I breathed in response.

Luke raised his eyebrow and stroked up my other thigh, this time continuing over the top of my Y-fronts before pushing his hand through the fly. It did feel like it was getting awfully tangled down there and I think Luke agreed as he pulled his hand out and pushed it up the leg instead.

As he twisted his hand and touched me, he said, “I have my team tie, if I borrow the others’, that would make four.”

Without warning or preamble, he pushed into me. When I felt separate movements, I knew it was two fingers. Part in surprise, part in arousal, I pushed my hips up to greet him, pushing my head back into the pillow, groaning. Then he did something new, instead of pulling back or moving, he just lifted, like he was trying to lift me off the bed with my vagina. It didn’t hurt at all, but there was pressure, I arched up, looking at him, he was watching me carefully.

When I felt I was just about at my limit, he started to rub my clitoris causing my breathing to get shorter, my moans to get louder. Then he curled his fingers against my front wall and pulled them out, letting me drop to the bed gasping. He had taken me to the brink then stopped, but he wasn’t finished.

Still, in a bit of a daze, he lifted my legs, pushing them back exposing me to him. He pulled the gussets of my clothes to one side, dragging his fingers over me, keeping me on edge. Then I felt his tongue lick slowly along my vagina from bottom to top, with a final flick on my clitoris.

“Oh god, Luke, stop teasing.”

“Luke? Who’s Luke? I’m Janet and I’m going to make sure you’re happy.”

“Please,” I gasped as Luke repeated his lick and flick.

“But, Brad, you only have one place I can enter,” I then felt pressure on my anus.

I tried to sit up but couldn’t with Luke’s shoulders behind my legs. I tried to reach around, but he took hold of my wrists and reared up, putting them above my head again and holding them. He looked me in the eye and I felt the pressure again, I swallowed a few times. I had told Luke no, before. Had the outfit made him forget? When I opened my mouth to speak, he ‘shh’ed’ me.

“Trust me,” followed by his damned smile. I knew I was safe and so I relaxed.

As I did, he pulled my gusset to further to the side and started to rub himself against me, both front and back. I wasn’t helping deter him as I was whimpering a little all while he was doing this. Then I felt pressure against me, slowly, he pushed forward, his eyes watching me. I then felt the little pop as the top of him entered me.

“Kiss me, baby.”

He bent over to meet my lips and as he did, I could feel him sliding further into me. Our lips touched and our tongues started their dance, at the same time our groins touched. I purred into his mouth and he groaned in satisfaction, as he filled my vagina once again. I was totally under his control, my legs over his shoulders, my arms pinned over my head, though I think I could have moved them if I had really wanted.

With his free hand, Luke reached around and pulled both of my nipples and turned them causing more heat to build as he slowly moved in and out of me. He then reached behind, touching the bottom of my vagina, like he was feeling himself moving in me. This did unexpected things, I imagined him putting a finger in me at the same time and when he didn’t, I was disappointed. Instead, he moved it between my cheeks and pushed against my tailbone.

That was it, my muscles all contracted, my legs squeezed his head and I pushed away from the bed. My arms broke his grip and slammed down on the bed, grasping at the sheets. I lost all focus and resistance as soon as my orgasm hit and when I relaxed, Luke withdrew completely and turned me onto my front.

I was only half aware of what he was doing. He lifted my hips and pulled my underwear down, then with his legs outside mine, I could feel him pushing against my entrance. When he was in, he pushed down on the small of my back as he pushed deeper into me. He felt bigger than ever before and was touching places I didn’t know existed. He didn’t go fast, but built up a rhythm, holding my hips and pulling back as he pushed forward. I had a second orgasm and just as I was coming down, I felt him stiffen in me, which triggered another peak.

I had my head to the side and could just look over my shoulder at him, I smiled at the look on his face.

“I love you, Luke and I’ll always trust you.”

“Thank you, my Princess,” which was a huge concession from him at this point during our lovemaking.



That was interesting, something seemed to get in both our heads, role-playing some gender reversal. I think I should be thankful she didn’t have L2 with her, it could have gone horribly wrong. It’s hard to know if it was just the change of underwear or it was the theme of the play or both. It was definitely something I wouldn’t mind exploring again.

I pulled out of Tina and sat back on my haunches, admiring the sight in front of me. When she moved, I held her hips in place even though I was told to stop.

“Luke, it’s embarrassing,” she said.

“It’s beautiful.”

“Stop it!”


I then kissed each of her cheeks which made her giggle. I looked at her as she looked back at me, gripped her hips tighter and grinned and flicked my eyebrows at her. I then made as if I was going to kiss her pussy. Tina started to squirm like mad, so I let go of one hip and smacked her cheek, which shocked her, making her stay still. When I looked at her again, she had her mouth open but was saying nothing. I put my head back down and kissed the back of her thighs before rolling onto my back laughing.

“Right!” She said.

Tina stood up, dropped her underwear to her feet and kicked them off. She then crawled onto the bed and then put her leg over my chest and sat down hard and wet, just below my bra. As soon as I reacted with a turned-up nose, she burst out laughing, then pushed herself down my torso until she was face to face with me.

“Giz a kiss, sexy lady,” she said and planted her lips in one of the least sexy kisses we have ever had.

At least, it started that way. I put an arm around her waist and a hand behind her head and carried on kissing. It went from un-sexy to passionate, to tender. I reached to the side and pulled the duvet over us and we fell asleep holding each other like this.

“One of these days I’m going to be too old for this,” I thought I said to myself.

“What’s that, sweetie?”

“Waking up with my bra strap all twisted around my arm and dried cum on my belly.”

The absurdity of it had us both giggling. I got up and put on my robe and threw Tina’s to her and made our way to the bathroom. Just as we got there, bold as brass, Diane came walking down the hall from our destination, topless.

“What? You’ve both seen them before,” she said. “Morning, baby girl,” she stopped and kissed Tina, then tweaked my bra. “Morning, honey, think you need some chicken fillets.”

“Huh?” As usual, my ignorance of womanly ways was a great source of amusement to my beloved and her best friend.

Diane carried on to Rob’s room and disappeared. Tina and I went into the bathroom and locked the door.

“Help,” I said in a sheepish voice, turning my back to Tina.

Accompanied by more giggles, she undid my bra much to my relief. I had no idea how it had got twisted in such a way that my movement was so restricted. Yes, I did play it up a little, but I certainly had more respect for those three damned letters.

Tina kissed my shoulder and said quietly, “And that, baby, is why I don’t wear a bra to bed. If I really think I should, I will always have a t-shirt or something over the top.”

We showered and went to start putting breakfast together. Sunday mornings last term had morphed somewhat with the girls staying over more often. I think Andy and Cara were more comfortable now that she wasn’t the only girlfriend. Not that she ever came across as uncomfortable around us. I found out that she felt like she was leeching a bit because we always fed her. Andy had tried to reassure her, but the advent of Rachel and then Diane and Tina put her mind at ease.

There was the odd Sunday Tina had not stayed over for one reason or other, but except them (and one where she had been so drunk that she passed out, but I’m not allowed to tell that story), she now helped me with the breakfast. As things were coming together, the others gradually congregated.

No surprise the talk was centred around last night and without exception we had all had a blast and to quote Rob, “some seriously fucked up sex.” He, like me, was also pleased about the lack of girls’ toys in the house. Apparently, Diane had suggested that she would have turned Rob into a lesbian, however, that might have worked. I’m not sure he had a shit for several days after.

It wasn’t long before we were into exam season and everyone, even Rob, got serious, putting in hours of work, either finishing projects or making sure that last little piece of information was revised. After all the exams were finished, the captains of the rugby club and teams and the club president held a joint leaving party as they were all moving on.

I’m not allowed to go into details about that either, lots of nudity, lots of alcohol and Rob and I having to carry Tina and Diane back to the house and pouring them into bed. They also announced the new positions; Matt was offered the position of club captain, while Andy was elected as the president.

As a group, the exam results showed we had done well in our exams. Out of all six of us, there was only one result that fell below a first and that was one of mine. I swore I only did it to prove that I wasn’t perfect like everyone was thinking. That didn’t help with the ribbing I was taking. This was the fifteenth, I left for home the next day hoping to beat the weekend rush and Tina came with me. Diane was going away with Rob for two weeks before his placement started. I had words with mum and she officially invited Tina to stay until Monday.

My flight out was booked for the middle of Saturday morning, we had a full car with everyone wanting to see me off. Mum and dad were the first to say goodbye, Sam and Tina walked me to the entrance to the security hall.

“Take care, bruv, call regularly. Love you,” Sam hugged me and kissed me hard on the cheek.

“You trying to dent my face?”

“Then you’ll remember me every morning when you wake up.”

Tina shouldered her playfully, “Just so long as he remembers me last thing before going to sleep and I am still there as he remembers you, I don’t see the need to get my claws out.”

I gave Sam a quick peck on the cheek, “Love you too and I’ll be back before you know it. Maybe pop over for a visit? Now, give me some time with Tina.”

As Sam walked away, I took Tina into my embrace,” Call me often,” she said.

“As soon as I’m settled and when I know what my schedule is, I’ll let you know. We can arrange for you to come over.”

“I’d love that. I’ll work with Sam too, so she can visit and check up on you.”

“See you then, my Princess.”

“Aww, my Chieftain.”

We kissed and hugged and then all stoically, I picked up my bag and waved to my family. I gave Tina a quick final peck on the lips, “I love you,” I said.

I then turned and walked out of their lives for three months, the end of the beginning of our story.

Thanks to cbears52 for proofreading

Thank you to the moderators helping me getting this published

And thank you to everyone that reads, comments and/or votes.

All feedback is welcome, either in the comments or via a direct message

Tina and Luke need to take a break to gather their thoughts ready for the second half of their story, starting with the summer and taking them to places yet unknown.

Thank you to everyone that has stuck with the journey, they will be back. To keep you busy in the meantime, they have referred another couple to me to tell their story.




Published 6 years ago

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