Riding the bike was the best part of my day! It was a low-rider cruiser with a big loud engine and enough chrome and steel to look mean in any situation.
I pulled into the Tim Horton’s parking lot and looked around for a space. It was a busy night and there weren’t many spots left. I considered riding it up onto the walk close to the door and leaving the bike on its stand there. I’d done it in the past many times.
Instead, I picked a spot on the side of the lot furthest from the street between a Mercedes and an Audi. I grinned at the visual spectacle of my shiny chrome monster between two of mankind’s most auspicious symbols of excess.
I walked to the coffee shop and grabbed a large regular. My gait was, by necessity, a bit like a cowboy as I was wearing my head-to-toe black leathers. My jacket was thick cow-hide and the chaps, belted at my waist, made a neat triangle around the front of my jeans and then encased my legs all the way to my black leather parade boots.
I headed back to the bike and leaned against the seat as I sipped on my coffee.
A diminutive looking man sitting in the Audi at my back glanced sideways at me as I rested myself against the bike, then inconspicuously hit the button to roll up the window. I just chuckled.
Let the man breathe his air-conditioned atmosphere, I thought, With the temperature in the mid 60’s it’s a beautiful night just made for outdoor living!
I leaned back and looked at the stars, what I could see of them anyway. Under the lights of the harsh LEDs in the parking lot, only a few stars were visible. My side of the lot was in relative darkness by comparison.
I was about half through my coffee when I saw two women approaching me. They were obviously well-off, judging by their outfits. They were in their thirties or forties, I think. Both of them had blonde hair that hung past their shoulders. Their hairstylist was obviously very well paid. The skirts and tops they wore made them look like runway models.
They looked down their noses at me as they got into the Mercedes in front of me. I grinned and eyed them brazenly.
They sat in the front seat chatting as they drank their own coffees. I watched them with interest as their blouses did very little to hide their upper assets. I continued to smile as I imagined what they looked like without the tops.
After several minutes, the woman in the driver’s seat looked at me icily through her open window.
“You know,” she said sternly, “A gentleman wouldn’t stare the way you do!”
I grinned and met her gaze.
“Who told you I was a gentleman?” I said.
“Well, it’s obvious you’re not!” she retorted.
I could see the woman in the passenger seat watching our exchange curiously.
“Maybe you’ve had too many gentlemen,” I said. “Maybe you should consider what it’s like to have a real man instead.”
Both of them put their hands over their mouths and gasped. They both stared with wide eyes, so I decided to give them something to look at.
As I raised my coffee to take a sip, I lowered my other hand to grab my package and shifted it to the right. The woman in the driver’s seat dropped both her hands on the wheel and opened her mouth in a wide O. The other woman bit her lower lip and leaned a little closer.
“You’re a degenerate!” the first woman said.
“Maybe,” I said as I scratched my balls through my jeans.
“Oh my—” the second woman stammered.
“So,” I said, “When was the last time either of you did it in public?”
“You’re a pig!” the first woman said.
“Never!” the second woman said at the same time.
“Maybe you should try it sometime,” I said, “You won’t find any gentlemen game for that kind of thing. You’ll need a real man for that.”
“Like you, I suppose!” the first woman said sarcastically.
The second woman gasped again.
“So, what’s your name?” I asked.
“I’m not telling you my name!” the driver spat.
“I’m Jennifer,” the passenger said with a nervous smile.
“Hi, Jennifer, I’m Chad,” I said with a smile, “Why don’t you come out and enjoy the night air?”
She looked at the driver for a second and flinched when the woman shouted.
“Jenn!” she said angrily, “Why are you even talking to this guy? Why did you tell him your name?”
“Oh, relax, Hillary!” she replied, “It’s not like we had any big plans or anything!”
Jennifer opened the door and slid out. She looked a little nervous as she approached, but she eventually came and leaned against the Mercedes’ back door with her arms crossed over her chest.
“Have you ever ridden, Jennifer?” I asked.
“No, I’m much too nervous for that!” she gushed as she eyed my chrome and steel monster.
“Don’t kid yourself!” I chided gently, “Once you’re properly seated, it’s like riding on a cloud.”
Jennifer shook her head shyly and looked down at the ground. I could see Hillary seething with anger and staring straight ahead through the front windshield of the Mercedes.
“Come on over here,” I said, “I’ll lift you into the passenger seat. You can see how it feels.”
She looked to her friend for moral support, but Hillary was completely disengaged from the conversation by this point.
She smiled nervously and hesitated. I held out my hand to her and grinned. Slowly, like a cat approaching an unfamiliar human, she stepped forward. I gripped her hand and led her to the side of the bike.
Hillary looked our way and harrumphed.
“You’re not seriously going to sit on that thing, are you?” she said.
“I don’t know,” Jennifer said, “It looks like fun!”
I put my hands on her hips and lifted her up. When she found herself six inches off the ground, supported only by my arms, she let out a girlish squeal.
“Oh my God!” she shouted.
I lifted her a little further and she flung her leg over the saddle. With her ass firmly planted in the seat, she wiggled around a bit and giggled again.
I stepped sideways until I was just behind her right shoulder. I put my arms around her waist and held her firmly in place.
“You see?” I said, “Once you get up there, it feels good.”
She giggled again and squirmed some more. “It does feel good!” she said with a laugh.
I let my hands travel up the front of her blouse and cupped both her tits. I squeezed them gently and leaned into her shoulder with my chin.
“It really does feel good!” I whispered.
She gasped again and whipped around to face me with a stunned expression. As she did, I let one of my hands trail down between her thighs. I cupped her mons with my left hand and gently pinched her nipple with my right.
“Oh, my—” she stuttered.
“You said you never did it in public before,” I said quietly.
She shook her head quickly and swallowed hard.
I pressed my hand between her legs and ran my fingers up and down her pubis. The silk dress did nothing to conceal the heat coming off of her and onto my hand.
“Do you want to come down now?” I asked as my hands continued to play with her body.
She nodded numbly and I lifted her off the bike to stand beside me. I gently held one of her hands as she stared at me in disbelief.
“It’s about time you got off that silly thing,” Hillary said tersely.
I guided her hand to the front of my jeans as I put my other hand on her waist. I pressed her hand against my bulge and she continued to look at me with wide eyes and open mouth. I positioned her to stand with her rump against my crotch and kept her hand firmly against me.
“Are you going to get in the car now?” Hillary asked.
“Um,” Jennifer mumbled, “Yeah. Soon.”
Hillary rolled her eyes and turned toward the front windshield again. “Honestly, I can’t see what you find so fascinating about that stupid motorcycle!” she said, “Everyone knows, these guys only get big bikes to make up for their small dicks!”
Jennifer didn’t respond to her friend. She was too busy discovering the size of my dick. She now had both hands behind her back and was furiously exploring my bulge.
“I just wanted to have a quiet coffee, you know,” Hillary complained, “Then you had to get all wound up with this guy!”
I unzipped my jeans and Jennifer eagerly reached inside. She pulled my rod out of my pants and leaned back against me. I raised the back hem of her skirt and pushed my hand inside the back of her panties. I didn’t stop until I found the wet spot between her thighs. She grunted softly when I touched it.
“You haven’t even finished your coffee!” Hillary said without turning her head from the windshield, “You left it here in the car.”
Jennifer turned her head and looked down between us. She held my cock at its full length as it jutted out of my jeans and was framed neatly by my leather chaps.
“Do you want it?” Hillary asked, finally turning to look at us.
“I do,” Jennifer said as she nodded a bit.
“Well, here, take it!” Hillary said with a note of irritation.
“What?” Jennifer asked in confusion as she turned toward her friend.
“Your coffee!” Hillary said, “You said you wanted it.”
“Oh, no, never mind,” Jennifer said, “I’m good.”
Hillary tutted and put the half-empty cup back in its holder.
I slipped Jennifer’s panties halfway down her thighs and she pressed her rump against my belly. My cock pushed against her opening and then it was inside her.
“Can we go soon?” Hillary pouted.
“Um,” Jennifer mumbled while biting her lip.
I pushed back and forth and she half-closed her eyes with pleasure.
“What do you mean, um?” Hillary said, “Are we going soon or what?”
Jennifer grunted and leaned forward at the waist. I gripped her hips and started slamming into her as hard as I could.
“Oh God, yes!” she cried.
“What are you doing?” Hillary shouted.
Jennifer didn’t answer her. She grunted again and pushed back against my thrusts.
“I’m calling the cops!” Hillary said and reached for her phone.
“Oh, for God’s sake, Hillary!” Jennifer shouted, “Just shut up!”
I pushed into her one more time and held still.
“No!” Jennifer shouted, “Don’t cum inside me!”
She slipped my cock out of her and then fell to her knees in front of me. She took my rod into her mouth and sucked for all she was worth. I shot my load down her throat and she took it all in.
“Oh yeah!” I groaned as my orgasm took me.
“That is so gross!” Hillary shouted.
Jennifer popped my dick out of her mouth, licked her lips and sat back on her haunches with a big grin. I could see traces of white on her chin.
“Now I can say I’ve done it in public!” she said with satisfaction.
“You really did,” I said with a smile, “See you next week?”
“Maybe,” she said as she stood and wandered back to the passenger side of the Mercedes.
Hillary was staring at me with disgust as I zipped my fly.
“You can take your turn next time,” I said.
“We’ll see,” Jennifer said slyly from the passenger seat.
She told Hillary to drive and the car sped across the parking lot and onto the street.
I hitched my jeans at my waist and turned toward my bike. The diminutive looking guy in the Audi was still there. He was staring at me with wide eyes and an open mouth.
I winked, threw my leg over the bike and started it. The engine growled into life and I took off into the night.