Claiming His Cock (Part One)

"First one of the sort, hope you enjoy."

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“Ms. Hintern, your next appointment is here. Shall I send him in?” 


Molly, her bookkeeper and receptionist, stands in the doorway in her ‘date night’ attire – a sexy, but somehow still work appropriate little emerald dress paired with smokey eyeshadow and juicy lip gloss. Everything the woman wears out is meticulously chosen to enhance her naturally golden skin and exotic appearance. From what Ms. Hintern can tell, she gets satisfactory results.


“Ms. Hintern? Your appointment with Simon Lush?”


Ms. Hintern waves a hand and nods, “Sorry Molly, all these meetings with no breaks have me a bit dazed. Bring him on in – and could you grab me a strawberry colada smoothie too?”


Molly nods and waves the owner of a nearby adult shop in before shutting the door and, presumably, walking to the juice stand for the smoothie.


Any thoughts of tiredness fade from Ms. Hintern’s mind as Simon Lush enters her space, though. The slot is now occupied by all the things she’d love to do to such a beautiful man. Her eyes roam over his suntanned skin, wiry muscles and strong thighs filling out his dark grey jeans, almost wishing Molly had left the door open so she could see him turn around and close it. 


“Good evening, Ms. Hintern, I’m Simon Lush from Simon’s Shop down the street, it’s nice to finally meet you face to face.”


He holds out his hand and she sees hands used to hard work, but when she takes his hand in her own it is soft, almost silky and she feels a little shiver flow through her. 


“Good evening, Simon. Very nice to meet you indeed. Now, we spoke of you wishing to carry some of my products in your shop via email, but… I must admit, I’m a bit confused. Why could you possibly want handmade scented items in your sex shop?” 


He chuckles softly as he settles into the seat across from her, no more than a small wooden table separating them. Their knees touch but neither makes a move to separate – that is, until the door opens and Molly struts in with Ms. Hintern’s latte.


“There ya go, Devia – I mean, Ms. Hintern. Is there anything else I can get you?” 


Ms. Hintern shakes her head, but looks across at her interviewee, “Anything for you, Simon?”


He starts to shake his head, but pauses, frowning, “Do you have any juice available? Orange? If not, I’ll have a water, please and thank you… Molly, was it?”


Molly nods and shimmies back out the door with yet another, “Be right back, Ms. Hintern!”


Simon relaxes a bit more when Molly leaves, legs spread wide in that way that men do, clearing his throat as Ms. Hintern looks on expectantly.


“To answer your question, Ms. Hintern, I noticed you have massage oils among your products as well as some scents with rather… sexually playful names. I was curious whether my regulars would be interested and added a couple of questions related to your products to the end of our usual survey. I am here, so you could say there was quite a bit of interest. Also, I just really wanted to put a body… a face to the name and meet you.”


His grin between body and a face tells Ms. Hintern it wasn’t just a simple slip up and rather an intentional hint. He won’t get any sort of sneaky reply from her that easily though. Ms. Hintern doesn’t do hints and she isn’t one to be told what to do either. 


“And what would you say if I said my massage oils aren’t included in the wholesale pricing? Would you still want them in your shop?” 


They are included, of course. Who would exclude one item from wholesale pricing? How much of a sadist would that person have to be to put themselves through that kind of mathematical torture?


“Hmm I would, but I’m not sure I could realistically afford that. I would still go for some of the playfully scented soaps and such though. A lot of men and women do like to bathe and smell nice prior to using all our fun items. What better way than your delectable creations?”


He winks – winks – and readjusts his seating position, giving off the vibe of being a bit uncomfortable. Ms. Hintern doesn’t miss a beat.


“Luckily, for you…” 


She removes her feet from her shoes, sighing as the cool air of her home office hits her overheated toes, and slides one up his leg, stopping mid-thigh. 


“… everything is included in our wholesale pricing. Would you like to sample a massage oil before agreeing to anything? I could really use a foot massage after the day I’ve had.”


He grins as she slides her favorite scent onto the table – Raspberry Rapture.


“Well, come on then. You can’t massage me from over there. Move your chair around the table and I’ll prop my feet up.”


Her eyes sparkle with a wicked joy as he hurries to do just as she says, moving so she can set both her feet comfortably in his lap. His eyes widen and another piece of him expresses great joy as he reads that this particular scent is part of her edible massage oil line.


“Oh, did I forget to mention that this one was edible? No matter. Get on with the massage, Simon. My feet are sore.”


He nods, “Yes, Ms. Hintern.”


He opens the bottle and squeezes a bit of the viscous liquid into his hands, warming it a smidge before applying it to her satin-soft feet. His fingers press and rub in all the right ways, the pain soon gone and replaced by a juicy raspberry scent that is secretly driving him crazy. 


“Go on.”


He blinks, looking up dazedly at her.


“Give a taste. I know you’re curious. It really does taste like it smells, but sample it yourself so you can tell your customers that.”


She raises an eyebrow, commanding him to taste the oil off of her. Practically squirming under her gaze, he bends a bit and sucks one of her toes into his mouth, moaning as the juicy raspberry blends with her natural taste. But as quickly as he sucked her toe in, she pulls it out.


“I did say sample, didn’t I? Not rid my toe of every last drop of it. If you want more, you’ll have to pay for it.”


He licks his lips, savoring the small taste he got.


“And if you want to see more of me, you’ll have to agree to a couple of rules. Can you do that, Simon?”


He nods, eyes filled with lust.


“One, you will refer to me only ever as Ms. Hintern or Miss.”


He frowns, but agrees, “Yes, Ms. Hintern.”


She smiles, her eyes sparkling with renewed glee, “Good. You’re single, yes, Simon?”


“Yes, Ms. Hintern.”


“Not anymore. You are owned. Your body – and, more specifically, your cock – is mine and I will do with it what I want, when I want.”


His brain denies it, having been told all his life that he is the alpha, but his cock twitches as her foot – the same one with the toe that was just in his mouth – puts pressure on his sack. A soft moan leaves his lips, but he neither agrees with nor denies what she’s said.


“Right, Simon?”


“Yes, Miss.” 


The pressure is lessened, but not removed completely. 


“You are subbie or slave or bitch. I may choose either or neither of these words to call you. When you are with me, Simon Lush doesn’t exist – only subbie. Third, your safe words are simple. I use the stoplight system. Green for go, Yellow for slow down and Red for stop.”


He nods, “I agree, Miss.”


“Okay then. Let’s get this wholesale matter wrapped up then so I can send Molly home and see just how good you are at massages.”


“Yes, Miss.”

Published 6 years ago

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