More Than Just My Step Mum 4 of 4

""God, I love it when you take charge of me," she cooed, sounding so husky as I pressed the tip of my cock at her opening."

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“Hi, you two; fancy seeing you here,” came a voice from behind us, making us freeze and turn around slowly.

“Fuck!” Molly hissed, glancing at me with gritted teeth as we both turned to see who it was.

Turning, we found Becky, our waitress from before, with a group of friends, giving us both a friendly wave.

“Oh, hi, Becky,” I said politely, feeling my nerves begin to relax, surprised she was even here. At the same time, Molly rolled her eyes, letting out a breath, getting all worked up over nothing.

“Hey Becky, sorry I need to take this,” Molly said, pointing at her phone, which had just started to ring. Then, raising a finger into the air, she stepped away entirely from the small gaggle of noisy women congregating around me.

Becky looked good, as in really good; she’d dolled herself up quite nicely since the restaurant, with these long dark eyelashes that she constantly fluttered. Her hair was loose and wavy now, and she wore these tight-fitting red hot pants revealing a lovely pair of toned legs. On Becky’s feet were a pair of knee-high cowgirl boots. Her black top was figure-hugging and clung to her sides with horizontal tears all along the sides of the fabric, showing off her white porcelain skin underneath. But the one thing that really stood out over everything else was her cleavage. It was squeezed tightly into a bra that was far too small, making her tits almost pop out at the top, making her look a little slutty.

After looking Becky over, I glanced at her friends; they wore much blander-looking clothes; one of them, a much larger lady, wore a red and white polka dot dress. While the other woman, who at first I’d thought was a man, had a completely shaven head. She wore farmer-style blue overalls that were unstrapped on one side, with a skull and cross-bones T-shirt underneath. On her feet were these heavy rock stomper boots, not to mention she had a ton of face piercings and tattoos to boot. My gaydar was screaming in my head, informing me that she was most definitely a lesbian, but not like it mattered.

“I have to go now, Becks, sorry, I can’t stay out, but I’ve got to go to work; call me later, yeah?” the shaven-headed woman stated, leaning in for a kiss. Becky embraced the woman eagerly, holding onto her overall straps, forcing a much deeper kiss from her that quickly turned into a full-on snog. Once their embrace had finished, the woman walked off, but not before giving me a look that made me think she disapproved of me for some unknown reason.

I didn’t care, glancing back to see where Molly had walked off to. Molly had moved quite some distance from us, but I could tell who she was talking to by her demeanour.

“Is she ok?” Becky asked, stepping closer to me while looking over at Molly, who seemed incredibly irate at that very moment. As I scrutinised her behaviour Molly began aggressively pointing at the ground, before brushing a hand through her hair, like what she was being told was not good news.

“She’s fine; she gets like that when she talks to my Dad….” I remarked, forgetting myself before I froze. Becky’s eyes opened wide at the significance of what I’d just declared.

“Is that… she’s your…” Becky started to question, bemused but puzzled before I cut her off.

“She’s my step mum, yes….” I declared with gritted teeth, not believing I’d let that slip. I observed this mischievous grin spring across Becky’s face. Thank god her friend, who was glimpsing down at her mobile phone, hadn’t overheard us.

Becky was abuzz with excitement. “So where are you two off to now? Can I join you?” Becky requested like she wanted to get in on whatever this was. Now, her mate looked up from her phone, rolling her eyes like this was half expected from her friend.

“Great, I can see you’ve got your shag for tonight. Should I just leave now, then?” Her friend scoffed. Becky turned to reason with her mate as her polka-dot friend pulled a sour face before throwing her mobile phone into her handbag. Unfortunately, I didn’t have time to listen to their squabble.

Molly had caught my attention, waving me over to her. She was hanging up the phone when I reached her, causing her face to go red and her hands to tremble.

“That was your fucking dad! He’s here!” Molly snarled, looking immensely pissed off, pacing up and down, unsure what to do.

“What? what do you mean he’s here… how?” I queried, knowing that if this was true, then it meant that tonight’s activities were truly over for sure.

“His so-called work trip,” Molly spat, making air quotes. “It’s been called off supposedly; he’s been trying to call me for the last hour, but my phone’s been on silent, so he’s found us. ME! By using some find my phone app or something,” Molly assumed. She was visibly upset, shaking her head in disbelief; we both knew our night together was now ruined.

“Work trip cancelled! What a crock of shit… more like Clare was held up, and because he’s now bored at home, he’s decided he wants to tag along with us,” I ridiculed, shaking my head while Molly pulled on her revealing dress.

“Look at me; I never dress like this, ever! Plus, I have no panties on… Rick, he’s going to work out something’s wrong, trust me! He’ll think something’s up for sure! And it’s not like we can just run away and hide from him.” Molly looked like she was about to cry now.

“How far away is he?” I asked, getting a sense of how long we had.

“He’s parking the car right now, just down the road, I think… god, this is going to look so fucking suspicious, Rick,” Molly inhaled, looking so worried. We hadn’t realised that Becky had come over near us and had been rubbernecking the whole time after ditching her friend.

“I might be able to help you out,” Becky suggested, taking Molly and me off guard.

“What the fuck! How much did you just hear?” Molly questioned, alarmed as Becky stepped closer to us with a bemused smile.

“Pretty much all of it… So you’re his step mum then… and his dad is on his way here right now?” she queried, pointing at the floor. Molly and I were speechless before Becky reiterated her offer to help. “Hey, I get it, he’s hot, and you’re a woman that has needs, but your husband is on his way here right now! So, do you want my help or not?” Becky asked again, brushing her hair back. Molly was indecisive and looked at me for guidance. All I could do was shrug my shoulders at her.

That’s when Molly finally agreed to accept Becky’s help; I had no idea of what that help consisted of, mind you. “Fine, what do you have in mind?” Molly finally asked, knowing she was out of options and very aware that the clock was ticking down.

Becky wasted no time taking hold of Molly’s hand and led her away to the next nightclub only a few doors down. Once inside, Molly and Becky disappeared into the toilets together. I ordered drinks for the three of us just as my dad walked into the place.

“Hey, kiddo, where’s Molly?” were his first words to me. Then took one of the three drinks off the side of the bar, sipping on it before I could protest. I rolled my eyes, annoyed at him, before asking the barman for another drink. My dad was blind to this, downing the drink down in one go; before he reached out for the new glass, the bartender had just placed in front of him. Damn, he was knocking them back, and it was evident to me now that my dad was on edge about something.

“She’s in the bathroom, dad; you ok? You look flushed,” my dad ignored me, pulled out his mobile phone and looked at it, then at me, not hearing anything I’d just said as I mouthed to the barman for yet another drink.

“What, did you say something? Where’s Molly again?” my dad enquired as I shook my head; he was bothered by something he’s never usually this distracted. Still, before I could repeat my last sentence, Becky and Molly emerged from the toilets together.

The pair of them had smug smiles on their faces, “They’ve switched clothes,” I whispered under my breath, smiling as they both walked over to me. The red dress was a little more tight fitting around Becky’s much larger ample breasts. Still, with her age, it didn’t seem out of place at all, and my dad definitely approved, eye fucking her body as she came to my side.

“So, who is this stunning young lady?” my dad asked, taking hold of Becky’s hand and kissing it. My dad could never help himself around good-looking women, particularly ones with big boobs.

“She’s Rick’s new girlfriend, Alan. I’ve come out tonight to meet her. We’ve all just had a lovely meal, and now we….” Molly then stopped mid-sentence, noticing that my dad still had hold of Becky’s hand. “So if you want to give her hand back, Alan!” Molly commented, unimpressed.

I took a moment to look at Molly. I must admit, seeing her in those hot pants and the tattered black top was a different look for her. It made her look a lot younger by quite a few years. My dad was blind to this fact, unable to look away from Becky.

The great thing was Becky’s plan had worked a treat for all intents and purposes, and my dad was none the wiser. But Becky also had a non-stop smile plastered across her face making me feel uneasy as Molly, and I played happy families. Becky played her part as the sexy girlfriend quite well, pulling me to the dance floor; she hugged me tightly before grinding into me.

“It’s got to look real, Rick, don’t fight it, just go with the flow, ok… that’s it, hold onto my hips, sway with me… good, now we look like a proper boyfriend and girlfriend,” Becky remarked. Then, slipping her hands over my shoulders, we swayed to the light beat of the song, bringing her face to mine.

“Can I ask you something? What happened between you two? How did this happen with your step mum?” she quizzed me softly. She had helped us out, so I didn’t see the harm in telling her bits about what had happened. Becky was dismayed when she found out we hadn’t had sex yet.

Then out of the blue, she kissed me, telling me that my dad was looking our way and she needed to play her role as the horny girlfriend.

“You seem to be enjoying this, playing the girlfriend, I mean,” I frowned, provoking a giggle from her, but I wasn’t laughing. Instead, I scowled at her, not seeing the funny side at all. Noticing this, Becky took me to an empty table. Then, she started telling me about herself, sensing that I was uneasy about not knowing what kind of game she was playing.

The first thing she made clear was that the shaven-headed woman from earlier was only a fuck buddy, and she didn’t believe in conventional relationships. Next, she made it transparent that she likes both men and women to frequent her bed. I don’t know what happened, but we were talking naturally one second, and then the next, she was pulling me into her again, sticking her tongue down my throat. I broke away quickly, glimpsing to see where Molly and my dad were, only to see they’d moved to a table behind us. Becky had kissed me twice now, which would be a hard one to sell to Molly.

My dad raised a glass, impressed, whereas Molly glared at me; if looks could kill, I’d be a dead man right then. Becky found the whole thing hilarious when I turned and glared at her, shaking my head, unimpressed at her games.

“What, you didn’t like that? We need to make this thing believable, Rick; you are my boyfriend, aren’t you? Or do you want to break up with me…” she articulated, making her lip quiver as she put on this stupid act.

“Why are you doing this? Why don’t you just go? I can have your clothes dropped off at your workplace, but I’m not playing this game anymore,” I scoffed, about to leave.

Becky slapped the table with both hands in a flash of anger. “Hmm, if that’s the case, I should go and tell your dear old dad what’s really going on, that you’ve been cheating on me with her; does that sound good to you?” She sniggered. She was playing a dangerous game, and the implied threat sent a shudder of nausea to my stomach. Especially when she stood up, pulled me to my feet, and made her way over to Molly and my dad’s table. My heart was pounding in my chest, not knowing what this crazy bitch would do next.

“Sorry guys, I just can’t keep my hands off this guy… He’s just so damn sexy, don’t you think, Molly? Don’t you just want to eat him up like he’s a dessert?” Becky directed the question, with Molly looking unimpressed, answering with a deadpan reply, not enjoying the exact words she’d spoken back at the restaurant.

“He looks very handsome, yes,” Molly stated, pursing her lips, only realising now the game that Becky was playing with both of us. I then looked at Molly with a sorry look on my face. She mouthed the words ‘it’s ok’ as she gave Becky daggers.

That’s when this evil smirk came across Becky’s face, she loved these games and the power she had over us, and I could sense she was up to something. “Alan, is it… Could you be a sweetheart and get us the next round? Here’s my card, my treat,” Becky giggled, pretending to be all sweet, passing her card to my dad, almost pushing her tits right into his face, which caused my dad to stumble slightly off his stool.

“Sexy and pays for her own drinks, the perfect woman you have here son,” my dad laughed, taking the card off her and heading towards the bar.

“What’s your fucking game?” Molly finally snapped, coming right up close to Becky’s face, which only made her laugh.

“Woah, Woah, Woah, calm down, their little lady. I’m only having a little light-hearted fun with you both, that’s all… but!” Becky smiled, raising her finger up into the air.

“I’m going to ask your husband, Molly… and your father, Rick, for a dance in a minute. I can be quite distracting when I need to be, especially when these puppies are on show,” she remarked, glancing down at her boobs.

“This will give you two the time to… well, you know… FUCK!” her words sent a shiver through me. I looked at Molly, gauging what she thought about this, especially how fucking bold Becky was acting.

“No way, not with him in here; we’ll sleep together when we’re good and ready!” Molly snarled, pointing a finger in Becky’s face.

“Rick, you told me before that you two haven’t fucked yet, that you’re gagging to screw her brains out tonight. So I’m now allowing you two to do that, no games. I want you to take your step mum into the disabled toilet and fuck her senseless, fuck her brains out, make her cum. Come on, you two, stop being so dull. You’ll be doing it right under that asshole’s nose,” Becky explained before grabbing her drink and sipping it. At the same time, Molly looked at me, unable to speak, assuming I’d split the beans on our little relationship.

“No, you can fuck off. I’m not playing this sick game of yours, honey,” Molly snapped back at Becky, whose smile disappeared for a brief seconds before it reappeared again. Then she looked over at my dad.

“Ok, that’s fine… I feel sorry for your dad, though, Rick. What’s he going to think when he finds out what his son’s been doing? Letting his wife suck your cock… let’s see what he thinks, Oh ALAN!” Becky called out. Molly’s eyes filled with fear; she gripped hold of Becky’s arm, yanking her towards her.

“Fine, you venomous cow,” Molly spat with gritted teeth just as my dad returned with all our drinks.

“Alan, would you be a darling and dance with me? These two are being so boring,” Becky asked my dad, who beamed at such an offer. The three of us watched as Becky moved around the table, pulling me into her and whispering something into my ear.

“If you don’t take her to the toilet and fuck her, he’ll find out everything! And I will be checking to see if you’ve fucked her,” she said seriously. With that, she pulled me into her, kissing me one last time, putting on a real show by gripping my ass before wrapping a leg around me, pressing her chest into mine.

“Let the boy breathe, Becky. You can eat Rick later,” my dad laughed as she broke our kiss before heading off to the dance floor with her hands up in the air, rocking her body to the beat.

Yes, she was a total and utter bitch, I knew that but she was also very alluring, and those long sexy legs of hers looked amazing when the lights from the dance floor highlighted her body. My dad was hypnotised by her young youthful body, leaving Molly and me at the table without saying a word. Still, Becky was observing us. Gesturing for us to make our move while tapping on her watch, giving us a stern look, like if we didn’t do as she suggested, something was about to happen.

“Come with me, now!” Molly finally snapped, sounding incredibly pissed off when we saw the coast was clear. Luckily, my dad had already begun to work his dancing skills on Becky, so had no clue that we’d snuck off to the toilets. Glancing back, I saw Becky had put her arms around my dad’s neck swaying to his hips that were now pressed right into her, but she didn’t care. Instead, she just watched Molly and me with an evil grin.

“She’s such a fucking bitch; come on you, get in!” Molly barked, almost shoving me into the toilet, and she wasn’t messing about either; she was pissed off. Once inside, Molly locked the door behind us before putting her hands through her hair. She appeared immensely annoyed while pacing the floor.

Not able to find a way out of this, Molly relented, huffing loudly. Then, started to unbutton her hot pants, letting them drop down to her ankles while she placed her hands flat against the wall, ready for me to slip inside her.

“Come on, let’s get this over with, you told her you wanted this, so here I am, willing and waiting,” Molly growled. But I didn’t want this. I didn’t want our first time together to be in some shitty nightclub toilet with her angry with me, forced to do this because some woman was blackmailing us.

I froze, shaking my head shyly, aware she might be offended at me turning her body down.

“What, you don’t want me now? Fine!” Molly hissed, embarrassed, slightly lifting her pants back up, hating the fact that she’d been willing to give into Becky’s demands and I hadn’t.

“So that’s it then you’ve fucked us, seriously fucked us. What we’ve done together was private Rick. Do you understand that bitch can now hold this over us, make us both do things that we don’t want to do, or worse, she could blackmail us into giving her money… what we are, correction! What this was, it’s now over!” Molly paused, standing still with her hand on her hips, looking right at me, letting that last comment sink in.

I hesitated in my reply, never seeing her act like this. “She knew you were my step mum, Molls; what else was I supposed to do? She asked me questions. I gave her some little titbits, nothing graphic or sexual, just bits about how much you mean to me, that’s all, just to keep her happy. I saw no harm in telling her we haven’t had sex yet… but you’re saying we’re now finished,” I paused, realising she didn’t want me anymore. “Is that it, then? We’re over just like that?” My heart pinged with anxiety in my chest, seeing the resentment she had towards me now.

“Oh, we’re most definitely done, Rick. I can’t do this anymore. I’m going home…. Fuck her, fuck her games and fuck you!” She spat, walking past me to the door. Then she turned to look at me one last time, tears forming in her eyes. “We had something special, and now it’s all been fucked. Because of you!” she pointed at me, and with that, she burst out of the toilet. She was distraught, and all I could do was just stand there speechless, not believing it was over between us.

I felt my chest getting tighter and tighter before my eyes became flooded with tears. I wiped my eyes with my sleeve, blowing my nose before heading out the toilet and taking in some deep breaths, ready for what might happen next with Becky.

To my complete and utter surprise, everyone had gone. My dad and Becky were nowhere to be seen, and Molly was no longer in the club either. This night had gone from being the most incredible night ever to an utter nightmare.

Making my way over to the table with our drinks still sitting untouched, I found a napkin under one of the glasses with the words Rick written in red lipstick at one of the corners. Lifting up the glass, I read the little note clearly from Becky.

‘Taken your dad out on the town, so you guys can have fun, Becky xxx’

I scrunched up the note and slumped into the stool, dwelling on what had happened tonight as I slowly downed all four drinks. Once finished, I headed outside, deciding to go home. To say the booze had a kick in it would have been an understatement. My dad had ordered some mighty strong drinks for Molly and Becky, so when I got outside and looked up and down the main strip, I could feel its effects taking hold of me, causing my vision to go blurry.

It was starting to get busy now, but I had no intention of staying out; lucky for me, I still had some money from the restaurant and had just enough to get home. One hour later, after flagging down a random taxi, I was standing in the driveway of our house. The booze was still really affecting me, and my mood was now sour as I put my keys in the door. It looked dark inside, and my dad’s car was not in the driveway, not to mention I was seriously pissed off after how Molly and I had left things before.

Walking into the hallway, I found the faint glow of our television illuminating the hallway. Peeking in, I found Molly sitting in the armchair watching some shit soap opera with a large glass of wine in her hand. She didn’t look my way, only sighing loudly like she was waiting for me to grovel or apologise to her. I, on the other hand, had no intention of talking to her; the way I was feeling right now, feeling a tad drunk and sorry for myself, she could go fuck herself for all I cared. So I left her to it, heading up to my room.

The alcohol buzz helped me sleep, and I was out like a light soon enough. But this was short-lived when I woke up in the early morning hours to the sound of someone walking around my room and then someone touching my foot. It was so dark, and I couldn’t see anything, plus the strong drinks I’d had back at the club had now worn off a little bit, so I was very aware of what Molly was doing.

It was clear what was happening now; she’d been sitting downstairs all this time stewing, thinking about tonight’s events knowing full well that Becky and my dad were most likely shacked up somewhere in a hotel, probably fucking. But also, she’d become incredibly pissed off when I’d ignored her when I got home, going straight to my room. Maybe she’d taken an inward look at herself and realised no one was to blame but Becky.

I could smell the alcohol on her; she was drunk and presumably horny as she began climbing onto my bed before I felt a cold hand brush up my thigh. One part of me wanted to tell her to get the hell out of my room, but the fantasy of her doing this to me, something I’ve always dreamed of, was not something I would pass up.

I had been sleeping naked, so her hand found my cock quickly before she tugged on it, making it hard and erect in seconds. I then felt the wetness of her mouth wrap around the tip. She didn’t waste any time taking my semi-hard cock down her throat, forcing it to grow while she let out these sweet little groans taking me deep into her throat. A quick thought entered my head, was my dad home yet? But quickly pushed that worry aside as I felt her free hand come up to my chest. Smoothing her soft fingers over my skin while moving her other hand to my balls, massaging them softly. That’s when I felt her mouth move downwards as she sucked each one slowly with that skilful mouth of hers.

“Molly, god, that feels so….” But her hand on my chest quickly came up to my mouth, cupping it to shut me up, like I had done to her.

“Shhhhhh,” Molly shushed me. This suggested that my dad was home, so we needed to be extra careful not to wake him due to him sleeping right next door. I had to give credit where it’s due, I never dreamed she’d try something like this with my old man in the next room, but clearly, she was missing me and wanted her pound of flesh quite literally. With her hand still covering my mouth, she gave my cock one last long suck before moving her body up to straddle mine. I felt her soft silky thighs brush up against the outside of my legs and knew right then what she intended to do.

I could not see anything, but I sensed her arching her leg to one side and the sound of her spitting; moments later felt her wet hand make contact with my dick. Massaging this wetness all over my cock, making it extra slippery. Knowing at any second Molly’s pussy would be sinking down on me for the first time, god, I so wanted to see this. But doing it in the dark, sneaking around like this while covering my mouth, made the whole affair so exciting and thrilling.

I cupped my hands around her ass, helping her move. Her hand was making my dick nice and wet, gripped hold of me tightly and then pressed the head of my cock up against her wet slit. God, she was wet, feeling her essence dripping onto me. So this was it; I didn’t care about what had happened tonight back at the club. All was forgiven now. Tonight, Molly and I would have sex for the first time and do everything I’ve always dreamed of.

As I felt her pussy starting to envelop the tip of me, I wanted to feel how slowly she was taking me. So I brought my hand up to our joining sexes.

What the hell?’ I thought, finding no pubic hair on her mound. Molly had this cute little tuft of dark hair on her pubic bone, something I’d felt tonight and had enjoyed slipping my fingers through it, but now there was nothing.

A little disorientated, I leaned over to turn my side light on, illuminating the room and the woman on top of me, sinking onto my cock.

“BECKY! What the fuck!” I barked in a hushed tone as her pussy enveloped me whole, not missing her amazingly sexy body and how tight it appeared in this dim light. She was completely naked and one sexy bitch, and from the look of things, she was a tad drunk too.

“Shhh, keep the fucking noise down, Rick, and don’t make out you don’t want this. Other men would kill to be where you are right now!” Becky gasped as she sunk the rest of the way onto me, making me catch my breath. She wasn’t tight or anything. It was more of the shock of her wrapped around me and the heat of her pussy enveloping me that caught me off guard.

My mind was abuzz as to what I should do. One part of me was so fucking turned on right now, but another part of me heard the echoing words of Molly from back at the club. ‘Becky will make us do things that we didn’t want to do.

Gripping hold of her hips, I stopped her from moving. I got a second to gaze at her naked body. Her tits were double the size of Molly’s with these small nipples, which were both pierced with silver bars going through each one of them. Her skin was a lot whiter too, but she had quite a few bruises on her boobs, legs, and knees; they looked like hand and finger marks. It was clear to me Becky gets around quite a bit.

The last thing I looked at was her pussy that was sunk around me. It was bald, with not a single strand of hair to be seen. It also looked red and puffy, like someone had been there before me tonight. This made me quickly think of my dad for a second; she was clearly into kinky shit so I wouldn’t put it past her, or my dad for that matter.

“What the hell are you doing in my room, Becky? I thought you were with my dad,” I asked angrily but also highly aroused, not believing Becky, of all people, was in my room stealing this moment. I also felt ashamed at how good she made me feel, a woman I hated.

“Alan… god no! Your dad’s a pig… I’m here for a good hard fuck, nothing more, nothing less. I saw what you were packing back at the restaurant when Molly was playing with you under the table, so this here, it’s just sex, Rick,” she remarked smugly. Then, placing her hands on my chest, she began to grind her hips into me a few times before she clenched and tensed her vagina walls around me, causing her whole body to shudder. Becky knew what she was doing, I’ll give her that, and the feeling of her massaging my cock from within her was a feeling I’d never felt before.

“Rick, are you going to fuck me or are we going to talk all night?” Becky growled, trying to take charge of me, becoming frustrated that I was holding her so tightly, stopping her attempts to bounce on me. Still, instead of giving in to this amazing feeling, I grabbed hold of her left leg and lifted it with all my strength trying to get her off. Unfortunately, this caused her to fly backwards, and she landed with a loud audible thud on the floor, landing head first.

“WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT, YOU DICKHEAD!” Becky screamed, standing up and looking almost dazed as she held the back of her head. She gave me daggers as I heard someone from the next room coming our way. Moments later, Molly walked into my room wearing nothing but a pair of boxer shorts, nothing else.

“What the fuck is going on in here? Why is Becky naked in your room, Rick?” Molly questioned, wiping her eyes, appearing to have either just woken up from a deep sleep or she just couldn’t quite believe her eyes.

“Alan brought me home. He thought Rick would like to spend some time with his girlfriend… We were just fucking before you came in, by the way, before I fell out of bed!” Becky sassed Molly, causing Molly to look at my wet cock with this ‘what the fuck’ look plastered all over her face.

“That’s a lie! I just woke up to her riding me, Molls. I swear, when I realised it wasn’t you, I threw her off me. The rest, you know,” my words were filled with worry, and Molly picked up on that as she scrutinised Becky, who had now started eyeing up Molly’s boobs which were entirely on show.

“Well, if Rick doesn’t want to fuck me, I’m happy to show you a good time, babe. As I said before, you’re my type.” God, Becky was dumb, drunk and deluded. Molly was gobsmacked as Becky stepped forward, about to cup one of Molly’s breasts. In a flash, Molly grabbed hold of Becky’s arm and dragged her out of my room.

“Bye, Rick and you’re not invited, by the way,” Becky remarked, flipping me the middle finger.

What happened next was nothing more than pure embarrassment for everyone involved except for Becky, who is nothing but human trash. Becky realised very quickly that Molly was not taking her away to another room to be fucked like her deluded brain first thought. Instead, Molly was throwing her ass out of the house.

“Alan! ALAN! ALAN!” she screamed, calling my dad’s name repeatedly. “Let go of me, you fucking bitch! You’re hurting me, err ok, ok, ok, I’ll stop, I’ll stop,” was all I heard. Getting out of bed, I grabbed a discarded towel on my floor, wrapping it around me before looking around the corner of my bedroom door, only to see Molly holding Becky’s hair. At that moment, Molly yanked her head right back while also moving one of Becky’s arms up her back and pinned her up against the wall.

Molly was a woman who took self-defence classes for fun and knew how to easily subdue someone. Becky, who was still struggling, was then frog-marched down to the front door of our house. I quickly darted back into my room, grabbing all of Becky’s belongings which happened to be Molly’s red dress, before rushing downstairs.

“Any time today, Rick!” Molly snapped, waiting for me to open the front door.

I must admit that seeing a completely naked Becky and a half-naked Molly pressed up against each other in the dim light was a new kind of erotic for me. I fiddled with the door latches, pulling the door open and watched as Molly slung out our uninvited guest with a single hard shove. Becky flew out the door landing on the wet grass as I tossed her clothes onto her naked body before slamming the door closed.


Molly saw red pushing me out of the way before opening the door again. A second later, she planted a perfect right hook on the side of Becky’s face, knocking her to the floor. It was a fantastic punch with a loud audible meaty sound causing Becky to wince in pain, who had been in the middle of slipping on her dress over her naked body. Becky got the message loud and clear, raising her hands to her face. Molly stood over her and just pointed the finger at her, giving her the impression if she kept this shit up, she’d get another smack.

“Molly, you’re naked. Get your ass back inside,” I whispered, seeing windows starting to twitch from the neighbouring houses from across the street. Then, as Molly began to walk back inside the house, Becky dropped a bombshell.

“Well, at least Alan knows how to show a woman a good time. Now there’s a man who knows how to reallyyyy fuck! That’s right bitch, I fucked your husband, and I fucked Rick too. What do you think about that?” Becky stated vindictively. Molly paused for a second as I watched Becky slip on her last shoe before stumbling into the road while doing up her dress straps.

I felt the need to put her straight, “No, Becky, you fucked my dad, but you didn’t fuck me. Instead, you stole a brief, insignificant moment with me without my consent. Which I must point out lasted about ten seconds and only because I thought you were her,” I said, looking at Molly, who was pursing her lips, in two minds about giving Becky another smack.

“Come on, Molly, let’s leave this slag,” I said. Molly still hadn’t turned around yet and was staring at me, frozen as Becky’s words sunk in.

I stepped out of the house and reached for Molly’s hand for her to join me. She didn’t fight me, coming by my side as I closed the door on Becky, who kept making noise while walking down the street. She sounded like utter trash, so I doubt anyone would believe her diatribe accusation of what Molly and I had done.

Molly was extremely upset about the whole ordeal but not only that, her husband, my dad, had most definitely fucked Becky tonight, which we both knew was true, leaving a bad taste in both our mouths.

“I’m done with this, the house, everything. I’m divorcing your father. I’m telling him in the morning!” Molly sobbed, bringing her hands up to her face. I felt a little uneasy that she was still naked, finding it hard not to look at her body sexually in such a vulnerable state. Still, I also felt so sorry for her as she started crying.

Coming up to me, I cradled her in my arms, pulling her in tightly, before taking her into the living room. I sat her down and zipped off to the kitchen to make us some hot drinks before sitting next to her. Again, I pulled her into me; she looked broken.

“Sorry about what happened with Becky. I swear I didn’t know,” I admitted feeling so uneasy.

“It’s not your fault Rick; it’s mine… if I’d just turned my phone off or behaved at the restaurant, then this whole shit show would never have happened. And instead, we’d be in a hotel bed right now making love to one another instead of me crying here at three in the morning on this fucking couch,” Molly sniffled. I paused to think about what to say to that.

“It’s just one night, Molls, but I’m here for you now… I’ve always been here for you. I… I love you, Molly. I always have, and if you want me to be with you when you split with dad, then I’m here for you,” I offered, letting her see my soul for the first time. She sniffled, looking up at my face, brushing her soft fingers over my chin, pulling my face to hers, and gave me this single wet, loving kiss. I know I might have fucked up telling her that I loved her. Still, I needed to let her know what she meant to me.

“Go take a shower… get yourself cleaned up. I need to think, don’t worry, you’ve said nothing wrong, quite the opposite, actually. I just need a moment to think, ok,” Molly remarked, giving me a wayward smile like she was deciding something and her mind was elsewhere.

Unwrapping my arms from around her, I could not help but look at her body one last time. I had a sinking feeling that this might be the last time I would see it before I made my way upstairs. I had a long shower giving her some much-needed time to herself. When I returned downstairs with a towel wrapped around my torso, wondering if she was still there, I found Molly in her black silk dressing gown, sitting on the couch with her legs crossed, holding a glass of wine she’d poured herself. She looked up at me, tapping the oak wood coffee table in front of her.

Pulling the towel tightly around me, I sat on the cool hardwood, looking at her while she took a sip of her drink, contemplating what she needed to say to me.

“Tomorrow, I’m telling your father that it’s over between us. Knowing him, he’ll more than likely try and kick me out of the house… Please don’t get involved! Whatever happens, happens! I have a room at my GYM, so I’ll be fine, but… I’ve been thinking about us… and I wanted to ask you if you would like to come and live with me because you know what, Rick….” Molly paused, wetting her lips.

“I love you too, darling, and seeing you with Becky tonight… The idea of another woman having you made me feel things I’ve never felt before, but we’re not going to talk about that right now. But what I’d like to ask you is… would you like to be my boyfriend?” her words were electric. My cock became instantly hard, and my stomach felt like it had butterflies fluttering inside it.

“Err, yes, I would absolutely, no doubt in my mind, love to be your boyfriend,” I stated as Molly smiled, biting that sexy lip of hers before she stood up. Then pulling on the cord of her dressing gown, she let it fall open slightly, allowing a glimpse of her naked body underneath the black fabric. Molly’s eyes became husky, taking a sip of her wine while watching my eyes scan her body. Finally, she put down her wine glass and let her dressing gown sink to the floor, causing me to catch my breath. This was the first time I’d ever seen her completely naked.

The room was dark, with only the dim glow from a street light outside shining through the window, making her body look extraordinarily sexy and inviting, with her nipples becoming hard and erect before my very eyes. Like they were beckoning me to touch them. Molly glimpsed back to the couch; sitting back down, she sat there waiting for me to make a move, slightly spreading her legs so I could see the whole of her body in all its glory.

“So, who’s sexier then? Becky or me?” she smirked, bringing levity to tonight’s events and making me laugh as she gave me a look that told me if I fucked up this query, she’d have my balls.

“Hmm, that’s a tough one… I think I need you to stand up and bend over this table to give you my honest answer,” I mused, grinning back at her. Molly gave me a mischievous smirk as she raised from her seat, and I moved out of the way, switching places with her.

“So, what do you think then?” Molly grinned, looking back at me, bending at her waist, so only her bare ass was now facing me. I didn’t say any words. I was hypnotised by her beauty as I brought my hand up to her inner thigh, smoothing my fingers up and down her soft skin, causing her body to shudder, compelling her to spread her legs a little wider, which she did. She didn’t move after that, allowing me to explore her body, resting her hands on the coffee table, and taking in the sensation of my tender touch.

Bringing my thumb up to her clam-shell-shaped pussy, I pressed my thumb into her folds, feeling the soft wet engorged nib of her clit. This caused her to gasp. I loved how pretty her pussy looked; her body was just perfect in every way.

Then, taking hold of her hips, I pulled her back towards me. I could smell the bouquet of her womanly fragrance filling my nostrils as her ass rested directly in front of my face. Her evident excitement was highlighted by the wetness that was forming around her inviting opening.

Unable to help myself, I pulled her back a little more, darting my tongue into the folds of her pussy. Molly’s whole body shuddered as she gripped the table. “Fuck Rick, you’re such a little fucker,” Molly cooed, looking back at me for a second before pushing her bum right into my face. Then reaching back with a hand, she pulled me into her some more. My nose was pressed hard into her ass while my tongue lapped at her clit. Breaking the seal of her clam-like pussy lips every time I licked her. Her wetness had begun to flow from her opening now. I lapped up every last drop from her opening, paying extra attention to lick along her lips.

“Come here, you,” Molly moaned, exacerbated by all the tong action. Turning on the spot, she tugged at my towel. With her now facing me, my tongue was quickly replaced with two fingers as I lifted my bum, allowing her to pull my towel from my hips. Her whole body rocked back and forth to how my fingers worked her insides just like I’d done down the alleyway, moving them in this come hear motion catching a sweet spot deep in her.

“God, why are you so good at that,” she purred, looking down at my cock before placing her hands on my shoulders while I kicked her ankles a little so she’d spread her legs for me even more.

Her whole body was shaking. Molly was losing all control as her moans got louder and louder. Her pussy became sodden with wetness that was now flowing down my arm and dripping onto the couch.

“Fuck, I want that tongue back inside me!” she implored, pushing me backwards onto the couch, hooking her legs over my head as she pressed her crotch down onto my face. I could see nothing now, only hearing muffled moans as her legs clamped tightly around my ear while she rode my face.

Her womanly fluid filled my mouth, she tasted so lovely and fresh, and I couldn’t get enough of her subtle nectar, drinking it down eagerly.

Feeling her boobs press into my chest first, I felt her hand grip my cock as she lay on top of me. I now had a fantastic view of her ass. It just looked perfect, and her pussy even more so. It was all red and swollen due to being so highly aroused, like it beckoned for something to be stuffed inside it. Pressing two fingers up into her cock starved hole, Molly’s hips began to buck. She desperately wanted to repay the favour as I felt my cock being sucked into her mouth. We drove each other wild and found it especially hot when she wailed when I accidentally licked her ass hole.

Realising how much this affected her, I tried my luck using my index finger, pressing it against her tight little asshole. Her sucking stopped for a brief moment as she gasped into my leg. “You are such a dirty little shit, Rick. I’ve never let any man play with my ass before… why do I turn into such a massive slut when I’m around you!” Molly moaned, feeling my index finger slide into her ass while slipping my three other fingers into her pussy, causing it to stretch. At that moment, Molly was overwhelmed and cum hard, flooding my mouth with her juices as I drank it down.

I decided then that wordplay and a bit of rough finger action were perfectly suitable right about now, knowing how much she loves being spoken to derogatively and manhandled by me.

“God, you’re such a slut. Both your holes are filled to the brim. And I can feel your pussy sucking my fingers inside it. What are you, Molly?… What are you?” I barked, slapping her ass once, then twice with my free hand, leaving red welts on her skin. Causing her to murmur into my cock at being treated in such a fashion. My actions affected Molly massively as her whole body shuddered before she took my cock out of her mouth, breathing heavily.

“I’m a slut, god, I’m such a slut… I can’t take it anymore… Fuck me, Rick, make me yours. I want you in me!” Her words were raw and full of passion. I, too, was feeling the effect of our embrace. In a flash, she stood up, straddling me as I cupped my hands underneath her bum, lifting her slender body into the air before laying her back down on the couch. Hence, she was underneath me as I pinned her arms above her head.

“God, I love it when you take charge of me,” she cooed, sounding so husky as I pressed the tip of my cock at her opening while leaning forward to kiss her lips.

Molly couldn’t wait and began wrapping her legs around me, pressing her heels on my ass cheeks, causing me to slip inside her. Lifting her hips slightly, she helped me get the best angle as my cock was roughly stuffed inside her cock starved tight little hole, making us moan. Intoxicated by each other’s lust for one another, our moans became louder and louder as we started to fuck. Moving my mouth down to her perfect tits, I sucked them, making her go frantic as I felt myself begin to quicken.

“Molly, I’m going to cum,” I gasped. She didn’t say a word, only looking at me open-mouthed, whimpering as she flicked her hips, driving her heels into my ass cheeks as hard as she could. Forcing my cock home deeper into her; over and over again, she did this. Finally, it was too much, and at that moment, I exploded deep within her, causing her to gasp and shudder as she felt jets of hot cum filling her insides.

“Oh, fuck RICK! I’m, I’m cumming too, I’m cumming,” Molly’s whole body trembled. I could feel her vagina gripping my cock tightly with her muscles, trying to milk me for every last drop. Pushing my powerful orgasm to new heights, I kissed her as she embraced me tightly, just riding out the wave of pleasure we’d both made together. After two minutes, we both lay there, speechless, overwhelmed but glowing with our post-orgasm afterglow. With me still inside her, slowly becoming limp, we kissed like long-lost lovers.

“I been dreaming of you doing something like that for years, and now I’ve finally had you… it was even better than I’d dreamed, Rick,” Molly admitted becoming watery-eyed, overwhelmed with emotion as she unwrapped her legs from around me. We kissed a little more before saying good night to one another. Heading off to our own rooms, she stopped me outside hers. She wanted to do one last thing. Pushing the door open, we saw my dad star fished on the bed, snoring loudly.

“I’ve always wanted to do this. Come here, you,” she mused cheekily. At that moment, Molly pulled me into her room, pushing me softly onto the bed next to my wasted dad before sinking down onto her knees. Then, in an ultimate act of defiance, she removed my towel and began to suck my cock back into her mouth. Taking her sweet time savouring this moment, licking me clean in full view of my dad. This was a final fuck you to him before they went their separate ways. 

I knew this but was so turned on at how bold she was being that she unintentionally got me hard again. Working her magic mouth, she licked and sucked me hard, bringing me to the edge of orgasm again. When she saw my body begin to shudder and heard my broken voice, she climbed on top of me, forcing her pussy around me one last time, causing me cum inside her. Which scared me a little as she began to moan at the sensation of being filled for a second time with my hot seed. We kissed good night, and I left her room with a smile, knowing what we’d done together was wrong, but I loved her naughty side. 

The following day was a weird one. Clare, the woman my dad was going away with to Spain. It turns out Clare’s husband had turned up at the airport and stopped her from leaving, hence why my dad was in such an odd mood at the nightclub. By the sounds of it, Clare’s husband threatened to kill my dad. Being more level-headed the next day, Clare’s husband turned up at our house early that morning. Realising who he was, Molly directed the seriously pissed-off man up to my dad’s bedroom. He then forced my dad to admit to everyone about his sordid affair before giving him a shining black eye for his trouble.

After that, my dad broke down and admitted to everyone that he loved Clare. But, unfortunately, Molly took this opportunity to point out that she knew about him fucking Becky last night. So ultimately, Clare was informed of that essential bit of information after Clare’s husband rang his wife and got my dad to tell her everything.

After that, my dad was up shit creak without a paddle, and with help from Clare’s husband, he was the one slung out of the house.

Molly finally divorced my dad after many months. I stayed with her throughout the whole ordeal, and we were open about our relationship together. Of course, it is a bit of a talking point with our family and friends, especially the neighbours. Still, we don’t care. We never argued, and the sex was fantastic. Bills were paid, not to mention all my friends were jealous that I’d bagged such a sexy older woman but most importantly, we were both happy.

I was in the garden waiting for her to get home from work getting the fire pit ready for some much-needed snuggles with Molly. We had started to re-enact the first time together, the day she let me touch her. Something we’d been doing quite a lot these days, but funnily enough, we have become quite open about what she and I like to do sexually. But that’s a different story for another time. Molly is one very horny naughty lady, and I’d not change her for the world.

The End.

I do really hope you have enjoyed this four-part story, and I like to thank my wife and the amazing lush team that has helped me put this story out. Thank you, cydia for checking all my work.

Published 2 years ago

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