My Christmas Bonus

"My bosses wife ensures I get my Christmas bonus"

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As Christmas parties go, it had been alright. Everybody seemed to enjoy themselves without getting boisterous, and no one could complain about Steve and Suzanne’s hospitality.

Their house was beautifully decorated in white and silver tinsel, interspersed with tiny Christmas lights that gave the whole interior a cosy ambience without looking like something out of a Disney movie. The caterers had also done a fantastic job. The meticulously prepared food included fresh lobster from Canada and salmon from Scotland, and there was enough booze to sink a battleship. And the waiters and waitresses, all young, attractive, and dressed in chic black, ensured nobody went hungry or thirsty.

All this opulence was accompanied by a backdrop of Christmas hits, which generally would drive anybody (well, me at least) insane, but tonight it all seemed… perfect. 

But, reaching for the toilet paper, I couldn’t help contemplating what might have happened if the party had been at the office instead of their home.

Suzanne and Steve are the owners and directors of our modest advertising bureau. Rumours have it that Suzanne’s daddy offered to payroll the new company the day Steve married Suzanne. Even if that’s true, throwing money at something doesn’t always guarantee success, but Steve’s knack for introducing new trends made him and Suzanne rich over the last twenty years and earned him the respect of the industry. Everyone said it was a perfect marriage of hearts and souls, and that’s the public image they promoted. 

However, if they were happily married, why did Steve respond so enthusiastically whenever I flirted with him? Considering his responses, I’d naturally assumed he’d jump my bones in a New Your minute, given half a chance. Not that there was much chance of that happening. 

Because he and Suzanne shared an office, he was rarely alone, and whenever I did manage to get him on his own, Suzanne always seemed to turn up when things looked to be getting serious. However, at their Christmas party, where she’d be obligated to mingle with their guests, there’d be times when he’d be out of Suzanne’s sight for more than a few moments. 

With many secluded areas in our office, I could have tempted him to taste my forbidden fruits. Sadly, that couldn’t happen here in their house, and I was restricted to watching him from a distance, fuming inwardly whenever they were together.

Not that I hated Suzanne: in fact, I admired her greatly. How she kept the business on an even keel while maintaining a friendly relationship with everyone in the workplace was genuinely astounding, especially as Steve had a knack for rubbing people up the wrong way. And she never displayed animosity toward me when Steve hired me. 

But that was business, but on a personal level, because Suzanne stood in the way of me getting my hands on Steve, she’d unknowingly become my nemesis. Of course, my belief that Steve fancied me something rotten was based on how eagerly he responded when I flirted with him. Knowing him as I do, he would have certainly asked me to stop if my behaviour annoyed him. 

Or I’m just kidding myself, and Steve didn’t want to rock our boat because I’m good at my job, and he might believe that a rejection would prompt me to leave — which is probably true.

To be honest, when it comes to Steve and how he feels about me, I have nothing substantial to base my assumptions on — but if I ever get the chance to find out, I’ll definitely take it.

Wiping myself clean, I sighed for the things that might have been and stood up. After ensuring my sexy black knickers hadn’t disappeared into my anal crack, I flushed away the expensive Chardonnay I’d consumed. Washing my hands, I checked my appearance in the mirror, knowing it was a waste of time. The party finished an hour ago, and almost everybody had left. 

‘Not bad,’ I thought, smiling at my reflection. The little black dress displayed my physical assets almost to perfection, revealing more cleavage and leg than my everyday office attire. Damn, I was fucking hot. The expensive make-up I’d bought for the party had performed nearly as well as the adverts proclaimed. My perfectly made-up cherry-red lips still looked very sexy and matched, qua colour, the particularly slutty lingerie beneath my dress. All in all, not bad for a twenty-something professional. I sighed again.

“If that shit Steve can’t see what I’m offering him, then maybe he doesn’t deserve to have me,” I muttered with ego-boosting satisfaction.

We both knew I was lying when my reflection smiled sardonically back at me. And, on that reassuring thought, I took a deep breath and went to say goodbye to my hosts.


As my pumps click-clacked on the hallway’s marble floor, Suzanne was waiting for me, alone, but something was different. Her elegant party gown had been replaced by a short silk robe.

The unreasonable request that I stay behind to help supervise the departure of the caterers had yet to please me. After all, it was supposed to be an evening off for me. But Suzanne often forgot that I worked more hours than they paid me for and often treated me as a personal slave. So, while the request hadn’t been surprising, it hadn’t improved my mood. 

Now, seeing her waiting for me, all dressed for bed, I didn’t understand what was happening.

“What’s going on, Suzanne?” I asked acidly. Tired and severely frustrated, all I wanted was to go home. She stepped toward me, the movement causing her silken robe to fall open, her near-naked body leaving not much to the imagination. 

She ran a hand through her hair. “Thank God that’s over for another year, Andrea. Christmas parties are so tedious, but it’s expected, so,” she made a grand gesture around the room, “here we are. Happily, it’s over, everyone’s gone, and it’s just the three of us now.” Swiftly, Suzanne slipped her arms around my waist and pulled me towards her. “Now the party can really begin.”

My suspicion that she was naked beneath the robe was confirmed by two prominent nipples pressing against my chest as she hugged me. “Am I missing something?” I gasped, the strength of her embrace surprising me. Taking a step back, she held my arms and stared at me like an indulgent parent, which was slightly unnerving considering she was about the same age as my mother. 

There was a strange glint in her eyes.

“Don’t be coy, Andrea, we both know how you feel about Steve. It’s evident from the way you look at him. Happily, I’m not jealous, and I wanted to make sure you get your Christmas bonus.”

Feeling like Mike Tyson had just punched me in the stomach, I stood there gasping, trying to think of something sensible to say. Finally, the words came, although the stutter I worked so hard to conquer plagued me again.

“Umm, eve…even if…if tha…that we…were true, I w… wouldn’t d…do anything to h…harm your marriage.”

“Stop Andrea, before you say something you might regret. I’ve seen the way you act around him, and I’ve seen the way he responds, so there’s no point in denying it. In fact, to tell the truth, I am a little jealous of you. I mean, you’re beautiful, intelligent, and can clearly have any man you want, and believe me, there’s a lot more men better than my husband. But, if Steve’s the man you want, who am I to argue?”

As an ominous shiver ran down my spine, I took a deep breath and tried to regain my composure and master my stutter. “Suzanne, please, I know I can be flirty sometimes bu…but it’s just harmless fun… you know, to make the day a little more bearable. I wouldn’t dream of making a pla…play for Steve. Everyone at the company knows he’s devoted to you.”

Suzanne offered her irritating I-know-how-you-feel smile, but instead of helping to relieve my anxiety, it increased my discomfort. Sensing my unease, she released her grip on my arms and stepped away. “Relax, Andrea, I trust you, but let’s not beat around the bush. I’m right, aren’t I? Given half a chance, you’d let him have you?”

What could I say?

Steve had something special despite the grey hair on his head and chin. Although roughly the same age as my father, he didn’t have a beer gut, nor was he rough and ready like my dear old pa. In fact, his lean body and sophisticated manners were a real turn-on, and the thought of him between my widely spread thighs caused my juices to flow, but Suzanne didn’t need to know that.

“He’s not bad, Suzanne,” I replied cautiously and couldn’t help raising my eyebrows as she laughed conspiringly.

“I’m glad you think so because, otherwise, things could have become quite embarrassing,” she replied dryly, grasping my hand and leading me towards the staircase. 

Observing Suzanne climb the stairs in front of me, it was clear the silken robe and sheer panties had been worn as a courtesy, and I wondered where she was leading me. Eventually, we stopped outside one of many closed doors, and Suzanne turned to me. 

Tilting her head toward the door, she said, “Steve is in there getting ready for bed. Why don’t you say goodbye?” Feeling like a novice swimmer faced with swimming the English Channel, I shrugged my shoulders and gingerly opened the door. Smiling indulgently, Suzanne nodded some encouragement and, silently praying this would not come back to bite my arse, I stepped through the doorway.

It took a moment to realise what I was seeing, and it certainly wasn’t what I’d expected. There was no way Steve could have done this alone.

He lay spread-eagled on the bed. His hands were handcuffed to the headrest and the soft rope fastened around his ankles kept him from closing his legs. 

Perhaps I should have mentioned this first — he was stark naked, and his cock, at half-mast, wavered in the air. Startled, as if I were standing in front of an oncoming freight train, it was apparent he hadn’t expected me to enter the bedroom.

“Suzi, what the hell,” he shouted angrily, the chains of the furry handcuffs snapping tight as he tried to cover himself.

“Whoah, what the fuck, Steve,” I gasped and turned to flee the room but crashed into Suzanne in the doorway.

“Not so fast, Andrea,” she grinned. “Don’t you want a closer look?”

Glancing over my shoulder, I saw Steve twisting against his bonds in a futile attempt to hide his nakedness. Sweat bubbled on his forehead, and his cheeks were crimson red. Although I’d seen him change his shirt once or twice in the office — he’d actually done that knowing I was watching — this was completely different. There was nothing I couldn’t see.

Automatically, my gaze was drawn to his cock. It was a nice size in its present state, and the lack of pubic hair made it look bigger. A nice pair of balls hung beneath his thick shaft. Imagining cupping them as I sucked on his cock, I bit my lip.

“Okay, Suzanne, what’s the meaning of this?” I asked, turning to face Steve. I felt her hand rest on the small of my back. “As I said, Andrea, I wanted to give you your Christmas bonus, and I know Steve won’t mind.”

I watched Steve stare at his wife, then me, and back at Suzanne. “Fucking hell, Suzi, you didn’t tell me—” He stopped mid-sentence, seemingly unable to go on. 

I wondered if this were some kinky game they’d thought up for my benefit or if Suzanne really hadn’t told Steve of her intentions.

As if reading my mind, Suzanne gently caressed my butt before she walked past me towards the bed. “Steve thinks you’re hot as fuck, Andrea,” she announced casually. “I know because he’s told me enough times, and I know he wants you.”

As Suzanne sat on the bed next to her husband’s head, the silk robe rose up her smooth thighs, high enough to reveal black lace panties I’d caught a glimpse of on the stairway. 

And as she started stroking his hair, Suzanne calmly said, “Look, Steve, it’s Andrea. We both know you like her, and I know she likes you. Wouldn’t you like to see her naked?”

Steve remained silent, but his chest heaved up and down. “Wouldn’t you love to see Andrea’s big tits, grab hold of them and suck on her erect nipples?” 

I saw Steve’s cock twitch. 

“Do you want her to climb on top and ride your cock until you cum inside her?” Suzanne spoke as if I wasn’t there.

Watching in silent fascination, I couldn’t believe my eyes as Suzanne’s dirty suggestions aroused Steve’s cock to full erection. “Or would you like to treat her like the slutty tramp she is? Get her on all fours and stick your cock into her tight little arsehole?” Steve’s glans, bulging and purple, seemed to expand before my eyes, and a dribble of pre-cum appeared. 

Surprised by Suzanne’s audacity and Steve’s reaction, I covered my mouth with a hand and watched my boss turn his head away from me. 

Looking at Suzanne, I saw this wasn’t going to plan.

“Well, Andrea, don’t just stand there, say something,” she almost pleaded.

Hmmm… Maybe Suzanne hadn’t thought this through at all? It seemed this was just as much a surprise for Steve as for me. Could I turn the situation to my advantage? I cleared my throat.

“Nice cock.” For some reason, I couldn’t help myself. “I’ve seen bigger, but not bad for an old guy.” He stared at me while I spoke, but hearing the assessment, he couldn’t maintain eye contact and turned away.

Smirking at my response, Suzanne stood and slowly walked behind me. Then she grabbed my breasts. Holding my breath, I felt her fingers seek my hardening nipples. “Oooh, they feel nice, Steve,” she teased before kissing my ear. 

“I know it’s not the biggest cock in the world, Andrea, but it’s all yours tonight if you want it. Or do you prefer women?”

Unsure of what I wanted, I swallowed hard while Suzanne continued talking between kisses. “The one rule is —” she kissed my neck, “you can’t untie him.” She planted another kiss in the crook of my neck. “You see, Andrea if he’s helpless to defend himself,” she continued, her sultry tones causing my pussy to drip, “then he’s not cheating on me — he’s just a victim of circumstance.” 

She popped another kiss on my bare shoulder.

Although I listened attentively, her mouth and hands wreaked havoc on my self-control, and I could tell she wanted this to happen.

She wasn’t the only one.

The sight of Steve’s rampant cock, filled my stomach with butterflies, and my mouth dried up completely. Unable to speak, I threw back my head and let Suzanne kiss me some more. As her lips moved towards my cheek, I turned my head, and our lips met. Her exotic perfume teased my senses, and her tongue invaded my mouth. 

Her lips tasted sweet as honey, and I wasn’t the only breathless when she pulled back.

“How about we give Steve an early Christmas present?” I suggested, turning to face her. I noticed Steve staring as I slowly untied the belt on her robe. The naked lust in his eyes had my pussy creaming. As I released the ends of the belt, Suzanne shrugged her shoulders, and the silk robe slithered to the thick carpet. Besides the lace panties and ‘fuck me’ Louboutins, she was naked.

Whether it was from a good gene pool or a surgeon’s knife, there was no denying Suzanne’s fantastic figure. Hesitating for only a second to take in her beauty, I wrapped my arms around her waist, and we kissed. As her tongue invaded my mouth, I grabbed her ass and spread her buttocks. The erotic moan that escaped her lips when I probed her tight rear entrance sent a tingle down my spine.

Then Suzanne reached for the zip on the back of my dress, and the garment hung loose on my shoulders in no time. Brushing the shoulder straps down my arms, I gestured to Suzanne to go further, and seconds later, my dress landed on the floor next to her robe.

Turning me to face her husband, Suzanne called out, “Do you like what you see, Honey? Isn’t she sexy?” Standing in only sheer cherry red panties and heels, I had a brief moment of self-conscious panic, but a glance at the excitement on Steve’s face gave me all the encouragement I needed to continue. Feeling Suzanne’s erect nipples press into my back as she reached around to cup my tits again, I leant back into her.

“Do you want me to suck them?” she whispered. I nodded, and without another word, Suzanne twirled me around. After a sizzling kiss, she began showering my body with soft butterfly kisses, each a little lower, until finally, she reached my breasts. 

Hardly daring to breathe, I watched Suzanne flick my rock-hard nipples with her thumbs and take them into her wet mouth, one after the other. I felt her tongue trace a circle around my areola before she clamped her teeth onto a diamond-hard nipple. Electric sensations spread throughout my chest, and glancing over my shoulder, I saw Steve staring transfixed at the two most influential women in his life. Our gazes met, and I licked my lips seductively.

Wondering how far Suzanne was prepared to go, I entwined my fingers in her hair and pushed her head downwards.

“Don’t worry, I had no intention of stopping,” Suzanne giggled and rained more butterfly kisses over my belly and lace-covered mons. I parted my thighs and shoved Suzanne’s head between them. 

Although I didn’t expect any resistance, the eagerness with which she went down on me surprised and inflamed me. Pulling my sopping gusset aside, Suzanne’s traced the outline of my juicy slit with her tongue before she started working her magic on my clitoris. 

While she sucked, Suzanne kneaded my buttocks, pulling my sex tight against her agile tongue. Obviously, this wasn’t her first time with a woman, and I hoped my inexperience wasn’t disappointing her.

Hearing the clinking of chains behind me, I watched Steve observing his wife go down on his personal assistant. Our pornographic display clearly aroused him but being unable to relieve his throbbing erection must have been virtually unbearable.

Seeing how desperate he was, I felt genuinely sorry for him. Watching pre-cum trickling down his shaft, I almost succumbed, and if Suzanne hadn’t kept up her assault on my sex, I probably would have gone to his aid.

“Fuck, Suzanne, that’s fantastic,” I moaned, scrunching my fingers in her hair. “That’s it, right there… please don’t stop!”

I’m not sure whether my pleading or moaning egged her on, but Suzanne’s nibbling and sucking of my clit had already brought me to the abyss of oblivion. So, when she slipped two fingers between my slippery pussy lips, the contest was decided.

Stars flashed before my eyes, and my legs trembled uncontrollably, causing my knees to buckle. With my gushing pussy clamped firmly to her mouth, Suzanne bore my weight and still didn’t stop her attack.

Eventually, my orgasm subsided and needing to recover, I pushed Suzanne’s head from between my legs. Looking down at my hostess, her face glistening with my cum, I was overcome with desire and bent forward to lick her clean.

“Was that good for you, Andrea,” she asked, eyes searching my face for approval.

“There are no words,” was all I could pant. “I need to sit down.”

“Hey, what about me?”

We turned to look at Steve, and it was clear he was having difficulty containing himself. The chains and rope were taught as piano strings, his breathing sounded like a restrained bull, and his veins looked like they were about to burst.

“Am I gonna get some action tonight?” he growled. 

His cock was so engorged it looked painful, and I genuinely felt sorry for him. Looking at my hostess kneeling before me, I tilted my head towards the bed and mouthed, “Shall we?”

Treating me to another conspiring smile, Suzanne stood and, taking my hand, she led me to the bed. Almost as if we could read each other’s mind, we climbed onto the bed, one on either side of Steve’s prone body. 

Not wanting to appear greedy, I nodded to Suzanne to take the lead and avidly watched my hostess grab her husband’s rampant erection — and attack it, no other description for it. 

As soon as she’d engulfed his purple glans, the rest of his cock followed. Within seconds she was choking on his rigid shaft, her nose pressed into his sparse pubic hair. 

It was evident that Steve enjoyed his wife’s technique because he started thrusting and pumping his cock into her mouth, producing a weird “gak gak gak” sound from Suzanne. 

This went on for a few more seconds until Suzanne more or less spat Steve’s manhood from her mouth, a long tendril of saliva and pre-cum linking her lips and his helmet.

“Here you are, Andrea,” she said, wiping her mouth while offering me Steve’s erection.

Although I’m not a blow-job princess like Suzanne, I’ve never had any complaints, and with the same enthusiasm as my hostess, I opened my mouth and took Steve’s cock as deep as possible.

I didn’t attempt to compete with Suzanne’s deep-throating skills, and instead of choking myself, I slowly eased my lips along his rigid shaft while constantly swirling my tongue around his delicious swollen flesh. Then, while I French kissed his tiny piss hole, I squeezed his balls, only stopping when I heard a whimper. 

And so it went on. When I didn’t have Steve’s cock in my mouth, I sucked his balls; if I wasn’t stroking his cock, I was using my nails on his thighs or stomach. Judging by how he tried to pump his prick into my mouth, I guess he liked my style.

Glancing up at Suzanne, I saw her eyes glistening like diamonds, and she was champing at the bit to regain possession of Steve’s cock. Although I wasn’t finished, I handed it back to her and watched her lips slide down the rigid flesh.

Looking at my boss, he seemed to be enjoying this blow job, despite the tense muscles and grimace of lust he displayed. To pile on the pressure, I took one of his nipples in my mouth and softly clenched my teeth on the tiny bud. Suddenly, he treated me to a familiar smile, and my heart skipped a beat.

“Is this everything you thought it would be?” I asked softly.

He nodded, his eyes glistening like diamonds.

“Did you know this was going to happen?” 

His eyes bulged, and he shook his head violently. 

So Suzanne surprised us both. 

“Do you want to fuck me tonight?” I asked.

He nodded so vigorously that I was afraid he might hurt his neck. 

Leaning forward, we kissed, but only fleetingly because it was my turn to suck his cock again. 

Determined to claim me for her own, Suzanne grabbed my hair and pulled me forward for a kiss as I clutched her husband’s throbbing flesh. 

Amazingly, while I wanked my boss, his wife kissed me passionately, her tongue probing deep into my mouth while her hand reached for my bare breast. Satisfied she was winning this extramarital fuck contest, Suzanne pulled away and licked her lips.

Then she stared at me in such a way that, had I been a man, she probably would have given me an instant hard-on. Pleased with my effect on these people, I winked simply at her, opened my mouth and fed Steve’s cock down my throat.

And so it went on, Suzanne and I taking turns worshipping Steve’s cock. I was amazed at how long he managed to keep all that spunk in his balls, but he inevitably succumbed to our administrations. 

In fact, it was me that made him cum. I had his helmet between my lips when an almighty roar filled the bedroom, and he thrust his cock deeper into my mouth. A hot stream of thick sperm decorated my tonsils. However, before he could fill my mouth with a second salvo, Suzanne snatched him from my lips.

Not one but two expulsions sent cum flying onto our faces as Suzanne guided Steve’s cock to her mouth. Watching the pulsating erection disappear between her smiling lips, I slipped my fingers beneath my panties and began pleasuring myself, enviously watching Suzanne swallow the rest of her husband’s cream.

Wanting to show how much I loved his hot spunk, I moved up the bed to give Steve a sloppy kiss before removing his seed from my face with my fingers and licking them clean. 

After sucking the last of hubby’s spunk from his cock, Suzanne moved beside me and, taking hold of my face, began licking the bits I’d missed while her husband watched, memorised by what he was witnessing.

“Isn’t she gorgeous, Darling?” Suzanne grinned. 

Steve nodded and smiled at me. “Will you untie me now, so I can join in properly?”

I watched Suzanne lean forward and kiss her hubby. “Not yet, Darling… both of you have cum, now it’s my turn,” she said, swinging a leg across his body and positioning her pussy above his wilting manhood. Watching Suzanne writhe her juicy cunt over my boss’s softening flesh was so horny that I resumed caressing my clit.

“Jesus that’s so hot,” mumbled Steve, staring at me, his gaze full of admiration.

“Keep that up, Andrea, and he’ll cum again in no time,” Suzanne proclaimed.” He loves watching me do that.”

Steve’s cock was hard again, and as she reached down to insert her husband’s revitalised manhood between her slippery pussy lips, Suzanne cocked her head towards a bedside table. 

“Check out the second drawer, Andrea. I think you’ll like what you find.”

Opening the drawer, I saw her vibrator. Long, thick and wrapped with gnarly veins, it had a big pair of balls attached to the bottom of the shaft. 

No one had such a thing just for decoration, and giving Suzanne a knowing look, I smiled broadly. 

Seeing my fascinated expression, Suzanne nodded, giggling like a young girl. “It’s for when Steve’s away on business or when I want to tease him,” she said, leaning forward and arching her back as her hips rose with rhythmic precision. “Fuck, this feels good,” she carried on, burying Steve’s prick deep inside her.

“Oh yeah,” he groaned as his wife caressed his balls.

“Now, why don’t you demonstrate to hubby why he needs to keep things together until you’re ready to fuck him,” Suzanne suggested, although it sounded more like a command.

Grabbing the thick vibrator, I lay on the bed, one leg stretched out, the other bent at the knee so that Steve had a perfect view of my cunt, through the sheer red panties. Breathlessly, I traced the thick bulbous tip along my slit, pressing the silky material between my swollen outer lips. 

I heard Steve gasp.

The only other sounds were Suzanne’s heavy breathing, the squeaking of the bed, and the erotic squelching from her wet pussy as she rode her husband like a well-trained Amazon.

Steve’s eyes begged me to go further, and despite feeling a little self-conscious, I tugged the delicate triangle of cloth aside and revealed what he was dying to see. Smiling at my boss, I turned on the vibrator and rubbed it up and down my juicy slit. The sensation was so hot when I pressed it against my clit that I couldn’t help groaning. While my eyelids fluttered like butterfly wings, my stomach muscles tensed, and I pushed the helmet between my cunt lips.

“Hmmm, keep that up, Andrea; I can feel him throbbing inside me.” Suzanne needn’t have worried; I hadn’t any intention of stopping. 

Easing the dark tip into my juicy slit, I watched Steve’s eyes following my every move. Then, for no other reason than I needed to feel the glorious sensations of a big thick cock stretching my cunt, I rammed the vibrator deep into my tunnel.

Suzanne instantly teased her husband. “Did you see that, Darling?” she asked, bouncing on his groin. “See how easily she took that cock inside her? I bet you can’t wait until it’s your turn.”

Although I was doing this for Steve, the sensations the huge vibrator wreaked upon my cunt felt so good: I couldn’t stop thrusting it in and out of my pussy. My hostess kept up her commentary during it all, which made things hotter. 

“That’s it, Stevie, just think about what it’ll be like when it’s your cock she’s fucking, it’s your cock pushing between those juicy cunt lips.”

My hand was a blur as I continued to ram the artificial prick into my dripping snatch while Suzanne kept teasing her husband: 

“Oooh, Andrea, I can feel how much he wants you, he’s really fucking me now.”

Opening my eyes, I saw Suzanne kneeling over her husband, allowing him to ram his cock into her willing hole.

“Yeah, Baby,” encouraged Suzanne, “Pretend I’m Andrea.”

“Oh fuck, Andrea,” groaned Steve, twisting his arms and rattling the handcuffs that kept him tethered to the bed. He obviously wanted to be freed so he could be more active.

Suddenly Steve’s face froze, and he ceased all movement. “I’m close,” he warned.

“Oh no you don’t,” exclaimed Suzanne, climbing off her husband. “I wanna see Andrea fuck you, and I wanna watch you fill her cunt with cum.”

She tightly gripped the base of Steve’s cock, and I watched in amazement as he jerked violently while Suzanne thwarted his climax. I wondered if she’d left it too late, but after a few more violent twitches, she seemed satisfied and planted a loving kiss on the purple dome.

“Just making sure you keep it nice and hard, Darling. We don’t want any disappointments tonight, do we now?”

“Are you going to let me fuck her, Suzi?” My boss smiled, but Suzanne shook her head. Unable to contain my disappointment, I stared at her, wondering what she was playing at. 

“Oh no, Darling,” Suzanne purred, “I’m going to let her fuck you.” Then seeing me relax, she burst into a fit of giggles. “Climb aboard, Andrea.”

Suzanne ordered, gesturing for me to let her remove my knickers. Then, completely naked, I straddled Steve and felt a sharp stinging sensation on my buttock. 

Looking over my shoulder, Suzanne innocently shrugged her shoulders and apologised. “Sorry, Andrea, I couldn’t help myself.” Then she slapped my bum again and tossed my soaking knickers onto her husband’s face. “Get a sniff of those, Darling.”

As I reached between my legs for Steve’s cock, I watched him quickly inhale my scent. When I swiped his swollen dome along my slit, he exhaled powerfully while shaking his head, and my panties fell by the wayside.

With his cock at my entrance, I quickly lowered my hips and felt him penetrate me. Having achieved his goal, Steve grinned from ear to ear.

Because I’d been dreaming of this moment for a long time, I’d built it into something special, and I wasn’t disappointed; Steve’s cock felt terrific, and as I sank down on the last inch, I closed my eyes in rapture and wished it could last forever.

As I raised my hips, Suzanne held my waist and showered my buttocks with kisses, each one getting closer and closer to my little puckered starfish.

“How does she feel, Steve?” she asked between kisses.

“She’s awesome… I can feel her milking me.”

Looking at me, he said,” Andrea, you’re fucking awesome!”

“You’re not so bad yourself, stud,” I replied and meant every word. Riding his cock felt fantastic, especially when I ground my sex onto the base. The rapid pace sent all sorts of delicious sensations coursing through my body, and even though my second orgasm wasn’t far away, I tried to delay the inevitable. I didn’t want this to stop.

Unfortunately, I hadn’t counted on Suzanne being determined to make me cum. Amid the heavy breathing, soft whimpers, and animal grunting, my horny hostess explored my tight rear entrance with her tongue. Balancing on the edge of the precipice, I tensed, and Steve’s prick felt harder and larger as I continued riding him.

“Cum with me, Steve,” I cried, “give me all your lovely spunk,” and slammed my cunt onto his glorious prick before toppling into the abyss of delightful bliss. While cum flooded my tunnel and my quivering thighs pummeled Steve’s prone body, I saw his eyes roll back, and he groaned loudly. 

Feeling his cock throb as hot sticky spunk seared my silken sheath, I ground down on his shaft and tensed my abdominal muscles. Despite it being his second orgasm of the evening, he kept pumping so much cream into me; some leaked out and down the insides of my thighs.

But before I could bathe in the glorious aftermath, Suzanne pulled Steve’s slick shaft unceremoniously out of my pussy, and as I rolled off him, sperm oozing from my slit, I saw her enthusiastically licking our cum cocktail from his greasy manhood.

Taking a brief pause, Suzanne looked at me and winked. “After we release Steve, it’s my turn to be tied to the bed.”

Published 2 years ago

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