Essence of Argan

"She was a '10' and when she asked to join in the training session, I upgraded the format to Tantric."

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I had heard a rumor that Jasmin’s sister, who was a ten-plus in figure and looks, was going to be at the arena today.

Fuck, I got hard just thinking about her.

It was early dawn on the last Saturday of the month of Feb 2020 when I drove down the long drive past the Old stables. The eight-foot hedge hid the very private oval training arena from view giving total privacy from anyone who even new the Old stables existed. It was passing twenty-four degrees already, and heading for another scorcher of a day when I parked the car under the carports at the lower end of the riding arena.

I found that watching the dressage horses being put through their paces around and over the various obstacles was a lot more interesting here than at other more formal training tracks, because the riders were always dressed more casually during the practice sessions, not the stricter jacket and jodhpur clothing that was mandatory at other tracks. From where I was standing the sun was just beginning to rise over the tree line on the far side of the arena, silhouetting the horses and their riders as they rode by.

Mr. Jay Carpenter was the first rider I recognised this morning to pass by, silhouetted in the sunlight as he cantered his horse in preparation for the obstacle ahead. I noticed that today he was indeed very loosely attired. As I looked to the far side of the field I saw his wife, Jasmin, preparing to enter into the same arena of the dressage course that Jay was working.

As I watched her sitting in the saddle with a straight back, my cock gave me a reminder of why I liked to watch the early morning loose clothing optional practice sessions at this arena. Jasmin gave me a quick wave as she prepared to finish what was to be just one of her many training circuits today. Watching her pass between the sun’s rays and myself, her beauty was showcased as if in a picture frame for those few seconds. Her ramrod stance sitting high in the saddle with straight shoulders highlighted her near-perfect firm boobs being barely covered by a very loose and very, very short light cotton top.

I loved it.

But today there was another noticeable difference. Jasmin’s hair which was always tightly cropped, today was flying loose and free cascading down past her shoulders to the middle of her back. She looked stunning. With each alternate bounce, I had the pleasure of watching her cotton top flap about revealing the perfection of her wondrously firm 35B tits that were unrestrained by any bra or boob tube. Watching her shirt bounce up from her unrestrained boobs which sat up proud firm and high, as she trotted past me, caused an immediate stimulation in my groin.

For the past nine months, I had been coming here twice a month to give Jay and Jasmin personal training, which always included a work out in the gym followed by a sports massage and then an hour or two of Pilates instruction. To say this was a perk job was an understatement, but today it was like Christmas.

Having greedily absorbed her beauty as she rode passed, I reluctantly switched my attention to the other riders as they came around the circuit. I ogled those that were attractive to me and ignored those that were not. As I said earlier, I enjoyed the freedom of a relaxed dress code at this track, but never before had I seen Jay or Jasmin practicing in such loose attire.

Normally Jay wore jeans and a tailored shirt, but today he was only wearing cut down jean shorts and a T-shirt. Jasmin’s beauty, which was normally attired in western style shirt and jeans was enhanced today by the short shorts, beautiful long bronzed legs a cotton top and not much more by the looks of it.

I put it down to the prediction of solar planetary alignments with Uranus and the fact it was going to be a ‘scorcher’ of a day.

Many other riders rode past my position and it was clear that today they and most of their support crews were also affected by the mood and the freedom of being very very casually dressed. Blame it on and bless those planets!

Slowly I started to take more notice of each of the riders and how much, or rather how little they were wearing. Jay came back around the circuit and I was sure that I could see his penis bouncing out the edge of his shorts as he rode past.
But that was absurd, I chided myself, as I always found that my mini monster would shrink and become a little boy lost whenever I went riding. Not too mention the discomfort of squashing one’s balls when bouncing naked in the saddle. 

So how was it possible that I saw Jay’s dick hanging out of his short shorts? “Hmmm, no not possible,” I said to myself.

Then I was captivated as I recognised that the delicious Olivia, Olive for short, Jasmin’s gorgeous sister was prancing past me today with her steed doing a ‘very high stepping trot’ which accentuated the bounce of her lovely tits and her equally beautiful butt as it bounced in and out of the saddle.

Olive was wearing a similar cotton top to Jasmin and I could see that she also was not wearing a bra or boob tube. I reckon from that moment onward my cock was permanently swollen and on the verge of being ‘fuck hard’.

I mentioned before that Olivia was a ‘ten-plus’ and as I consumed her body with my eyes, I noted that her light top seemed to be even shorter than Jasmin’s and with each time she bounced out of the saddle, the hem would flap up around the nipple showing all of the lower part of her gorgeously firm 35C breasts.

Ogle? Fuck, you betcha I did!  I just wanted to devour her right there and then!

I wondered to myself what the hell I had missed in our communications about today’s training, but I did not care as right now I was in the seventh heaven. 

Fuck, I loved those planets today! 

Olive was a year older than Jasmin, but when you saw the two girls together you would swear they were twins … identical twins (almost). Another half-hour passed as I stood watching with my cock pumped hard enough to be sporting a firm bulge in my shorts, easily observed by others even after I had repositioned its dragon’s head a couple of times to allow for any additional growth spasms.

On one of the circuits that Olive passed by close to the fence, she looked over at me, smiled, and pointed to my hard-on and said, “I see that you are enjoying the circuit training this morning, Jack.” 

Then with a lot of teasing she leant forward to show off her beautiful tit’s hanging free. Her legs were ramrod straight in the stirrups and her butt pointed up into the air.

“Fuck, I would love to fuck that girl,” I said to myself hoping no one had overheard me talking about my desire to ravage the body of the local horse doctor’s wife.

As I turned to walk towards the new Old Stable Rooms to set up the tables and other equipment, I wondered about Cynthia the dog Whisperer and pet groomer – Olive’s half-sister – now she also had a great body, maybe not a ten but it was close to a nine-plus. My mind ran rampant thinking about Olivia, Cynthia & Jasmin all in a Jacuzzi together, with me – but this was just a wicked dream that destroyed my brain cells just thinking about the possibilities of sex, sex and more fucking sex. Hmmnnfg!

My wicked thoughts about Cynthia would have to wait for another day, as being Jay and Jasmin’s personal instructor it was my job to focus on a fitness program for my clients which included both a gym program, Pilates, and of course their diet to keep their bodies toned, fit and pliable. It goes without saying that both Jay and Jasmin already had very toned body condition, so my challenge was to maintain and improve on their fitness and well being. 

The far end of the stables had been converted to a very swish upmarket conference Centre, with sleepover accommodation inclusive of three large bedrooms next to the multi shower and bathroom facilities.The whole complex was aptly named ‘The Stables’ which included a separate lounge, a large Conference room and a very upmarket kitchen dining room that you would love to have in your own home.

As with all our previous sessions over the last nine months, I had employed one of the stable hands, Suzie was her name, to assist me with the massages and Pilates training as she was an accredited Pilates instructor and masseuse, and she was stunning to boot!

‘The Stable’s’ Conference Center had 2 large flat-screen TVs with an amazing Stereo system and up to five wireless cameras, all of which added to the content of the visual training and instruction. One of the 185cm flat-screen TV’s was fixed to the front wall of the conference room, the other was cleverly attached to a retractable track on the side-wall which enabled the TV to be retracted up flat across the ceiling when not required. We were pleased to discover that the wall mounted TV was fully operational both on the wall and also in the ceiling position. 

Next, I checked that the smaller screens fixed to the front legs of the massage tables were operational and synchronized with the large TV Screens.

I always let Suzie prepare the TV/Video/USB/Camera setup’s and select the music whilst I arranged all the tables with a One-litre bottle of 100% Pure Organic ‘Essence of Argan’ Moroccan oil andTowels.

The usual procedure was for Jay and Jasmin to stable and groom their horses before going into the gym for approximately sixty minutes of a structured work out followed by a refreshing shower. Then they would come into the conference room and climb onto the massage tables wrapped in their large towels and only wearing pantie/briefs.

After the massage, they would change back into track pants and T-shirts ready for an hour of Pilates Aerobics and muscle toning exercises. Today, however, the atmosphere was different.

Jasmin advised me that they were going to skip the gym work out, as her sister Olive was stopping over for a few days and had asked if it would be okay to join them in their Pilates workouts. 
“Of course,” I responded, “Why not ask her to join you two in the massage as well, so that she would be equally as relaxed for the Pilates. I have extra gear in my SUV,” I added.

Five minutes later Jasmin came back and said that Olive would love to get a massage before the Pilates workshop. So I made a phone call to one of my other assistants and asked them to come out to the track and assist, as we now had three parties to look after,

Whilst Jay, Olive and Jasmin showered, I asked Suzie to get the small dark blue suitcase with extra massage oils and another massage table from my SUV, totally forgetting that I had left my USB Key with ‘Lush Short Stories’ X-rated videos and assorted pictures in the same suitcase as the Bio oils. Later that afternoon, Suzie would bring to my attention that she had found it, and had skimmed through a few of the pictures and stories that I had printed and compiled into a folder. 

She did not say a word about it until later when she suggested that she would like to become more involved in our Personal Training program. When you looked at Suzie and knew of her credentials, this was a no brainer – I said yes straight away.

All of the massage tables were set up and the individual ten-inch screens fitted to the front legs were tested and working, which was great as these screens allowed my clients to relax and watch therapeutic video’s or music DVD’s whilst they had their massages. 
The Bluetooth screens were easily linked to the remote camera’s or video link at the flick of a switch for both training purposes and or relaxation whichever was applicable.

With a few setting changes, Suzie had all five camera’s operating and sending their images onto the big TV screens at once, creating four-channel imaging whilst cycling through the five camera projections. Then with a little ingenuity, Suzie positioned three of the cameras on tripods up on top of some tables around our workshop area. Each one focused in on one of the three massage tables. The fourth and fifth cameras she set up at the side and bottom ends of the tables at just above tabletop level.

I loved her work and her ability to assess the optimum set up for our work environment. With the massage tables set up and ready, Jay, Jasmin and Olive arrived freshly showered and wrapped in their towels ready for their training program to begin. 

Jay asked Suzie to select one of the ‘Sade’ DVD’s to watch on the screens and with the toss of a coin to see who would look after who – it was to be Olive with me, Jay with Suzie and CK my other assistant would look after Jasmin. As they lay down onto the massage tables, Suzie selected some very sensual ‘Sade’ DVD music which she streamed across to the massage table screens and onto both of the big TV screens.


It was at this point that I decided to ‘up the ante’ and upgrade the program from our standard sports exercise and recovery program to a Tantric experience, and whispered to Suzie of the change.

A Tantric massage is a sensual massage where you will be pampered and your stresses eased out of your body, all culminating in an explosive happy ending. Suzie had a smile on her face, as I knew she had had training and was now considered an expert in the art of the ‘Lingam’ massage for men.

Without a word she prepared some extra towels, checked that we had extra bottles of the ‘Essence of Argan Oils,’ and made sure that the soft cotton hand mittens and other silk & satin materials were selected from the dark blue suitcase.

Our attire? – Well both Suzie and I were wearing our Instructor uniforms of loose sports shorts and screen printed cotton T-shirt.
Suzie’s T-shirt was shorter than mine – hers came almost down to her navel whilst mine hung loose over top of my waistband.
Suzie excused her self from the room briefly and when she returned, it was easy to see that she had removed her underwear and was now dressed commando style, as was I.  I was sure that CK would be as well.

The atmosphere was euphoric with Sade singing some of her best sensual tracks. We were now ready to look after our small group of three. Jay, Jasmin and Olive had, after climbing up onto their respective massage tables, lain face down before loosening their towels to cover just their butts.

The ladies rested their chins on their cupped hands and focused on the screens in front of them. Jay lay with his arms down his sides and his face turned sideways so that he could watch his wife and sister-in-law on one of the big screens.

Suzie poured the Essence of Argan Oils over Jay’s back and shoulders and began the rhythmic process of coating Jay’s body head to foot with the oil. It was always euphoric to watch Suzie at work as she had a serene method of getting her clients relaxed. Jay was no different and was soon like putty in her hands.

CK arrived and walked straight up to the Table beside Jasmin, poured some oil into his hands and standing at the head of the massage table proceed to massage her back from her neck and shoulders down to her waist.
Standing on the outside of Olive’s table I began by coating my hands with the oil before starting at the centre of her back and massaging outwards and upwards towards her shoulders.

For a quarter of an hour we added oil and massaged from the tips of fingers down to the tips of toes, then whilst holding the towels in place we suggested to Jay, Jasmin and Olive that they would get much more out of this Tantric experience if they would peel down their panties/briefs. 


Part of the Tantric experience involved the tracing of the light satin, silk or soft cotton materials across their naked flesh to create a feeling of heightened sensitivity and sensual stimulation of the receptors just under the surface of the skin. If you were a fly on the wall you would have seen all three bodies on the tables slowly spread their legs apart to allow access around and to their genitals, as we wiped the soft to touch materials across the surface of there bodies.

Because Tantric massage is an art, it is important to take time and allow the client to melt into the rhythm with their mindset accepting the sensual and erotic methodology. Throughout the entire session, we had worked together as a team and brought all three of our clients to a state of euphoric bliss being ready and willing to climb to the amazing places that the Tantric methodology was taking them to.


Suzie had flicked a few switches on the amplifier and with Sade playing through the expensive Bose Speakers, the camera images were now being transmitted to all the TV screens.

Over the next five minutes we were focused on gently massaging their bodies from their shoulders down to their upper thighs, their butt cheeks and probing around their anal passages and groins to stimulate and encourage total submission to the Tantric art.
Suzie was expertly stroking and massaging Jay’s scrotum, causing him to lift his butt off the table allowing his cock room to stretch and grow.

CK had Jasmin climbing to higher levels of submission with extra attention to the pressure points around the cheeks of her butt, with each brushing stroke past her upper thighs and labia Jasmin’s juices were well evident as were her swollen and wet lips – perfectly captured through one of the cameras and transmitted to all the screens for every one to see. 

Olive was being transported along a similar path and was equally as wet and receptive as Jasmin.

We took another five minutes of massaging from shoulders to toes keeping them in a heightened sense of sensual pleasure before we replaced the towels across their butts, then asked them to roll over onto their backs. 

Earlier on in the day, as I watched Jay trotting around the course I thought I had seen his penis bouncing out the leg of his shorts, but then dismissed the thought as a trick to the eye. But now whilst under the towel and as he rolled over onto his back, I was to observe that he did in-fact have a monster cock of impressive proportions.

With Jasmin and Olive now lying on their backs with towels placed across their waist and their boobs, we played a CD track of information about the Yoni and Lingam massage explaining what we would be doing for the remainder of this afternoons session.
Receiving confirmation from Jay, Jasmin and Olive that they were ready and happy to proceed, I asked Suzie to select another DVD of Sade or Simply Red whilst CK and I talked to Jay, Jasmin and Olive to confirm that they were relaxed and willing to continue.

Suzie inserted a CD of Simply Red into the stereo system to maintain the mood and then re-activated the cameras that sent images of Jay, Jasmin and Olive lying on the three tables, collectively and directly onto the TV screens. All three of our clients were looking at the large TV up on the ceiling, checking themselves and each other out in the process.

We continued with a slow sensual massage from their finger tips’ up along their arms and across the top of their shoulders avoiding their chests, then continued to gently massage from under their rib cages to the tops of their groins.

As I was working on Olive’s abdomen, she asked if it was ok to get rid of the towel and without waiting for an answer she let it slide off her boobs and onto the floor. The towel across her hips followed the first towel to the floor. Now she lay there in front of me and the cameras, in her full glory and beauty with legs spread slightly apart and her wet pussy glistening invitingly.

My cock, which was already in more than a semi hard state, sprung to a solid state of attention, but I was outclassed by the size of Jay’s cock as his towel slid to the floor leaving 18cm’s of hard cock pointing up into the air. Not only was his cock long but its girth was equally impressive at around 16cm diameter – which made my cock size of 15cm x 13cm look like a dwarf in comparison.
Up till then I had been quietly happy about the size of my cock!

It was not long before Jasmin’s top towel followed the others onto the floor, as we continued the tantric practice using the satin, silk and soft cotton fabrics to trail these across their nipples, belly button, balls and labia lips causing nipples to harden, and Jay’s cock to grow even more it seemed.

We trailed the fabrics down their inner thighs to their toe’s massaging the soles of their feet with the soft cotton mittens, then moved back up to the upper body paying attention to every erogenous part of their being until we arrived back to their foreheads, ears and lips. The softer materials were replaced with more oil applications and for the next thirty minutes Suzie, CK and I gave Jay, Jasmin and Olive our fullest attention and expertise to achieve the most sensual sexual and spiritual release taking them many times to the edge of orgasmic pleasure.

For ten minutes I had been gently massaging Olive’s shoulders and squeezing her beautiful tit’s and hard projectile nipples before moving down to her lower regions, spreading her labia lips fingering her cunt hole, rubbing her G Spots and then going down to flick her clit with my tongue until it was too sensitive to be touched anymore,

CK was paying Jasmin much the same attention as she purred quietly and raised her hips high into the air, craving for more oral stimulation. CK brought Jasmin to the edge of an orgasm time and time again with his probing fingers enhancing the value of his practiced clitoral techniques.

With Olive and Jay both making guttural noises as they were taken to the edge of orgasmic pleasures, I leant forward and began to caress more of Olive’s body with my tongue. As I licked around and enjoyed the firmness of her amazing tit’s I began to flick her nipples back and forth, before really sucking down hard. Each nipple got harder and harder as I focused solely on sucking each one up away from her body until they sprung out of my mouth. Time and time again I used this ‘suction cup’ technique then I would lick down over her stomach until I reached her naval. As I licked and poked my tongue into her naval she was moving her hips up and down and around searching for more and more.

Olive’s hips were raised off the table with her legs bent at the knees, her hands now pushing my head back down to her pussy lips where I licked and tickled her clit, tossing it around with my tongue before licking down her swollen labia until I encapsulated her tongue and cock fucking cunt hole. Both Olive and Jasmin were so far up the orgasmic ramp they were now insatiable and were craving for more of the Tantric sensual and sexual attention.

On the screen Jay’s cock looked huge as Suzie massaged it from its’ tip to its’ base, barely managing to get her fingers of one hand to touch as they encompassed his thick shaft. Her other hand was finger fucking his anus and rubbing his prostate gland with expert skills. She knew when to back off bringing him close to orgasming multiple times before finalising his release with her mouth going down on his long hard cock as far as she could before he blew his jizzum down her throat.

Olive had been watching this between her own tremors of orgasmic heights and when she saw Suzie swallowing Jay’s cum, she let out a low guttural growl and looked up at me with a hunger for more tantric and sensual release.

Due to the current activities, it went without saying that, the scheduled Pilates training would need to be rescheduled for another day!

During the last half hour CK, Suzie and I had stripped off our T Shirt and shorts and were as naked as our clients, as we guided them to the final summit of their Tantric experience. Standing totally naked in front of Olive, with my cock pumped up hard and strong, I swung Olive’s legs off the table and told her to stand up and lean forward to grab hold of the end of the table. Olive stood there with both hands holding the corners of the table and leaning forward, her beautiful tits hanging out in front of her as she spread her legs apart showing a very wet and wanting cunt to the lens of one of the camera’s.

One of the cameras also got a perfect image looking at Olive and Jasmin from one side of the table. Olive’s near perfect hard nippled firm tits were pointing outwards towards the table top. Jasmin and Suzie followed suit, and like Olive were now at the end of their tables and positioned themselves for some hard fucking from behind.

I was leaking a small stream of precum out of the swollen eye of my ramrod hard cock as I admired the gorgeous bodies of both Olive and Jasmin who looked like identical twins. Both Olive and her sister Jasmin were as close to a perfect ‘10’ as you could get.

I got down on my knees and spread Olive’s beautiful bum cheeks apart before leaning into to lick her succulent pussy all the way from her clit up to her tight little arse, poking my tongue into her tight little star at the end of each upward stroke. CK did the same for Jasmin, but Jay did not stop to give Suzie the same oral attention he just aligned his massive manhood with Suzie’s puffy cunt lips and entered her in two thrusts.

I was mesmerized at the size of Jay’s cock, as knowing he had blown his load already I was intrigued to see that he was still big and hard and majestically penetrating Suzie’s cunt with his 18cm (nine inch) solid cunt fucker.

After a few minutes of heavenly satisfaction as I sucked her clit and swallowed her juices which flowed in orgasmic spasms, Olive reached around and pulled me up by my hair and just said “Fuck Me.”
When I was standing she reached for and grabbed hold of my cock, pulled me forward till she could line it up with her soaking hole and just said “Fuck me hard, Jack.”

In two strokes I was buried balls deep, hard up inside her and with a rain of hard smacks across her bum cheeks I set about to ‘pummel her brains’ out.

All three ladies were now holding on to the massage tables, their tit’s were swinging and bouncing around as they were getting fucked hard from behind. It was all being shown on the big screens and as I was later informed by Suzie, recorded onto the USB Key. It was such a turn on to watch all the girls tits swaying in rhythm to the pounding they were each receiving and with a few more smacks across her arse, Olive started to express herself verbally with some sexual expletives as I pumped her cunt hard, building up to my own orgasm until we both blew our loads and collapsed in a heap on top of the table.

CK was fucking Jasmin well and truly hard with his huge cunt fucking cock, and as we watched, he with drew his cum coated cock fully from Jasmins cunt and spun her around. Instinctively she sunk to her knees and reached out for his cock to guide it into her mouth and gave him an amazing ‘Deep Throat’ blow job. With one hand cupping his balls, and the other caressing his puckering arse hole with her thumb, she brought him to the point of no return as he blew spasm after spasm of jizzum down her throat.

Olive recovered quickly and was still frisky. Pulling me down onto the ground she rolled me onto my back, then standing astride of me she lowered herself over my face reverse cowgirl style and fucked my face with her deliciously juicy wet cunt. Our combined juices flowed out of her cunt hole into my mouth and all over my face, followed with more of her delicious cunt juices from another smaller orgasmic spasm.

Finally satiated she fell forward and devoured my cock in the ‘69’ position as her cunt juices continued to leak down over my face. I was in heaven eating out her juicy cunt and pushing my tongue hard into her butt hole stimulating her sensory trigger points. 
“Next time I want you to fuck my arse,” Olive said, as she watched Jay poking his cock head into Suzie’s anal opening.

Again I was impressed at Jay, not only did he have a huge cunt fucking cock, he had stamina to boot.

To be continued …

All names, places and similarities are purely coincidental. The story is based on fiction, and maybe a little wishful thinking whilst trying to assimilate the pleasures of a Tantric experience that my partner and I were the receivers of.

Copyright applies.

Foot Note:

Q. What is tantric massage?

A. ” A sensual candle light massage using oils and body to body massage techniques to achieve an explosive tantric energy release” – Adelle

1. Where did tantric massage originate from?

From my research over the past 6 years, I have gathered that tantric massage started as a style of sensual meditation yoga, back in medieval India, some time before 5AD. This style of erotic, spiritual massage was then introduced to the Western world toward the end of the 18th century, and saw a huge burst of interest in the 1960’s and 1970’s as people began to open their minds more to sexuality.

2. How has tantric massage evolved over time?

As a result of it spreading across the modern world, a multitude of Tantric massage disciplines have developed over time however, it has always been a very spiritual practice with the goal of enlightenment. In the modern day, it is often forgotten that Tantra is essentially a spiritual sensual practice. Many escort agencies now mask themselves as offering tantric massage services however the real truth is that most of them have no idea what a tantric massage actually is!

Many of the original, meditative Tantric practices have been lost in this part of the world due to escort agency misdescriptions of the services they offer. For the few tantric massage agencies that do actually offer an authentic style tantric massage in London, such as Karma Tantric, they focus on achieving increased spiritual sexual awareness and awakening of the erotic consciousness.

Some modern, Western variations of tantra has been called Neotantra. Depending on who you speak to and their view, Tantra Massage comprises a variety of different tantra principles. In general terms, tantric massage can be used as reference to any aspect of sacred tantric sexuality.

3. What to expect in a tantric massage session?

As well as understanding what is tantric massage, we should look at what happens in a tantric massage exactly. Modern tantric massage is based on the principles of the ancient tantra techniques. The ultimate goal being to provide a more spiritual experience than that offered by other forms of sensual massage and culminating in a powerful sexual release of energy. For those who are interested, the following article outlines exactly what to expect in a tantric massage.

We should also mention the fusion of modern day techniques with authentic tantric massage which is extremely popular right now. The fusion between ancient techniques has produced hybrid massages that are trending worldwide. Some of these fused tantra massages include, nuru tantric, aqua tantric, fantasy tantric and dark tantric sessions.

4. What are some benefits of tantric massage?

Tantric massage can offer many benefits to those who see to engage in it. The obvious benefit is the stress release and unloading of sexual and mental tensions. One other benefit of tantra massage is that it is often used to teach the recipient to prolong arousal and gain more control. This in turn will benefit the clients personal sexual encounters as they will be able to perform better. Read the article explaining the benefits of tantric massage for a better understanding.

5. Where can I get more information about tantric massage online?

There are only a few recognised authorities on tantra internationally. You will find organizations such as the International School of Tantra in Switzerland who offer courses and information regarding tantric massage in both spiritual and physical aspects, however many of these practices may not be the institutions you might expect. They are also pretty vague on questions like what is tantric massage specifically.

The only tantric massage authority that I have ever come across to be both authentic and professional is the London Tantric Association based here in the UK. As well as offering guidance to those looking to progress in their tantric journey, the LTA offers a wealth of resources that are actually useful to both seekers of massage services and providers such as tantric masseuses and tantric massage agencies.

To Summarise..

A tantric massage is a sensual massage where you will be pampered and your stresses eased out of your body, all culminating in an explosive happy ending.

Tantra massage, or tantric massage,[1] are two defined massages developed in Berlin in 1977. Erotic massage which incorporates elements from the neotantric movement in the Western world massages the primary erogenous zones of the body, those being the mouth, the phallus (penis), the vagina and the anus.[2][3][4]

I hope I have managed to uncover some of the truths and myths people have when asking what is tantric massage. As always I welcome your comments and hope I have shed some light on this topic for my followers. I would like to thank all Karma Tantric magazine readers for their support and best wishes. – Name withheld for privacy procedures.

I would like to acknowledge and thank KimmieBeGood and our Mod for their guidance, assistance and support in steering my story writing skills to the required format and grammer. Thank you both so much.


Published 6 years ago

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