Donald wakes around nine o’clock feeling a cool, wet cloth wiping his tear-stained face and brow. He is afraid to open his eyes to see who is doing it, but he catches the scent of Emma’s perfume and sighs.
He looks up at her. He sees some anger in her eyes, but she is so calm. Seeing her looking down on him is the happiest sight he ever took in. Donald reaches up to pull her into his arms to hold and kiss her, but Emma steps back and tells him they need to talk.
Donald sees she is showered and dressed differently. Did she do that here and he did not hear, or somewhere else? It doesn’t matter, she is here with him, whatever terms she requires to stay he will submit to.
Emma tells him to shower, she will be waiting at the couch in their bedroom for him to get ready. Donald quickly does, not wanting to make her wait at all. He is hers to do with as she pleases.
Not even fifteen minutes later, he is standing in front of Emma, nude, as she sits on the couch. Instinctively for some reason, he kneels before her, his head down some. A wry smile comes to Emma’s lips as she realizes what Donald is doing, what he is offering as contrition.
“Donald, look at me,” Emma tells him with some command in her voice, “Tell me why you did this.”
Donald stutters as he tries to explain. In reality, even with thinking about it so much last night he isn’t really sure why he did or how he could explain. But he tries, “Emma I am so sorry, first I should have told you and showed you them a long time ago, but it then got too late to share them with you, I thought.”
Emma just looks at him as he goes on, “The very first was what I did with most of my subjects, taping them the first time, and then other times when they learn new things, to show their development.”
“With you, from that first night, after watching the tape after you left, it was different. I knew you were something so special, and I wanted to document each step of your path to fulfillment,” Donald stammers.
“No one has ever seen these videos but for me, and now you. Each one endeared you to me more than the last. I did stop doing it after you had earned all your pearls – something no one else was given,” once Donald starts talking, confessing, everything comes pouring out of him.
He admits watching the tapes over and over when she wasn’t with him. How watching her as she had performed over her phone for him had aroused him to heights he never knew possible. Emma opening herself to new things more and more, seeing how Emma’s expression of excitement and enjoyment increased as they moved to another level made him realize how dear she was to him.
So much of what he babbles out warms Emma’s heart as she hears him admit for the first time really, his feeling for her. She does not stop him, and he goes on and on, tears now in his eyes again, for several more minutes. Both Emma and Donald are surprised by his weeping, this is not how Donald presents himself to the world. Never would he show his emotions so openly and rawly. Together they comprehend that Donald has reached a new level himself in his personal growth.
After Emma left in a fury yesterday, she drove and drove, finding herself at that lake, the one that they had come to the first time Donald took her out for a day. The trees were bare now, and the water looked very cold, it doesn’t freeze but did seem to reach a dormant state at this time of year. She stared out over the lake from her car and thought.
Her anger subsided during the drive and thinking about the videos she viewed; she realized she was rather damp between her legs. They were rather arousing, especially seeing the things that actually happened to her. Watching her body react to Donald’s touch and instruction. She was still not sure why he taped them, but it was actually nice to have a chronology of their beginnings.
She was not sure what she should do about it, thinking hard, did she just forget about it? Go back to how things were, and maybe watch them together? No, she needed Donald to explain this all to her. And she grasped that she wanted to know about Donald’s previous subjects and what he did with them.
Until now, she had put that part of Donald’s life out of her mind, but if they want to be fully entwined with each other, as it seemed they were now, she wanted to know all about him and his work. That would be a good starting place.
And, remembering how he punished her when he became angry about her and Sasha the first time, she wondered if she should do the same to him to let him know her disappointment about finding this all out. A small smile spread on her face as she thought about Donald across her lap for a change.
As it got darker, Emma headed back to town, stopping at a restaurant to get something to eat. She was amused with herself how easy it was for her to walk into a restaurant alone and eat and drink. Until Donald, she rarely did this, mostly stopping at delis or small places to grab a sandwich or something; always so nervous about being alone. Now she had the confidence to enjoy a meal alone without concern.
Emma took her time, and it was going on midnight when she got back to the house. She walked by their bedroom and saw Donald tossing and turning, semi-asleep. She left the door cracked and went to what was Donald’s room to sleep. She remembered her horrible night so long ago now it seemed and decided to let him fret some too.
At dawn, she quietly went back to their room and saw Donald had finally submitted to a deep sleep. Emma grabbed some clothes and left him that way. Part of her wanted so much to lay next to him, watch over him, as he had her, but for now, it would be best for him to sleep.
A few hours later, she got up and took a shower in that room and dressed in lacy bra and panties, and one of Donald’s dress shirts. Her legs and feet were bare. She went back to their bedroom and looked down on Donald sleeping and saw his tear-stained cheeks. Feelings of compassion ran through her as she went and got a wet cloth.
“Donald, what should we do about this issue? Should you be punished for what you did?” Emma asks him.
Somehow her asking him this sends a rush through his body. He realizes that just like he so relishes when she puts on the strapon and fucks him that way, he does want her to be forceful, discipline him, be his femdom, making him do whatever she commands. Her total slave.
All alpha male dominance flows from him the instant she says this to him. He comprehends that he was working toward this last night as he fretted about Emma and vowing to himself he would do anything to keep her. But would Emma want to do this? If she still is somewhat angry, perhaps she will at least punish him as he has her.
In a meek voice and surprising both of them with what he now says, Donald tells Emma, “Mistress, I have totally disappointed you and perhaps lost your trust, but whatever you feel I need to be back to what you want and desire, to atone for my sins, please do not hesitate, reprimand me as you feel fit.”
Emma is somewhat overwhelmed by this statement, but as she watches, Donald lifts his hands to the back of his neck, showing her just what he is willing to submit too.
‘Is this now something he wants? Does she want to be his femdom, take on such a role?’ Emma ponders.
And she acknowledges to herself, that yes, after these eight months of Donald helping her develop, this is a side of her does she does now want to explore more. She had thought this morning she would just spank him some to let him know how disillusion she was finding the discs, but now, something more? Adding to their total sexual being together. Seeing the other side of things?
So in as stern a voice as Emma could muster, “Donald, I think you might be right. Perhaps we should spend some time for you to see things a little differently. Yes, your suggestion is a very good idea. Why don’t we start by you getting the brush from the drawer, go to the corner, hold the handle in your mouth, your nose against the wall, hands on your neck and ponder what it is going to feel like getting your ass toasted.”
Donald does as she says and is soon standing facing the wall and wondering. He thinks more about what he did to deserve this; but between his joy that Emma had returned and her seeming willingness to do this different thing with him, he feels himself starting to harden.
Will this please or anger his mistress? Yes, from the moment those words escaped his lips, she becomes his mistress for him to serve; however, she deems. And his arousal grows as he appreciates that Emma does not do anything half-assed anymore, what is ahead is going to be wonderful, hopefully for both of them.
Emma goes to the kitchen, leaving Donald in the corner. She eats some breakfast as she ponders all she could possibly do in this new role. She does feel the dripping sticky wetness between her thighs and appreciates that she is stimulated to take on this role.
She knows Donald is probably hungry too, but perhaps his churning stomach will add to what is ahead. Emma does not want to be cruel, but she suddenly understands what goes through Donald as he is spanking her to learn a lesson.
She goes back into the bedroom, sits on the couch, and tells Donald to come to her. He walks over with his hands behind his neck, the brush clenched I his teeth. When he reaches her, he stands in front of her and lowers his head so Emma can take the brush from him. She sets it on the table beside her and says, “Well, Donald, I think you know how someone is to go over a lap for a spanking he deserves.”
Donald nods and lays over her legs, his hard cock finds its way between her bare thighs which Emma tightens around him. The feel of Emma’s bare limbs holding him such makes a little precum escape him. Emma feels it drip against her and smiles. Perhaps Donald will enjoy being spanked as much as she does.
She rubs his ass cheeks and asks him to tell her why he is being punished.
Donald feels electric currents run through his body as he now fully surrenders to someone else. He lists all that they have talked about earlier, taking full blame for secretly filming her, watching the videos over and over for self-gratification, for not confessing what he did, and on and on, his breathing getting heavier as he feels her hand rubbing him, know what is about to happen.
Donald wonders how well he will take this. Emma endures all that he gives her, will he be able to without crying out, begging her to stop? He knows tears will flow from him; it is something new to him since last night. Never had he ever allowed himself for more than a tear to form in his eyes, not even when his parents died.
But the total freedom of finally letting his emotions take over and the liberating sensation it gave him, he knows from yesterday forward, he will be more vulnerable and attuned to his feelings.
And then Emma spanks him for the first time. Donald experiences such a heating sting run from his ass through his body. Then is spanked so soon on his other cheek, which sends a second wave through him on the cusp of the last.
This commotion running through his body keeps going with each spank delivered to his cheeks and thighs. The thrill of this uproar of sensual excitement, even with the pain from each slap, allows him to understand how Emma longs for him to discipline her this way.
He feels tears beginning to fall as his cock hardens more and more.
Spank, spank, spank, spank, spank, spank, spank, spank, spank, spank, spank, spank.
Over and over.
Emma’s hand is getting a little sore but seeing Donald’s red ass on her lap stirs her so. His cock being held so close to her slit, she knows he must feel the fluid dripping and saturating her panties against him. She feels him getting more firm too.
Donald squirms on her lap, both from the need to try to lighten the sting, but feeling Emma’s juices so close, he wants his prick nearer.
“Be still Donald, you know you are not supposed to wiggle,” Emma admonishes him as she places her left hand on the small of his back to hold him. She picks up the brush, and Donald feels the bristles scratching over his sore rosy ass and thighs.
This is almost as painful as being spanked, the rough bristles against his tender ass make more tears fall. And he begins to really feel the wonderful interlude which comes from giving in fully. His tears are again soaking another pillow.
Emma turns the brush, and he feels it rubbing against his cheeks. How hard will this be to endure he wonders? The first slap of the brush sends a stinging discord through his body again. The second on his other cheek, followed by one on each thigh, send the message home to him that he does deserve this and more.
Donald begins to emulate what goes though Emma every time she is spanked. The arousal from the stinging sensation running through you, but the acknowledgment of your errors and mistakes is what is making the tears flow so. Knowing you have disappointed this person that you care for so much in any way.
He endures the spanking with the brush, but the excitement in his prick is getting the better of him. He knows Emma often drips on him when she is spanked and taken to the summit, but does he dare?
Donald tries to hold back, but when Emma repeatedly spanks him over and over in each spot, working her way around his cheeks and thighs, he wonders how long he can contain himself.
Then, Emma moves her hand from his back and down between her legs and grabs his cock firmly. Oh shit! The spanking with the brush continues, but Emma is jerking him enough that his cum spurts from him between Emma’s legs.
Thank goodness they have a thick cover on this couch which can be washed without damage to the sofa itself.
The feeling of the final slaps, swats and spanks as Donald lets everything out of him is amazing. What an experience he never knew could be so good.
Emma slows the spanks as he cums, and then puts the brush aside and just rubs his ass cheeks and her hand on his cock slides up and down a few times before she removes it.
Donald feels her rub the cum from her covered hand over his cheeks, up and down his crack and even around his rosebud.
Yes, Donald is more than willing to be Emma’s sex slave; however, she chooses to use him, punish him, take him to new planes he never imaged he would want to go to.
As she motions for him to rise, he does and then falls to his knees in front of her. First, he kisses her feet, showing his submission to her will. Emma knows his love of foot play but recognizes this is different, this is his showing his total surrender to her. It is a lot for both of them to wrap their heads around.
Then Donald moves his hands up to her soaking panties, looks up shyly, and asks if he could remove them and satisfy her now. ‘What an idea,’ Emma thinks and motions that he may.
For the next hour, Donald is between her legs, bringing her over and over to climaxes. Showing his utter devotion to his new Mistress. ‘Yes,’ Emma contemplates, ‘This is going to be fun for a while.’