Tell Laura – Chapter 11

"The morning after and departure for La Gomera"

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I did love Tommy, but he had learnt to get into my head. The way he remembered things that had been said. Throwing the plaything back at me, using the environment and everyone in it. He held me as I calmed down and then when I tried to turn around to help him, he just held me in place.

“Shh, you go to sleep. I’ll sort it in a bit.”

He started to stroke my hair and that was the last I remember until the following morning.

I was woken by a knocking on the door. Barely awake, I told whoever it was to come in. It could only be one person; Kazumi put her head around the door.

“Laura-chan? Are you awake? Can I come in?”

“Yes, of course,” I felt at the side of me and Tommy wasn’t there.

“It is alright, I heard Tommy-kun, go downstairs,” she said as she came into the room. “It sounds like he is in the kitchen.” She sat on the edge of the bed and continued, “I just wanted to see if you were okay.”

Suddenly bashful, she looked at her hands, “It sounded like it, but did you want to talk? How are you feeling now?”

I patted the bed next to me and once Kazumi had joined me, I explained what we had talked about. When I mentioned the rules, she laughed and took off the blouse she had put on. This caused me to stutter a little, but she just smiled and shrugged.

“If that’s the rule,” causing us to laugh.

“In the kitchen, you say?”


I picked up my phone, ‘Breakfast in bed for two, you can have some too’ I sent a text to him.

He had this habit as he got up, wherever he was going, he would grab his phone. If he put his boxers on, it would be tucked into the waistband above his left cheek. Not that my brother was a creature of habit, but I could picture it. He would have got up, slipped his boxers on and then picked up his phone. As he was walking to the bedroom door, his right hand would reach behind and pull his waistband out a little. He would then reach behind himself with his left hand and tuck the phone in, before sliding it around to just behind his hip.

‘Yes ma-am,’ I got in return, causing us both to giggle.

“In some ways, I am glad we could not go further than we did last night. After the talk, I am not sure either of us would have said no. It could have happened because we felt obliged rather than happening because it was natural.”

“That is true. But you are happy with what happened?”

“Well, you heard. That boy has some skill,” I realised what I was saying might not be what Kazumi wanted to hear.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be mean. I am happy, it was natural. It is the first time we have talked before and it is the only time I don’t have any lingering guilt or doubt.

“But you’ve got feelings for him too, haven’t you?”

“Hai. Tommy is like a big brother to me and I do find him very attractive. However, it has always been clear, even when you were married, that anyone dating him would need to understand you were a massive part of his life. That just grew after last year.”

“And what do you think about that, and about me?”

“You are a beautiful woman, the more I know you, the more I understand his love for you. No one could separate you. See how it turned out for the one man that tried and all those women and I doubt any really tried. If they couldn’t see it was a fruitless task, they would not be bright enough to be out with him.”

“You think of him as a brother though?”


Just at that moment, the door opened, ending further conversation. Tommy had stopped in his tracks. I glanced to the side and Kazumi was sitting much the same as me. The covers were pulled to our waists and we both had our backs to the headboard, with our hands in our laps.

“Well dear brother, are you planning on serving us? Or do you plan to just gawp at our boobs all day?”

This caused Kazumi to giggle, which started me off, “Yes, Tommy-kun, I would like my breakfast hot, please,” she said.

After a pause, he put the tray on the end of the bed and put the coffees on each bedside cabinet. Then he paused, held his finger up to stop any questions and then turned and left the room. We could hear him run downstairs and open and close a number of cupboards. He then reappeared with what looked like another tray.

“It was mum and dad’s. I think mum bought it when she was taking the piss out of dad’s man flu one time.”

He unfolded the legs on the bottom of the tray and set it over my legs. He then put two plates on it and placed the other tray on Kazumi’s lap.

“Might I ask?” he said, pointing to his chest.

Kazumi spoke, “Laura told me of your rules, Tommy. You know I would hate for you to think I was rude.”

I could see she was having great fun. If you can grin with just your eyes, Kazumi was doing this. When she stopped talking, her lips still moved as if she was struggling to not laugh.

“Talking of rules and being rude,” I said.

Tommy looked at me and then his eye flicked to Kazumi and then back. I must give him credit, after his first entrance he, for the most part, kept his eyes above shoulder height. I just raised my eyebrows and nodded toward his waist.

He held my look for a second, then narrowed his eyes. Next, he looked at Kazumi, rather than just a flick of his eyes, this time he made a deliberate move with his head. I started to slowly drum my fingers on my tray. Then I heard a tapping on from my side and when I looked Kazumi was tapping the edge of her tray with her knife.

Tommy just started laughing, he then got off the bed and walked into the bathroom. I looked at Kazumi and we just smirked at each other. Then we leant in and touched foreheads.

“We must train our brother better,” she said.

I pulled back a little and looked at her. I think she was about to apologise, when I said, “You know, you’re right. We must.” We were both still laughing when Tommy left the bathroom.

“I needed to make sure it wasn’t unhygienic,” he said.

To me, he was a magnificent sight. Tall, bronzed, close-cropped hair, a smattering of hair over his body; which he obviously groomed around his cock. He wasn’t all definition and six-pack; in fact, he had a bit of a belly. However, this was framed by a very distinct line and I had felt him tense, he was solid.

I heard Kazumi whisper, “Laura-chan, he is beautiful.”

“Happy now, girls?” he asked, as he pirouetted for us.

“Very,” we said in unison and the pair of us started to laugh again.

“Anyway, good morning,” he leant over and kissed me. Then walked around to Kazumi, “And a good morning to you too,” he leant and kissed her cheek.

His casualness around us silenced us both. “Did you both sleep well?”

This snapped us out of our thoughts, and he was already sat on the bed. He did look quite awkward trying to not flaunt himself, but also trying not to look awkward. We chatted over breakfast about our plans for the weekend. Kazumi and Tommy got into work a little bit until I reminded them where we were. It seemed as if both of them were as excited about my photoshoot as I was. As we finished, we gathered everything onto Kazumi’s tray and put that onto mine; which Tommy then took and put onto the floor out of the way.

“Laura, Tommy, thank you so much. For dinner last night and letting me stay. Especially for allowing me to share this breakfast with you.”

She twisted and got onto her knees and gave a little bow, she was so demure and so beautiful. She then leant and kissed both my cheeks and did the same to Tommy. She had kept the covers over her lower half all the time and even when she bent to get her blouse, somehow managed to keep hidden. The look on Tommy’s face when she stood and threw her blouse over her shoulder and walked out of the room was worth a mint.

As she got to the door, Tommy looked around at me. He had a confused look, on one hand, there was concern, on the other there was desire.

“Did you enjoy breakfast?”

“I, yes, of course,” he tried to sound in control, “I made it.” He sat up a little straighter.

I put a hand on his chest and crawled to him and started to kiss him.

I broke the kiss, “Did you enjoy eating with your big sister topless?”

“Uh-hmm,” he hummed against my neck. I pulled his face up and kissed him some more.

“Did you enjoy Kazumi being with us, naked?”

He didn’t answer but went back to nuzzling at my neck. I noticed over his shoulder that Kazumi had not shut the door on her way out. I did a mental shrug, thinking that she didn’t seem phased about last night.

“Well?” I pulled his face up to look at him.

The smirk said it all. I reached between us, taking hold of his cock. “Something seems to think so,” I said, as I ran my hand along his length.

He trailed his fingers down my back, over my bum and along my thighs. When he reached my knees, he went straight for his target. His hand went around my pussy, the heel pushing into my mound.

As he pushed a finger upwards, he said, “I think I’m not the only one.”

I pushed him back but was not strong enough to push him over. I put my hands on his chest and carried on. He gave in to me and allowed himself to be pushed onto his back. I moved up and knelt next to him. I dragged a nail over his chest.

“You, mister, can just shut up. No fucking Jedi mind tricks this time. I’m taking control. I swear if you start laughing, I’ll cut your balls off.”

Pursing his lips, he shook his head. I dragged my nail down over his belly, feeling him tense under my finger. As I reached his pubic hair, he gripped my knee. We exchanged a look, both checking if the other was okay and saying we could stop if we wanted to. This would be the first time I had held him fully in my hand.

My fingers curled slowly around the base. I was quite shocked that I could only just touch my thumb and middle finger. I could feel him stroking my thigh, moving closer to me. Slowly I slid my hand along his shaft, letting go at the end. I curled my fingers around it and pulled back down to the base again. I tightened my grip as his foreskin was pulled right back, causing the head to curl over a little. Tommy’s eyes closed a little, telling me I was fine, just be cautious.

As my hand reached his base again, Tommy’s fingers pushed along my pussy. I slapped his hand away and grinned. I put my hand flat on his cock and pushed up, holding it against his belly. I leant over him and we kissed. As our tongues started to entwine, I lifted a leg over him. He held me by my waist while we continued to kiss and I got myself in place. As I started to lower myself, his arms curled around me drawing me close. Then I started to move my hips, I could feel his cock against me, through my knickers. His head knocking against my clit on each backstroke. This caused me to take a breath each time.

Then I heard a quiet gasp and was about to look up when Tommy held my head in the kiss we were sharing. He slowly moved to my ear as we worked ourselves into a rhythm. He was pushing up as I drove forward. It felt like he was trying to push my knickers into me.

Then he whispered in my ear, “She’s been there a while. Don’t! Don’t look, just listen.”

I felt it happening. Tommy’s hand was on my bum pushing down. The thought of being watched was not new, but knowing I was in control of it was. I relaxed knowing Tommy would keep me safe and Kazumi would only watch. As I exhaled, I heard my breath shudder. Tommy’s hands were on my cheeks, pulling me onto him as he continued to thrust up.

“I think she’s having a wank,” he whispered.

That was it! My knees slammed into his side, I pushed down hard onto his cock. He held me close to his body as he kept grinding. Pulling me in for a more passionate kiss. A hand on the back of my head, one on my bum with a finger between my cheeks.

He whispered into my mouth, “Do you think she would like to see us both cum?”

Then he put both hands on my hips and thrust up again, this time stiffening as he did. My back arched and without him holding me I sat up, throwing my head back. I heard him grunt. I let out a loud sigh and heard a stifled whimper from the doorway.

Tommy ran his hands up my sides and pulled me forward again. As I did, Kazumi and I looked into each other’s eyes. I smiled and gave her a quick nod. As I kissed Tommy, I was conscious of his cum squeezing between us. It was then I heard the bedroom door click.



First, I had been summoned by her highness to bring her, no us, breakfast in bed. Then I reread the text, it was bring them breakfast in bed and I could bring my own too. It was tempting to go up there and put her over my knee. Then, when I walked into the room, the most wonderful sight met my eyes. You hear of people losing their breakfast, well I nearly lost all our breakfasts.

Both Laura and Kazumi were sat under the covers. Both with their backs against the headboard and the sheets around their waists. Neither had a top on and neither made any attempt at modesty. Laura’s hair was still in the plait from the night before, all be it fairly loose now. She had it hanging over her shoulders and flowing down between her tits. Her, beautiful, largish, tanned tits, sat proudly on her tanned body, with her nipples erect.

By contrast, Kazumi’s skin was almost marble white, she was very small up top, maybe an A or even AA cup. Her nipples, like Laura’s, were erect; which made my mind wander. Where Laura’s nipples were sat on almost flat areola, Kazumi’s areola were fairly prominent, little puffy mounds topped with large nipples. The closest similarity between the two was the colour of their hair, like Laura and I, Kazumi was jet black.

Breakfast was an interesting affair; being told they were topless because of my rules. Then I was reminded of my rules. I was nervous, Kazumi was a friend and a colleague. Effectively from Monday, she would become a subordinate. However, that was tomorrow, for now, I decided to throw it in their faces, almost literally. I went to the bathroom, lost my boxers and had a bit of freshen up. When I returned to the bedroom, I made no attempt at covering up as I walked up next to each girl in turn; bending at the waist to kiss them both good morning. Still no reaction. I tried, with only a modicum of success, to get comfortable on the bed. Cross-legged would have been easiest but I didn’t want to be flashing everything, we were eating after all.

After breakfast, Kazumi left us and Laura started ribbing me about enjoying their company. I don’t know any man that wouldn’t. Even the few gay men I knew would have loved it; they were such easy company. I knew Laura was going on about them being naked together and she was looking for satisfaction. It was when she took my cock for the first time that I heard a little creak behind me. Part of me closing my eyes when Laura was pulling my foreskin back was to concentrate on the noises around me. Sure enough, I heard stifled, shuddering breaths coming from behind me. They were faint, but once I knew they were there, they were obvious. When I noticed Laura had heard one of Kazumi’s inhalations, I made her focus on me. First, I didn’t want to cause any awkwardness or embarrassment. Second, I guessed what she was up to and it would have been unfair to deny her an orgasm when we were well on our way.

I saw Laura look at Kazumi after we all came and it looked like she tried to reassure her, but I didn’t look to see the reaction and heard our door close after.

“How was she?” I asked

“Beautiful. Oh, it was such a lovely sight, her whole body seemed to glow.”

I smiled, “That’s exactly what I see with you. How was she when you acknowledged her?”

“She blushed, somehow, deeper than her flushed state, but she did smile and mouthed ‘thank you’ to me.”


“Hmmm, what?”


“Don’t nothing me, tell me. No secrets.”

“But maybe some surprises.”

Before she had time to respond, I used her plait to draw her face close to mine. I stopped just before I kissed her.

“Don’t speak to me like that again. Or else,” then I kissed her.

I kissed her like I would a girlfriend. I think Kazumi’s visit and her attitude had finally encouraged…

Published 6 years ago

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