The Unbroken

"Some things are irreparably damaged. Too broken to imagine being whole again."

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When you come to mind, 

The “what if’s” of my life come together, 

Squeezing the breath from my lungs and, 

My heart stops beating momentarily. 


I’m so sorry I couldn’t 

give you what you coveted, 

I also wanted it so fiercely,

I felt physical pain. 


The deepest love 

Is in my heart. 

I can’t share it,

The love is broken. 


Perhaps in a different moment

We might have come together.  

My God, I wanted so desperately

to be yours.  


To give you everything I am;

to have you for my very own. 

I craved your touch. 

I craved your love. 


You tried with everything you had

For a very long time. 

If wishes could make it true,

We would’ve been.


Please don’t take it personally,

The problem was not you at all. 

You’re so perfect and 

you always were, and will be. 


Believe me sweetheart, 

I am not who you want. 

I’m not who you deserve. 

You deserve an unbroken love. 


© Trinket 2019


Published 6 years ago

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