Simon returned to work the next day more confused than ever.
With his father’s lessons on how different they were from any of his clients, he knew instinctively that what happened with Jennifer was a bad thing.
Of course, he didn’t share what happened with his dad or mom. How could he? He didn’t even really understand what had happened. Before Jennifer grabbed his thing in her hands and played with it, he never realized it could grow bigger. As for what happened when he pounded her against the wall, he was afraid he was going to hurt her he was slamming into her so hard. What made it even worse was that at the time he didn’t care. It was like he had become some kind of animal.
He didn’t know why he’d done it or what that white stuff was that he apparently shot inside her private parts. It definitely wasn’t piss! Why was it white? Why had it felt so good when it happened?
His confusion grew the more he thought about it.
“You go on over to the Martin’s home,” his dad said when arrived at the barn with all the gardening equipment, “I have to get to the lawns and hedges at the Dumont’s.”
His father then started up the riding mower and drove it off down the trail leading away from the Martin house.
Simon frowned as he watched his father drive away. He was hoping he’d be able to work elsewhere today. He didn’t want to chance running in to Jennifer today, hopefully not for a long time!
He sighed and gathered up the pruning shears.
“Might as well finish off those hedges,” he said to himself.
It was another hot and humid day. Simon figured it was even hotter than yesterday!
He was dripping with sweat after only a few minutes of trimming. He wasn’t even reaching very high or stooping very low. He’d already finished the highest and lowest points on the bushes the day before. He had only to finish the areas between waist height and head height today.
He finished the side hidden from the pool and went around to complete the inside where the pool deck was.
He trimmed away happily, eyeing the symmetry of his work to ensure they were done properly.
“Hello Simon!” a voice called out.
He turned to see Jennifer’s mother coming out onto the deck. She was wearing a white knee-length skirt and a blue pull-over top and carrying a tray with a pitcher of iced tea and two glasses on it.
“Hi Mrs. Martin,” he said.
“It’s so hot today!” she said, “I saw you working out here and thought you must be parched!”
She placed the tray onto one of the patio tables and beckoned him over.
“You come and have some iced tea!” she said, “You might get a heat stroke!”
Simon smiled wanly and then nodded. He was always cautious about how he interacted with the wealthy people on this side of town. The least misstep could lead to trouble at any time.
“Thanks Mrs. Martin!” he said.
He strode over, fanning his torso with his shirt as he went. Mrs. Martin smiled as she watched him approach. She could see the taut muscles of his stomach as he gripped the bottom hem of the shirt and moved it up and outward rapidly.
“Now you sit down right here,” she said, “And I’ll pour us both some tea!”
He sat and bit his lip as he looked at the ground uncomfortably.
“Drink up!” she said, “You could just die from the heat today!”
He took up the glass and smiled at her as he sipped. It did taste good! And the chill made him feel good all over.
“Do you have a lot of chores today?” she asked.
“Well,” he said, “I’m almost finished the hedge. After this I’ll go and wash down the mulcher and spreader.”
“Goodness!” she said with a chuckle, “It all sounds desperately hard!”
“It’s not so bad,” he said, “I’ll wash myself down after that in the stream. It’s very hot today, but I like the way I feel after working.”
“I’m sure you do!” she said with a smirk, “I’m sure bathing in the stream can be, well, exhilarating!”
“It does feel good,” he said.
“Yes,” she said distantly. Then after a long pause she continued, “Now, you finish up your tea and I’ll leave you to your work!”
She got up from the table and walked toward the patio door. She stopped and looked back at him with a strange smile and then continued into the house.
Simon breathed a sigh of relief and stood up immediately. He left the half-finished glass on the table and went back to trimming the hedge. He was mostly thankful that Jennifer hadn’t showed up while they sat.
He completed the hedge and then sauntered back to the barn. His shirt was dripping wet and sticking to him like a second skin.
He took up the hose and washed down the mulcher thoroughly. Then he cleaned the spreader. By the time he was done they both looked almost new.
He stripped off his shirt and heaved a sigh. The sweat was falling off it in droplets. He twisted it into a knot and squeezed it to get rid of the excess perspiration then dropped it onto the table beside him. He
Kicked off his work boots and dropped his pants. He left the boots under the table and then carried his soiled clothes to the stream.
Wading out to the middle, he dunked his shirt and pants repeatedly. When he was satisfied he’d removed the worst of the stains, he laid them flat on a big rock by the shore to dry. Then he turned back to the water and dove in.
When he came up for air, he caught movement out of the side of his eye. Denise Martin was just stepping into the water only a few feet from where his clothes lay. She was as naked as he was.
Her long auburn hair was tied back into a ponytail and her breasts, slightly larger and a bit more pendulous than Jennifer’s, jiggled pleasantly with every step she took. The dark triangle of hair below her belly was trimmed just as neatly as her daughter’s, only slightly more full and it encased her entire pubis. Her figure was slender but with generous curves in her hips and bust.
She dove in headfirst and came up for air right beside Simon.
“Oh my goodness, you were right!” she gasped, “The water here feels wonderful! It’s almost a shame we do all our swimming in the pool!”
“Mrs. Martin?” Simon asked worriedly, “Wha—.“
“You call me Denise!” she said with a laugh, “At least while we’re alone!”
“Um,” Simon stammered.
“You hush right this minute!” she said as she placed her body right next to his.
He could feel her breasts brushing against his chest and one of her legs twined itself around his shin.
“We’re all friends here!” she said, “And I wanted to enjoy the water the same as you.”
“I, uh,” he sputtered, “I don’t think this is right. I’ll go into the barn and leave you to your swimming.”
“You’ll do no such thing!” she said as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders, “I’m enjoying the swimming because you’re here with me.”
“Really?” he asked uncertainly.
“Definitely!” she said.
She pulled him closer and wrapped both her legs around his midsection. He could feel her private parts touching against his thing and he gulped nervously. If he wasn’t careful, it might grow big again! If that happened, he didn’t know what he would do.
“Don’t you think this is nice?” she said, “You and me here, all alone with just the sounds of the woods all around us?”
“Sure,” he stammered.
She tightened her grip on him and he could now feel her private parts moving up and down against his thing. His eyes widened when he felt it begin to grow.
“Mm,” she cooed, “I think you’re enjoying this more than you admit!”
Simon didn’t answer. He couldn’t. He closed his eyes and tried to take his mind off how much his thing was growing.
Denise dashed all hopes of that when she reached down and gripped it with her hand.
“My goodness you’re a big boy,” she said, “If I’d known you were hiding this in your pants, I’d have jumped on you long ago!”
“Oh, this is wrong!” Simon groaned, “I—, I should go!”
She stared into his eyes as she fondled his penis and grinned.
“You were happy enough to let my daughter play with it,” she said, “I think you owe it to me. And believe me, I can do it much better than my daughter!”
Simon’s eyes flew open and he stared at her in fear.
“You didn’t think I knew?” she asked playfully as she stroked him into complete hardness, “Of course I knew! With all that noise she was making, I’m sure the whole neighborhood knew.”
Simon closed his eyes and began to cry.
This was it! This was the trouble his dad had warned him about. He’d told Simon again and again that these people were the bosses and he and Simon were the servants. They were well-paid servants, but they were servants just the same.
His penis went completely soft and he bawled his eyes out even as she clung to him and stroked it.
Her own eyes opened in surprise and she studied him for a moment.
“Simon?” she said, letting him go completely, “Simon, are you okay?”
Simon shook his head and stumbled toward the shore. He fell to his knees and cried his eyes out with his hands on the ground and his face bent downward.
“Simon?” she said as she followed him to shore.
He did not respond. He couldn’t! He was gasping for breath as he wept for his family’s future. He had endangered his father’s business and there was no one else to blame. It was all his fault!
“Simon, speak to me!” she urged quietly as she knelt on the ground beside him.
He was wracked with sobs and she held and comforted him. She put one arm around his shoulders and nuzzled his face with hers.
“Simon, it’s okay,” she whispered, “Don’t worry. I didn’t realize you were so sensitive. I won’t tell anyone about you and Jennifer.”
He stopped sobbing and looked at her fearfully.
“Y—, you won’t?” he managed to say.
“Of course not!” she said, “I can see you’re very upset about it. Don’t worry!”
He gulped out another sob and sat back on his haunches.
“You won’t tell?” he asked.
“No, I won’t,” she said.
Simon breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the tears from his eyes.
“Thank you Mrs. Martin,” he said, “I’m sorry I caused you so much trouble.”
“You haven’t caused me any trouble,” she said, “And, when it’s just you and me, you can call me Denise!”
Simon smiled shyly and blushed.
“Okay,” he said, “Denise.”
“Would you like me to make you feel better Simon?” she asked.
He looked at her hopefully and sniffled. Then he nodded.
“I’d like that,” he said, “Denise.”
“Good!” she said, “Now you just sit there and let me do something for you.”
“Okay,” he said with some confusion.
He had no idea what she planned to do, but she promised him it would make him feel better. So he sat back on the rock and watched with puzzlement as she knelt between his thighs. When she reached for his thing with her hands he was a little apprehensive, but as she promised, her gentle stroking did actually feel pretty good. He continued to watch as she crouched down over his midsection and then he was stunned when she opened her mouth and took the engorged head of his thing between her lips.
Before he could protest, she closed her mouth over the head and had moved her lips down over a few inches of his length. Then he gasped as he felt her tongue begin to wash over it. The sensations became so pleasurable he gasped again.
Without thinking about it, he placed his hands on each side of her head and she mumbled happily around his organ. She placed one of her hands on the exposed root and started stroking it. As she did so, she started moving her mouth up and down its length.
Simon settled back onto the rock until he was lying flat. Denise moved with him, never once allowing his cock to slip out of her mouth.
When she cupped and tickled his balls, he groaned and his eyes flew open.
“How could anything feel so good?” he thought to himself.
Then he felt the familiar feeling he remembered from yesterday. It started with a tingling in his belly and grew to an overarching need.
He squirmed away from her, gasping desperately.
“The white piss!” he grunted, “You’ll get the white piss in your mouth!”
She laughed and leaned over his belly.
“That’s what I’m counting on!” she said.
“Lie back Sweetie,” she said, “Let me take care of you.”
She locked her lips around his thing once more and started stroking it more insistently than before. Her mouth moved up and down so rapidly, he thought she would get dizzy.
Then it happened. His insides turned out and he felt streams and streams of fluid pulse out of his thing.
Denise gagged for a second and then mumbled around the circumference of his organ. He watched in horror as the white fluid dripped down her chin onto his pubic hair. She licked and sucked at his thing until his spasms stopped and then looked up with a big grin.
She laughed and cupped her chin, wiping the fluid away and then licking it off her fingers.
“I told you I could make you feel better!” she said happily, “Do you feel better?”
Simon gulped and nodded mutely. He was so shocked at what just happened he couldn’t even form words.
“Now let’s get back into the water and cool off!” she said, “I don’t know about you, but I’m soaked!”
Simon nodded and allowed himself to be raised to his feet. She took him by the hand and together they waded into the stream.
“Are you mad at me?” Simon asked her after they had done some splashing around.
“Mad?” she asked, “Why on Earth would I be mad?”
Simon grimaced and looked down. After some thought he looked at her and pouted.
“Because I shot that white piss into your mouth,” he said unhappily.
Denise smiled and hugged him.
“Don’t you worry about that!” she said, “Unlike some women, I happen to enjoy that.”
“You do?” he asked.
“Oh yes!” she said, “And soon, after you’ve rested a little, you’re going to reward me.”
“I am?”
“Don’t worry,” she said, “All will be well.”
Their swim went on for another five or ten minutes and then she led him out of the water.
“You lie down on your back here,” she said.
Simon lay down as asked and looked up at her expectantly.
“What now?” he asked innocently.
“You’ll see,” she said.
She knelt down beside him and began to caress his penis. She leaned down and kissed him and Simon was pleasantly surprised. Her kiss was gentle. It was nothing like the urgent, needy kiss Jennifer had given him yesterday. Her lips were soft and her tongue gently probed his lips.
He decided he liked the way she kissed.
Tentatively, he met her tongue with his. She responded by pushing slightly harder against his lips and probing deeper. He smiled and moaned softly.
She sat up and smiled broadly at him. Then she straddled his hips and raised the top of his very hard organ against her private parts. With a sigh, she lowered herself onto him and stared at the sky as he went all the way in.
“Ooh, who’s my big boy?” she said.
Unlike Jennifer, Denise was able to take in his whole length. She had to work at it a little bit, but eventually every inch of him was nestled inside her. Simon groaned at the feeling even as she simpy settled onto it and smiled down at him.
With her pelvis shoved flat against his pelvic bone, she started to move her hips. Simon gasped and his mouth dropped open.
This was nothing like what Jennifer had done to him. She had slapped against his belly over and over again. It had felt good, but it was nothing like this.
Denise rocked her hips back and forth with a look of pure bliss on her face. After what seemed like forever, Simon felt himself getting ready to spray his piss again.
“Are you sure you want me to do it again?” he panted.
“Oh yes,” she whispered, “I’m almost there too. When you shoot, I’m gonna explode!”
“Explode?” he shouted in alarm.
“Don’t worry Honey,” she said with a laugh, “That’s a good thing.”
“It is?”
She simply nodded and started moving faster.
As she undulated on top of him, Simon started to hyperventilate. He knew it would be soon and he tried to hold still so he didn’t hurt her.
When it came, it surprised both of them. One second he was screwing his eyes shut and gripping some blades of grass in his hands. The next, he half sat up and grunted loudly.
“Oh yes!” she cried, “That’s it!”
She trembled and bucked as he shot inside her, then collapsed in a heap against his chest.
“Oh God,” she gasped, “Wow!”
Simon was so overwhelmed he couldn’t speak. He could only lie back and fight for breath. His chest was heaving and he felt like every bone in…