Chapter 1
I’m going to claim this is how it really happened. My wife has read this story, and she hates it. She says that except for the end, the entire thing is made up. She would probably even go so far as to say her brother was never even married, when she knows he is happily married to his second wife.
That’s a terrible way to start a story. Let me try again.
I hate my wife.
That’s no better of a start, and it isn’t at all true. I love my wife, I really do. We’ve been married a long time. We’ve enjoyed some good times, suffered through some bad times, and we are both still in it for the long haul. Sometimes she frustrates the hell out of me.
This time, it probably wasn’t really her fault. She works on a dairy farm, and she had the bad luck of being in the wrong place when a cow was startled by a loud noise. The cow unexpectedly side stepped, and my wife wasn’t able to step clear fast enough. A trip to the hospital confirmed that she had broken bones in her foot, and she wasn’t going to be able to drive.
The timing was horrible. She had made plans to drive her ex-sister-in-law to Memphis for some sort of seminar. They were going to leave at mid-day on Wednesday, spend all of Thursday and Friday morning at the conference, and then drive home Friday. The ex-sister-in-law didn’t have any other reasonable way to get there. The conference was important enough that my wife convinced me that I had to take vacation and be the driver.
That was frustrating on a lot of levels. First, my wife knew I had made plans, and she knew I would have to cancel them since she was staying home. She didn’t care.
Let me interrupt the story I haven’t even started to tell.
My wife and I have been married a long time. When we were young and stupid, we had sex two or three times a day. It was awesome! We got older, but not any smarter, and we got good enough at sex that we only needed it once a day. Then we had kids, and we still didn’t get any smarter, but we were able to sneak away and have sex once or twice a week.
As the kids got older, they learned to be smart enough to look the other way, and my wife and I were back to having sex fairly regularly. One of us got bored, although maybe it was both of us, and we slid into an open marriage and then swinging. We shared that adventure together, and we were both having the time of our lives, including sex several times a week with a small handful of partners. We even enjoyed sex with each other fairly often!
And then one day, menopause pulled a quick one on my wife, and she didn’t want to have sex ever again. I felt sorry for her, but I didn’t figure that should slow me too much. It wouldn’t have, if my wife hadn’t decided that since she wasn’t having fun, no one else should either. That didn’t suit me well, but I love her, and so we worked something out.
Getting almost back to the story, I was going to have the house to myself for two nights, so I made plans to have some company. My wife knew about those plans, and she accepted them. Since she was not leaving, the plans were canceled. This had been my first opportunity for sex in a couple of months, and to have the plans canceled was very frustrating, to say the least.
Even more frustrating was the fact that I hate the ex-sister-in-law that I was about to spend three days and way too many hours with in a car. Okay, hate is too strong of a word, and it’s not exactly true that I don’t like her. She had disliked me from the day we met, and nothing I have done has ever changed her opinion of me.
My wife and I had been happily married for nearly two years when Christine started dating my brother-in-law. She and my wife became fast friends the first time they met, and that friendship even survived a bitter divorce. They had been friends for a couple of months before I was introduced to her.
Christine took one look at me and harshly asked my wife if she couldn’t do ‘better than that’. Twenty-five years later, she still scrunches her nose like she smells something bad when she sees me. In spite of that, my wife made me promise to behave like an adult when she told me I was going to drive to Memphis.
For the entire forty-five minutes from our house down to the Chicago suburb where Christine lives, I tried to convince myself that it would be a fun mini-vacation for me. Even though I got to her house early, she was waiting in the driveway. She had a disdainful look on her face as she glanced at her watch and then glared at me.
“Good morning, Christine,” I offered, trying to sound cheerful.
“It’s good of you to take your wife’s place,” she answered. “Come load these bags so we can get going. I don’t want Chicago traffic to make me late for the dinner tonight.”
I bit my tongue, loaded the bags, and we were on our way.
After a couple minutes of driving in silence, I asked what radio station she would like. She answered that it didn’t matter as she pulled out some expensive headphones. She quickly got lost in whatever she was listening to, and she managed to mostly ignore me for eight hours as we drove to Memphis.
I just about turned around and left her there when we checked in at the hotel. They had made plans to share a room, and somehow Christine implied that it was my fault that I hadn’t made alternate plans for myself. The hotel was fully booked for the conference, and many of the other area hotels were full as well. Her room had two queen size beds, so she reluctantly allowed me to stay in her room.
I just about left her again as we went down to dinner. The conference dinner was by invitation only. She had tickets for herself and my wife, and they weren’t letting people change at the last minute. If she had called the day before to change it, there wouldn’t have been any problems. Somehow, she made it seem like it was once again my fault.
So while she enjoyed free drinks and an expansive buffet, I got to go find fast food. I wasn’t very happy, but at least it sounded like things would be fixed for the next day’s events.
By nine-thirty, I was ready to crash. Normally, I sleep in just a pair of boxers. I decided to be a bit more modest, and so I put on exercise shorts over the boxers, and also wore a sleeveless workout shirt. I was sound asleep two minutes after my head hit the pillow.
It was nearly midnight when Christine came crashing into the room. She wasn’t loud, but she wasn’t quiet either. She felt that she had to turn on every light and then dump everything out of her suitcases to get ready for bed. She took a long time getting changed in the bathroom before finally turning the lights off and climbing into her bed. She never acknowledged that I was in the room or that she had woken me up, and she certainly did not say goodnight.
She continued to make a lot of noise as she tossed and turned for ten minutes. Each time she changed position, she capped it off with a deep breath and a loud sigh. Somehow, I managed to tune out her noise, and I nearly got back to sleep.
“John,” she suddenly said loudly into the darkness, “I can’t get to sleep.”
I bit back three different angry retorts and silently counted to ten. It was obvious from her tone of voice that she was blaming me.
“What do you need?” I finally answered.
“Come rub my back until I fall asleep,” she commanded. Her tone was even sharper as she added, “And don’t get any ideas and keep you hands to yourself and make damn sure you don’t wake me up when you go back to your own bed!”
I am sure that the ideas she was warning me about had nothing to do with the ideas I had. If she had had an inkling of a notion of what I was thinking, she would have changed her mind very quickly. I was going to touch her with my hands, all right! I was going to put them right around her throat and squeeze tight until she fell asleep, never to wake again!
I suppose my wife would have found a way to agree with Christine that it was my fault, so I tried not to sigh too loudly as I moved over to her bed. The thoughts that she had warned me about tried to jump into my head as I pulled back the blankets and saw that she was wearing the sheerest of gowns, and no bra. I used an imaginary club to beat those thoughts down, and gently started rubbing her back.
It only took a few minutes before my back and side started to object to the way I was twisted to sit on the edge of the bed and reach over to rub her back. I think she was almost asleep, and I don’t think she heard me turn and lay on the bed to untwist my back as I kept rubbing. I was barely awake that whole time, and I think I zonked out shortly after she did.
A sharp noise broke through my dreams, and I suddenly realized I was awake. I had no idea what time it was, but it felt like I had only been sleeping for an hour or two. Some sixth sense made me keep my eyes closed as I tried to figure out what I had heard.
When I felt her lift her head from my chest to look at me, I forced myself not to react. I was lying on my back, and she was pressed up against my side. I forced myself to resume the slow deep breaths of sleep. I was hoping to trick her so she would go back to sleep, and then I would be able to slip back to my own bed.
My breath caught as her hand gave a slight squeeze on my hard cock. She froze again, and I tried to force myself to breathe like I was sleeping. My heart had to have been pounding loud enough for her to hear as I tried to figure out how I hadn’t noticed her hand earlier.
She held very still and listened to my slow, even breathing for a couple of minutes. She gave my cock a squeeze again, but I was able to keep the pattern. She started to slowly stroke my cock, but I kept my breathing regular. I wasn’t sure how much more I could take, but I knew if I stopped her now, she would somehow make the whole encounter my fault.
She had started stroking with her hand holding the middle of my shaft. Her strokes never picked up speed, but they slowly worked down the shaft, and then slowly moved up toward the head. Her thumb stroked over the head and slipped through a big drop of precum, and a whimper of surprise squeaked out of her. She froze, and I realized that I recognized that sound as the one that woke me.
I let my breath falter, and then find its rhythm again. She held still and listened again for a couple of minutes.
I was disappointed, but relieved when she finally moved. She let go of my cock and sat up to move away from me. I planned to listen until she was asleep, and then move back to my bed. I knew if I was still on her bed when we woke up later, there was going to be hell to pay. I had no plan for what she actually did.
I have no idea how I maintained my steady breathing as she turned to stretch across my waist without touching me. She put one hand across my body to support her weight as her other hand ever-so-gently gathered the front of my shorts and pushed them down. Somehow, she managed that without ever touching my skin.
She must have been too engrossed in what she was doing to notice me flinch. The first contact she made was her tongue catching the head of my cock. Moving slower than flowing molasses, she eased her head forward and engulfed more and more of my cock. Her lips finally closed around it when she was half way down, but she slowly kept taking it deeper.
She squeaked another whimper and her body flinched as the head of my cock reached the back of her throat. Ever so slowly, she pulled back and swallowed. Then she slowly pushed forward again. She forced her throat to open and she quickly pressed forward until she had the entire length inside. She held it there as long as she could, and then pulled back to swallow and then gasp for air. It was getting harder and harder for me to pretend I was asleep.
She took me deep again, and then a wave of spasms surged down her body. As her stomach contracted and her hips rolled, she had to pull back to let a moan escape. She drew her lips up the length of my shaft until it popped from her mouth. All the while, her body was lurching in spasms.
I found it remarkable how quiet her orgasm was. There was no denying that she had cum. The soft sweet smell of her arousal was quickly overpowered by the strong scent of her orgasm. I thought she smelled delicious, and I wondered how big of a bitch she would be if I offered to taste her.
Through all of that, I tried to pretend I was still sleeping by keeping my breathing deep and steady. I almost think she fell for it. When she attacked my cock again, I realized that suddenly she didn’t care.
She didn’t say anything, but when she used both hands to push my shorts and boxers down, she didn’t use any stealth at all. Her strokes were slow but deliberate as she milked a couple of drops of pre-cum to my slit and then savored the flavor on her tongue. Her moan of pleasure as she slid her lips down the length of my shaft wasn’t loud, but it wasn’t quiet either.
She cut off the moan as my cock hit the back of her throat. She sucked in a deep breath and then swallowed the rest of my shaft. Her whole body trembled as she played the head of my cock in and out of her throat.
“Fuck!” I groaned, forgetting my ruse.
She teased my cock in and out a couple more times before pulling back to swallow and breathe. She gave my cock a cruelly hard squeeze.
“Don’t even think about cumming,” she commanded with a menacing tone.
Without waiting for a response, she swallowed my length again, and started teasing her own throat.
Her command was more effective than she knew. I had been getting quite close to cumming, but her words doused my desire. My mind was flooding with images of pushing her down onto my cock and holding her there to block her airway until she stopped struggling. I pictured myself grabbing her neck and squeezing her harder that she had squeezed my cock. There was no way I was going to let her get away with using me the way she was.
And then another orgasm surged through her body, and the air was filled with her scent again. Suddenly, my mind was flooded with the desire to find the words that would convince her to share her pleasure with me. I wanted my tongue in her pussy, and my cock, too. I wanted her to ride me for all she was worth. I wanted to be on top of her, pounding into her while she begged me to make her cum again. In my desperation, I couldn’t even put two words together to form a plea.
She collapsed on my stomach, and she let herself enjoy the moment for a bit. I was still struggling with my thoughts when she sat up. Her harsh words cut my plea short.
“Get back in your bed,” she commanded. “And don’t even thing about jacking off or fantasizing about what you’ll never have. I’m ready to sleep, and I don’t need you disturbing me.”
For half of a second, I knew I was going to kill her. Even with a jury of twelve angry women, I knew that I could convince them the homicide was justifiable. But suddenly, that cloud of anger parted, and I saw a lighted path to a clear destination that far better suited my desires. For the next half second, I wondered if she knew it was already too late for her to save herself.
“What, you’re not strong enough to finish what you started?” I asked sarcastically.
“What?” she demanded, clearly angered by my words.
“I can smell your arousal,” I said. “Instead of satisfying yourself, you’re going to chase me away, all because you know you’re not strong enough to use me and the find a way to blame me.”
I could almost hear the gears turning in her head as she calculated her answer to my challenge.
“I’ll show you who’s strong,” she snapped as she turned back toward me.
“Put your hands behind your head,” she commanded as she straddled my body.
“Do it!” she said harshly as she slapped my face for moving too slowly. She grabbed my wrists and pushed my hands behind my head. I struggled a bit, but let her do it.
“I doubt you are big enough to satisfy me,” she said disdainfully as she grabbed my hard cock. I didn’t realize she wasn’t wearing panties until I felt her heat enfold me.
“Hopefully you’ll be enough to make it feel better while I play with my clit,” she continued. She rolled her hips against me and took me in. She took about a third of my cock with each roll of her hips, and then she gasped and froze as she settled against me.
“It’s been a while,” she explained, trying to hide her obvious pleasure. I didn’t believe her, but my plan required me to let her start things at her own pace.
She finally got control of herself, and she started slowly thrusting against me.
“When I tell your wife how you waited until I had had a few drinks, and then you took advantage of me, she is going to be really mad at you,” she said breathily. I almost believed that she would try to sell that lie.
Her thrusts became more urgent, and her nipples started to stand up. She saw my eyes were glued on them and she lightly slapped me again.
“Lust all you want,” she said, “but you’re only torturing yourself. You will never get to play with those,”
My eyes dropped to her nipples again, and then rose hopefully to meet hers. A cruel smile spread across her face as she sat back. She continued to ride my cock as she pulled the gown up and off. She fell forward again, and she grabbed the hair on the back of my head. She pulled my head up, but tightened her grip in my hair as she kept her breast just out of reach.
I pulled against her hand, almost getting my lips on her flesh, but she pulled back even harder. With very real pain in my eyes, I begged her to let me taste her flesh. She turned my face back to her breast, and let her nipple brush against my nose. I stretched my tongue out and barely licked the swell of her breast.
She yanked my hair hard, slamming my head back down onto the bed. At the same time, her insides exploded into a ferocious orgasm. Her clutching hand continued to pull at my hair as she collapsed onto my chest. I started thrusting up into her to push her orgasm a little farther. As her grip in my hair released, I slowed and stopped, and she melted on top of me.
I let her rest for a minute or two. She hadn’t noticed that my hands were now resting on her hips. I slowly started caressing up and down her back. I waited for her to notice them. I felt her body tense to reprimand me.
“Do you want to know a secret?” I asked before she could speak.
I could almost hear her struggling to decide if she wanted the secret, or if she was going to yell at me for touching her. I didn’t wait.
“I’ve always been afraid of you,” I said.
She stiffened up against me, but I kept speaking.
“All those years ago, you asked my wife if I was good enough for her, and I’ve always worried that I wasn’t. All these years, I’ve been worried that you would finally make her see it your way. You’ve always acted like that was true, and I’ve walked on eggshells around you to keep you from convincing her.”
Somewhere in the middle of those words, I started barely thrusting my hips. My hands started pushing her hips down each time they circled down there, and her body naturally responded to move with me. My actions were slow and stealthy, and she didn’t even notice them when my words paused.
“I realized something just now,” I said. I had to wait for her, but I continued to thrust and push and let her body move with me.
“What’s that?” she finally answered.
I waited just long enough for her to get annoyed.
“You’re a slut,” I said plainly. In a rush, I started to say, “All of this time…”
“What?” she interjected. She pushed her head up to glare at me. I fought to keep from smiling as her body continued to move with mine.
“You’re a slut. All of this time I though you hated me, but it was really just your way of hiding from the truth.”
“I’m not a slut!” she protested.
“Are you sure?” I asked quietly. I could see her anger, and it was time to turn everything my way.
“If you’re not a slut, then why are you still humping me?” I asked.
“I’m not…” she started to say, and then froze as she realized that she was moving with me.
I continued to gently rock against her, and my hands continued stroking up and down her sides.
“Did I force you to touch my body, to explore under my clothes, to stroke my cock until it got hard?
“I was sleeping,” she protested lamely. As her brain struggled for reason, her body began to move again.
“Did I force you to taste my cock?” I asked quietly.
Her eyes were on mine. She saw that I wasn’t accusing her of anything, and her brow pinched as she struggled.
“Would I have known you could make yourself cum from deep-throating my cock? Did I force you to do it? Twice?”
My thrusts were gaining in power, and her body was meeting them. Her head was barely shaking side to side.
“I’m not a slut,” she whispered.
“Not just a slut,” I said. My eyes were locked on hers. She needed to see how serious I was. “You are my slut,”
“I’m… no,” she struggled to say.
“Your body knows,” I said with a soft smile. She looked puzzled.
“You’re my slut now, and your body knows it.” She tried to shake her head. “You’re my slut, and you’re going to do whatever I tell you to do. Your body knows, and it’s already doing the things I tell it to.”
She looked down in horror as her body continued to thrust against me, but she didn’t stop.
“Stop,” she cried quietly, although her body continued to move with me.
“Do you really want to stop?” I asked. “I will stop if you ask me again, but it feels to me like you want to cum again. Do you want to cum again?”
“I’m not your slut,” she reasoned.
“Do you want to cum?” I persisted.
She didn’t answer for several strokes. The depth and strength of my thrusts continued to build.
“Yes,” she whispered.
“Good,” I praised with a smile. “I probably shouldn’t admit that I’m enjoying making you cum. I’ve decided to let you cum first so I can enjoy it with you before I cum inside you.”
“Not inside,” she weakly protested.
I slid my hand up into her hair and gently grabbed a handful. I used that grip to pull her head up so she had to look at me. Her eyes were round with trepidation. My gentle smile belied my words.
“Listen to your body,” I commanded. “You are my slut now, and as you come to accept that, you are going to beg for me to cum in your pussy, and your mouth, and your ass. You are going to beg, not because I tell you to, but because those are things you want.”
“That’s not what I want,” she said firmly. Neither of us believed her as we felt her body continue to move with purpose.
“Do you still want to cum again?” I teased.
She bit her bottom lip. Several thrusts later, she barely nodded. I smiled.
“Let’s see what your body has to say,” I suggested. My smile faded, and she immediately looked worried.
“Christine,” I addressed her. “Cum for me. Cum for me now.”
Her mind may have protested, but her body knew what to do. At my command, her insides contracted around my cock, and she gasped as the pleasure coursed through her body. My smile returned as I started thrusting harder to increase her pleasure and to make sure I was ready when her orgasm ended.
Her orgasm developed slowly, and it took several more thrusts for her to peak. I reached the point of no return just in time, and I struggled to hold back as I slowed to let her feel her orgasm ending. When I couldn’t hold back any longer, I pulled her ass down and held her tight.
She cried out as she felt my cock begin to pulse inside her. Almost immediately, she started to cum again. Although I held her tight, she couldn’t help but thrust her hips to ride the next wave. She buried her face in my shoulder and she cried as our bodies released in pleasure. Eventually, we both melted into each others arms.
I knew that I needed words to reinforce the lesson I wanted her to learn, but my release took all of my energy with it. I could barely keep my eyes open.
I was nearly asleep when she mumbled about needing to pee. I tried to order her to come back to hold me, but I might have been too lost in sleep to speak aloud. I felt her return and use a warm cloth to clean up our mess, and I remember smiling as she curled up next to me.