Jailhouse Rock -Part 2

"Glenda was facing a whole new life in prison. A life she would never be able to walk away from."

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Lights blaze on and I hear shouting and banging. Hellfire, this is certainly not the smoothest of early morning wake up calls. Strangely, until this rude awakening of clanging metal bars and doors and guards yelling, I’ve somehow forgotten I‘m locked away. 

But not now. How the hell did I get into this mess?

I swear Jimmy better be paying for this shit along with me. Why the fuck was I so stupid to hide the shit in my purse, then believe Nice Cop was also Honest Cop? That was fucking dumber than hiding the crack.

I hear my name. “Stone, you’re being moved. Here’s your clothes.” The guard throws them at me. “Get dressed.”

I stand in shock, not knowing where I’m going. But don’t ask questions — that much I’ve learned. Mouth shut and ears open, that way I might make it through this in one piece. 

Prison is no joke. Because I carried drugs across the state line, it’s going even harder on me. “We’re making an example of you,” the Judge said. How lucky is that? Fuck, I’m fucked beyond fucked.

I haven’t seen my family since the first court appearance when bail was turned down. I guess I was lucky with a plea bargain. But what else could I do? I had the damn drugs. Sure, I said they were Jimmy’s, but he said they were mine. And who was carrying them? Me… yes, me… fucking dumb ass me. So, I was sentenced to five years.

Now it’s transfer day, the move to my new home. Great. Sitting on the cot, I hear my name called again and the door opens. Nice Cop is ready to haul my stupid ass away. 

I look up at him. “I want someone else to transport me. I don’t fucking trust you.”

“I think you need to shut your face and move along,” he snaps. “Keep running your mouth and I’ill make sure you get more time. Now move it.”

I stand and stare at him, wanting to say something, but he pushes me. “Let’s move it, I don’t have all day.”

I’m too scared to say anything. He’s already tricked me into fucking him in the belief that he would get me out of jail. Yeah, right. All I got was more fucking time.

The ride takes forever but when we finally pull up I see barbed-wire atop tall walls and fences. Stepping out of the vehicle, I read ‘Rocky Mountain Women’s Prison. 

Oh God, what have I done? My eyes fill with tears. Stop it, stop it. I mustn’t cry or things will get worse. As the cop leads me to the main door, we walk past inmates inside a fenced area and I hear, “New fucking meat, girls” … “Oh, I’m gonna have some of that.”

The cop leers at me. “They’re gonna have fun with you.”

I fight back my tears. I’ve never been in any trouble before but look at me now: in fucking prison.

Taken into an office, the cop hands over what I guess is my file. Cuffs off, he tells me to sit. As I do, he’s talking to some other cops and they’re soon laughing. He’s probably bragged about what he did to me. Is any cop fucking straight?

When he’s gone, a female cop comes over and starts the routine, pointing to a shower in the corner and telling me to strip. “Be sure to wash your hair with the shampoo we’ve provided. It’s for protection against head lice or to kill any you have. You druggies are full of all kinds of shit. Also, be sure to use the body soap. Again it’s for your protection.”

I look for a curtain — but there isn’t one. After removing my clothes, I reach for the shampoo and notice the guard staring at me.

“Don’t look at me,” she snaps, “get washing. They’re waiting for you.” 

They’re waiting? Who’s waiting?

After washing, I dry and try to cover my naked body with the small towel they’ve given me. It’s impossible.

“Over here.”

She’s standing at a table and when I get there she barks orders. 

“Hands above your head.”

“Lift your left breast… now your right one.”

She looks under each tit. No idea what she thinks she’ll find hidden there.

“Touch your toes and don’t move till I tell you.”

What the hell? I stare at her.

“Why are you waiting? Do as I tell you — bend over, touch your toes, and don’t try to be cute.”

Like I could be cute in that position. She spreads my ass cheeks and, none too gently, sticks a finger in my tight hole, wiggles it around, and withdraws. Then I have fingers in my pussy and she pushes them very deep. I’m tempted to ask if she’s enjoying herself. But I’m afraid to say anything. I’m learning.

“Squat and cough.”

I do everything she says, just wanting it all to be over.

Apparently satisfied with her inspection, she hands me a tan dress, panties and bra — grandma panties and bra, of course — and orders me to dress. The bloody garment is floor-length and the panties are so huge I daren’t let go or they’ll fall down. 

“I’ll try to find something to fit you.”

The guard almost sounds human and I hope she’ll get me clothes that fit. But, then again, they haven’t yet done anything they said they would.

After fingerprints and mug shots, a bundle of stuff is shoved into my arms and I’m led out to join other inmates. They’re staring, whispering among themselves, when I walk into the room. I’m scared to death and, can’t help it, begin to cry. 

A tall big black woman strides over and grabs my arm. “Shut that shit up or you’ll get your scrawny ass kicked.” She hustles me toward an empty bed. ”This is yours. The chick that had it has gone down to general population. How many years you got?”

“Five,” I sob.

“Fuck! What did you do?”

“I got caught with a ball of crack. But it wasn’t mine, it was my boyfriend’s.”

“Okay, first off, stop fucking lying to me,” she hisses. “If you want my protection, fucking be honest. It was your fucking crack and you know it. Listen, some dumb bitch came in here last week crying she had forty-five days. I almost kicked her fucking ass. I told her to get the fuck out of my face.” She stares into my eyes. “But, yeah, five’s a stiff sentence for a ball of crack.”

“The judge said he was gonna make an example of me.”

“Bastard,” she spits. “Looks like he did. I’m Nell, by the way.”

I manage to say “Glenda” before a loud bell starts ringing. I watch women heading for the shower block. I intend skipping the shower — after all, I’ve just had one. But Nell tells me I can’t, I’ll get in more trouble. That’s something I don’t need.

I examine the things they’ve given me. They include a towel, bed linen, shampoo and soap.  I hope it’s enough to get me through till my family starts sending money from my savings account. 

Walking to the showers with Nell, a girl snatches my shampoo. Nell stops me from saying or doing anything. “Be quiet, let it go,” she says. Before I know it, my soap and towel are taken and I’m left with nothing. 

“You don’t do any tattling in here,” Nell says. “You might not make it out the same way you came in.”

In the shower room, Nell shares what she has with me. But, because they took my towel, I have to use toilet paper to dry.

Nell helps me make up my bed and I’m glad I’ve found a friend. She tells me a few more things I need to know and I say, “Thank you for all the help,” and wait for her to leave. 

“Hang on a minute,” Nell says, “we aren’t through here yet. You think all of this is done without you giving something in return?”

“What do you mean? I thought we were friends.”

“Oh, we are, and we’re gonna be even better friends after you lick my pussy and make me come. Now, get your tight little ass down here between my legs and start licking momma. Now!”

I freeze in place, no idea if she’s kidding or serious. But the expression on her face doesn’t look like she’s kidding.

“Do I have to tell you again, girl? Get down here and lick my pussy. Look, you can either lick my pussy and I continue to protect you — or I’ll go to my bed right now and you’re on your own.”

Nell is not joking and I need her protection. 

She’s already lying with her legs spread open, pink pussy glistening with her juice. Kneeling between her legs, my stomach flutters with a crazy mixture of dread and excitement. I’ve never been with a woman — hell, never even considered it — but now a part of me wants to please her. Putting my hands on her thighs, I part her pussy lips with my fingers and lick up and down her slit. Nell’s hips buck with each rasp of my tongue. 

I have no idea what to do other than copy what I’ve enjoyed having done to me. Poking two fingers into her cunt, I continue to lick her hot pussy and circle her clit with my thumb. Nell rolls and bucks under me and I have a strong growing sense of satisfaction. And she feels warm, wet and… well, wonderful.

Nell moans, hands clutching my head. “Yes, baby, right there,” she gasps, pulling my face against her pussy. She smells and tastes delicious and I’m playing with my own clit now. The more I suck and lick Nell, the hotter I become.

Fingers deep into Nell’s sopping, clenching cunt, I work harder and faster on my throbbing pussy. Nell’s hips are now bouncing off the cot and she pulls my head against her cunt with all the power she can muster. Soon she’s moaning loudly and thrashing about. Oh yes, she’s having an orgasm. Wow, I’m coming, too, and we’re being swept away on the powerful tide of mutual climax.

Breathing returning to normal, Nell releases my face. I’m covered in her juices and, to my surprise, Nell licks my face clean. ”I love the taste of my honey.”

Nell takes my hand from my pussy and lifts it toward my mouth. My fingers are sticky. ”Go ahead, Glenda, you’ll love how you taste.”

She was right but when she leaves me to settle in her own cot for the night, I miss having her close to me. I’m not sure if it’s about protection or if I really like her.


Two weeks later, it was time to move to general population. Nell and I had made love nightly and our relationship had moved far beyond protection. We truly cared for each other. 

Fortunately, we learned we would be staying together and that would make it easier to watch out for each other. Being in general population is far different from the initial small controlled dorm. General is Big Girls Prison and we would need to stay close.

Things went well. My money came on time, I ate quite well, and Nell and I grew stronger together. We faced several years in prison and it was good to have a loving friend.

As time passed, new women were brought into the general population but there was never real trouble. For the most part, everyone seemed to get along. Then a couple of newcomers came into our midst. 

One was named Rosa — and she had huge chips on her shoulders. She had a shaved head and was covered in jailhouse tats. She strutted around in a white tee shirt with sleeves rolled up. Rosa was as tough as leather and mean as a rattlesnake. Someone you didn’t turn your back on.

Rosa had run her cell block at another jail, so I guess she felt she would boss this one. Trouble started brewing everywhere. Sides were picked. This nasty chick was determined to be in charge and she didn’t like that Nell and I were a mixed race couple. We were her target and Nell stayed close to me. 

One night, Nell and I went to the showers later than usual. Under the warm water, a towel was suddenly thrown over my head and I heard Nell’s muffled screaming and hollering. I couldn’t say anything as the towel had also been pushed into my mouth. 

Then the beating began. 

I woke on the floor. Blood everywhere. They’d beaten the shit out of me. Trying to get up, I called for Nell but got no response. Able to only half-open one eye, I squinted and saw Nell across the room in a pool of blood. I crawled toward her but kept slipping and sliding on the wet tiles. I screamed for help. A guard finally came and I mumbled that Nell wasn’t moving. I didn’t know if she was dead or alive. 

The guard said Nell was still breathing and he alerted other guards. Medics arrived and they took her away on a stretcher while others tended to me. I swore I would get revenge for the cowardly attack. 

Later that day in the hospital wing, I was told it would take time but Nell would be okay. I was thoroughly examined and then told that both of us had not only been battered but also sexually assaulted. I wanted to kill whoever was responsible.

The thing is, people love to talk, enjoy spreading tales, even in prison. That’s how I learned that Rosa had been responsible. I was out for blood. Nell had a lot of friends and I got together with a few of them and they all wanted Rosa gone — meaning dead or at least beaten and out of this prison. The next time I saw this bitch, she would be left in worse shape then Nell.

We made weapons that could easily be concealed and we stuck close together. The bitch was going down.

The best place to catch Rosa would be the courtyard but, as I was being kept away from her, that would be difficult. So, we decided to carry our weapons and take the bitch when the first chance arose. War was declared, and I wanted this done before Nell came back.

The lunch period became a probable opportunity. The system was that groups would eat fifteen minutes apart — so one group would enter and pass those leaving. On this day, we were scheduled to go in while Rosa’s lot would be getting ready to leave. We had a minute to make our move. 

The girls knew Rosa was mine. They’d been told to get her gang away so that Rosa stood alone. And I would not be covering her head with a towel: I wanted her to see my face. She wouldn’t have to guess who beat her to a pulp. 

The surprise tactic worked. Rosa’s girls were surrounded, the doors were jammed with chair legs to keep out the guards — and Rosa stood alone. 

“Well, well, Rosa,” I said, “I bet you never thought this day would come.”

Rosa looked around and saw her girls were helpless. She was about to get fucked up but Rosa didn’t flinch.

“Fuck you, Glenda,” she snapped. “Bring your scrawny white ass on. I’ll fuck you up again… just as I did last time.”

“You think so, you fucking bitch? You haven’t caught me off guard with a towel over my head this time. I’m here looking at your ass, you fucked up piece of shit. Bring it on, bitch. You fucking scared now with nobody to help you?”

Running towards Rosa, I pulled out a sock packed with hard lumps of soap, embedded with razor blades. Swinging it in circles, I slammed it with all my might against her head. Rosa fell and I hit her over and over until blood seeped over the floor. The bitch was getting what she deserved. 

Someone grabbed me from behind. ”Stop! Stop, Glenda… you’re gonna kill her. Let’s get out of here. Let’s go now.”

I wasn’t bothered about getting out. I had blood spatters over me and I still held the bloody sock when we unblocked the doors. I raised my hands as the guards raced in. It was chaotic and I couldn’t tell how many of my girls got away. I was cuffed and taken out… straight to solitary.

I remained there until I went in front of the judge. He tacked five years on to my sentence. I guess dear Rosa was pretty fucked up.

I heard that Nell had been taken to another prison to finish her sentence. It was for her protection and, of course, they wouldn’t allow us any contact. But the prisoners’ network made sure we exchanged letters. 

I was now kingpin in my prison and nobody fucked with me. Everything went smoothly — till another idiot walked in thinking she would be the bad ass.




Published 5 years ago

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