After finishing school at eighteen, his body and thoughts had changed a lot. He had had a few girlfriends up to then and that had heightened his desire to be seen naked by females. He loved to watch their fascination as they checked out his cock.
When he started university, he moved away from his hometown, and, while this meant not seeing friends so often, it also opened up other opportunities for him. University came with lots of holiday periods. There were times when he could play a bit more in his home environment as both parents would be out of the house all day. Back in those days, there were delivery people for all sorts of items. One of these that came to his home nearly every day was a baker – to deliver fresh bread. He had noticed that there was now a new driver, a youngish blonde female that had replaced the male delivery guy. Her delivery required that she would come up the front stairs and place a fresh loaf of bread just inside the front door, take the change left there for her and then return to her van. He decided that this presented a perfect opportunity.
The front of the house had a sunroom with big windows facing the street. There were blinds on the windows, but these were left open most of the time. A big lounge, long enough to sleep on, was the main item in the sunroom and was a favourite place to sit or lay to enjoy the warmth. He decided that the next day he would seat himself on the lounge wearing only a short dressing gown and underpants during her next delivery.
The next morning, he prepared himself and the setting. The blinds were open, and the change was just inside the front door. He had the dressing gown on, loosely tied around his waist so that you could see what he was wearing underneath. The baker’s van pulled up and he watched the girl get her basket from the rear of the van and head into the other houses. Eventually, she got to his house. He was seated on the lounge reading a magazine as she came to the front door. He looked at her, just as she glanced through the windows to see him. There were brief smiles as she took the money and departed. He felt very pleased with himself.
This continued for a few weeks with him revealing nothing more. Sometimes he would feign sleep, laying on the lounge in just his underwear while she made her delivery. Sometimes he would sneak a peek as she took the money, just to see if she was looking. He wasn’t disappointed and it seemed she had gotten used to seeing him this way. Now it was time to make things a little more interesting.
During the next delivery, his plan was to feign sleep on the lounge in just his robe – no underwear. This was still a day away, so spent a few hours testing positions and levels of exposure. Happy with his plan, he waited for the morning.
He knew the approximate time that she would arrive and so prepared himself in advance. He heard the sound of the van coming up the street and settled back onto the lounge. The robe was, as usual, tied loosely and adjusted so that his cock was partially exposed. He heard her footsteps coming up the front steps and again chanced a look through the bottom of his eyes. He expected that she knew he would be there for her to look at. Except for this time, she got more than expected. He watched as she looked before taking the money. This time there was a very noticeable smile on her face.
Now he had set the expectation. The next deliveries would need something else to keep her interest. He decided that he would make the payment in person rather than leave the money for her to collect. Again, the robe was adjusted to provide glimpses of his cock. She arrived again with the fresh loaf and looked for the money. It wasn’t there but just then he came down the hallway half in a rush saying he had the payment for her. She waited as he hurried to the door with the robe gaping, exposing him. She smiled and thanked him, turned, and left. He watched as she got in the van, glanced back to see him, and then drove off.
Work followed from university, and this meant travel and hotel rooms. At first, he would simply check out the view from the window looking for any adjacent apartments where he could indulge his voyeuristic nature. Many locations offered more opportunities and soon he had knowledge of which room offered the best views. In hotter climates, the women were less concerned with closing curtains, and many times he would look out from his room and be afforded the sight of women in various states of attire.
While these times were eagerly awaited, the desire for him to be seen was also burning. He too would leave his curtains wide open, and in fact, he would make sure that he opened them as soon as he arrived at a new room. If he noticed female observers in adjacent rooms or buildings, he would make sure to gain their attention somehow and then start to undress, hoping to be noticed by them.
On a recent trip, he really got lucky. On arrival at his room, he went straight to the window, opened the curtains, and standing in front of the window, started to strip off his clothes. As he did this, a woman appeared from under the curtains in the building opposite. Her room was one level up from his and, as she was looking down onto the street she looked around and, noticed him. By this time, he had removed his shorts and was naked from the waist down and visible to her. He saw the look of surprise on her face and then the smile as she quickly withdrew from the curtains. But just as she did so, another female face appeared and did exactly the same thing. He knew he had an audience.
He removed his shirt and stood completely naked at the window and just as quickly, the second girl disappeared behind the curtain.
It was just past closing time for businesses and there was still plenty of light. Although the women had disappeared behind their curtains, they could most likely, still see him through the sheer drapes. He waited at the window, hoping they might reappear. As he checked out the building opposite, he noticed a third woman about three floors up. She was out on her small balcony in conversation on her phone. As she was talking, she moved around and then noticed him at the window. She did a double take, stepped back, and then peered forward down at him. He could see the smile light up on her face as she realized he was naked. He was looking up at her too. She stepped back again and appeared to sit, still talking on the phone. As he watched what she was doing he noticed that she had tilted her phone and pointed it down toward him, obviously trying to get a photo. He watched as she continued to point her phone toward his direction and then resume her conversation.
By now, his cock was swollen with the thrill of being seen by these women. He stood proud with cock in full sight and allowed her to get her photos. When he thought this couldn’t get much better, he saw, in the room beside the two women, the curtains being fully opened and another woman stepping into the clear window. He thought that she must have just arrived, and, like him, opened the curtains to look around.
As she took in the scene, she turned toward him and also did a double take. She stood and looked straight at him, and he returned her gaze. She waved her arm and appeared to call out to someone. A man appeared beside her, and they both stood and looked at him. He gave them a few seconds and then moved out of view. He now had four women who had observed him naked, and, from their reactions, he thought they enjoyed what they saw.
He waited a few minutes and then returned to stand at the window hoping that the women would also return. He wasn’t disappointed. The last woman came back for another look and then disappeared as quickly as she had arrived. He noticed some movement near the edge of the curtains in that room. A sliver of a figure stood beside the curtain peeking over at him. Now he knew he had someone really interested in watching him.
He moved away from the window for a few more minutes, and then, when he thought she may be back, stood back at the window. She now had a camera and was taking photos of the surroundings. The light was fading and the flash of the camera and the number of photos she was taking probably meant that it was a half-decent camera. Was he ready for her to zoom in on him?
She didn’t wait for his decision and turned to point the camera directly at him. He stood and looked at her and decided to give her what she wanted. He began to stroke his cock as she the flashes from the camera went off. As he stood for a minute or so while she took photos, he wondered if this would be something for her pleasure later on.
He looked back at the window where the two girls appeared and noticed figures standing, probably looking out through the sheer curtains. Had they too been watching all this time?
By now the excitement was too much. He had gotten to the point where his cock needed to explode. He looked over to the window where the figures were standing and continued to stroke his cock. A few moments later he doubled over in delight. This was an afternoon he would never forget.