Mandy and I were sat in the kitchen the next morning, drinking coffee. I had already showered and refitted the steel chastity cage (getting my wife to re-lock the device with the key dangling from her necklace). Mandy had arisen an hour earlier than me, and she soon steered our conversation to the fun and games of last night, obviously keen to explore my thoughts regarding her lascivious proposition to deliberately try shrinking my penis. She had apparently done a little research on the Internet whilst I was still slumbering, because as I sipped my coffee she handed me a printed sheet of paper and said: “Looks like you’re probably right, babe. Take a peek at what I found on the ‘net.”
I read:
“A man’s penis can depend heavily upon regular erections in order to retain its mass. The penis contains two cylindrical, sponge-like structures that run parallel to the urethra. These structures, which run along the length of the penis, become engorged with blood in response to nerve impulses. The blood flow to the cylinders increases by about seven times the normal amount, and this is what causes the penis to become erect.
“Several things can interfere with the proper functioning of these sponge-like structures – including the taking of certain drugs, certain medical conditions and procedures, unusual pressure on the perineum, or extended periods when the penis is constricted or compressed. If a man is unable to achieve a normal full erection (including nocturnal erections) for a prolonged duration, then there is evidence to suggest a loss of both penile length and girth could result.”
Mandy had highlighted the last sentence with a green marker pen.
“Christ,” I muttered sourly. “So it is that chastity cage causing it to shrink!”
Mandy gave a non-committal shrug. “Well, it certainly looks like the prime suspect, yes. You’ve been wearing it almost constantly for a long time, babe. And the new steel cage is way shorter and narrower than the plastic tube used to be.”
I nodded, and sat for a few moments thinking about the situation. The knowledge that my penis had actually shrunk alarmed me, as it would alarm most men. But in some weird, kinky masochistic way I again found that this apparent fact excited me – especially since Mandy was perversely using it as a way to tease and titillate me. Even thinking about it now caused my cock to twitch in salacious anticipation. What the hell was happening to me?
My wife, as though divining my thoughts, gave me a bemused smile. “So – would you like to carry on, babe? Do you wanna keep wearing the cage – and see if your cock gets any smaller?”
I swallowed involuntarily. “The thought does make me kinda hot…”
Mandy grinned. “It makes you more than kinda hot, honey, judging from your reaction last night. I haven’t seen you cum so fast in a long time, nor seen you leak pre-cum in ages, either.”
I blushed. “Ok, I admit that hearing some of the things you said really pushed my buttons. But any man would be worried about losing length off his cock.”
Mandy grinned. “No doubt – but you aren’t the only guy to have strong fantasies about having a small dick, or get excited by having his wife or girlfriend tease him about it. It’s called SPH – Small Penis Humiliation. It’s a fairly common humiliation fantasy amongst submissive men, according to what I’ve read on the Internet. I checked that out, too.”
I uttered a grunt and finished my coffee. Trust Mandy to investigate my deviant kinks in a thoroughly clinical fashion.
“I took a look on Ebay again this morning too,” she continued craftily. “There really are similar cages even shorter and smaller than the one you have now.”
I puffed out my cheeks. “Yeah, I saw them myself when I bought the last one.” My penis gave a sudden poignant throb, as if it was once again perversely titillated by the notion of losing more of its own mass.
“Well, baby?” Mandy said, “If you really wanna play this kinky game, then it’s up to you. I personally think it’d be a very hot little game to play. And to be perfectly honest, the idea of using that method to emasculate you appeals to my kinky dominant side. Don’t ask me why, but it does.”
I stared at her. “Jesus, really?”
“Mhmm,” my wife replied, sipping her coffee. “Like I said – I have no idea why, but I’d get a huge kick out of it.” She uttered a tinkling laugh. “Psychologists would have a ball with that one! But I guess it’s a control thing – and you know how much I enjoy being in control. But it’s not part of my anatomy that it affects – it’s yours. So I’ll leave the decision up to you… little one.” She finished with a smile.
I could feel myself blushing again. “Well, like I said – no man likes to imagine himself with less than he’s already got, I guess.” I cleared my throat and added: “And I figure most guys worry about being able to satisfy their lady…”
Mandy smiled. “You’re worried that if you do get smaller, then you won’t satisfy me?”
I nodded.
Mandy tilted her head and pondered for a few seconds. “Well firstly, these days you actually get me off pretty much exclusively by using your tongue, babe. That’s why I’m so fond of you going down on me. Clitoral orgasms are more satisfying for me, but they’re really hard for me to achieve with just intercourse, and it takes a lot to make me have a vaginal orgasm. You already know this.”
I grunted assent. Making Mandy climax during actual intercourse was a Herculean task; she needed to be penetrated very hard and fast to get the stimulation she required to reach orgasm; I was sure that when I made such attempts, my arse was just a blur as I pounded into her like a jackhammer. The catch with such frenzied fucking, of course, was that I almost always helplessly reached my own climax well in advance of hers – which made it a self-defeating exercise. It was the primary reason that these days I orally satisfied Mandy either before or after we had intercourse.
“Don’t get me wrong,” my wife continued, “I do enjoy feeling you inside me. But my point is that penetrative sex isn’t necessary in order to satisfy me. And if you research this topic online, you’ll most likely be surprised at the number of women who rarely or never orgasm by intercourse alone. In the past, I’ve even had friends tell me the same thing. So this being the case, my satisfaction isn’t really linked to the size of your cock, babe. It’s actually more of a perception issue for you than it is for me – you know?”
I nodded again. “Yeah, I do understand that. It’s just a male thing, I guess.”
“Right,” Mandy said. “So, we can take the issue of you satisfying me with just your cock out of the equation, regardless of how big it is. Like I just told you – I do like feeling you inside me, but you actually satisfy me far better with that sweet talented tongue of yours.” Mandy grinned at me. “And that being the case, the size of your cock kinda becomes irrelevant – to me, at least.”
“Okay – gotcha.”
My wife finished her coffee before continuing. “As for the chastity cage possible making it shrink? As I said – I do have to tell you that I’d get a huge kick out of knowing that I control you so completely that you’d agree to keep wearing the cage for me – especially if it means your cock getting shorter because of it. And perhaps it’s very self-indulgent of me, but I really would enjoy being able to call you all those wicked, kinky little names, and there actually being some truth in them.”
I stayed silent, but my traitorous cock began to stir anew at my wife’s salacious words.
Mandy carried on. “And anyway – if it turned out that you couldn’t handle it? I’m sure that if you stopped wearing the tube and with some exercises that you’d soon get back to your original size. I doubt very much that any change would be permanent, and these days there’s a shit load of ways to increase your size, honey.”
“I guess so,” I said quietly.
She flashed her green eyes at me. “Besides – if your cock does keep getting smaller, it might dovetail nicely with one of your major fantasies.”
I raised my eyebrows. “Eh? Which fantasy?”
“Your fantasy of me cuckolding you, babe,” my wife replied. “I know it drives you absolutely wild to imagine me taking a lover who’s got a bigger cock than you.” She flashed me a lecherous smile.
Her allusion to my cuckold fantasy startled me; what she’d said was quite true. When I visualized a virile stud fucking Mandy, he always had far larger cock than mine.
“Oh my God,” I whispered.
Mandy giggled softly. “Yes – you see the implications, don’t you. I bet if your cock continues to get shorter, then it’s gonna be a lot easier for you to imagine me craving a well-hung stud. Just think about it; you, the cuckold with the small penis – and the bull with his big, thick, nine-inch cock.”
A mental image of Mandy panting under a well-hung lover flashed before me. I could almost hear her imploring her lover to take her hard and deep as she lifted and parted her smooth legs into that lascivious ‘V’ shape. I imagined her telling her lover that his cock was ‘so much bigger than my husbands little dick!‘ My penis began to harden inside the cage.
“Oh – wow,” I swallowed softly, shaking the vision away with an effort. “It would be very kinky, wouldn’t it?”
“What would be kinky?” Mandy asked. “Your cock getting smaller, or me finding some fit young bull to fuck me?”
“Umm… both,” I replied. My heart fluttered.
Mandy winked lasciviously at me. “Who knows what the future holds. But let me put it this way – I’m more open to cuckolding you for real than I was six month ago.”
“Jesus! Really?” My heart skipped a beat, and my cock signalled its lewd approval by gleefully rising further.
My wife smiled. “Mhmm. But that’s not to say I’ve decided to actually do it. I’m just becoming more open to it.” My wife’s smile widened. “So – would you like to see how this plays out? Wanna keep wearing the cage, and see if your adorable little dick gets any shorter? Perhaps even buy another cage that’s even smaller?”
I breathlessly pondered the question. I had to admit that the thought of what Mandy had suggested did turn me on. I had almost masochistic visions of my wife measuring me again, and giggling as she informed me that my penis was even shorter. I dourly made a mental note to do some checking into the psyche of masochists, and see how it applied to myself.
“I’ll buy another cage a bit smaller, and see how it goes.” I said softly.
Mandy uttered her sexy giggle. “Woohoo! As I said, I think playing this game would be a lot of fun and very darkly erotic and kinky! But you do know that I’m going to take this to the max, don’t you? I’m probably going to be a very wicked, kinky bitch if you do lose anymore length.”
I swallowed again, and my cock was now fully testing the steel confines of the cage. “I do know that – and I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
Mandy grinned wickedly. “Yaay! Good! Dammit, all this sexy talk has made me kinda frisky. Quite frisky, in fact. Why don’t we go sit on the couch, and you can get that eager little tongue of yours reacquainted with my thirsty pussy.”
I couldn’t have agreed more. Within minutes my wife was laid back on our sofa, my tongue slipping eagerly between her labia.
Mandy giggled irreverently. “I do so enjoy a Sunday Service!”
Our living room was soon echoing to Mandy’s moans and exhortations as my lips and tongue got down to serious business.
That afternoon I ordered a second chastity device, almost identical to my existing one (including the urethral insert security feature), but which was about an inch or more shorter. Ten days later, it arrived in the mailbox. After unpacking it, I was again startled at how much smaller it was than my current unit. After sterilizing it completely, I gingerly fitted it. My cock was literally crammed into the steel cage, and I could the unit pressing my cock gently but persistently back against my groin.
Mandy smiled and gave me a soft wolf-whistle when she saw it fitted for the first time.
“Mmm, a very snug fit, baby.” she purred as she ran her fingertips over the shiny cage. “Christ, I can barely see your dick at all! Do you need a week or two to get acclimatized to it?”
I shook my head. “No – it’s actually the same as the first steel cage, which I’m used to wearing. This one just has a much shorter cage.”
Mandy reached down to caress the cage again. “Jesus, it’s shorter alright. But I gotta tell you, seeing it on you excites me, kinky bitch that I am! Now – since you reckon you’re fine wearing it? Keys please, babe.” She held out her hand.
I collected the two keys and handed them to her, a soft wave of titillation ebbing through me. One key was soon threaded onto her necklace. I sighed enviously as I watched it disappear down into her considerable cleavage.
“Lovely,” Mandy drawled. “I’ll hide the other key later. Well, it’s the twenty-fourth today. How about we measure your cock again on the last Saturday night of each month, starting next month? That gives you almost five weeks inside your tight new cage. Does that sound okay, baby?”
I nodded slowly.
Mandy giggled. “Don’t look so glum, honey!” she playfully chided me. “After all, with this little game less could very well turn out to be more!”
It turned out that she was diabolically correct.