Peter And Mrs. Rodger’s

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It’s very hard when you’re introverted and shy.  It feels like speaking can be hard because you’re afraid of rejection.  That’s how it was for Peter Smith.  Peter was depressed that he didn’t have a girlfriend. It’s hard to do things when you’re depressed.  It was even harder when he went through puberty to discuss things with his parents.  He would breakdown and become anxious.

Lucky for him there was the internet.  He googled his questions and his problems were answered.  He learned about sex and anything pertaining to sex.

In his exploration of sex, he also encountered porn.  It was like a kid finding candy.  He could watch beautiful women have sex with men and women.  It was exciting to watch.  He liked watching women masturbate.

His masturbation adventures now became interesting.  He’d turn his computer on and select the movie he wanted to watch.  He was already nude and began stroking his cock.  He opened a bottle of baby oil and poured the oil in his palm and all over his dick.

He moved his hand up and down.  He liked to do this very slowly while the women on the computer were getting fucked.  He’d talk to the screen. He concentrated hard while he was masturbating.

His favorite video was when the hot wife with a kick ass body would have sex with a nerd.  The guy would be a virgin and the hot wife would show the nerd a good time.

Usually, she’d give the guy head.  The nerd’s usually were quite endowed which would really turn the housewives on.  They’d eagerly give the nerd a blow job.  The nerd always had a monster dick and the housewives had freakishly large mouths.

Their eyes would tear while they took more and more of the enormous cocks down their mouths.  These were the videos that got Peter excited. Everyday, he’d watch and would cum when the slut wife would swallow cum or get fucked in her ass and cunt hard.

Peter watched some strange videos with guys fucking pies and pumpkins.  He wondered how it would feel to fuck a pumpkin.  He knew it was weird and strange, but he imagined he could drill holes in the pumpkin’s skin. 

He could make the holes big or small.  He remembered seeing a stand near his house with pumpkins.  He decided to take a ride and purchase some.  He wanted to see if it was bullshit or if he could really get off on it.  He was hoping it would be a fun experience.  Peter got cleaned up and drove over to the pumpkin stand.  He always loved fall and loved pumpkins.  He decided he’d buy three pumpkins.  A large, medium and small pumpkin.

He bought the pumpkins and drove back to his house.  He knew that he had a few hours before anybody would come home.  Peter went downstairs and got his father’s drill and drilled a hole in each of the pumpkins.

He made smaller holes in the pumpkins.  He wanted to get the impression that the hole was tight.  He wanted the feeling of pushing his cock deep within the pumpkin.

Peter drilled the holes into the necessary places.  He stripped and stood in front of the pumpkins.  He’d start with the big pumpkin first.  He held the pumpkin in his hand and pushed his cock through the pumpkin hole.  He made the hole small and really had to push it in.

It felt good on his cock.  He began fucking the pumpkin.  Thrusting his cock in and out.  He was moaning and groaning while fucking it.  He knew it looked weird, but it felt amazingly incredible on his cock.  The pumpkin insides felt hot and slimy on his dick.  It felt so weird and strange that he blew his load inside of the pumpkin.

After he came, he turned around and his neighbor Mrs. Rodger’s was standing there giggling holding a pan in her hand.

“Peter, what in God’s earth are you doing?”

“Mrs. Rodger’s, what are you doing here?”

“I borrowed a pan from your mother and was returning it.  Why are you fucking a pumpkin?”

Peter pulled the pumpkin from his cock.  His dick had pumpkin strands and seeds on his dick.  His face felt red and he was beyond embarrassed.

“I just saw a movie and wanted to try it out.”

“What kind of a movie was that?  Wow, you have a big dick!  You’re very endowed.”

“Thanks.  I just wish I had a girlfriend who wasn’t a pumpkin.”

Mrs. Rodger’s and Peter both started to laugh.  It was funny, and she seemed to be a good sport over it.

“Why don’t you get cleaned up and come over to my house.  I have some time and would love to show you things.”

“What about Mr. Rodger’s?”

“He’s not home and I’m sure it would be okay.  Get yourself cleaned up and come over.  I’ll show you a good time.”

“Are you sure?  I don’t want you to get into any trouble!”

“I’m sure.  You need to practice with a woman.  Not a pumpkin.  Get yourself cleaned up and meet me at my house.  I’d love to show you a good time.  What do you say Peter?”

“Absolutely.  Could we keep this to ourselves?  Please don’t tell the rest of the neighborhood or my parents.  They’d think I was weirder that I already am.”

“Of course.  Go get yourself cleaned up.  See you soon.”


Peter was embarrassed but he was excited to go over to Mrs. Rodger’s house.  She was older but for an older lady she was hot.  He hoped she’d like to do the stuff that porn women did.

Peter took his shower and got dressed.  He took a pumpkin from his mother’s porch and brought it over to Mrs. Rodger’s.  He figured he’d give it to her, and it would be their own private joke.

Peter rang her bell and held the pumpkin in his hands.  He smiled when she opened the door.

“Here I am.”

“Come in dear.  Is that pumpkin for me?”


“Thank you dear.  You’re very sweet.  Come in.”

Peter walked in and that’s when Mrs. Rodger’s held him in a tight embrace and began French kissing him.  She moved her tongue around this mouth and held his buttocks in her hands.

He wondered if Mr. Rodger’s and her even had sex.

“Why don’t we go upstairs.  I have lots of things to show you.”


Peter followed behind her.  He watched as she wiggled her ass while she walked up the stairs.  When they got inside of her room was when she grabbed him into a tight embrace and began undressing Peter.  She continued kissing him while taking off his clothes.

She wrapped her hands around his dick and gave him a hand job until he was hard.

“You have a great cock, Peter.  I’ve never seen such a big dick.  Would you mind if I tasted it?”


Mrs. Rodger’s went down to her knees.  She opened her mouth and pushed his cock into her mouth.  She loved that his cock was as thick as her arm.  She and her husband hadn’t had sex in a long time.  She bobbed up and down giving him head.

“Fuck!  That feels amazing.  If you keep that up, I’m going to cum.”

She stopped what she was doing.

“No!  Lie on the bed.  I want to fuck now.  Don’t come yet!”

Peter went to the bed.  His cock stood straight up.  Mrs. Rodger’s took off her clothes and squeezed some jelly onto her palm and rubbed it all over her old pussy.  She had quite a bush.  She and her husband rarely had sex.  She was hornier that a bitch in heat to fuck Peter.

She climbed on top of the teenager and positioned her pussy over his cock.  He was quite large, but the old bag knew what she was doing. 

“Peter, it would probably be better if you fucked me from behind.  You’re so large and it would feel a lot better.  I’ll get on my hands and knees.  You stand behind me and push your cock into my cunt.”


Mrs. Rodger’s got into position.  She talked to Peter and explained what to do.  He slowly pushed his cock into her pussy. 

“Fucking hell!  Your pussy feels great on my cock.  Are you okay?”

“More than okay.  Push it all the way inside of my cunt.”

Peter did as he was told to do.  She moaned while he got inside of her.

“Now fuck my pussy!”  Thrust yourself into my cunt!”

Peter did what she said.  He got into good rhythm and fucked her pussy.  He didn’t last long.  He was a virgin after all.  But he finally fucked a woman.  He was quite pleased with himself.

“Peter!  That was excellent dear.  Now be a good fella and lick my pussy!  I’ll lie down and you can taste my vagina.”



Mrs. Rodger’s moved on the bed and opened her legs.  She had a hairy cunt, but he didn’t complain to her about it.  He licked his cum from her pussy lips and enjoyed tasting a woman’s pussy.  She moaned and groaned and came on his tongue.  She loved what he was doing to her.

He just did what the nerds did on the porn video’s, and she responded like they did.  She was just a lot older and not as hot.  She was just as horny and loved sex.  Peter licked her pussy until he was hard and able to fuck again.

Mrs. Rodger’s continued to show him what to do.  He had sex with her several times that day.  She told him to come to her house every day and she would show him how to please women.

Peter was quite happy with the arrangement.  He was happy that he fucked a pumpkin and got laid by a real woman.  His life was much better now.

Published 5 years ago

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