Good things come in small packages – Chapter 9

"A chat with Christine, and Mandy takes it further."

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My somewhat cataclysmic (but not unwelcome) descent further into subspace continued unabated. The knowledge that Mandy had, at the very least, allowed another guy to kiss her and to fondle her breasts made my stomach flutter. The fact that her elder sister now knew that Mandy could fuck whomever she pleased and about the slow demise of my pecker added greatly to the degrading thrill and sheer carnal humiliation that I was feeling. The sensation was almost like a drug that I could no longer use simply for recreation – I was now an addict.

Christine visited Mandy and I later that week; I could now perceive an extra sharpness to Christine’s smile, and what was almost a shrewd sparkle in her eyes. At one point I thought I saw her glance down at my crotch, and her smile flared slightly; I don’t know where my blood rushed to the fastest – to my face or to my cock.

Mandy informed me that she had suggested to Christine that the pair of them head off to the nightclub on the forthcoming Saturday night. Christine had immediately agreed.

On following Saturday evening Mandy once again dressed to perfection prior to her heading to the nightclub with Christine. I glanced at her strong, supple legs under her miniskirt, and my imprisoned cock twitched.

Mandy called a cab, and she kissed me deeply just before she left.

Once again, I spent a slow night running all sorts of erotic visions through my head, wondering what my wife was doing.

The phone trilled at about 11:00 pm. To my surprise the display on the telephone wasn’t showing Mandy’s cell phone number – it was Christine‘s cell phone number instead. I pick up the receiver with fluttering fingers.

“Hiya, sweetie!” my sister-in-law beamed. She had always called me ‘sweetie’ for as long as I had known her. I could hear heavy music thumping quietly in the background, and I guessed that Christine was calling from the nightclub lobby.

Christine carried on. “Mandy asked me to give you a call to let you know that she might be home a little later than she thought.” There was a slight hesitation before she continued. “She said to tell you that the friend she met here the other week is here again, and that tonight she might spend a little more time with him.”

My heart did a double-thump. “Oh, umm, yep, okay.” I replied in a tight voice. My cock gave a startled but delighted twinge inside of the tube. Obviously Mandy had put Christine up to calling me, and I had no doubt that my wife knew what it would do to me. I wondered what else Mandy had told her sister.

Christine spoke on after another short pause, “Mandy tells me that you’ve given her your permission to have a little fun.”

“Yeah – I have,” I replied tightly. I knew my cock was having a little fun: it was bursting merrily into life, pressing tightly against its metal prison.

“As a matter of fact,“ my sister-in-law continued, “Mandy’s told me a lot about the lecherous little game you guys are playing. She’s always had a wild streak, and so I’m not surprised.” Christine seemed to become a little bolder. “So – it really excites you to think of Mandy with another guy?”

“Yeah,” I replied. A little voice in my head told me that I couldn’t be having this conversation – but I was.

Christine giggled briefly. “Well, as Mandy’s apparently told you, my ex-hubby and I used to play a similar game, and it used to drive Brian wild as well. He told me it was the biggest turn-on of his life to watch me with another guy. Except his dick wasn’t locked up at the time, like yours is. I bet that’s making it a lot more intense for you.”

I swallowed. “Uh-huh.” I replied in the affirmative.

Again Christine’s quick laugh tinkled in my ear through my cell phone. “It also used to drive Brian nuts that the guy I used to play with was a little bigger – you know what I mean?”

“Yes,” I answered. My mouth felt dry. “He had a bigger cock than Brian.”

“Yup,” Christine responded. “And it used to drive Brian crazy – but in a kind of good way. Mandy tells me you feel the same.”

My hand shook as it held the phone to my ear. Christine had always been one to speak her mind, and her tone had now taken on an air of almost flirtatious teasing. My cock hardened further inside my cage. The sheer lascivious surreal eroticism of the conversation flirted with subspace.

“Mandy tells you right,” I replied. “My hottest fantasy has always been to see her fucking a guy who has a big cock.”

“A guy who has a bigger cock than yours?” Christine inquired.

“Yes,” I replied.

Christine paused for a second or two. “From what Mandy tells me the chance of this happening gets more and more likely each month since you’ve started wearing that little cage of yours.”

Again my heart gave a double-thump. Mandy hadn’t been lying when she told me that she had informed Christine about my dwindling manhood. To hear Christine inform me that she knew about it sent a wicked wave of masochistic pleasure through me.

“That’s right,” I replied, my voice catching. “Mandy’s told you a lot, I guess.”

Christine gave a slow, sultry chuckle. “She certainly has. Probably a bit more than she should – but that’s fine with me. I kinda like hearing about the kinky games you and my evil little sister get up to.”

“What else has she told you?” I asked her.

“What else?” Christine mused. “Well, she told me that you’re kinda getting off on the fact that you are getting smaller. I have never heard of that fantasy, but I can understand how it’d tie in with imagining Mandy fucking a guy who is bigger than you. Mandy also told me that you get off on me knowing you are kinda small. Is that true?”

I choked back a gasp. Mandy had actually told Christine that? One half of me squirmed with embarrassment, but the other half nearly creamed my jeans – or my cage, in this instance.

“Yes,” I confirmed quietly. My stomach tingled, and my legs felt weak. I became aware that I was now panting softly, and that my cock was again testing the confines of its metal barricade. My felt my balls retracting as though they felt a sudden chill.

“My, my!” Christine chirped. “You are a kinky little boy, aren’t you?” She laughed softly again. “Well, now I do know – so if that floats your boat, then that’s fine with me. Mandy even told me that if I really wanted to wind you up, then I should tease you about it!” Christine’s sensual little giggle floated down the phone line. “But I’m not that evil – yet!” she added.

“Jesus Christ,” I blurted. My embarrassment had finally got the better of me. “Mandy really shouldn’t have told you all that stuff. I’m really sorry.” My voice trailed off.

“Don’t apologize!” Christine interjected smoothly. “Like I said – I enjoy hearing about the games you and my kinky little sister are playing! It sounds like you two are having a grand old time playing them. I’m a lot more open-minded than you realize, and I can think of a few kinks that are a hell of a lot worse than yours, sweetie! Don’t sweat it.” Christine paused for a moment, and then added: “Anyway – I might be able to help my frisky little sister and you, in more ways than one.”

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Well,” Christine replied. “If Mandy decides that she wants to spend a little time alone with that guy she met – David is his name, by the way – then she’ll want to go somewhere a little more private. As you know, I have a spare bedroom in my apartment. I’m sure Mandy would appreciate me letting her and David use it for an hour or two!”

I practically jumped and uttered a low moan. “Oh my God, don’t tell me that!” I croaked.

Christine giggled softly once more. “Aww, are you getting frisky, sweetie?”

“I’ve been frisky all night,” I gasped. “But hearing things like that just makes it worse.”

Christine laughed. “Think of it as your sister-in-law helping out!  Well,” she continued, “I better head back inside and see where Mandy’s at. Is there anything that you want me to tell her?”

I swallowed again. My mouth was dry, and my hand trembled as it held the phone. “Yeah,” I replied. “Tell her to have fun.”

Christine’s soft, purring giggle echoed down the phone line. “Okay – I’ll let her know. Take care sweetie, and be a good boy until your wife comes home!  By the way – Mandy also told me that you love being her sexy little slave! I think that’s hot, too!  If you were my slave, I’d have a lotta fun with you as well! Bye!”  With a final tinkling laugh, Christine rang off.

I realized I was stood panting. My hard-on pressed tightly against the metal cage. The surreal nature of the conversation washed over me. Would Christine aid her sister in cuckolding me?  Was Mandy really going to hook up with that guy she’s met last week?  I slowly sat down, my whole body tingling as I realized that within the next hour or two I might become a cuckold – for real.

For the next three hours, I was a nervous wreck, and I now had a very good understanding of the phrase ‘cucky angst’.  Time again slowed to a crawl as I tried to watch TV, my eyes sliding often to the clock as the minutes dragged into hours. My balls ached faintly, and several times I slid my hand down the finger the smooth steel cage that encased my manhood.

Mandy returned home just after 2:00 am. She again silenced me by placing her finger on my lips, and she then took my hand and led me to the bedroom. She told me to strip, and she then unlocked my cage. My cock immediately began to harden, and Mandy sped the process by reaching down to stroke me as we kissed again. Once I was completely hard she slid her panties off from under her skirt and then quickly sank onto the bed.

“Christine told me she called you like I asked her to,” she announced softly. “And she told me what the pair of you talked about. Did that excite you, babe?”

“God, yes it did!”

My wife giggled. “Good,” She drew up her skirt, parted her legs, and grinned up at me and said: “Now, baby? Fuck me.

Her last two words unleashed subspace inside me like floodgates on a dam as I recalled her words:

     The next time you get to fuck me, it means some other guy has hammered your naughty wife’s steamy cunt first.

I stifled a moan and hastily started to obey her. My now sub-four inch cock slid easily inside of her, and I moaned softly as the steamy heat of her cunt enveloped my cock. Mandy slid her moist tongue over my lips and her warm thighs cradled my trembling hips.

“I guess he fucked you?” I asked in a high, trembling voice. Her pussy felt so hot!

Mandy looked deep into my eyes. “Yesss – he did.”

I uttered a soft whimper as confirmation of her infidelity rocketed from my ears, tearing a frenzied path though my torso before finally exploding at the base of my cock.

“That’s why I am letting you fuck me now, babe.” continued Mandy in her soft, sultry voice. “Because only an hour or so ago, I finally spread my legs for another man. You can even check the packet of condoms in my bag – you’ll see that one is missing. I finally allowed a stranger to tempt me, then to seduce me, and to kiss me, and touch and caress and fondle me. Then I let him undress me, sliding my skirt off, then my panties – and then I opened my legs and let him fuck me. But that’s okay isn’t it, little one?”

Yes!” I screamed. “You really cuckolded me?” My hips turned to liquid as an orgasm rushed at me like an unstoppable wave.

“Mmm, I sure did, babe!” my wife drawled smoothly. “So I can now add another little nickname to your list, can’t I? – ‘cuckie’ – you’re now my lil’ cuckie! My real little cuckie!

A few moments later I gave a long, shuddering moan as the most intense and powerful climax of my entire life tore through me. All I could think as the ripples of ecstasy hammered into my loins was: I’m now truly Mandy’s cuckold!


Two weeks had passed since Mandy’s evening at the nightclub. She had responded honestly to my subsequent barrage of questions about her coupling with David. Had she enjoyed it? Did it make her hot? Had she sucked his cock?

Mandy replied that she had enjoyed it, but some of her enjoyment came from the fact she was indeed cuckolding me. In fact, she stated that as David’s cock plunged into her the thought of me sat here at home, my balls full and aching, and my cock nearly bursting with trembling anticipation and excitement, had made her climax several times. She said she wished that she could have seen my face as she wrapped her legs around his back.

Yes, she had fellated him, and he had also licked her creamy pussy before the pair had intercourse.

Naturally, I had a few mixed emotions about Mandy spreading her sexy legs for another man for real. Mandy sensed my unease, and she hastened to reassure me that she loved me very much, and she’d had sex with David because it was a big part of our current role-play. She added that while she had enjoyed the sex, she felt no emotional attachment to David whatsoever and that their coupling had simply been a passionate one-night stand. She had told David that she was married (as he could perhaps already see from her wedding ring) and that she was just out for a ‘fling’ and not a relationship.

I had, in fact, known all this, but it was still reassuring to hear Mandy tell me just the same, and I told Mandy so.

This didn’t stop Mandy teasing me, though; my new nickname did, in fact, become ‘cuckie’, and Mandy had a long, slow way of pronouncing it that sent shivers down my spine: ‘Cuck-eeeee’.

I had also quizzed her about how much she had told Christine about our unusual and kinky pastime. Mandy stated that she had told Christine practically everything (as I already knew), and that Christine thought that our ‘little game’ was very raunchy and erotic. She added that Christine had shown a great deal of enthusiasm about it, and had wanted to know all the wicked details.

“Jesus,” Mandy added. “She’s even given me a few very kinky suggestions!”

That surprised me, and I asked Mandy to elaborate.

“Well,” Mandy began. “She came up with a very naughty plan. What she suggested was that all three of us – You, her, and I – go to another nightclub again, but this time you have to make out that you are with her, and not me. That way, you could sit and pretend to be with Christine and watch me dance and flirt with other guys. She even said that if I actually hooked up with another guy, then we could all head back to her apartment. Wouldn’t that be wicked, hmm honey? If you were sat in Christine’s lounge room having to pretend that you were actually with Christine while I was sat with my new playmate – maybe sat on his lap, or even kissing him.”

My mouth dropped open in both shock and excitement. What Mandy had just outlined did turn my crank – in a big way.

Mandy noted my reaction. “Oh! Does that idea appeal to you, babe?”

I nodded. “That is really a very, very hot idea.” My cock quickly arose from its slumber, like a hound sensing game afoot.

Mandy grinned softly. “Christine told me that she’d get a kick out of watching you if we did do that – knowing that you’re going out of your mind with lust as you watched me kissing some other guy, but that you couldn’t do a thing to stop it!”

“Jesus Christ!” I blurted. “Your sister is fucking kinky!”

Mandy laughed. “I told you so, honey! “ Mandy’s eyes twinkled. “She also told me that she’d distract you so that if I wanted, my sexy new playmate and I could sneak off to her spare room again. She said that she’d keep you busy in the lounge room as my playmate and I had some fun in her spare room.”

I gasped. “Keep me busy? Doing what?”

Mandy tilted her pretty face sideways. “Well, she might quietly tease you about your wife getting nailed in a bedroom just up the hallway. Or she said she might make you give her a back rub as you waited. Or get you to massage her feet – I told her that you have a little kink for feet, so that wouldn’t surprise me. Knowing Christine, I bet it would make her a little frisky, as well.”

“Jesus Christ!” I croaked. My cock was now once again hard inside its metal casing, and Mandy peered at me intently.

“Hmm, does that idea make you hot, honey? To imagine me in Christine’s spare bedroom, getting my hot little pussy filled with some new cock as you massage Christine’s feet in the lounge room?”

“God help me – yes!” I muttered.

Mandy now let her imagination roam as she did a little ‘fishing’. “And what about if you could hear me, babe? If you could hear me moaning in the bedroom as he fucks me. Would that make you even hotter?”


Mandy leered at me. “That way both you and my big sister would know exactly what I am doing in there, wouldn’t you both? Would that turn you into a hot, shaking, trembling little puddle, cuckie?”

“You know it would!” I rasped.

“What else could I do, I wonder?” Mandy mused, her foxy little face tilting again. “Maybe I should tell Christine that instead of massaging her feet, you should lick them instead. I should tell her how wild it drives you to suck and lick a woman’s toes. How would that be, little one? If you had to lick and suck Christine’s toes as you both listened to me fucking?”

I gave a kind of choked gasp, and Mandy homed in further on this kinky little slant to the scenario.

“Ah! You’ve always admired her legs, haven’t you? Like most men!” Mandy laughed softly. “Maybe I’ll let Christine know that, and she can stretch out her long sexy legs, and quietly tease you as you kneel on the floor, sucking her toes. Wouldn’t that be evil of her, babe? Knowing her as I do, it’d probably turn her on as well, Lover. Making you do that as my moans and gasps float through the walls.”

“Jesus Christ!” I softly moaned.

Mandy’s face tightened into another leer. “Even better? Why don’t I suggest to Christine that she should start playing with herself as you kneel there licking and sucking her toes! How would that be, cuckie? If you actually watched her hand creep under her skirt, and you knew that she was jilling off as she listened to me, and as your eager little tongue slithered around her toes! I bet that would make that little tiny cock of yours even harder, wouldn’t it?”

“Oh, my sweet fuck, yes!” I groaned.

“Ah! Now that’s a kinky little plan, isn’t it, little one? Imagine Christine rubbing one out as you helplessly watch – your mouth hungrily sucking her toes as she starts to moan and sigh as she plays with herself! Just think – there’d then be two hot, creamy pussies in Christine’s apartment, and you won’t be getting either of them! I’ll get to cum, my playmate will get to cum, and Christine will get to cum as well. The only one who won’t get to cum is you!

I was now panting heavily, and Mandy gave a long, soft giggle. “I’ll have to think about that little plan, honey. Maybe I’ll have a little chat with Christine about it that next time we hook up. And seeing as you’ve been very naughty just now – getting frisky imagining hearing me fucking in the bedroom as Christine jills off in front of you – you’d better get that talented little cuckold tongue of yours into my unfaithful little pussy. C’mon! Lick me!

I needed no more urging, and within moments I was eagerly plunging my tongue deep inside my wife’s creamy pussy.

I thought that Mandy’s wicked little dialogue was just her ‘fishing’ again. In a way it was – but this time she had hooked into a whopper, as I was soon to find out. The next evening, Mandy told me that she had outlined this kinky scenario to Christine and that Christine had eagerly agreed to participate the next Saturday night.

It was going to be another long week.



Published 5 years ago

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