Piercings – Part V – Infidelity and New Beginnings

"Mum, Daughter and Step-dad ease into their world of new beginnings and new sexual adventures"

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We showered and changed soon after and Liz sent a text to Amy telling her where to meet us in town. We decided to take a taxi into town. Liz and I usually enjoyed a couple of glasses of wine with our meals so it was a simple decision to make. But which taxi firm to use was the hardest decision – was it to be the local village one or the town one. “It’s up to you,” Liz had said.

I thought about it for a few moments but something inside was drawing me to Joe. “May as well use Joe,” I told her.

Liz smiled and stopped me from dialling. “I have his direct number,” she told me.

Ten minutes later Joe turned up and I climbed into the back with Liz. It was a quiet, restrained journey with me sitting behind Joe. All I could think about was the fact that the guy in front had seen my wife naked last night and had fucked her many times. As Liz got out she asked him if he would be free to take us back and he smiled and nodded.

Amy was waiting nervously for us outside. Of course she had no idea what was going on between Liz and I but we had already decided that we would put her in the picture. We found a quiet table in the corner and Liz sat next to her and quietly told her that we were taking a break in our marriage for a while. Amy burst into tears and said that it was all her fault but Liz comforted her and told her that things had not been good between us for a while now and that she had probably done us both a favour.

She also explained that we would still be living together and nothing would change between us as a family. “All that will be happening is that for the next while we will be free to see other people if we wish.”

Amy looked up at me. “And yes, if you two want to see each other, then it’s fine with me,” she told her quietly. “All I ask is that you both be discrete.”

Amy sniffled and nodded. “Are you seeing someone else, mum?”

Liz nodded. “Yes, I spent the night with someone else last night, and I hope to continue to see him for the foreseeable future.”

“Won’t it be awkward, you know, you bringing someone home at night and me and dad…?”

“He has his own home so I will be staying over with him when we do meet up.”

Amy thought for a few moments and then gave her mum a hug and said sorry once again before telling her that she hoped we will soon get back together. Liz hugged her and looked at me. “I’m sure we will Amy. Your dad is a good man and too good a lover to throw away, as I’m sure you know!”

Amy smiled and I laughed before picking up the menu. “Anyway girls, what are we all eating?”

Lunch was relaxed and we shared two bottles of wine between us before Liz picked up her mobile phone. “I’ll ring for a taxi for you both to take you back home and I’ll get him to come back for me and take me where I want to go,” she said. “I will be home later.”

Amy looked a bit down but Liz hugged her again and spoke very quietly to her. “You two go and have a lie-down,” she said. “Maybe get the manual out and do some swatting up!”

Mum!” Amy responded.

Liz just laughed as she got up and walked away to call Joe. Moments later she returned. “He’ll be about five minutes,” she told us.

Amy got up to go to the toilets and Liz snuggled up to me. “He’s sending someone else to take you back home,” she informed me. “He’s picking me up himself.”

I felt myself stiffening. “And where are two going?”

Liz kissed me on the cheek. “It’s reparation time.”

I smiled.

“I’ll bring a present back for you.”

I was feeling decidedly uncomfortable now with my erection at its fullest. Liz leaned across again and kissed me. “Take it out on Amy!”

A few minutes later Amy and I were pulling out of the car park as another taxi entered. I looked at the driver and saw that it was Joe. Part of me was filled with hurt and jealousy but there was also part of me highly aroused. Amy noticed it and leant over and whispered into my ear. “I’ll take care of that once we’re indoors,” she said.

I almost groaned.

She whispered again. “By the way, I forgot to put any knickers on this morning.”

I glanced down. She had changed her skirt to one of a more modest length since breakfast but obviously never bothered to put any panties on. I wondered if Amy was just a one off or did lots of girls of her age behave in a similar manner. When I was that age I could never imagine girls going out in public like that but maybe I am naive, I don’t know, what I did know was that it was almost unbearably arousing sitting next to girl who wasn’t wearing panties.

Once inside I grabbed and kissed her and my hand went straight under her skirt. She was naked underneath and she was hot and wet between her thighs. Her hand was also busy, tearing at the belt buckle of my slacks. “Let’s go to bed,” I said.

I took her to the spare bedroom. The bed there was much bigger than her wide single one and would give us room to spread out or rather spread Amy out. Once the door was closed she resumed her attempt to unbuckle my slacks but I stopped her. I kissed her. “You mentioned about being interested in BDSM,” I said to her.

She nodded.

“Wait here,” I told her as I left to go to our bedroom. Inside the bottom the wardrobe was a bag that we hadn’t opened for a few years now. Those were the days when Liz and tried new things and she liked bondage. Being tied up naked and helpless on our bed ticked many of her boxes, and I wondered if it also ticked some of her daughter’s as well.

Back in our bedroom I told Amy to strip and while she undressed I fixed some straps to the corners of the bed. “You do bondage do you?” she said as she stood naked by the side of the bed.

“We used to years ago,” I told her. “It’s as your mum was saying at lunchtime, we’ve let things go a bit.”

Amy climbed onto the bed and I strapped her down by the wrists and ankles. I sat down beside her on the bed and began to run my hand over her body. “Does this tick your box, Amy?”

She nodded.

“I used to tease your mum by threatening to invite another man round while I had her like this, but I was never really certain how she would take it if I did,” I said as began to toy with the barbell on her clitty. “But with you Amy, it wouldn’t bother me if you didn’t like it.”

She sighed and it told me all I wanted to know. “You’ll have a vibrator somewhere in your room Amy, I take it?”

She nodded.

“Which drawer?”

“It’s my knicker drawer right at the back,” she answered. ”That’s the top left hand drawer of my dressing table.”

I left her for a few minutes and rummaged through her drawer. I took my time as I looked closely at her knickers; their styles and colours. They were all sexy, so inviting and yet so individual. I have always wondered what goes through a woman’s mind when she’s buying panties. At the back of the drawer I found two vibrators, a magic wand and a long, red flexible one. I held both to my nose and enjoyed her musky scent; I plugged in the wand and switched it on. It was working. So was the vibrator. She eyed me closely as I came back into the room and sat back down on the edge of the bed. “How do you find the wand?”

“It’s pretty intense,” she offered. “Becky bought it for me for Christmas. She likes to use it on me. I prefer the vibrator.”


“The wand can get too much for me in the wrong hands.”

I smiled and reached for the socket by bed lamp. Amy eyed me nervously and I leant over and kissed her. “I’ve heard that it’s pretty intense too,” I told her as I switched it on.

Amy groaned loudly as I held it against her clitty. It took only a few minutes to get her writhing and moaning on top of the bed. She was so helpless and vulnerable with legs wide apart and her sex opened out for me. I stopped a few times when she pleaded, ‘Please stop, dad’, but each time I would ask if she really wanted me to stop and each time her answer was the same, “No”. I did stop after a while and sat down close to her to touch her. Her inner thighs were soaked. “Would you like to be fucked now Amy?” I asked her.

“Please, dad.”

I was ready too but instead, I picked up the vibrator, switched it on, and slid it slowly inside her. The writhing and moaning started up again. Legs thrashed about trying to break free from their bonds but the real fun began when I used the vibrator in conjunction with the wand. Amy screamed from another orgasm within seconds and I stopped. I didn’t know just how much more the poor girl could take. I unfastened her ankles and stripped off my slacks and pants and, after slipping a pillow under her bottom, I gave her good hard fucking.

We slipped under the duvet ten minutes later. Amy was exhausted and quickly fell asleep in my arms. I lay there with her for a short while thinking about the surreal situation we were now all in; my wife, her mum, in another man’s bed and me here with my daughter, freshly fucked by me and contentedly sleeping. I was horny again. Amy, however, was soundly sleeping, and it seemed a shame to wake her for sex.

I got up and put the bondage stuff away and went downstairs for a glass of water. I was naked and enjoying the freedom. Amy was rarely away from home and so it restricted me in just getting up and wandering around in the nude but I could do that now. She was at home but now I had the freedom to do it; I was fucking her now.

I went back to the room and she was still sleeping; flat out on her back. I couldn’t resist the temptation as I stood at the bottom of the bed. Drawing back the duvet I uncovered her body right up to her waist. Her legs were slightly parted; her sex opened out. Pink, puffed lips; spread showing her wetness and my semen seeping from her. There was only one thing to do. I climbed up onto the bed and parted her legs wider. Who knows when I would get the opportunity to look upon the nubile body of a beautiful, naked eighteen-year-old again? Who knows how many more times that Amy would allow me the opportunity, not only to look at her but also to taste her? Life was short and people fickle. There was only one thing to do.

She moaned softly as I kissed her sweet pussy lips before gently parting them with my thumbs. Her clitty was enlarged and protruding nicely from under her hood. I blew gently upon it and she moaned again. I had never down this to her mother; I had not even considered doing it but Amy’s was inviting. I kissed it and then ran my tongue over it. This time she groaned. “Oh dad,” she sighed.

I applied my tongue again, this time encountering the barbell of her piercing. Amy moaned again. I then went lower. The wetness and mix of our juices beckoned me. This time she cried out louder. “That’s so fucking good, dad,” she said.

I continued for a few minutes and then decided to go even lower. Amy seemed to know where I was heading for and reached down and pulled her thighs right back. This I had done before with her mother, a long time ago now but the effects of it were still fresh in my memory. Amy’s reaction was the same as her mum’s all those years ago. She squealed. “Oh dad, oh dad, oh dad,” she cried out as my tongue penetrated her.

She was almost sobbing as she begged to be fucked, and so I withdrew my tongue from her anus and mounted her. Her legs wrapped themselves around my waist; her arms folded around my neck and she kissed me as I thrust hard and deep into her. Amy came twice before I did and as my seed spurted inside her she breathlessly said, “I love you, dad. No one fucks me like you do. I love you.”

I rolled over onto my back replaying those words over and over again in my head. Amy pressed herself right up against as she lay on her side with her arm across my chest. “Are you okay, dad?”

I nodded. “I was just thinking about what you said there,” I responded.


“Did you mean it?”

She kissed me on the cheek. “Of course,” she stated. “No one has given so much pleasure in bed as you have. I do love you.”

“But you know nothing could ever come of all this, don’t you?”

“Maybe,” she replied. “But what if mum and this guy she is seeing hit it off? What if she wants to keep things as they are between you?”

“I think it will all blow over soon,” I told her. “Your mum has found sexual freedom and she’s enjoying herself, and I don’t blame her really. She’s at that stage in life when everything is same old, same old. She feels stuck in a rut and now some adventure has come along. It won’t last.”

Amy kissed me again. “Well I’m here for you just in case it does happen.”

“A girl of your age will soon get tired of being with an old man like me. Yes, it’s fun at first, experiencing new things but guys my age aren’t interested in night clubs and late-night partying.”

She laughed. “Neither am I, actually,” she replied. “Night clubs are a bit like cattle markets these days. Guys just think you’re there to get picked up for sex. I’m not into all that. I prefer a night in with the right person, a nice bottle of wine and some adventurous sex to finish the night off.”

I laughed. “Well, I’m all for that,” I answered.

“Good,” she responded. “Now let’s have a rest and then another fuck before mum comes home.”

I smiled and she kissed me and then turned over. I pressed myself against her and put my arm around her. Her slim, nubile body was arousing me again but the gentle snore coming from her told me that I would have to wait.


Published 5 years ago

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