“Holy hell, you think you’re all that and a damn bag of chips. Let me tell you, girlfriend, you’re not. In fact, you’re not even the crumpled up bag. If you think you’re gonna walk up in my bar and run your damn trap, I’ll show you just what this ole country girl can do. Now, you best carry your mouthy ass out of here before I put this brand new boot up it.”
Sandra stood there like she was going to jump at me. “I’ll be damned —”
“Go on now, get your sloppy ass outta here.”
Ain’t nobody gonna come in here telling me I water down my damn drinks. If I did that, why the fuck is the crazy-ass bitch so drunk?
Shaking my head, I walked back to the bar and resumed serving drinks and talking about that trashy ass bitch. I was trying to settle down but the more I talked, the madder I got. Sandra was supposed to be a friend. If that’s a friend, I sure as hell don’t need damn enemies.
I called my assistant manager over to the bar. “Take over for a few minutes will ya? I need to get outside for some air. I‘ve never been accused of shit like that.”
“Go ahead, Megan. Take as much time as you need. I got this.”
Outside, I took some deep breaths before lighting up a smoke. I needed to calm down.
The bar was all I had in life. I got it in the divorce agreement. His sorry ass walked away with most everything else. We had to sell the house to pay off bills but he kept the new car for the sole reason I couldn’t make the payments. I got an old truck. That’s okay. Ole Betsy has been good to me.
I changed the name of the bar to suit me and break away from him. He doesn’t deserve a name. I’d walked into the office one night to put cash in the safe and the motherfucker had two bar whores in there fucking them. I’ll be damned. I snapped a few pictures, and walked out, slamming the door. The motherfucker didn’t even see me: all he saw was that rotten cunt in his mouth.
It certainly wasn’t the first time he’d cheated. But it would be the last. The very next day I filed for divorce.
Since I had photographic proof, the Judge told him to stay out of the bar ’till everything was settled. If I eventually got the bar, he wouldn’t be allowed in ever again, unless I gave permission. And that would be one cold day in hell.
So, the bar became legally mine. In the decree, he had to finish paying for it and I sure hope those whores were worth losing it all. First thing I did was have the office totally changed. Everything in there when No Name was around went. Trashed. Just like him and his whores.
It’s been a lot of work, but I love My Winning Hand. Yup, that’s the name now.
Having a few singers appearing Friday and Saturday nights boosted business. It brought in some lowlifes, too, so I hired me a couple of guys to watch over what went on.
Finally, it got so I could relax and enjoy the place. Had a bunch of regulars I could depend on. When the place needed a paint job, friends stepped up one night after closing and did it for me. I supplied booze and they supplied the work. Can’t ask for anything better. And they did a damn good job.
I heard there was a new band around town and that they were pretty good. I decided to try them. I called the leader of the band and scheduled a meeting for the following day before we opened. He said he’d been to the bar and knew it had a good crowd. They’d love the chance to sing at My Winning Hand. We worked out a price for a Friday and Saturday night booking.
The band showed up an hour before we opened to get set up but I’d said they wouldn’t start till rush hour was over. I wanted the crowd to be ready to hear them and the only thing interesting folk in rush hour is drinking. That and finding someone to hang onto so they’d be sure of getting fucked at the end of the night.
Sometimes they couldn’t even wait that long. Walking into the bathroom one night, damn me if I didn’t find a couple at it. “Get the fuck out of here,” I yelled. “Take your horny asses elsewhere.”
That got me thinking. Did I need a room for these horny fuckers to go fuck in? I’ll be damned if I couldn’t take a piss when I wanted one. Sure, I had a bathroom in my office out back but this restroom was much closer when I was in urgent need.
I had a big storage closet that I really didn’t use. I could fix that into something. These people had no couth about them — they were horny, drunk, and just wanted to fuck. So they didn’t need much. Maybe something to lean on, sit on, hell anything would work. There was a sink if they wanted to wash the cum off. I laughed, thinking back to when No Name got caught. I doubt his whores bothered cleaning up.
Anyway, standing behind the bar and listening to the new band, they were good. The crowd loved them. So much so they were even dancing. I wondered if I could sign them up to play every other weekend. Or even make them the house band. I would talk to Chip, the leader, at the end of the night.
As it happened, after their closing number, Chip came over to me. ”Is it too late to get a nightcap?” he asked.
“What’s your poison?”
“Jack, on the rocks.”
Grabbing the bottle, I popped ice into a tumbler and turned to pour him a drink.
“Join me?”
I smiled. “Sure, why not?”
I must tell you, Chip was fucking handsome. Good build, gorgeous blue eyes, mustache, and a goatee. Fuck, right there’s my weakness.
Since the divorce, I hadn’t dated. Didn’t trust guys. No Name did that for me. I thought we’d had unbreakable love. I guess fresh pussy can break love into pieces. So I stopped thinking about men. If I needed relief, I could pleasure myself. I didn’t need a man to enjoy my pussy then break my heart. I’d learned my lesson. So I fucking thought.
Chip finished his drink and said, “Guess I should help the guys with packing up the gear.”
Now listen to this: as he spoke this handsome guy’s blue eyes bored right into me. Oh yes they did. I felt he was undressing me as I stood there. And when he gazed into my eyes, I felt something I’d not felt in a long time. Well, not since No Name had left me dead inside.
“Care for another drink?” I said, mouth leading my brain.
“Sure, why not? Thanks. The guys know what to do, they’ve done it many nights.”
We chatted like we’d been friends for years. But what came out of our mouths was a total different conversation to our body language. That, and our eyes, did the real the talking.
Now then, you’ve gotta believe this: without us noticing, everyone had left. Hey, what can I say? As the sun came up, I realized the rest of the band had gone and we were closed. Guess my assistant manager had organized that and locked the door behind her.
As it dawned on us — yeah, I know, sun up — what had happened, we laughed like teenage kids on a first date. I told Chip to follow me to the office and I’d give him the band’s fee.
Inside the office, I turned to shut the door and Chip moved behind me. I felt his arms encircle me and pull me close. His lips found mine but I wasn’t ready, didn’t want to risk being hurt. I wanted to pull away, run away.
But Chip held me tight and whispered in my ear, “Don’t be afraid.”
I looked into eyes. Damn. Yes, they pierced through me and I was under his spell. His lips were on mine again — and this time, I returned his kiss.
I wanted to trust him. I liked the passion, the feeling of being wanted, of being alive again. I gave in, let go of my past baggage, and I embraced him. We held on to each other, kissing for quite a time.
Finally, I broke free and walked — floated is probably a better description — to my desk to get his money. When I handed it over, Chip pulled me in and we kissed again.
Not sure if it was a defensive mechanism but I took a pace back and asked, “How would you and your guys feel about playing here again, perhaps becoming our house band. Don’t answer now. Please, discuss it with the other guys. Think and talk about it and give me a call.”
God, how romantic was that?
Chip’s expression was serious, his hands still on my waist. “I don’t need to think about it, I know how I feel. I know what I want. But, you’re right, I must discuss this with the guys.”
“Okay, call me.” I smiled. “Better yet, come by and see me. Tell me in person.”
I walked Chip to the door, not wanting to lose this warm feeling. It had been so long since I’d felt anything. We kissed again.
“See you later,” he said and turned away. Instead of walking out, though, he grabbed me and held me tight. I could tell he didn’t want to let go — but he had to leave.
“Till tonight,” he said as he left and I shut the door behind him with a smile on my face. Been a long time since I’d smiled about a man.
I headed to the rear of the bar and the one room apartment I’d had built. There was no reason for a house when I was at the bar most of the time. It had become my life. My friends surrounded me every day and night. Why did I need anything else?
Chip was back in a few hours to set up for that night’s gig. It was like he’d never left. He came to me, took me in his arms and kissed like we’d been in this great love affair forever. Could this really be happening? Was I really letting down my guard for this guy?
The night went as usual, no problems. Only difference was Chip. Between breaks, he’d come to the bar and chat with me ’till it was time to go back on stage. He was really melting my heart.
At closing time, after the band and the last of the customers had left, Chip and I talked for several hours over drinks. I learned several things about him. He was born and raised right here in my home town. How in the world had we not run into each other? He had a couple of sisters and a brother still living around here.
Of course, I told him about No Name and how I came to own the bar. Along with changing the bar’s name, I’d gone back to my maiden name. I wanted no part of him or his family name.
It was late and when we stood to say our goodnights, Chip pulled me into him and we kissed for some time. Long, sensual kisses. We weren’t kids; we knew what we wanted.
“Stay with me tonight.”
”I’d love to.”
He was surprised by the apartment. Not many folk knew I’d had it built after No Name had made the final payment on the bar and it became mine. This was now my home.
Before I could get the door shut, I was back in his arms. As we made our way to the bed, our clothes were cast off. No time to waste, we knew what we wanted. After so long without a man, I suddenly realized I was in need of a good fucking. By the looks of his hard cock, so was Chip.
He picked me up, lay me on the bed, and spread my legs. As he crawled between them, he spread my thighs wider. My juices were already flowing and his tongue was like a magnet, fixing on my bud. He flicked the hood with his tongue and sucked on my clit ’till I was on the verge of coming. I raised my hips, pressing against his mouth: I needed more. I clawed at the sheets and screamed. I was ready to erupt.
Chip knew exactly what he was doing. He took me right to the edge — then, without warning, pushed fingers deep inside and curled them to rub that special spot. I was off. I trembled uncontrollably, the waves of orgasm flooding through every nerve in my body. Before it ebbed, Chip moved into position and needed no guidance in sinking his strong hard cock into my gaping sopping cunt. He fucked me with pure unadulterated force. He was going after the prize and he was on the right course. We were like wild animals fucking for the first time and I hungrily bucked to meet his glorious thrusts. God, I needed this.
Feeling him tense, I knew he was close. He thrust again, then plunged one more time, deep and hard. He hit my back wall and sent me on a rush of orgasms. I dug my nails into his back as he shot rope after rope of cum into my tunnel, filling me ’till I overflowed with our mixture.
Chip flopped off me onto one side, both of us breathing heavily, exhausted and satisfied. We lay curled in each other’s arms, saying nothing.
After a few minutes, I smoothed a hand over his chest, roamed downward to his cock. He was still semi-erect. Smiling, I slid down the bed and stroked his large cock and fondled his heavy balls.
I licked the tip, tasting our mixture, then licked it from every inch of his cock and balls. Wrapping my tongue as far around his massive shaft as I could get, I boobed up and down. After licking around his thick helmet, I slipped him into my mouth and felt his hips raise.
His cock was now hard and large and I determined to deep throat him. He edged deeper and deeper and I loved taking more of him in my mouth ’till finally I felt his dome enter my throat. I felt Chip’s hands on the top of my head and I sucked as strongly as my jaws would allow. I was gasping to breathe and Chip released my head. I gratefully gulped in air for a few seconds before I set about deep throating him again.
I had to break off a couple more times but when his body tensed, I felt my juices leaking in excited anticipation. Streams of cum filled my throat and I struggled to swallow before he released the hold on my head. I finished drinking all he had left in him, sucking him dry. Oh my, I was greedy, wanted it all and then some!
Waking first, I showered and put on a pot of coffee. I think the smell of coffee brewing stirred Chip because he was certainly awake when I put a mug on the bedside table and said, “Good morning, where are you heading today?”
Chip grabbed hold of my waist and pulled me onto the bed. “Nowhere right now.” He laughed. ”I want more of you this morning.”
Chip untied my bathrobe, and I climbed on top. He had a raging hard-on. I rocked my hips, stroking his throbbing erection with my pussy.
“Enough teasing,” he said. “Put him home.”
“Home, is it?” I grinned down at him, still rocking, wetting his cock with my juices. “Huh, so now this is your home?”
“It sure is.” And, with that and a quick thrust of his hips, his large cock sank deep inside my tunnel. He hit base with the next thrust.
Sitting upright, I took it all, riding him hard and fast. Sliding my pussy up and down, hips rolling, his cock grew even larger. Wow, how is that possible? Up and down, side to side, back and forth. I varied my movements and Chip grasped my hips, trying to control me. Tough luck, Buddy! I was driven, lost in a sensational fucking world of my own. Chip couldn’t stop me, he had to go with my rhythm. Eventually, he gave up and grabbed my swaying tits, squeezing and kneading them. Ah, that’s better, Chip.
Then, using thumbs and forefingers, he twisted each nipple, turning them in opposite directions. Oh my god. I tossed my head back, shut my eyes, and rode him even faster. I was on the verge of a magnificent, wild orgasm.
“Look at me, Megan.” The tone was almost pleading. “Look at me, I want to see your eyes.”
I looked down at Chip for the last few moments before I erupted. At the same time, his cock expanded and he filled my channel. I gripped his thick cock, milking him, feeling spurt after spurt splashing my walls. I wanted it all, wanted more. I was fucking insatiable.
Sliding down in the bed, I sucked him ’till he couldn’t take any more. But I wanted to make him hard again, wanted him buried deep inside of me.
“Come here, baby, let me hold you.” Chip was breathing heavily. “I need to feel your body close to mine.”
We lay in silence for some time ’till we realized how late it was. We hit the shower together. Oh, that was so tempting — but we both had to take care of some business.
Dressed, we left by the back door and kissed again before getting into our cars.
“See you this afternoon, babe.” He drove one way and me another.
Pulling in, I saw Chip’s car parked. He was back. Excited, I raced into the bar — only to see Ms Fucking Cannonball Bitch perched on one of my stools. Not only was the bitch here, Chip was sitting beside her. My eyes were blazing. I’m gonna kill them both. Someone get some bail money. I’m gonna need it.
“What the holy hell are you doing in my fucking bar?” I yelled as I stomped towards the bitch. “Haven’t I thrown your fat ass out of here once? You have the audacity to show that shredded wheat face in here again. People like you are supposed to wear a sign. And you —“ I pointed at Chip, my hand shaking with rage, “you sitting up here with this piece of rotten shit… what the fuck.”
Grabbing the white trash by her hair, I was gonna throw her ass out again and this time dare her ever to come back in here. But damn if her hair didn’t end up in my hand. The bitch wore a fucking wig.
“Megan, what the fuck you doing? This is my sister.”
“Your sister? Fuck.” I was stunned. But I couldn’t act like I cared. I couldn’t back down. “Damn, I feel sorry for your momma giving birth to an ugly ass like her. I know what happened, they made a mistake — kept the damn afterbirth and threw away the baby.”
“Megan, enough.” Chip spun around on his stool to face me. “Knock this shit off, and I mean right now. I don’t know who pissed in your Cheerios this afternoon but enough’s enough.” He picked up his sister’s wig and handed it to her.
“Then get her ass out of here, Chip. I ain’t joking. Get her out. As far as I’m concerned right now, you both can leave on the donkey you rode in on and never come back.”
“Megan, for fuck’s sake, what did Sandra do for you to act like this?”
I glared from one to the other. “Ask your fucking sister what she did. Go on Miss Mouth Almighty, tell your brother what you said.”
She didn’t say a word.
“Guess the damn bar cat got your tongue. Okay, I’ll tell him.” I took a deep breath and faced Chip. “Your crazy ass sister was spreading rumors, saying I sold watered-down drinks. Ain’t that right, Ms Bag Of Crumpled Up Chips? Daft thing is, for all her drinks being watered down, she sure was drunk off her fucking elephant’s ass.”
“Sis, why would you spread shit like that? You know that isn’t true. Nobody would drink here if it was.” He shook his head. “Fuck, I can see why she threw you out and why she’s so mad.”
Chip faced me again. “Megan, I’m sorry, I had no idea. She never told me any of this or I wouldn’t have brought her here. I’m gonna take her home and then come back to sort this out… if that’s okay? Is it Megan?”
I felt my anger slowly subsiding, replaced by a hollow feeling in my gut. I was empty, drained. After all the unexpected euphoria of feeling wanted and loved, I was sinking to rock bottom again. Would I ever learn? Chip was Miss Big Mouth’s brother. They were fucking family. I could’ve screamed. He had to take her side.
Without speaking, I turned and trudged back to my apartment. I shut the door, my heart shattered yet again. I’d let my fucking guard down and look what happened. Never again.
Hearing the door open, I turned and saw Chip walking in.
“What are you doing? Why are you here? To blow more smoke up my ass? Where’s your fucked up sister?”
“I asked one of the guys to take her home, I need to be with you.” He held out his arms. “I love you Megan, I don’t want to lose your wild ass. Not now, not ever.”
“What?” Had I heard correctly? “You’re not siding with your sister?” I stared into those piercing blue eyes and went weak at the knees. “Well, fuck me,” I mumbled, shaking my head in disbelief.
Chip grinned. “Oh yes, Megan, that’s just what I wanted to fucking hear.”