Amber’s Anticipation

"Amber has a chance encounter with a young man on the train."

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Just one more hour, Amber thought. The day had dragged on and on, and the longer it did, Amber felt more and more excited to the point where she was barely able to focus on her work.

Brent was coming into town today and she was so, so excited to see him. The excitement had been building ever since he told her that he was able to get away to come and see her this weekend.

Amber found that her excitement was not only emotional, it was also physical. She couldn’t remember ever being so physically excited, so aroused, so primally horny in her life, except of course when she was actually in the throes of passion itself. She would never have believed that she could be this physically aroused from the mere prospect of sex. What was even more surprising to her, though, was the fact that she was sort of enjoying the awkwardness and thrill of being so horny around all her co-workers.

Amber was not a slut. She was an attractive, naturally blonde thirty-two-year-old. She had certainly enjoyed some wonderful sexual adventures, but they had been with only a handful of men. Well, a big handful, but mostly in somewhat serious relationships. She was used to her share of attention, but she was not the woman who jumped from bed to bed; she was too reserved for that.

Brent was her latest lover; they had been together, albeit long-distance, for four months now. Their relationship was not stated to be exclusive, but Amber had no other lovers and didn’t think Brent did either. Their long-distance romance was a challenge certainly, but as the story goes, absence makes the heart grow fonder. Apparently, it makes other parts grow fonder as well.

When they were together, Brent was bringing her out of her reserved shell. She was hardly a prude, but Brent was somewhat more… adventurous than she was. He liked to incorporate fantasies and roleplay into their sexual encounters. He told her some of his naughtiest thoughts and prompted her to speak of hers, which she was starting to share. She was really starting to enjoy the more erotic aspect of her relationship with Brent and wondered what this weekend might have in store.

Right now, though, the anticipation was overpowering. It was constant and growing by the hour. After three days of steadily increasing desire, it was all she could do to keep from making herself cum, but she refused to give in to it. Amber was no stranger to masturbation, but she knew how Brent loved to see her horny, and the longer she thought of their upcoming weekend, the hornier she became. He had brought this excitement to her; she was going to relish this arousal until they met, then she would reward Brent with her passion.

She was well aware of how he loved to hear her moan and whimper. He loved to hear her pleasure-filled excitement or to hear her speak of how horny she was. He had often told her how much it excited him to hear her arousal. She didn’t need to be told, though; his physical reaction to the unrestrained noises and words of her excitement was obvious.

The intense arousal she was presently enduring was an all-encompassing, fantastic sensation. She loved this feeling of being on the edge of lusty excitement. The anticipation was almost as intense as when Brent would physically tease her. They had both played games of teasing the other to near orgasm without affording release. She loved it when Brent teased her like that, bringing her close to orgasm, then pausing. Over and over he would excite… then betray her before finally giving her incredible release. That on-edge excitement was what she was feeling now.

Her excitement today was so strong that she was constantly in a state of high arousal. She could feel herself lubricating in eager anticipation of the raucous sexual encounter that she was certain to share with Brent after she escaped this prison.
She was so, so horny that she was beginning to second guess her decision to not masturbate to take the edge off. It would take her only seconds to bring her over the edge right now, here at her desk.

Other people are too wrapped up in their work to notice, right? she mused to herself.

She would only have to reach down and touch herself under the short skirt she was wearing for a matter of moments. She knew a few light brushes against her clit, here at her desk, would bring her to an uncontrolled and intense orgasm.
She was so, so tempted to get off right here, right now, but she knew herself too well. Amber was self-aware enough to realize that as soon as she reached inside her silky black panties (worn especially for Brent) that she would not be able to stop until she reached orgasm. And it would be a loud wet orgasm, she knew it.

She could maybe slip to the washroom, just steps away, to provide some privacy, but then considered it too juvenile to do that here at work, so she regained control over her lust and simply sat squirming in her chair as she fantasized about the evening ahead. She could maybe slip to the washroom, just steps away, to provide some privacy, but then considered it too juvenile to do that here at work, so she regained control over her lust and simply sat squirming in her chair as she fantasized about the evening ahead.

Watching the clock slowly inch toward five o’clock, Amber maintained her resolve to neither touch herself at her desk, nor leave for the washroom to play privately. This demonstration of self-control took all the resolve she could muster. It seemed that time was mocking her and running painfully slow.

Eventually, though, the minute hand sluggishly migrated to the top of the clock. Amber breathed a sigh of relief and satisfaction that she had the self-control to keep her internal promise to Brent.

Rising from her desk, Amber said brief goodbyes to her colleges, then with a steady pace that contradicted her desire to run for the door, she made her way calmly out of the office, onto the street and then strode purposefully toward the subway.

Amber had thought the fresh air would clear her head and subdue some of the passion that was inside her. Clearly, this was not going to be the case. As she walked the two blocks to the subway, her excitement didn’t wane at all. She felt the breeze perk her nipples, which were now pressing against her light silk shirt. She immediately regretted wearing the push-up bra today. She had worn it with the intention of impressing Brent, but she was now getting the attention of nearly everyone she passed, man or woman.

She carried a bag in her right hand, and as she strode firmly toward the subway, she felt her nipples stiffly rubbing on her shirt. They were proudly erect and lightly rubbing against the slippery cool silkiness of the fabric. It was a self-perpetuating cycle of embarrassment for Amber. The more aroused she became, the more erect her nipples became; the more erect they were, the more they rubbed on the silky shirt, which in turn aroused her more.

She was happy it was only a short walk to the subway. Once she could be out of the brightness of daylight, hopefully, her arousal would not be so obvious, on such visible display. Aside from the fact that her nipples were telling a naughty story of her mental state, Amber’s juices were now oozing from her pussy and dampening her sexy black panties.

She made it to the busy platform, set her bag down and stood with her arms crossed over her tattle-tale breasts as she waited for her train. Standing there, she sensed a set of eyes on her. Not the subtle glances that she was used to, where men stared while pretending not to be looking. No, this was a more intense stare. She looked casually to her right and quickly saw the source. It was a young black man, maybe eighteen years old looking brazenly at her.

Her eyes were drawn to his, and from just a few feet away. He held her in his stare; his eyes were intense, alive. He didn’t have the awkward, nervous expression that would suit his age; he had a confident strong stare that seemed self-assured.

She felt her pussy flutter.

What was that?! Amber thought to herself in shocked embarrassment. She abruptly looked away from his prying eyes.

A simple look from that young guy nearly made me cum! she thought in amazement, surprised by the power of her own lust and his attention. She stood there wide-eyed, now looking straight ahead, focusing on nothing, trying to come to grips with what had just, or just about, happened.

Amber had secretly had an interest in black men since college. Her best friend and roommate in her junior year, Shelly, had dated a guy who was attending their school from Nigeria. Well, ‘dated’ was a bit of an overstatement. In reality, Shelly was just fucking him, often. Amber heard all kinds of stories of how well-endowed he was, and how good the sex was because of it. Ever since then, Amber was somewhat intrigued about finding out for herself, but the opportunity never came along. Any time that a black man had shown serious interest in her, she was involved with someone else, and she was not one to cheat.

She dared not look at the young man again but could feel his eyes on her. Staring.

Look ahead, she told herself, just look ahead.

She couldn’t resist, though. Her eager sexual arousal was such that she could not keep herself from taking another look at him. She casually turned her eyes and her head to the right again, pretending to be nonchalant. As she did, she immediately found herself staring right back at those piercing eyes.

Again, Amber felt her pussy respond. She watched him look her over. As his eyes moved up and down her body, the tone of his expression changed. It was hard to explain, but she saw that his face changed from interest to approval to lust.

Amber could feel her face flush as she watched him unashamedly looking her over as little more than a piece of meat, a conquest.

Her pussy fluttered again, hard. She felt herself lubricate as she watched this young man undressing her in his mind. She knew he was fucking her in his imagination, and a similar image was formed in her thoughts. She envisioned him sliding his big hard cock into her.

She felt her pussy pulse again as she envisioned him fucking her; it was an intense itching throb, centered on her clit and radiating outward. It had only been a few seconds, but the intense sexuality of this moment was incredible. Again, she almost came at the fantasy of feeling his hard, long cock spreading her open and filling her completely.

She consciously took control of her excitement and forced herself to look away again. She was embarrassed that she was so easily excited by this young man. She was even more embarrassed that he could see the lust on her face as easily as she saw it on his.

Was that it? she wondered. Was the orgasm she nearly had because this boy was black? Did he look like Abeo, the boy who Shelly bragged about?

As she tried to understand her eager sexuality, her thoughts were interrupted by the announcement of the next train. It was hers. Following the announcement, most of the people on the platform started to move toward the front of the platform as the slowing train came into view. Amber fell into the flow of people as the train emerged from the tunnel and entered the platform area. The train slowed to a stop as more and more people migrated across the platform. Amber was swept into the sea of people flowing through the opened doors.

She was not very familiar with this train. She took a different train when she was heading home, one that was heading west. She was taking this northbound train today because it led to Brent’s hotel. She wasn’t used to a train being so crowded as this one was today; she thought fleetingly of the stories she had heard of “Subway Stuffers” in Asia, where people pushed the people into the cars so the doors could close on the trains. This train was almost that crowded.

She made it through the doors and was able to move away from the busy doorway toward the rear of this last car; there was a bit of space there. Before she was able to get settled, however, more people followed her in and surrounded her. Amber tried to turn back to them, but the sea of people was around her, closing in, preventing her from retreating or even turning around without an effort. She felt the people move in closely behind her, pressing against her as she was shuffled in against the people in front of her. She was almost to the back wall of the car and was surrounded by the throng of people around her.

Amber was able to reach up to hold a strap to steady herself as she began to sense a rare feeling of claustrophobia starting to creep over her. She was decidedly uncomfortable being sandwiched in between people as she was. It was rare that she felt claustrophobic, but this mass of humanity surrounding her was setting off that old feeling, and she felt her agitation level starting to rise. Unfortunately, there was almost nothing she could do about these close confines, though, or the people jostling against her as people shuffled to get a hint of space for themselves in the swarm of people.

On the upside, though, people were jammed so close that nobody was noticing her still-erect nipples. She flushed as she considered that she was still aroused in this gaggle of strangers that were bumping and jostling against her as the train accelerated away from the platform.

A strange mix of emotion was filling her now and she really didn’t know how to handle it. The agitation of the close confines coupled with her extreme sexual excitement of anticipation of an approaching sexual encounter had her thrilled, uncomfortable, agitated and excited all at the same time. She had not felt claustrophobic in a long time, and although she was not becoming too agitated, she was aware of how that feeling could take over her whole being. The fear of becoming claustrophobic would not help at all. Thinking about it only made it worse, and Amber could sense the hair on the back of her neck starting to stand up as she tried to keep calm.

Because of her internal struggle against claustrophobia, she never noticed that the motion of the train had made Amber inadvertently sway back a few inches, even though she had a firm hold on the support strap.

As she innocently swayed with the train’s motion, she lightly bumped into the person behind her. She never noticed this contact specifically as she was trying to not focus on the fact that she and others were bumping into her and each other steadily. The train jostled the mob of people around her left and right, forward and back as Amber held firmly to the strap with her left hand.

One particularly sharp lurch of the train caused her to shift backward again, and as she did, her ass contacted whoever was behind her. She did notice this contact specifically, though, because as the momentum eased forward again the person behind followed with her, pressing lightly against her.

Her mind was racing. The uncomfortable sensation of claustrophobia grew inside her. What was unexpected, though, was the fact that her arousal was not being abated by the claustrophobia; the two emotions blended to bring Amber to an extreme sense of anxiety. The agitation she felt was at once uncomfortable and exciting and piqued her awareness. One thing was for certain: she was now fully aware of the person behind her who was now maintaining physical contact with her ass, which was way outside of her comfort zone.

Amber shuffled forward the little she could without pressing herself directly against the person in front of her. As she did, the pressure from behind against her ass subsided for a second then returned. She now felt a constant steady pressure of someone pressing on her ass, and she had nowhere to go to avoid it.

She told herself that the train was sure to start emptying out soon, in an effort to suppress the growing tension she felt. Certainly, the train wouldn’t be this packed for the entire twenty-five-minute ride to her stop.

Then she noticed a hand on the bar that supported the strap she was holding. At once she realized three things:  the hand had moved forward on the bar, closer to her strap;  the hand had to be of the person who was behind her; the hand was that of a black man, and by appearances, it was the hand of a young black man.

Amber’s heart raced. She instantly realized that what was happening was no accident. The young man who was staring at her on the platform had deliberately fallen into the crowd behind her and was now pressing his crotch against her ass.

Her pussy pulsed, and she felt it. The young man who had intrigued her a few minutes before was being very bold. His pressing against her un-nerved her, yet it excited and aroused her.

She was horny. Very horny, and this random, barely adult teenager was pulling her out of her comfort zone. His less than subtle sexual contact caused her pussy to lubricate and pulse in arousal. After a day of unsatisfied sexual desire, coupled with her long-held desire to fuck a black man – a young black man – she was almost ready to take his hand, drag him off this train at the first stop and give him the fuck of his young life!

He pressed against her. It wasn’t subtle and she felt the hardness of his cock on her ass. It felt fabulous! She held her hips firm, taking the pressure of his cock against her ass. She could feel its size – long and thick. He held pressure against her ass, and she continued to hold against him, relishing the feeling of his cock resting solidly against her, growing harder and bigger.

Before she was conscious of what she was doing, she realized that she was rocking her ass against him. She was so, so very horny and this sexual touch was making her near frantic for more. She found herself pressing harder back against him, feeling his cock covered only in his thin athletic shorts rubbing along the crack of her ass. She felt his hard meat pulse and continue to grow against her, the tip of it peeking up under her skirt as he did. His cock was now rubbing between her legs against her leaking panty-covered pussy.

It was huge. Amber now realized what Shelly was talking about when she spoke of Abeo’s cock. Amber should have been angry at this brazen teen pressing his hard cock against her, but she wasn’t. She should have been embarrassed that she wasn’t stopping him, but she wasn’t. She wasn’t ashamed or hesitant; what she was, was horny. And she couldn’t stop rubbing her cunt against this long hard cock sliding between her legs.

The people around her were all bumping and jostling as the train swayed and moved down the track. The constant motion hid their movements. He would hold his groin against Amber’s ass and pulse his cock, which was lying under but forcefully against Amber’s wet slit. Instinctively she squeezed her thighs together and then rode his cock as best as she could in their awkward publicly secret position, sliding her hot itching pussy along his strong stiff member. It was exquisite and Amber felt her pussy eagerly leak her wetness into her dampening panties. Amber rocked and thrust against his cock with the eagerness of a nymphomaniac and she didn’t care. She was loving this sensation and wanted it to go on and on.

The train began to slow for the next stop. The first thought Amber had was that people would begin to leave the train. She didn’t want that to happen. She didn’t want this teenaged black boy to remove his cock from under her skirt.

The train stopped with a jerk, and Amber and her new lover quieted their motions while people began to jostle for the exit or make room for those that were. As people were moving around them, Amber felt the boy’s hand on her ass. He was brazenly reaching under her skirt and grabbing her ass!

Amber was mortified that someone would see, and she’d get in trouble, but she was also so horny that she almost didn’t care.

The young man reached along her panties and moved them to the side while she felt his now naked cock slide between her sloppy wet pussy lips.

Holy fuck! Amber thought, Is he going to try to fuck me right here, standing on the train?!

The train jerked as it started to move ahead. As the train moved ahead, so did the young black man. His naked cock slid along her naked wet lips and Amber let out an audible moan.

“Mm-mmm,” Amber sighed.

There was no stopping her now. Amber was going to cum on this black boy’s cock.

She started to ride back against him with more intensity, her wet cunt lubricating his throbbing monster cock as it slid along her pussy. She realized that he was not going to be able to enter her at this angle and there was no way she could bend over to make it happen. Amber reached down in front of her, and touching his cock for the first time held it up against her pussy while she rode along it with her pussy lips and clit.

Amber was starting to pant now. She was being as quiet as she could, but it was too much. It had been too much for too long, and she felt it building. It was going to happen… she was going to cum!

“Ahhhh!” escaped her before she could stop it. She was riding that big hard cock and felt her pussy explode with pleasure.

Her pussy twitched and gushed as her orgasm rolled over her. Pulsing wave after wave radiated out from her clit as she held hard onto the strap to keep from falling. The boy behind her kept thrusting through her orgasm. The increased heat, lubrication and throbbing were enough for him too. She felt that big cock throb and felt the splash of his cum on her thigh. Again, he splashed her. Again, and again. She felt her hand, her pussy, her ass and her thighs covered in his seed.

Amber’s breathing started to return to normal as she started to come out her lust-fueled fog. She felt the boy pull back from her ass and fumble around for a second as he put his wonderfully big cock back in his shorts before pulling away from her further. He didn’t adjust her panties at all; he just moved away and left her standing there covered in his cum, which was now starting to run down her legs.

Oh my God! she thought. I just came with someone I don’t even know, never spoke to, here, on a train, in public!

A whole barrage of thoughts came to her. Did anyone notice them? She was covered in cum, down there; how would she clean that up? What would she tell Brent when she showed up with her and her clothes covered in cum, reeking of sex?

Then she remembered something that Brent had said during one of their raunchier sex talks while they were fucking. He said he’d gladly lick his cum from her pussy if she wanted him to. He followed that up by saying he’d lick someone else’s cum from her pussy if she would tell him the story of how it got there.

This would be just the kind of story that Brent would like, she thought as she started to wipe the cum from her hand onto her thigh and massaged the leaking cum from her thighs into her light pussy hair rather than let it run even further down her legs.

Yes, she thought, she would tease Brent with this story. Since Brent liked to be teased and always wanted to hear of her sexual encounters, she would tell him the story of the new Abeo as he licked her wet, cum-soaked pussy clean.

She could hardly wait for the next ten minutes to get to her stop. She was going to surprise Brent with the story of how horny she was to see him, so horny that she let some young black teen cum on her as she came on his cock. She would make Brent clean her up before she allowed him to cum. This was going to be a great weekend!


Published 5 years ago

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