The Evening’s Entertainment – Part 1

"A group of fifty-something women and an eighteen-year-old"

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Yes, a lot of people would call me a bad person. But define bad.

I am fifty-two, a straight female with a broad range of fantasies and strategies to make those fantasies become realities.

This is the first time I’ve put them down in writing, I’m sure there will be more but let’s start with a boy called David.

When I first met David he was just your average teenager, he lived next door with his very nice but quite annoying parents. They would always try to make small talk when I didn’t. Give advice on my garden when I didn’t need it, you know the type – nice but annoying.

I saw David grow up really, from that awkward thirteen-year-old boy to the eighteen-year-old man he became, and that’s when I noticed something with caught my attention. It caught my attention because once I saw it, I couldn’t stop thinking about it. It led me to the event which made me do something you may find ‘bad’.

Let me first tell you about my small group of women friends, there are five of us and we are all single, all highly sexed, and have similar unusual wants and needs. We are all in our fifties; Shirley is an accountant and is slightly overweight, with red curly hair and brilliant green eyes. Emma is an artist, she is quite brilliant but some find her cold. She is tall and athletic with a shock of white hair. Rachel is very quiet and independently wealthy from her parent’s inheritance. But once she has a couple of drinks she’s a completely different person. Bea works in Customer Services for a large high-street bank. Lastly, there’s me, I’m Jane and I won’t tell you what I do.

Now, what did I see about David which caught my attention? David had just turned eighteen and I was in my bedroom, I happened to look out of the window on a bright summer’s day and David was sunbathing in next-door’s garden. He was stretched out on the grass, completely naked apart from a small pair of speedos. His skin was very pale and I remember thinking that he shouldn’t be out in direct sunlight being that fair. His body looked like it was cut in two by the bright red speedos.

I nearly fell over, because David had turned from an ugly duckling into a magnificent swan. He was well-muscled and his thighs were long and sinewy, although he was very compact and short. But the thing that stood out most was his obscenely large package. The speedos were small but it really did look like he has a couple of socks padding them out and if it wasn’t for the defined shape of his cock then I would have said this was so.

From that day on I kept an eye on that young man and began to notice that even his jeans looked well-packed. It’s strange how when you notice something, a lot of other things fall into place.


I suppose this is the start of my confession.

One cold evening in November I went next door when I knew his parents were out and asked David if he could come over to help me with something.

He said, ‘Sure, I’ll just get my keys.’

I smiled broadly and said, ‘I really need the help of a strong me to put something on a shelf for me.’

We went into my house under the ruse of me needing David’s help and I closed the door behind me – and double-locked it.

David looked at me when he saw this and a flicker of unease flashed across his face, but he smiled and asked me what I needed help with.

Earlier that day I had organised everything, the girls would be over at 9, wine and nibbles were out in the kitchen and now David was the main attraction.

I told David the thing I needed help with was upstairs. I told him it was in my bedroom. He went in.

Once there, I took my gun out and pointed it at him.

‘What’s going on?’ David asked.

’Now, you are going to do exactly as I say, is that clear?’ I said in a steady voice with a stern face.

’Yes, of course, but you really don’t need the gun.’ David didn’t look as nervous as I thought he would. ‘If it’s a sex thing you’re after, my mum and I play games all the time, my dad doesn’t know but she has a very dark side to her. I enjoy it, the knife game is one of my favourites.’

I nearly dropped the gun and my knees went weak. Knifeplay was one of the things I had in mind for this evening.

‘David, let me understand this – you perform knifeplay with your mum?’

‘Yes, she likes it when I wear my ballet gear.’ David smiled.

‘Ballet gear, why do you have ballet gear?’ I was confused now.

‘Because I’m studying ballet.’

My mind was in overdrive now. ‘So you can dance and you like knifeplay?’ I studied David’s face in case he was teasing me.

‘Yes, I do – to both.’

I couldn’t believe this, it seemed like this evening was meant to be.

‘Would you dance for me, or us should I say? I have a few of my friends coming this evening.’

‘Of course! This is exciting!’

‘I have a jig made up to hold knives which I’ve never used, would you mind if I used it this evening?’

He nodded and smiled.

I told him to undress. I was so excited, my breasts ached and I was getting wet just looking at him with fewer and fewer clothes on. He pulled his t-shirt up and off over his head, his trainers and socks were thrown to the corner of the room and he slid his belt from the loops of his jeans with slow deliberation. It made me think he had done this before. David unzipped his jeans and pulled them down his legs. His underwear wasn’t that different from his speedos, only these were black. They were just as tight and high-cut on the hips – I’m glad he likes high-cut knickers because he may enjoy what comes next I thought. He slid his underwear down his legs and let them drop to the floor.

David stood in front of me naked and he was beautiful, I realised he had no body hair, not some – he had none at all. I thought he looked amazing and his cock was very impressive, even in its flaccid state it was larger than most erect cocks, hanging down so thick and long. I felt my face flushing and was sure he could see my hard nipples through my blouse.

I motioned David to the neat pile of clothes on the bed and told him this would be his costume for the evening. David was going to be a schoolgirl tonight, for our pleasure.

David pulled the long white socks on each foot and rolled them up his legs, they were over-the-knee socks and sat halfway up his thighs. The white cotton knickers came next, he pulled them on and stood with his feet apart to pull them up as high as they would go around his waist. I had them especially made with a pouch at the front to fit David’s size in. They had high-cut sides which made his thighs look so long and his large balls and his huge cock sat in the pouch perfectly. I told him to tuck his cock pointing down under his balls which made his package look even bigger.

David pulled the matching white crop top over his head and around his chest and slid the arms of the loose white shirt over his arms. He buttoned it up to the top with the accompanying school tie. David looked good just like that, the shirt was so long it looked like a short dress on him.

The last thing to go on was David’s pleated tartan knee-length skirt. It fit him perfectly and I stood back to make sure he looked perfect.

‘How do I look?’ he asked.

‘Perfect, absolutely perfect,’ I said.


I told David to go down the stairs and into the front room. ‘Wait there.’ I left the room and returned with a long piece of polished wood, I laid it in the middle of the room and returned again with a leather roll. I unrolled it and looked down at the ten long knives, their handles made especially to slit into the holes in the long piece of wood.

‘David, these are very sharp, just so you know, if you don’t want to use these you don’t have to.’ I looked up at him with a concerned face, although I wanted him to use them so much I almost smiled. David picked one of the knives up and felt the cold steel blade. ‘No, I’m fine with that.’

The ten knives stood in a long line, pointing about ten inches above the wooden floor. They glistened in the light.

I stood, straightened his tie, smoothed down his skirt and made him look presentable, ready for the girls.

Right on time, all the girls arrived together. I hadn’t told them what the surprise would be but I knew we all shared this fantasy of having a young man dressed as a schoolgirl, feminised to the point of cuteness.

David was looking at my friends when they entered the front room. They all gasped and giggled, just standing there looking at him.

‘I see you have the knives out this evening, are we in for some kinky stuff?’ Bea asked.

‘More than you know,’ I said.

Rachel, the quietest of us, walked over first to David and stroked his hair. She turned to me and asked, ‘Is he wearing underwear?’

‘Oh yes, and he looks very nice it them.’

They all squealed and came over to David to inspect our entertainment.

Shirley began to lift David’s skirt and I gently smacked her hand away.

‘You’ll have to wait until later.’

Shirley pouted at me but then grinned.

They all started chatting with David and asking him questions, he just smiled and looked a bit embarrassed.

I asked David if he would like to dance. Music came out of the four speakers, it was Love to Love you, Baby by Donna Summer.

David began to dance.

Published 2 years ago

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