E115: Beginning of Donald’s surrender

"A different day at the spa for Donald"

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When Emma wakes Friday morning, though she hates to acknowledge it, she still has a small bit of underlying anger about Donald secretly taping her in such intimate moments.  But then part of her had been rather aroused watching them, and in time she knows she will like to watch them with Donald, but that will be down the road.

She smiles to herself, thinking what she is planning for Donald today. It is going to take him to the very edge of submission to her.  She does now know Donald rather well and from what he has displayed these last three days, the level to which he would like to delve.

Yes, he will squirm a good bit, but with each squirm, she knows a wave of lust will be running through him.  Today will be a filling day in so many ways.

She nudges Donald awake and tells him they need to get a quick shower as they have an earlier appointment today with Sasha.  In the shower, as she scrubs Donald with a luffa, rather hard to get his skin glowing and the dead skin washed away, she thinks about Sasha.

Emma and Sasha regularly text and talk on the phone, and they still regularly go for their Friday waxing sessions.  But the three have not been together afterward since before Thanksgiving. Sasha met a man who she is regularly seeing. 

In early December, the four had dinner together, and both Donald and Emma walked away thinking he was bad news for Sasha.  So controlling and demanding.  Emma could tell a few weeks into this new relationship that Sasha was not happy, but she has stuck through it to the beginning of the new year.

Emma now wonders how much longer it will last.  She hopes Sasha will not be hurt by this episode.

Her pondering does seem to make Emma scrub Donald harder, and when she runs the rough luffa up and down his shaft, over his glans and then around his balls, Donald whimpers a little.  Emma comes back from her mulling and rinses him off, saying kiddingly, “Don’t be such a wimp.”

Tears in his eyes, but now the wonderful sensation of the blood rushing through his manhood from such treatment makes Donald realizes it was well worth it.  He leans and kisses Emma and tells her he is not worthy of her.

‘Good,’ thinks Emma, ‘He is falling into the role planned for him today.’

She quickly dresses him in a silk shirt and boxers under his trousers.  Donald is a little surprised as she rarely likes him in such shirts, preferring his cotton blends much more.  But the twinkle in Emma’s eyes alerts him that something is up.  Donald wonders how much Sasha knows about the strange flip Emma and he have gone through this week.

Emma did not really tell Sasha about the switch between Donald and her but outlined what she wants to have happen today.  Something so new for Donald, for him to feel new things.  She directs him to the car, her driving today to emphasize his position, and they are soon at the spa.  They have their pedicures and manicures, yes, today Donald is having his nails polished also, something he had never had before.

Emma has the woman put on a clear matte and buffed polish on Donald’s toes and nails.  He blushes so sweetly realizing he must submit to this.  No one will notice the polish, but it is a reminder to Donald just what he is being subjected to.  And feeling the woman brush the polish on and softly clean away excess Donald begins to throb some. It is as good a feeling as he has when he polishes and plays with Emma’s toes.

Of course, Emma notices and gives a little shake of her head to let him know he better not let that go too far.

Now he really is starting to harden from his mistress’s slight scolding.  As the manicurist finishes Donald’s nails he can’t help but imagine Emma taking him over her knee again.  He is shocked that the desire for that is so full in him.  But then he thinks about one of the subjects he has not told Emma about yet and suddenly understands so much more.

The nails finished; they head to Sasha’s station. 

Sasha greets them warmly but is still distant in a way.  Sasha doesn’t undress with them, so Emma and Donald just have to imagine her lovely body they both so enjoy.  Emma unclothes herself and gets up on the table first.  Donald, now naked, takes the stool by the table to wait for his turn.

Sasha quickly finishes trimming and waxing Emma as she knows what is ahead and wants to have plenty of time to devote to it.  She does, for old time sake, blow lightly to clear the hairs from Emma’s pussy, allowing Emma to feel that lovely sensation running through her so like that very first time.  Oh, to feel Sasha’s lips and tongue on her wet slit would be so nice, but Emma knows that for now, at least, that is a thing of the past.

It is Donald’s turn on the table.  Until today Sasha has just trimmed his mons short and snipped to clear hairs from his anus opening.  Today there is much more for him to experience for the first time.

Emma stands by him as he lays on his back on the table and softly says to him, “Donald, today you are going to be fully waxed and clipped.  I want your body to be free of hair so you can feel and enjoy things much more.  Sasha is going to start with your chest and arms first.”

Donald blinks at Emma now comprehending what is ahead for him.

Donald does not have that much chest hair, or hair on his back for that matter.  Still, Sasha spreads the warm wax all over his chest, so close to his nipples to start.  The cloth is pressed against the wax and zip, it is pulled away taking the hair with it.

Being the first time Donald has experienced this, he winces at the pain which does run through him as the hair is pulled away.  ‘So this is what Emma experiences when she is waxed, and she never cries out at all, I hope I don’t,’ Donald thinks to himself.

The pain which women endure to shed themselves of the hair society somehow has decided should be removed, Donald begins to understand.  All the hair on his chest and stomach is gone, so is that on his arms.  As Sasha rubs some lotion over the areas just cleaned, he does feel how nice the bare cleaned skin feels when touched.

But then, warm wax is dripped over his balls, and the hair pulled away, making him truly cry out.  And it takes four times on each ball to get all of that hair removed.  It hurt so bad but so good.  Donald realizes that from the attention to them his balls have filled so much.  His semen and sperm are stacking up in his rock-hard shaft needing an escape.

Sasha has him turn over for now.  She waxes his shoulders and back and removes all the hair there.  Then the real pain starts.  Sasha spreads warm, heated wax all around Donald’s right ass cheek. He does not have a lot of hair there, but enough that when Sasha pulls the strip away the first time he does let out a small cry.

Emma looks at him and smiles.  He returns a weak grin through tear filled eyes.  “You are doing fine Donald,” she bends and whispers in his ear.  “Do you think you will like your nice new smoothed body when we finish?  Think about silk panties rubbing against your smooth clean ass.”

Such thoughts do start to run through Donald’s head as the other cheek is assaulted in the same way.  Donald begins to imagine when his legs are done the feel of silk stockings rubbing against his legs.  And when he rubs his legs together what a wonderful sensation it will be.

But then there is one more, so embarrassing, so painful, part needed before his legs can be made soft and clean.  Emma steps next to him and he feels her spread his cheeks.  Sasha spreads the warm wax all around his asshole to get all the hairs there.  Donald grits his teeth as the hairs are pulled away.  It takes four passes until Sasha is satisfied.

Emma is the one who rubs the warm oil over his cheeks, in his crack and rimming him some to ease the pain.  His ass stings so, like he had just been properly spanked.  When Emma comments to Sasha about how rosy his cheeks are, and smooth, Donald feels precum begin to drip out of him.

Donald is turned over again and Sasha finishes with both his legs.  While she does, Emma is running her hands gently over his just depilated chest and arms, it does feel so erotic and different – knowing the smoothness now.  And the oil that has been applied makes his tan body give off a warm golden glow so inviting.

Finally finished, Emma helps Donald back into his clothes.  The silk shirt against his bare chest sends shivers through him.  When Emma has him step into the soft silk underpants she had chosen for him to wear today, he again loses some precum as the silk rubs against his sheared ass cheeks.

Emma thanks Sasha who is wondering a little about what is going on with the request to totally wax Donald.  Emma’s wink at her as they start to leave and spank on Donald’s ass to send him out the door seems to say it all.

Sasha smiles and giggles after they leave, realizing what new dynamic has happened.  And then a small frown crosses her brow as she realizes how things are for her at the moment she can not share in this new facet which is emerging between Emma and Donald.


Back home, Emma runs her hands over Donald’s silk shirt letting him experience the softness against his bare chest.  Then her hand cups his balls and shaft through his pants so the silk underpants are rubbing against him too.  His body reacts with trembles and he worries he will cum just from this feeling.  There is a mixture of distress and ultimate pleasure on Donald’s face as he endures this treatment.

Knowing he needs to calm some for her to have the fun she wants, Emma undresses Donald and runs her hands up and down and all over his soft, hair free body. He quivers more with her touch.  Emma smiles at him and then steps back enough to drop her dress to the floor.  It is followed by her bra and panties.  Emma’s loveliness, and also hair-free body, is in Donald’s reach.

He wonders what it will feel like to run his waxed legs against hers.  But before he can experience that, Emma goes to the dresser and takes out a pair of elbow high turquois leather gloves.  Then from another drawer some silk stockings and garter.

Donald feels precum dripping from him watching and anticipating what is ahead.

Back by the bed, Emma lays the stockings and garter to the side for now, slips on the gloves and pulls Donald’s body to her.  Running her leather covered hands over his back, down his spine and cupping his ass cheeks and caressing them sends Donald into a sphere he did not know is possible. 

Emma presses him down on the bed and lays on top of him. The feel of him so free of hair, well oiled, and almost silky in feeling is so arousing to her.  She senses herself dripping hard.  The plans she has, for now, will be put on hold as she wants to enjoy this wonderful different sensation of Donald.  Emma feels his soft, hairless body on her as she squirms over him.  And then, his firm shaft is laying in her wet slit.  So ready to enter her, but Emma makes him wait until his pass for admittance has been stamped.

Every element of his senses is on overdrive.  Never has his nerves been so fully alive.  The removal of body hair allows him to fully feel each encounter with Emma’s body to it’s fullest.  The lovely thrill of her soft skin against what is now his softness brings out sensitivities that he never knew he could experience.  Forget all his research studies, all the subjects before.  At this moment, Donald feels himself at an apex.  All thanks to Emma and how well she comprehends what he desires and needs.

The moment Emma spreads her legs and sits up so he can now finally enter her starts a whirlwind stirring through Donald.  His brain is on overload from all the different feelings and sensations he is experiencing for the first time.  His body is shaking with the joy of being up in Emma’s warm, sweet vag cave.  Her sides throbbing against his shaft already.

The sensitivity of his bare, unadorned, balls rubbing against Emma’s ass as she slides on him send tremors through Donald.  And Emma feeling the soft, silkiness of them now against her causes much the same to run through her body.

His wonderful mistress is as ready for a full and extreme release.  As Donald begins to lift up into her deeply, then moves back to thrust up again he knows Emma has something much more planned for him today, and he doesn’t care what it is, do with him as she likes, he is her devoted and obedient slave.

It is not long with this building up desire in both of them before an explosion of pleasure hits them both so hard.  All of Donald’s cum is filling Emma’s vag, mixing with the flow of her juices running out of her.  Between them, there is a sticky mess of sexual satisfaction dripping in both their sheen crotches.

Donald scurries to roll Emma on her back and begins to lick her clean.  Getting all his cum and her joy juice on his tongue, swallowing it all.  He knows he is still a sticky mess and when he has cleaned Emma well he hurries to get a warm damp cloth to finish cleaning her.  Only then does he use the cloth to clean the drippings from himself.

Emma sits up some and takes the cloth from him, her gloves now discarded, for the time being at least, and wipes him of all evidence of their recent copulation. She sits back on the bed, spreads her legs and has Donald sit between her thighs.  She picks of the stockings and puts them on Donald, taking her time to pull the silk legs up over his waxed legs so he gets the optimal experience of feeling them against his now smooth legs.

Yes, the first time ever getting to feel this does send such tingles through the whole body.  Emma remembers the first time after Donald had her waxed the thrill of stockings against her smooth legs.  She wants Donald to feel that too.  And from his reaction of leaning back against her chest and sighing so deeply in a raspy way, she knows he is overcome with emotions.

She hooks the garters on, and then brings out the cock cage and slips Donald’s shaft into it.  He is a bit hard now from all that has just happened, so it is a snug fit.  And when he hears the lock click closed he knows he now will submit to Emma’s wishes wherever she wants to take him.


Published 5 years ago

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